Philippine Embassy (2024)

COUNTRY NAME : Republic of the Philippines


CAPITAL : Manila


The visitor to Metro Manila commonly sees the Philippines as the most westernized of Asian countries and in many ways, it is. But there is also a rich underlay of Malay culture beneath the patina of Spanish and American heritage. National cultural life is a happy marriage of many influences, as the indigenous Malay culture is assimilated and adapted to different strains in a practice typical of Malay temperament. An upsurge of Philippine nationalism stimulated a desire to preserve the ancient heritage without restricting its openness to foreign artistic influence.

The Philippines is an archipelago of 7,641 islands that are categorized broadly under the three main geographical divisions from north to south: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. It stretches from the south of China to the northern tip of Borneo. The country has over a hundred ethnic groups and a mixture of foreign influences which have molded a unique Filipino culture.

Before the Spanish explorers came, Indo-Malays and Chinese merchants had settled here. In 1521, the Spaniards, led by Ferdinand Magellan, discovered the islands. The Spanish conquistadores established a colonial government in Cebu in 1565. They transferred the seat of government to Manila in 1571 and proceeded to colonize the country. The Filipinos resisted and waged Asia's first nationalist revolution in 1896. On June 12, 1898, Emilio Aguinaldo declared the Philippines independent from Spain and proclaimed himself president. After ruling for 333 years, the Spaniards finally left in 1898 and were replaced by the Americans who stayed for 48 years. On July 4, 1946, the Americans recognized Philippine independence.

The Philippines is the third largest English-speaking country in the world. The country is divided into three geographical areas: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. It has 18 regions, 81 provinces, 145 cities, 1,489 municipalities, and 42,029 barangays. (Barangay - The smallest political unit into which cities and municipalities in the Philippines are divided. It is the basic unit of the Philippine political system. It consists of less than 1,000 inhabitants residing within the territorial limit of a city or municipality and administered by a set of elective officials, headed by a barangay chairman or punong barangay).


The Philippines is anarchipelagocomposed of about 7,500 islandswith a total land area, including inland bodies of water, of approximately 300,000 square kilometers (115,831sqmi). Its 36,289 kilometers (22,549mi) of coastline makes it the country with the 5thlongest coastlinein the world. It is located between 116°40', and 126°34' E longitude and 4°40' and 21°10' N latitude and is bordered by thePhilippine Seato the east, theSouth China Seato the west, and theCelebes Seato the south. The island ofBorneois located a few hundred kilometers southwest and Taiwan is located directly to the north. TheMoluccasandSulawesiare located to the south-southwest andPalauis located to the east of the islands.

Most of the mountainous islands are covered intropical rainforestand volcanic in origin. The highest mountain isMount Apo. It measures up to 2,954 meters (9,692ft) above sea level and is located on the island of Mindanao.The Galathea Depth in thePhilippine Trenchis the deepest point in the country and thethird deepest in the world. The trench is located in the Philippine Sea.

The longest river is theCagayan Riverin northern Luzon.Manila Bay, upon the shore of which the capital city of Manila lies, is connected toLaguna de Bay, the largest lake in the Philippines, by thePasig River.Subic Bay, theDavao Gulf, and theMoro Gulfare other important bays. TheSan Juanico Straitseparates the islands of Samar and Leyte but it is traversed by theSan Juanico Bridge.

Situated on the western fringes of the PacificRing of Fire, the Philippines experiences frequent seismic and volcanic activity. TheBenham Plateauto the east in the Philippine Sea is an undersea region active intectonicsubduction.Around 20earthquakesare registered daily, though most are too weak to be felt. The last major earthquake was the1990 Luzon earthquake.

There aremany active volcanoessuch as theMayon Volcano,Mount Pinatubo, andTaal Volcano. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in June 1991 produced the second largest terrestrial eruption of the 20thcentury.Not all notable geographic features are so violent or destructive. A more serene legacy of the geological disturbances is thePuerto Princesa Subterranean River, the area represents a habitat forbiodiversity conservation, the site also contains a full mountain-to-the-sea ecosystem and has some of the most important forests in Asia.

