People advised to limit ‘zongzi’ to one per meal - Taipei Times (2024)

  • By Lo Chi / Staff reporter

    • People advised to limit ‘zongzi’ to one per meal - Taipei Times (1)

    • People advised to limit ‘zongzi’ to one per meal - Taipei Times (2)

    • People advised to limit ‘zongzi’ to one per meal - Taipei Times (3)

People should avoid eating too many zongzi (粽子, glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves), as consuming several in one meal could cause indigestion, bloating, gastric acid reflux, heartburn and other stomach ailments, a doctor said on Saturday.

Zongzi is a traditional delicacy for the Dragon Boat Festival, which was on Thursday.

Citing a recent case as an example, Cathay General Hospital gastroenterology department head Chu Yu-ming (朱淯銘) said that a 58-year-old taxi driver surnamed Hsiao (蕭) ate meals at irregular hours due to his work and has been taking diabetes medicine for three years.

People advised to limit ‘zongzi’ to one per meal - Taipei Times (4)

Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

Hsiao recently bought a bag of zongzi and ate several in one sitting, Chu said.

He later developed bloating, gastric acid reflux and hiccuping, and sought medical help, he said.

Chu said that the glutinous rice in zongzi cannot be easily digested, while other ingredients and their preparation methods lead to high levels of fat and salt, and low dietary fiber.

He advised people not to eat too many zongzi, as the slowdown of digestion would lead to gas buildup and other discomfort, which would exacerbate conditions such as diabetes.

When people consume excessive amounts of food that is high in fat, but has little dietary fiber, the gas buildup would cause bloating and discomfort in the stomach, he added.

People with diabetes should get the disease under control, and take medication to improve stomach and bowel movement, and reduce bloating, Chu said.

They should consume soft foods with low fat, cut the food into small pieces and chew thoroughly to reduce the burden on the stomach, he said.

“It is best to go with vegetable dishes to increase fiber content, which can soothe the greasy after-taste palate, and mitigate the load on the digestive tract, and also hold back the blood-sugar level,” he said.

Indigestion and bloating can have other causes that might be difficult for doctors to diagnose, including irritable bowel syndrome, bacterial growth in the small intestine, and carbohydrate or galactose intolerance, which can lead to constipation and diarrhea, he added.

Chu advised people to avoid food that is likely to cause bloating, such as lentils and legumes, milk, yams, potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, onions and high-fat foods, and to seek medical treatment if the condition does not improve.

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People advised to limit ‘zongzi’ to one per meal - Taipei Times (2024)


How do you eat Zongzi? ›

To eat, simply cut the twine and unwrap the leaves to reveal the zongzi inside. To give the zongzi more flavors, savoury ones can be served with soy sauce while the sweet ones or lye water zongzi can be served with sugar or honey. Zongzi can be frozen after they cool to room temperature.

How long does it take to digest glutinous rice? ›

Influence of different pressure and maintaining time on SDS SDS referred to starch that could be fully digested within 20-120 min.

Is sticky rice good for digestion? ›

In addition, because glutinous rice contains insoluble fiber, it has good antioxidant capacity and is beneficial for the digestive system of children.

Does sticky rice cause acid reflux? ›

Rice masses remove mucus from the stomach and duodenum as the sticky starch binds the sticky mucus, weakening the defense against acid and pepsin which may in turn cause heartburn and ulcer.

How long can zongzi last? ›

How long can you keep zongzi? You can enjoy the Cantonese-style Zongzi for up to 3 days if stored in the fridge, but if you freeze them after they've cooled, they will last for up to 2 months.

When should I eat Zhongzi? ›

Zongzi (sticky rice dumplings) are traditionally eaten during the Duanwu Festival (Double Fifth Festival) which falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, and commonly known as the "Dragon Boat Festival" in English.

Which rice is easiest to digest? ›

White rice is well-known for being an easy to digest food. It is low in fat and fiber, making it easy on the stomach. Many athletes prefer white rice instead of brown rice because it is not associated with any gastrointestinal issues.

Is sticky rice healthy for you? ›

Sticky rice health benefits include increased bone density, decreased inflammation, improved heart health, etc. The Japanese sticky rice is believed to boost metabolism as well.

