15 Wonderful Methods to Control Erosion | Earth Eclipse (2024)

Over one billion tons of topsoil are lost every year due to erosion. According to the Department of Agriculture in the United States, soil erosion is a major disaster for agricultural development.

Soil erosion does not only take away precious topsoil but also causes pollution in waterways, landslide, and an increased flooding risk. This urgently calls for erosion control.

Erosion control is the exercise of preventing water or wind erosion in the land, construction, coastal areas, and agricultural areas. Effective erosion controls can help avert a surface runoff, which in turn prevents soil loss, water pollution, and wildlife habitat loss.

Table of contents

What control methods can you use to prevent soil erosion on your projects? Below are 15 wonderful methods that you can use to get you started.

1. Planting Vegetation

This method involves planting crops with deep roots that can hold the soil in place. This is particularly important in areas that are more susceptible to erosion such as streams, hillsides and along rivers.

Vegetative barriers impede the flow of water due to their thick stems that are densely concentrated. These barriers spread the water runoff to slowly flow through them without erosion.

Plants that are suitable for erosion control are deep-rooted native plants, such as wildflowers, woody perennials, and native prairie grasses.

2. Contour Farming

Preparing and cultivating on slopes can be challenging and can easily lead to soil erosion. However, contour farming technique, where farmers plant across a slope along the contour lines can salvage the situation.

This farming system serves to conserve rainwater and reduce soil loss from surface erosion. These objectives can be achieved by means of crop rows, wheel tracks across slopes and furrows. Hence, acting as reservoirs to hold rainwater.

3. Applying Mulches

In this method, mulch materials are put down to cover the bare soil and keep it from being washed away.

Mulching is essentially used to offer erosion control in the initial stages of growing seedlings or shrubs. Moreover, mulch conserves moisture and modifies soil temperature to reduce the fluctuation of both.

Wood mulch can be suitable in gardens and landscapes while organic mulches can serve to feed and protect your garden in the spring and in the fall.

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4. Avoiding Overgrazing

Grazing too many animals in the same place over a long period of time can contribute to a poor stand of vegetation. Vegetation in that condition leave soils exposed to the erosive force of water runoff.

You can significantly minimize these risks by employing proper pasture management practices and sustainable grazing. For instance, rotational grazing and moving livestock through a number of paddocks can reduce erosion, improve forage quality and allow pasture plant recovery.

5. Reforestation

Restoration of a degraded ecosystem and protection of the existing ones ensures sufficient soil erosion control. A recent study shows that a properly planted and maintained tree reduces erosion by 75 percent.

Additionally, the removal of forest cover increases the risk of earth flow, which is initiated by a lack of forest canopy and a dense network of interweaved roots in the subsoil.

Reforestation helps to successfully stabilize actively eroding gullies, earth flows, and shallow landslides.

6. Use Plastic Sheeting

This practice involves the placement of plastic covers, geotextiles, erosion control blankets, and mats to keep soil from erosion by water or wind. They primarily help newly planted crops to take root in slopes with flowing water.

However, plastic sheeting can only be effective in small erodible areas. Applying it in large areas can cause damage when the water runs off the cover.

7. Use of Silt Fencing

Also known as filter sock. It is commonly used as a temporary barrier to control sediments. Compost silt fencing has three-dimensional filters that intercept runoff, reduce its speed and retain sediment-laden runoff.

If using filter sock, ensure appropriate installation for your fence to be effective. It is improper to install it across waterways, ditches or places with concentrated water flow. This is because they cannot hold higher water pressure.

8. Applying Terraseeding Method

This is an innovative method of spreading mixed composted soil with seed in a large complex area. Terraseeding allows a complete cover of the place with the right quantity of soil. With the seed mixed, you have little chance for the seed disruption from ground contact.

9. Improving Drainage

This involves making a channel that allows the water to flow through it to prevent the spread of water all over the land.

All structures should have pipes or gutters that can effectively drain water out of your yard into a water collection system. Places with heavy water runoff may need an installation of underground perforated drainage pipes.

10. Avoiding Soil Compaction

When machine, animals or people continuously walk over soil, they press it, consolidating the soil into a hard layer. Since there will be less space between the compact soil particles, water will have a hard time draining through, hence carrying topsoil downhill.

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It is necessary to make a way on paving stones or cleared pathways rather than trampling the soil, more so when it is wet. Adding manure or compost can also help you by attracting worms, which breaks the soil clumps.

11. Matting

Matting is a material available that can be used to prevent eroding dirt, which can be applied on residential yards. It is a thick mat set down on the soil surface to soak up the elements. It is eco-friendly since it is composed of straw, wood and coconut fibers.