Due to thevolcanicnature of the islands, mineral deposits are abundant. The country is estimated to have the second-largest gold deposits after South Africa and one of the largest copper deposits in the world.It is also rich in nickel, chromites, and zinc. Despite this, poor management, high population density, and environmental consciousness have resulted in these mineral resources remaining largely untapped.Geothermal energyis a product of volcanic activity that the Philippines have harnessed more successfully. The Philippines is the world's second-biggest geothermal producer behind the United States, with 18% of the country's electricity needs being met by geothermal power.

LuzonPhilippine Embassy (1)is the largest and most populous in the Philippine and the 15th largest in the world. Located in the northern region of the archipelago it is the economic and political center of the nation being home to the country's capital city, Manila, as well as Quezon City, the country's most populous. With a population of 52.99 million as of 2015, it is the fourth most populous island in the world (after Java, Honshu and Great Britain), containing about 53% of the country's total population.It is home to the Cordillera, Sierra Madre, and Caraballo mountain ranges, volcanoes such as Mayon, Taal, and Pinatubo and the country’s largest lake, Laguna de Bay. Luzon is where you will find the capital, Manila. Metro Manila is the seat of government and the premier international gateway. Embracing the capital of Manila and several cities and municipalities, it is the heart of the country’s social, economic and cultural life.

TheVisayas, is one of the Philippines' 3 main island groups and characterized by natural and cultural diversity. The beaches of Boracay are regarded as some of the world’s best. In Boracay you will find most of the exotic Philippine hotels and resorts. Cebu is the cradle of Christianity and Bohol has one of the world’s most intriguing geological formations. In Central Visayas, Cebu City’s Spanish colonial architecture includes the triangular Fort San Pedro and the Basilica del Santo Niño. Bohol Island’s Chocolate Hills are a group of more than 1,000 conical, grass-covered mounds that turn brown in the dry season. In Corella, rare bug-eyed primates called tarsiers are protected at the Philippine Tarsier Sanctuary.

Mindanaois the second largest and southernmost major island in thePhilippines. It is also the name of one of the threeisland groupsin the country (the other two beingLuzonand theVisayas), consisting of the island of Mindanao and smaller outlying islands.Davao Cityis the largest city in Mindanao. As of the 2010 census, the island's population itself is 20,281,545 people, while the Mindanao island group has 21,968,174 inhabitants. Davao City is the most populous in Mindanao as 1,632,991 population, and the 2nd is Zamboanga City as 861,799 population, the 3rd is Cagayan de Oro City as 675,950 population, and followed by General Santos City as 594,446 population as of 2015 census.

Parts of south-western Mindanao island group, particularly the provinces ofMaguindanao,Basilan,Lanao Del Sur,Sulu, andTawi-Tawi(part of theAutonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao(ARMM)), are home to a sizeable Muslim population, making the island group, along withPalawan, the only area of the Philippines with a significantMuslimpresence. The island has seen acommunist insurgencyas well as armedMoroseparatist movements.

Mindanao is considered the food basket of the Philippines.Eight of the top 10 agri-commodities exported from the Philippines come from here. Mindanao is also dubbed with themonikerasThe Philippines' Land of Promise.


GMT + 8 hours. Check out the Philippine Standard Time


Philippine Embassy (2)

Before the Spanish conquistadores came, a thriving community flourished on the banks of the Pasig River. It was called "Maynilad", after the nilad plant whose star-shaped flowers clustered in abundance along the low-lying river banks.

The lord of the riverside kingdom was Raha Sulayman who held court on the south side of the river while his uncle, Lakandula, ruled on the north side. The Spaniards were set on conquering this community. After the savage Battle of Bangkusay, where they overtook the natives with their awesome firepower, the Spaniards conquered Manila. In this Battle, Sulayman was killed.

