Soil Management (2024)

There are 15 essential elements that plants must have in order to grow properly.

18 Essential Nutrients

  • Nutrient elements obtained from atmosphere through photosynthesis
    • Hydrogen
    • Carbon
    • Oxygen
  • Nutrient elements obtained from the soil
    • Nitrogen
    • Phosphorus
    • Potassium
    • Sulfur
    • Magnesium
    • Calcium
    • Iron
    • Boron
    • Manganese
    • Zinc
    • Molybdenum
    • Copper

Out of the 15 essential elements that come from the soil, we deal with only the 12 that are generally managed by the growers. These 12 elements are ‘mineral nutrients’ and are obtained from the soil. We further divide mineral nutrients into 3 groups: primary, intermediate, and micronutrients. Our presentation will exclude cobalt, chlorine, and nickel from our discussion on the management of essential mineral nutrients, though are included by many as essential nutrients.

  • The primary nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You may be most familiar with these three nutrients because they are required in larger quantities than other nutrients. These three elements form the basis of the N-P-K label on commercial fertilizer bags. As a result, the management of these nutrients is very important. However, the primary nutrients are no more important than the other essential elements since all essential elements are required for plant growth. Remember that the ‘Law of the Minimum’ tells us that if deficient, any essential nutrient can become the controlling force in crop yield.
  • The intermediate nutrients are sulfur, magnesium, and calcium. Together, primary and intermediate nutrients are referred to as macronutrients. Macronutrients are expressed as a certain percentage (%) of the total plant uptake. Although sulfur, magnesium, and calcium are called intermediate, these elements are not necessarily needed by plants in smaller quantities. In fact, phosphorus is required in the same amount as the intermediate nutrients, despite being a primary nutrient. Phosphorus is referred to as a primary nutrient because of the high frequency of soils that are deficient of this nutrient, rather than the amount of phosphorus that plants actually use for growth.
  • The remaining essential elements are the micronutrients and are required in very small quantities. In comparison with macronutrients, the uptake of micronutrients is expressed in parts per million (ppm, where 10,000 ppm = 1.0%), rather than on a percentage basis. Again, this does not infer that micronutrients are of lesser importance. If any micronutrient is deficient, the growth of the entire plant will not reach maximum yield (Law of the Minimum).

Since the soil provides most essential nutrients, it is crucial that we understand the soil processes that determine the availability of each essential nutrient for plant uptake.

Table 4. Forms of Essential Elements Taken up by Plants

Element Abbreviation Form absorbed
Nitrogen N NH4+ (ammonium) and NO3- (nitrate)
Phosphorus P H2PO4- and HPO4-2 (orthophosphate)
Potassium K K+
Sulfur S SO4-2(sulfate)
Calcium Ca Ca+2
Magnesium Mg Mg+2
Iron Fe Fe+2 (ferrous) and Fe+3 (ferric)
Zinc Zn Zn+2
Manganese Mn Mn+2
Molybdenum Mo MoO4-2 (molybdate)
Copper Cu Cu+2
Boron B H3BO3 (boric acid) and H2BO3- (borate)

In this website, we will discuss major factors that affect the availability of the essential nutrients.

  • In the tropics, the management of nitrogen and phosphorus can be problematic. Thus, it is appropriate that we discuss management issues of each nutrient separately.
  • In a second section, we will collectively discuss the availability of potassium, calcium, and magnesium in Hawaii soils.
  • Lastly, we will address issues of micronutrient management in the tropics.
  • We will omit a discussion on sulfur, since it is seldom deficient in Hawaii soils.
Soil Management (2024)


What is meant by soil management? ›

Soil management is an integral part of land management and may focus on differences in soil types and soil characteristics to define specific interventions that are aimed to enhance the soil quality for the land use selected. Specific soil management practices are needed to protect and conserve the soil resources.

What is the importance of soil management? ›

Soil conservation is important for sustainability

Simply put, without soil conservation, soil erosion would increase. Soil erosion impacts markets worldwide, including $8 billion in losses due to lower crop yields and increased water usage. Why is soil important? Soil is essential to food production.

What are principles of soil management? ›

The soil health foundation consists of five principles: 1) Soil armor; 2) minimizing soil disturbance; 3) plant diversity; 4) continual live plant/foot; and 5) livestock integration. These principles are intended to be applied in a systems approach, maximizing the soil building impact.

What are the 5 methods of soil conservation? ›

Soil conservation practices are tools the farmer can use to prevent soil degradation and build organic matter. These practices include: crop rotation, reduced tillage, mulching, cover cropping and cross-slope farming.

What are the types of soil management? ›

These include tilling, cultivating, adding fertilizers and lime, growing cover crops, applying compost or manure, rotating crops, and other practices. Many years of agricultural research have shown us that how and when we use these practices makes a big difference to the quality of our soils.