What food takes the longest to digest? ›

The foods with the longest time to digest are bacon, beef, lamb, whole milk hard cheese, and nuts. These foods take an average of about 4 hours for your body to digest. The digestion process still occurs even when asleep. Which means our digestive fluids and the acids in our stomach are active.

Is sticky rice good for diabetes? ›

On the other hand, sticky and risotto type rices have much higher GIs, so less suitable in a diabetic diet. The varying GIs of rice depends on the type of carbohydrate present in the grains.

Why does sticky rice make you sleepy? ›

“Any carbohydrate is going to have a similar effect because carbs are converted into glucose and glucose requires insulin. Now as the insulin surge increases, it prompts for the essential fatty acid — tryptophan, that causes melatonin and serotonin to increase which are the calming hormones that cause drowsiness.

Does sticky rice cause bloating? ›

People should avoid eating too many zongzi (粽子, glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves), as consuming several in one meal could cause indigestion, bloating, gastric acid reflux, heartburn and other stomach ailments, a doctor said on Saturday.

Is sticky rice healthier than regular rice? ›

It lacks a starch that's one of the primary starches in regular rice. Because of its starch composition, the grains of rice clump together, truly making it a “sticky” rice. Sticky rice is less nutritious overall than regular rice, but it's rich in protein, fiber and zinc.

Does rice give you gas? ›

Starchy Foods That Can Cause Gas

Most starches, including potatoes, corn, noodles, and wheat, produce gas as they are broken down in the large intestine. Rice is the only starch that does not cause gas.

Can rice cause constipation? ›

Processed grains and their products, such as white rice, white pasta, and white bread, contain less fiber than whole grains, making them generally more constipating.

Do you eat zongzi hot or cold? ›

Once the 7-8 hours is up, eat the zongzi while they're hot! Sweet zongzi can be enjoyed at room temperature, but savory zongzi are really the best when they're steamy and delicious. To eat, simply cut the twine and unwrap the leaves to reveal the zongzi inside.

Can you reheat zongzi? ›

They can go straight from the freezer to the steamer with boiling water and steam for about 10 minutes on high heat or until heated through. You can also reheat them in a microwave on high on 1 minute increment until heated through.

Can zongzi be frozen? ›

Can you freeze zongzi? Yes, to freeze, place in an airtight container (a Ziploc bag works great too) and store in the freezer for up to 3 months. To reheat, put the frozen tamale into a pot of boiling water and simmer on low for 30 minutes.

Why do people eat zongzi? ›

As a symbol of traditional Chinese patriotism, Zongzi is a moral heritage from the ancients. Chinese people cherish their time-honored traditions, and they show their respect for virtues such as righteousness, selflessness, and patriotism by eating Zongzi.

Why do we eat Joong? ›

Joong are bamboo leaf-wrapped sticky rice dumplings filled with a combination of savory and flavorful goodies. They're traditionally eaten during Dragon Boat Festival in China, which, as legend tells it, commermerates the poet Qu Yuan, who sacrificed himself to the sea as his country was in turmoil.

What is the snack called zongzi? ›

Zongzi, also named Glutinous Rice Dumplings, is traditional Chinese food of the Dragon Boat Festival, which is on the fifth day of the fifth Chinese lunar month in memory of a famous Chinese patriotic poet - Qu Yuan. Nowadays people also make and consume it in everyday life as snack.

Is sweet potato better than rice? ›

The sweet potato scores higher than the rice in fiber, giving you 13 percent of the daily value (DV) on a 2,000-calorie diet, while brown rice supplies just 7 percent. Fiber has numerous benefits, including maintaining healthy bowel movements, assisting with weight control and helping to lower cholesterol.

What is the healthiest rice? ›

Whole grains like brown rice are healthier than processed grains. They contain more fiber, which helps you to feel full faster and keeps your digestive system running well.

Is Banana hard to digest? ›

Bananas are a rich source carbohydrates that can be digested easily. Ripe bananas are especially easy to digest, as they have less resistant starches as compared to less ripe bananas. So the browner the banana, the easier it is to digest.

What is the unhealthiest rice? ›

White Rice: This one is perhaps the unhealthiest, no guesses there. Most of the nutrients, minerals and fiber are stripped off during the industrial processing. 100 grams of white rice will have about 150 calories (as per USDA).