Realizing its strategic position as a trading center and military outpost, Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, head of the Spanish expedition, promptly declared Manila the capital of the new colonies won by Spain. On June 24, 1571, Manila was declared the capital of the entire achipelago. Delighted by this conquest, the King of Spain awarded the city a coat of arms and the grandiose title: "The Noble and Ever Loyal City". Soon, Manila became a replica of a European medieval city. There were churches, palaces and city halls built in the Spanish baroque style. Work began on building a wall around the city to keep the pirates and Moros at bay. It took 150 years to finish this wall. The end result was an astounding eight foot-thick, three mile-long wall, with two forts and a bastion, 370 guns in place, manned by a force of 5,000 men and 10,000 reserves. This walled city became known as Intramuros.

Beautiful as it was, Intramuros stood as a perfect illustration of the discrimination at that time against the natives called Indios. Although it was built by Indio workers and Chinese artisans, Intramuros was meant only for the clergy and the Spanish nobility. The natives could not enter except to work as servants. Outside the walls, in the arabales or suburbs, lived the Indios, the Chinese and other foreigners. The diversity of trade and culture in the suburbs made it alive and interesting. Tondo, Binondo, Sta. Cruz, and Quiapo bustled with commerce. These places were home to the merchants, carpenters, blacksmiths, carriage makers, masons, and other artisans.

Over the centuries, the Spanish rule was occasionally threatened by attacks from the sea and by internal uprisings. The Chinese, Dutch and British all tried to lay siege on Manila but were unsuccessful. But the 1880's saw the birth of a reform movement led by Marcelo H. Del Pilar, Lopez Jaena and Jose Rizal (the national hero). This reform movement ultimately led to a revolution and by 1898, the days of the Castilian rule were numbered. The most lasting legacy of the Spanish rule was the Catholic religion which makes the Philippines the only Christian nation in Asia. But as soon as the Spaniards left, the Americans took over. 1902 was the beginning of the American era, a period characterized by the expansion of public education, advances in health care and the introduction of democratic government. The outbreak of war in the Pacific in 1941 disrupted American rule. Manila was declared an open city and the Americans withdrew their defenses. For three years, Manila was occupied by the Japanese imperial forces. Life at that time was made difficult by strict Japanese military rule. When the American troops entered Manila to liberate it, they had to bomb the city to dislodge the tenacious Japanese. Manila was devastated.

On July 4, 1946, a year after the end of the war, the Philippine flag was hoisted signalling the recognition of Philippine independence.


The Filipino is basically of Malay stock with a sprinkling of Chinese, American, Spanish and Arab blood. The Philippines has a population of 76.5 million as of May 2000 (with a projected population of 88.7 million for 2007), and it is hard to distinguish accurately the lines between stocks. From a long history of Western colonial rule, interspersed with the visits of merchants and traders, evolved a people of a unique blend of east and west, both in appearance and culture.

Philippine Embassy (3)The Filipino character is actually a little bit of all the cultures put together. The bayanihan or spirit of kinship and camaraderie that Filipinos are famous for, is said to be taken from Malay forefathers. The close family relations are said to have been inherited from the Chinese. The piousness comes from the Spaniards who introduced Christianity in the 16th century. Hospitality is a common denominator in the Filipino character and this is what distinguishes the Filipino. Filipinos are probably one of the few, if not the only, English-proficient Oriental people today. Filipino is the official national language, with English considered as the country's unofficial one. The Filipinos are divided geographically and culturally into regions, and each regional group is recognizable by distinct traits and dialects - the sturdy and frugal Ilocanos of the north, the industrious Tagalogs of the central plains, the carefree Visayans from the central islands and the colorful tribesmen and religious Moslems of Mindanao. Tribal communities can be found scattered across the archipelago. The Philippines has more than 111 dialects spoken, owing to the subdivisions of these basic regional and cultural groups. Some 80 percent of the population is Catholic, Spain's lasting legacy. About 15 percent is Moslem and these people can be found basically in Mindanao. The rest of the population is made up mostly of smaller Christian denominations and Buddhist. The country is marked by a true blend of cultures; truly in the Philippines, East meets West. The background of the people is Indonesian and Malay. There are Chinese and Spanish elements as well. The history of American rule and contact with merchants and traders culminated in a unique blend of East and West, both in the appearance and culture of the people of the Filipinos, or people of the Philippines. Hospitality, a trait displayed by every Filipino, makes these people legendary in Southeast Asia. Seldom can you find such hospitable people who enjoy the company of their Western visitors. Perhaps due to their long association with Spain, Filipinos are emotional and passionate about life, in a way that seems more Latin than Asian.