Matting does not impede plants growth and you can also cut it into any size that suits your need. Remember to replace biodegradable mats periodically.

12. Building Terraces

Terracing is commonly used to prevent erosion on a slope. In this technique, steep sections of a hill are leveled off into several flat areas, which allows the absorption of water. You can achieve greater results when you plant shrubs and flowers on the terraces

13. Embracing No-till Farming

From a soil viewpoint, the advantages of no-till farming far exceed those of tillage-based practices. No-till system enables the soil structure to remain intact and leave crop residue on the surface of the soil.

A good soil structure and cover increase the ability of the soil to infiltrate and absorb water, which eventually lowers soil erosion and runoff.

14. Laying Fiber Logs

Another alternative for controlling erosion on a steep slope is by putting down a series of rolled up logs made from fibrous substances. The logs serve to slow down running water and soak it into the soil. This prevents the water from carrying mud downhill.

Fiber logs also protect young seedlings from being washed away by running water.

15. Reducing Watering

Applying too much water on your farm during irrigation can speedily erode your farm topsoil. Use less water if possible or invest in a drip irrigation system. A drip system delivers a small amount of water at a time. Also, you can station underground drip lines to water the roots directly.

Does Deforestation Cause Soil Erosion?

One of the primary causes of soil erosion is deforestation. Trees do act as a support to the soil, more of a shelter from storm or rain. Because when deforestation happens, the trees are being cut down which makes the land to be exposed to being wiped away by storms.Deforestation releases significant amounts of carbon dioxide into the environment through burning or slashing, which induces soil erosion. Moreover, according to research, approximately ten million hectares are deforested each year.

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The impact of deforestation causes widespread soil erosion which certainly affects the farmers & for them to cater to agricultural purposes. Because once the forests are cleared, the rivers do carry eroded soil downstream. Siltation raises river beds, thereby increasing the risk of flooding and adversely affecting the river. The increased level of sediment reduces fish hatch rates, which harms the fishery industry.

Furthermore, as the damaged particles reach the ocean, they can have an impact on coral reefs and the movement of coastal fisheries. Coral reefs play an essential role in sustaining coastline aquatic wildlife, and their loss would undoubtedly have an impact on the community. Apart from affecting the community, deforestation has the potential to deteriorate nearby roads and highways. Soil erosion is expensive because of the damage it causes to infrastructure and the fishery industry, which also occurs year after year in various locations.

Deforestation has been ongoing for decades, with those woods being used for fuel and lumber to establish residences. Other types of trees were removed to make way for agriculture and housing. While harvesting wood, bear in mind not to degrade the soil & minimizing environmental issues.

As previously discussed, the effects of deforestation have a significant impact on the soil because trees act as a shade to reduce the surface soil temperature, which further reduces evaporation. Nevertheless, small-scale tree removal exposes the soil to wash away, which loosens soil particles while eroding and increases runoff on the bare surface.

Other than deforestation, the following are major causes of soil erosion:

  • Weather Conditions

Extreme weather conditions are a significant contributor to soil erosion. Because temperatures are rising all over the world, an even more vigorous water cycle is triggered, resulting in thunderstorms and increased rainfall. Topsoil has been wiped away more frequently as rainfall levels rise.

  • Farming Practices

The land must have good soil to carry out agriculture. However, some farming practices, such as animal grazing and tillage, cause soil erosion.

Tillage is the process of preparing the land for growing crops, but there are machines involved to churn the ground and prepare it for seed planting.

  • Logging

Logging, like deforestation, involves the removal of trees while causing soil erosion. The roots of trees act to keep the soil together, while the leaves or branches form canopies. A significant amount of forest has been lost around the world due to logging activities, which not only cause topsoil erosion but also pollute rivers and lakes.






15 Wonderful Methods to Control Erosion | Earth Eclipse (2024)


What are the 10 ways to control soil erosion? ›

Soil erosion can be prevented in the following ways:
  • Afforestation. Planting new trees and plants is afforestation. ...
  • Crop Rotation. ...
  • Terrace Farming. ...
  • Building Dams. ...
  • Shelterbelts. ...
  • Embankments. ...
  • Van Mahotsav.

What are the methods of erosion control? ›

For areas with heavy foot traffic, stepping stones or a gravel or mulch path can be used to cover and protect eroded areas. Vegetation can be used to line the borders of these high-traffic areas. A layer of mulch or compost also can be used in tree and shrub beds or in areas where vegetation is difficult to grow.