Does sticky rice raise blood sugar? ›

From the study of amylose and amylopectin content in rice (Sunee et al, 2015), glutinous rice is likely increase higher blood glucose levels than non-glutinous rice as in many studies in white rice.

What rice is eaten in Korea? ›

Traditionally Koreans eat white short grain rice, also known as sticky rice or Japanese rice. Koreans also enjoy multigrain rice.

Do you digest faster when sleeping? ›

Data sources: Gastric emptying is slow during sleep but the REM sleep is associated with faster gastric emptying. During the night we have a more regular intestinal motility than during the day.

What is the slowest food to digest? ›

Some slow digesting vegetables include peas, carrots, eggplant, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, green beans, and red peppers. Grain choices to consider include oat bran, rolled oats, brown rice, and wheat tortillas.

What will happen if you sleep with full stomach? ›

Lying down with a full stomach too soon after a meal can cause gastrointestinal discomfort and may worsen symptoms of heartburn, indigestion, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) — hardly a recipe for restful sleep.

What rice causes sugar? ›

White rice has a high glycemic index, meaning that it can cause spikes in blood sugar. Previous research has linked high glycemic index foods with increased type 2 diabetes risk.

Which rice reduces sugar level? ›

Brown rice is a fine source of magnesium. When people consume brown rice, it is proven to reduce the after-meal blood sugar levels in people.

Which rice is healthiest for diabetics? ›

Wholegrain Basmati rice has the lowest GI (glycaemic index) of all rice types, which means once digested it releases its energy slowly keeping blood sugar levels more stable, which is a crucial part of diabetes management.

Is eating rice before bed OK? ›

White rice may be beneficial to eat before bed due to its high glycemic index (GI). A high GI may promote better sleep.

Why rice is not good at night? ›

It is not considered proper to consume rice after sunset, however, it is not considered right to eat any carbohydrate food in the evening or at night. Eating carbohydrate foods at night can lead to obesity and stomach bloating. Also, eating rice at night can also cause colds, coughs, and colds.

Why rice should not be eaten in night? ›

Rice is rich in starch and carbohydrates and breaks down easily and hence get digested easily. -Rice is basically carbohydrates and eating rice in dinner causes blood sugar spikes and sleeping after dinner will convert glucose into fat. -If you want to reduce weight then it can be a problem in your weight loss journey.

Do bananas cause gas? ›

Bananas may cause gas and bloating in some people due to their sorbitol and soluble fiber contents. This seems to be more likely among people with digestive issues or who aren't used to eating a fiber-rich diet.

Why do I feel sick after eating rice? ›

Uncooked rice can contain spores of Bacillus cereus, bacteria that can cause food poisoning. The spores can survive when rice is cooked. If rice is left standing at room temperature, the spores can grow into bacteria. These bacteria will multiply and may produce toxins (poisons) that cause vomiting or diarrhoea.

Can sticky rice cause a bowel obstruction? ›

Starch, wich makes up most mass of rice, is polysaccharide. Upon hydratation through cooking, rice becomes sticky and increases its volume in the stomach, probably potentialized by soft drink, leading to mass formation and finally to gastric obstruction (3).
1 more row
23 Apr 2007

Is Korean rice healthy? ›

Korean multigrain rice or Japgokbap/Ogokbap is a healthy and tasty mixed grain rice which includes grains and beans like sorghum, millet, red or black beans and even chickpeas. The addition of salt makes this hearty rice even tastier.

Is Jasmine a sticky rice? ›

What is this? Jasmine rice is mostly grown in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, it is naturally sticky when cooked. Although, not as sticky as glutinous or sushi rice.

Why does sticky rice taste good? ›

What does sticky rice taste like? Sticky rice is also called sweet rice, because of its distinct taste that is subtly sweeter than other types of rice. However, even if it has a hint of sweetness, the sweet taste will not overpower the flavor of the food that will be served alongside it.

What foods make you fart loud? ›

dairy products – such as milk, if lactose intolerance is present. dried fruit – raisins and prunes. fruit – apple, apricot, peach and pear. foods high in insoluble fibre – particularly seeds and husks.