Ethnic Groups: 91.5% Christian Malay, 4% Muslim Malay ,1.5% Chinese and 3% other.

CULTURE AND ARTSPhilippine Embassy (4)

The major cultural agencies of government are the Cultural Center of the Philippines, the National Historical Institute, the National Museum, The National Library, the Records Management and Archives Office, and the Commission on the Filipino Language. The Heads of these cultural agencies are all ex-officio members of the NCCA Board and all except the Commission on the Filipino Language are together under the National Commission on Culture and Arts.


The Philippines has a tropical climate with relatively abundant rainfall and gentle winds. There are three pronounced seasons: the wet or rainy season from June to October, the cool, dry season from November to February, and the hot, dry season from March to May.

Temperature in Manila ranges from 21°C to 32°C with a 27°C average. The coolest month is January and the warmest is May. Both temperature and humidity levels reach the maximum in April and May, but these are generally good months for aqua sports and mountain trekking. Some of the most colorful festivals are held during these months.


Two official languages --- Filipino and English. Filipino, which is based on Tagalog, is the national language. English is also widely used and is the medium of instruction in higher education.

This is the list of recognized regional languages in the Philippines as ordered and permitted by theDepartment of Education (Philippines)under the Mother Tongue-Based Multi-Lingual Education (MTB-MLE) strategy:


The Philippines Department of Education decided to implement the program starting school year 2012. The adoption of regional languages as medium of teaching is based on studies which tend to show that using the mother tongue as the language of instruction in the classroom literacy among Filipinos bolster, comprehension and critical thinking skills of Filipino children in the school and facilitate learning of second language such as English and the Philippines national language called Filipino. Filipino is tagalog-based which means that speakers of Tagalog are speakers of the Philippine national language.

Filipino is that native language which is used nationally as the language of communication among ethnic groups. Like any living language, Filipino is in a process of development through loans from Philippine languages and non-native languages for various situations, among speakers of different social backgrounds, and for topics for conversation and scholarly discourse. There are about 76 to 78 major language groups, with more than 500 dialects.


Historically, the Filipinos have embraced two of the great religions of the world - Islam and Christianity. Islam was introduced during the 14th century shortly after the expansion of Arab commercial ventures in Southeast Asia. Today, it is limited to the southern region of the country.

Christianity was introduced as early as the 16th century with the coming of Ferdinand Magellan in 1521.

Protestantism was introduced by the first Presbyterian and Methodist missionaries who arrived with the American soldiers in 1899.

Two Filipino independent churches were organized at the turn of the century and are prominent today. These are the Aglipay (Philippine Independent Church) and the Iglesia Ni Kristo (Church of Christ) founded in 1902 and 1914, respectively. Recently, the Aglipay signed a covenant with the Anglican Church. The Iglesia ni Kristo has expanded its membership considerably. Its churches, with their unique towering architecture are landmarks in almost all important towns, provincial capitals and major cities.

Population by religious affiliation (2010)



Roman Catholic,includingCatholic Charismatic






Iglesia Ni Cristo






Seventh-day Adventist



Bible Baptist Church



United Church of Christ in the Philippines



Jehovah's Witnesses



Church of Christ



Jesus is Lord Church



United Pentecostal Church (Philippines) Inc.



Philippine Independent Catholic Church



Union Espiritista Cristiana de Filipinas Inc.



Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints



Association of Fundamental Baptist Churches in the Philippines



Evangelical Christian Outreach Foundation



Convention of the Philippine Baptist Church



Crusaders of the Divine Church of Christ Inc.