What are 5 ways to prevent erosion? ›

You can reduce soil erosion by:
  • Maintaining a healthy, perennial plant cover.
  • Mulching.
  • Planting a cover crop – such as winter rye in vegetable gardens. ...
  • Placing crushed stone, wood chips, and other similar materials in heavily used areas where vegetation is hard to establish and maintain.

What are the 5 biggest methods of erosion? ›

Liquid water is the major agent of erosion on Earth. Rain, rivers, floods, lakes, and the ocean carry away bits of soil and sand and slowly wash away the sediment. Rainfall produces four types of soil erosion: splash erosion, sheet erosion, rill erosion, and gully erosion.

What are 4 ways to reduce erosion? ›

How to Prevent Soil Erosion
  • Stabilize Slopes. A bare hillside with water rushing down, moving mud and earth, is never an attractive sight in your backyard. ...
  • Don't Forget About Basics Like Mulch and Irrigation. For a slope that is not too severe, mulch can help keep soil in place. ...
  • Slow Water Down. ...
  • Hardscape Solutions.
Mar 2, 2021

What are the seven ways of controlling erosion? ›

Ways to Prevent Soil Erosion
  • Plant Vegetative Cover. Establishing and maintaining vegetation, such as cover crops, grasses, and trees, helps anchor the soil and reduce the impact of rainfall. ...
  • Contour Plowing. ...
  • Downspouts and Slope Drains. ...
  • Mulching. ...
  • Erosion Control Blankets. ...
  • Riparian Buffers. ...
  • Windbreaks.
Jan 16, 2024

What is the best method of erosion control? ›

These include using barriers, such as rocks, sediment control logs, perimeter control fencing, and vegetation, to slow down the flow of water and wind and prevent erosion. The use of terracing and contouring can also be effective in reducing erosion on sloping land.

What are three kinds of erosion control practices? ›

Erosion prevention BMPs are:
  • Surface Roughening.
  • Temporary Grasses and Permanent Vegetative Cover.
  • Mulch. Mulch is a name given to a group of organic and inorganic materials that are spread on the soil surface to prevent movement of soil by wind and rain.
  • Erosion Blankets. ...
  • Surface Roughening.
  • Dust Control.
  • Resources.

How to stop hillside erosion? ›

How to Stop Erosion on a Slope or Hillside
  1. The simplest way to address soil erosion is with plants that serve as cover crops. ...
  2. If there is an expectation of heavy rainstorms, you can protect your incline with sandbags. ...
  3. A scenic approach to preventing soil erosion is to build a garden terrace.

How to stop erosion in a creek? ›

The right method for you will depend on the section of the river that needs to be protected and how much of a problem with erosion you've been experiencing. Some of the most popular methods are improving vegetation, installing a rip rap, and using TrapBags to stabilize and protect the riverbanks.

What are erosion 5 examples? ›

Some erosion examples include wind erosion, water erosion, glacial erosion, temperature erosion, and mass wasting (such as landslides).

What are the four 4 main causes of erosion? ›

The agents of soil erosion are the same as the agents of all types of erosion: water, wind, ice, or gravity. Running water is the leading cause of soil erosion, because water is abundant and has a lot of power. Wind is also a leading cause of soil erosion because wind can pick up soil and blow it far away.

How do the 4 types of erosion work? ›

The four main types of river erosion are abrasion, attrition, hydraulic action and solution. Abrasion is the process of sediments wearing down the bedrock and the banks. Attrition is the collision between sediment particles that break into smaller and more rounded pebbles.

What are the six ways to control soil erosion? ›

How to control soil erosion
  • Mulching. ...
  • Cover crops and green manures. ...
  • Green manures - also usually legumes - are planted specially to improve soil fertility by returning fresh leafy material to the soil. ...
  • Early planting. ...
  • Crop residues. ...
  • Agroforestry. ...
  • Minimum cultivation.

How can we control soil erosion List 3? ›

The 3 main principles to control erosion are to: use land according to its capability. protect the soil surface with some form of cover. control runoff before it develops into an erosive force.

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Learn about management practices such as no-till, reduced tillage, cover crops, and contour farming to reduce the threats of erosion. No-till drilling wheat into soybean stubble allows maintenance of residue cover and no soil movement for excellent erosion control in undulating landscapes.

What are the 5 ways to prevent soil pollution? ›

Some preventive measures to mitigate soil pollution are: recycling, reducing electricity consumption, disposing of toxic chemicals properly, planting more trees, and encouraging organic farming practice. Q. How can we prevent soil erosion?

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.