Does lemon water help gas? ›

Lemon water can help with digestion

To relieve bloating, gas, and constipation, drink a cup of lemon water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Lemon contains minerals that promote healthy digestion, alleviate heartburn, and stimulate healthy bowel function by reducing bloat and stimulating bowel movements.

Does lemon reduce gas? ›

Lemon is good for you in a number of ways, including lending a hand when it comes to easing your gas pain. The acidity in lemon stimulates the production of HCL (hydrochloric acid) which is what breaks down our food. More HCL = food breaking down more efficiently = less bloating and gas.

What foods cause hard stools? ›

Eating a lot of high-fat meats, dairy products and eggs, sweets, or processed foods may cause constipation. Not enough fluids. Water and other fluids help fiber work better, so not drinking enough liquids can contribute to harder stools that are more difficult to pass.

What causes hard stool? ›

Hard, dry stools are the result of the colon absorbing too much water. Normally, as food moves through the colon (also known as the large intestine) the colon absorbs water while forming stool (waste products).

What foods harden stool? ›

Foods that Thicken Stool
  • Applesauce.
  • Bananas.
  • Cheese.
  • Pasta.
  • Rice.
  • Creamy peanut butter.
  • Potato (without skin)
  • Tapioca.

Do you eat the leaf zongzi? ›

Eat the savoury ones with soy sauce and the sweet ones with crystal sugar. Since rice dumplings are very filling, they go well with a nice hot cup of Chinese tea to prevent indigestion. You can eat the zongzi off the leaves without using a plate. But you can throw away the leaves after eating.

Do you eat zongzi with sugar? ›

In Hong Kong and Ningbo in China, people eat lye zongzi. This is somewhat savoury. The sticky rice is soaked in lye before it's cooked. However, the snack is eaten as a sweet and is dipped in sugar.

Do you eat the bamboo in zongzi? ›

The Chinese northern style sweet Zongzi can be eaten either warm or after cooling down and is usually sprayed with a layer of white sugar or honey. The southern style meat Zongzi can only be eaten when warm. 2. Remove the bamboo or reed leaves before eating.

Is zongzi high in calories? ›

Enjoy zongzi in moderation: Traditional zongzi sold on the market weighs approximately 250g. Each serving contains more than 500 calories, equivalent to the calorie intake of one meal for an adult. It is recommended to substitute part of the meal with fruits and vegetables.

Which country eats zongzi? ›

Zongzi, a traditional Chinese food, is made of sticky rice stuffed with special fillings and wrapped up in Argy-wormwood leaves. Chinese people eat Zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival to memorialize Qu Yuan, a famous Chinese poet who lived 2300 years ago in State of Chu inWarring States Period.

When should you eat sticky rice? ›

Often these are served for breakfast as a filling main dish but some types are simple snacks, wrapped in paper and eaten on the run; toppings include coconut, steamed dried beans, peanuts and taro. Similar to Chinese stir-fried sticky rice, this example of xoi is a 'one-pot' dish that makes a great easy dinner.

Can you eat cold zongzi? ›

Zongzi should be heated before eating: Cold zongzi becomes very sticky and oily, it is more likely to cause indigestion.

How many types of zongzi are there? ›

Zongzi are rice dumplings eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival, which memorialises Qu Yuan, a 3rd century BCE Chinese poet and minister who drowned himself in a river after his kingdom's capital fell to the enemy.

Why are zongzi wrapped in leaves? ›

Using this knowledge, the people started using plant leaves to wrap glutinous rice before it was thrown into the river so as to protect the food for Qu Yuan from being eaten by Jiaolong. This folk legend was widely spread and passed down from generation to generation throughout China.

Who invented zongzi? ›

The origin of Zongzi (Sticky Rice Dumpling) in China can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period (approximately 771- 476 BC). It was first used in ceremonies to worship ancestors and gods. Since the Jin Dynasty (266 – 420 AD), rice dumpling had become an iconic food for Dragon Boat Festival.

What does zongzi mean in Mandarin? ›

Zongzi: Chinese sticky rice dumpling (粽子)

Are zongzi steamed or boiled? ›

Zongzi, or sticky rice dumplings, are almost like a Chinese version of the tamale––sticky rice is wrapped in bamboo leaves with other fillings, and steamed.

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