Lutheran Church of the Philippines



Iglesia sa Dios Espiritu Santo Inc.



Philippine Benevolent Missionaries Association



Faith Tabernacle Church (Living Rock Ministries)






Non-Roman Catholic andProtestant(NCCP)



Other Protestants



Tribal Religions



Other Baptists











Source:Philippine Statistics Authority


The new Philippine Constitution was ratified in early 1987, signaling the country's return to democracy.


Chief of state: President Rodrigo Roa Duterte (since 30 June 2016) and Vice-President Maria Leonor "Leni" G. Robredo (since 30 June 2016); note - the president is both the chief of state and head of government.

Cabinet: Cabinet appointed by the President with the consent of the Commission of Appointments' elections: president and vice-president elected on separate tickets by popular vote for six-year terms; election last held 10 May 2016.


Bicameral Congress or Kongreso consists of the Senate or Senado (24 seats: one-half elected every three years; members elected by popular vote to serve six-year terms) and the House of Representatives or Kapulungan Ng Mga Kinatawan (214 seats: members elected by popular vote to serve three-year terms. Additional members may be appointed by the President but the Constitution prohibits the House of Representatives from having more than 250 members) Elections: Senate - last held 16 May 2016 (next elections to be held on May 2019); House of Representatives - elections last held 16 May 2016 (next elections to be held on May 2019) .


Supreme Court (justices are appointed by the president on the recommendation of the Judicial and Bar Council and serve until 70 years of age).


The Philippines is currently one of the most dynamic economies in the East Asia region, with sound economic fundamentals and a globally recognized competitive workforce. Growth has been robust in the past five years, registering an average 6.2 percent from 2010-2015, significantly higher than average 4.5 percent annual growth in 2000-2009.

A new administration entered office on June 30, at a time when the economy grew at the fastest pace among its East Asian peers.The Philippine economy grew at an annual rate of 6.9 percent in the first half of 2016, up from 5.5 percent during the same period in 2015, exceeding growth of China, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. On the production side, the services and industry sectors remained the main engines of growth, while agriculture further weakened due to the lingering effects of El Niño. On the demand side, growth was driven by robust private consumption and capital formation. This was further supported by more than 10 percent expansion in public spending in the first half of 2016. Net exports, however, caused a drag on growth due to weak external demand.

Philippine Embassy (2024)


Does Philippine consulate accept walk in? ›

Walk-in transactions are permitted, subject to capacity limitations.

Can a US citizen apply for a Philippine passport? ›

No matter what your status is here in the US, you can apply for a Philippine Passport, provided that you can show us that: You are who you say you are – Proof of Identity.

How long does it take to renew Philippine passport in the US? ›

Philippine passport renewal in the U.S. – processing times

The processing times are approximately from 4 (four) to 6 (six) weeks from the date you submit your passport application.

What do I need to bring to renew my Philippine passport in the US? ›

How to Renew
  1. Duly-Accomplished Passport Application Form. Duly-accomplished Passport Application Form. ...
  2. Latest Philippine Passport (Lost valid/expired, etc) a. ...
  3. Proof of Current Philippine Citizenship. Present the original and photocopy of the following: ...
  4. Supporting Documents (Married Female, etc)

Can I go to US Embassy Philippines without appointment? ›

We do not provide walk-in services; you must have an appointment to enter the U.S. Embassy in Manila or the U.S. Consular Agency in Cebu.

Can I still go to the Philippines without a visa as a US citizen? ›

US Citizens don't need a visa to enter the Philippines. The United States is one of 157 countries in the Philippines' visa waiver program exempting US citizens from needing a visa to visit the Philippines for tourism or business.

How long can you stay in the Philippines if you are a US citizen? ›

How Long Can I Stay In Philippines? As a US citizen, you can stay in the Philippines for up to 30 days without needing a visa. However, if you wish to stay for more than 30 days, you will need to obtain a visa from a Philippine embassy or consulate in the USA before going to the Philippines.