What are the features of good soil management? ›

Healthy, high-quality soil has
  • Good soil tilth.
  • Sufficient depth.
  • Sufficient, but not excessive, nutrient supply.
  • Small population of plant pathogens and insect pests.
  • Good soil drainage.
  • Large population of beneficial organisms.
  • Low weed pressure.
  • No chemicals or toxins that may harm the crop.
28 Aug 2012

How can soil management be improved? ›

Six Ways to Improve Soil Health
  1. Increase Organic Matter Inputs. As organic matter such as manure and compost decays into humus, it improves soil structure and drainage, holds moisture, and provides nutrients to the soil. ...
  2. Plant Diverse Species. ...
  3. Reduce Pesticide Use. ...
  4. Manage Nutrients. ...
  5. Control Water Flow. ...
  6. Grazing Management.
8 Dec 2021

What are the 4 importance of soil? ›

Healthy soils are essential for healthy plant growth, human nutrition, and water filtration. Healthy soil supports a landscape that is more resilient to the impacts of drought, flood, or fire. Soil helps to regulate the Earth's climate and stores more carbon than all of the world's forests combined.

Why is soil management sustainable? ›

Soils are the foundation of food production and many essential ecosystem services. It has been shown that sustainable soil management contributes to increasing food production, enhancing the nutrient content of food, and adapting to and mitigating climate change.

What are the 5 principles of management? ›

At the most fundamental level, management is a discipline that consists of a set of five general functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.

What are the 10 principles of management? ›

The fourteen principles of management created by Henri Fayol are explained below.
  • Division of Work- ...
  • Authority and Responsibility- ...
  • Discipline- ...
  • Unity of Command- ...
  • Unity of Direction- ...
  • Subordination of Individual Interest- ...
  • Remuneration- ...
  • Centralization-

What are the 9 principles of management? ›

The Nine Principles
  • Principle 1: Commit to Excellence. ...
  • Principle 2: Measure the Important Things. ...
  • Principle 3: Build a Culture Around Service. ...
  • Principle 4: Develop Leaders to Develop People. ...
  • Principle 5: Focus on Employee Engagement. ...
  • Principle 6: Be Accountable. ...
  • Principle 7: Align Behaviors with Goals and Values. ...
  • Principle 8:

What are 10 ways to conserve soil? ›

  1. Conservation Tillage. Conservation tillage consists of a variety of practices used in agriculture to reduce wind and water erosion. ...
  2. Contour Farming. ...
  3. Strip Cropping. ...
  4. Windbreaks. ...
  5. Crop Rotation. ...
  6. Cover Crops. ...
  7. Buffer Strips. ...
  8. Grassed Waterways.
22 Jul 2022

What are the 4 best soil practices? ›

Increasing diversity across your operation can break disease cycles, stimulate plant growth, and provide habitat for pollinators and organisms living in your soil.
  • Plant diverse cover crops.
  • Use diverse crop rotations.
  • Integrate livestock.

What are the 10 methods of soil conservation? ›

  • Soil conservation.
  • Three methods of soil conservation.
  • Crop Rotation:
  • Contour Ploughing:
  • Improving Agricultural practices:

What are the 7 different types of soil? ›

Soil can be categorised into sand, clay, silt, peat, chalk and loam types of soil based on the dominating size of the particles within a soil.

What are 3 types of soil classification? ›

OSHA classifies soils into three main groups: Type A, Type B, and Type C. Type A is the most stable and Type C is the least stable soil. To determine the soil type on a construction site, there are several tests that a competent person can use.

What are 3 important soil functions? ›

Functions of Soil in the Global Ecosystem

regulator of water supplies, recycler of raw materials, habitat for soil organisms, and. landscaping and engineering medium.

What are the 4 principles for sustainable soil management? ›

The National Research Council (2010) states that there are four goals required for a sustainable agricultural system. These are achieving sufficient productivity, enhancing the natural-resource base and environment, making farming financially viable, and contributing to the wellbeing of farmers and their communities.

What are the 7 characteristics of soil? ›

  • Composition and Characteristics of soil. The scientific study of soil is called pedology. ...
  • Mineral Particles: Mineral particles are the largest ingredient and make up approx 45% of soils . ...
  • Organic Matter: ...
  • Air and Water: ...
  • Texture: ...
  • Colour: ...
  • PH Value:

What are the challenges of soil management? ›

The systematic degradation of soil structure can severely restrict root development and compromise the ability of crop plants to access water and nutrients, increase susceptibility to disease and pest damage with direct impacts on yield, yield quality and production costs.

How can we maintain our soil? ›

5 tips for improving soil health
  1. Plan for good soil health in fall and winter. ...
  2. Adopt no-till practices. ...
  3. Rotate crops each growing season. ...
  4. Add organic matter to improve soil structure. ...
  5. Protect soil with cover crops.
12 Jan 2021

What are the 10 importance of soil? ›

Soil provides plants with foothold for their roots and holds the necessary nutrients for plants to grow; it filters the rainwater and regulates the discharge of excess rainwater, preventing flooding; it is capable of storing large amounts of organic carbon; it buffers against pollutants, thus protecting groundwater ...

What are the 10 benefits of soil? ›

10 Benefits of Soil Health All Farmers Should Consider
  • Reduce farm operation costs. ...
  • Increase yields & crop quality. ...
  • Increase resistance of plants to disease. ...
  • Reduce erosion and runoff. ...
  • Prevent compaction. ...
  • Greater resilience to climate change. ...
  • Ability to sequester carbon. ...
  • Less on-farm energy.

What are three impacts of poor soil management? ›

Soil degradation can have disastrous effects around the world such as landslides and floods, an increase in pollution, desertification and a decline in global food production.

What is the importance of managing soil fertility? ›

Finally, good management of soil fertility can help reduce soil, water and air pollution, regulate water resources availability, support a diverse and active biotic community, increase vegetation cover and allows for carbon neutral footprint.

What are the 7 main functions of management? ›

The 7 functions of management are as follows:
  • Planning.
  • Organising.
  • Staffing.
  • Directing.
  • Coordinating.
  • Reporting.
  • Budgeting.

What are the 4 parts of management? ›

There are four basic functions of management into which nearly every action or process can be categorized:
  • Planning functions.
  • Organizing functions.
  • Leading functions.
  • Controlling functions.
21 Jul 2022

Who is father of management? ›

Peter Drucker: father of management thinking | The British Library.

What are the 7 basic principles? ›

The Constitution reflects seven basic principles. They are popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances, federalism, republicanism, and individual rights.

Who were 14 principles of management? ›

Henri Fayol was known as the father of modern management. He gave us the famous 14 principles of management.

What are the 12 principles of management? ›

The Twelve Management Principles
  • Clearly State the Purpose and Mission of Your Business.
  • Set Specific Goals.
  • Keep a Passionate Desire in Your Heart.
  • Strive Harder than Anyone Else.
  • Maximize Revenues and Minimize Expenses.
  • Pricing Is Management.
  • Success Is Determined by Willpower.
  • Possess a Fighting Spirit.

What are the six elements of management? ›

The six elements identified as necessary for successfully implementing and managing change are: create; communicate; translate; implement; evaluate; and recreate. Elements two to four are part of the critical “power curve”.

How do we prevent soil erosion? ›

The 3 main principles to control erosion are to: use land according to its capability. protect the soil surface with some form of cover. control runoff before it develops into an erosive force.

What are the 6 principles of soil health? ›

The six soil health principles are:

Cover the Soil. Minimize Soil Disturbance. Increase Diversity. Maintain Continuous Living Plants/Roots.

What are the 5 steps of soil preparation? ›

The steps required in the preparation of land involve:
  1. Clearing and weeding the field.
  2. Pre-irrigation.
  3. First ploughing or tilling.
  4. Harrowing.
  5. Flooding.
  6. Levelling.
29 May 2019

What are methods of soil improvement? ›

Some of the soil improvement methods are soil replacement, grouting, preloading, site strengthening, and geosynthetics. Contents: How to Select Soil Improvement Method Based on Soil Types?

What are the main components of soil? ›

Soil is a material composed of five ingredients — minerals, soil organic matter, living organisms, gas, and water.

What are the 6 key methods of conservation? ›

6 Nature Conservation Methods
  • Using alternative energy resources. ...
  • Establishing protected areas. ...
  • Protecting biodiversity. ...
  • Hunting restrictions. ...
  • Proper planting.
7 Jun 2021

What are the 8 methods to prevent soil erosion? ›

15 Wonderful Methods to Control Erosion
  • Planting Vegetation.
  • Contour Farming.
  • Applying Mulches.
  • Avoiding Overgrazing.
  • Reforestation.
  • Use Plastic Sheeting.
  • Use of Silt Fencing.
  • Applying Terraseeding Method.

What is soil management and conservation? ›

Soil conservation practices are those farming operations and management strategies conducted with the goal to control soil erosion by preventing or limiting soil particle detachment and transport in water or air.

What is soil and land management? ›

Important Sustainable Soil and Land Management (SSLM) practices, including prevention and mitigation of degradation, control of soil erosion, management of soil organic matter and improvement of water use. Information sources, assessment practices and techniques for scaling up.

What is sustainable soil management? ›

“Soil management is sustainable if the supporting, provisioning, regulating, and cultural services provided by soil are maintained or enhanced without significantly impairing either the soil functions that enable those services or biodiversity.

What is poor soil management? ›

Poor soil management can result in: lower crop yields. limiting your choice for future land use. deposits of soil on roads due to run-off and erosion from fields. flocalised flooding caused by run-off from fields.

What are the 4 main areas of managing land? ›

Four major federal land management agencies—the Department of Agriculture's Forest Service and the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and National Park Service (NPS)—are responsible for managing about 95% of these lands.

What are different types of soil? ›

Soil is classified into four types:
  • Sandy soil.
  • Silt Soil.
  • Clay Soil.
  • Loamy Soil.

What soil means? ›

: the upper layer of earth that may be dug or plowed and in which plants grow. : the superficial unconsolidated and usually weathered part of the mantle of a planet and especially of the earth. 3. : country, land. our native soil.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.