Can I be a dual citizen of US and Philippines? ›

Dual Citizenship acquired by birth – A child born in the United States on or after 17 January 1973 when either or both parent/s was still a Filipino citizen is considered to be a dual citizen from birth.

Can a former Filipino US citizen travel to Philippines? ›

Former Filipinos and their immediate family members (spouse and children) who are visa-required nationals (nationals of countries NOT listed in the List of Countries Whose Nationals are Allowed 30 Day Visa-Free under EO 408). They must secure entry visas prior to their travel to the Philippines.

Can I still renew my Philippine passport if it expired? ›

You may renew your expired passport any time you wish.

What if my Philippine passport expired but my US visa is still valid? ›

8 My passport has expired, but the U.S. visa in it is still valid. Do I need to apply for a new visa? No. If your visa is still valid and unmarked or undamaged, you can travel with your two passports together (old and new), if the purpose of your travel matches your current nonimmigrant visa.

How much does it cost to renew a Philippine passport? ›

The cost of renewing a Philippine passport is the same as obtaining a new one. In 2023, the fee for regular processing is PHP 950, while special/expedited processing costs PHP 1,200. Additionally, a PRF fee of PHP 250 applies in both cases.

Where can I renew my Philippines passport in USA? ›

Apply at the Philippine ePassport Renewal Center (LA PaRC) operated by VFS Global
  • for ANY category of passport applicant; and.
  • application to be done at the Philippine Consulate General in Los Angeles premises.

Can I walk in for passport renewal? ›

Schedule an appointment online. Walk-in applicants are normally not allowed EXCEPT for emergency and special cases. Regular and non-emergency applicants must secure their slots by setting an online appointment.

How many months do I need to renew my Philippine passport? ›

Additional Information for Philippine passport renewal:

Apply for a passport preferably one year before expiration, in most travel abroad, it is recommended that the passport should have a validity of at least six (6) months.

Can a US citizen live permanently in the Philippines? ›

If you wish to settle in The Philippines and you are at least 35 years old, you may apply for a Special Resident Retiree's Visa (SRRV). The SRRV is granted by the Philippines Retirement Authority (PRA), and you may reside indefinitely in the Philippines with free entry and exit.

How long can a former Filipino citizen stay in the Philippines? ›

The Philippines' BALIKBAYAN PROGRAM allows a one-year visa-free stay for Filipinos working overseas and for former Filipinos who have acquired citizenship in certain countries (refer to list of countries below).

Can a US citizen walk into a US consulate? ›

Appointments are required for routine American Citizen Services and are available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We are closed on American and Indian holidays. Appointments are never required for emergencies.

What are the requirements to travel to Philippines from USA? ›

U.S. and Australian nationals can enter the Philippines without a visa for 30 days for example. List of requirements: – A passport valid for at least 6 months after departure from the Philippines. – A return flight which date should not exceed the duration of their authorized trip/visa.

What is the penalty for US citizen overstaying in the Philippines? ›

If a US citizen overstays their tourist visa in the Philippines, they will be charged approximately 4,000 PHP per month. In addition, they may also be subject to additional fines of 500 PHP per month, as well as a motion for reconsideration of 500 PHP.

Can you get a Philippines visa on arrival? ›

The visa policy of the Philippines allows eligible citizens to obtain a visa on arrival if they are entering the country for tourism purposes for a stay up to 59 days.

Can I own a property in the Philippines if I am a US citizen? ›

Foreigners are prohibited from owning land in the Philippines, but can legally own a residence. The Philippine Condominium Act allows foreigners to own condo units, as long as 60% of the building is owned by Filipinos. If you want to buy a house, consider a long-term lease agreement with a Filipino landowner.

Can a US citizen retire in the Philippines? ›

As we have mentioned, if you're an expat looking to retire in the Philippines you need to register for the SRRV program. The procedure for doing so is as follows: Make an appointment at the Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) Choose the retirement option that suits you (we will discuss this in further detail below)

How much bank balance is required for Philippines visa? ›

How much is the bank balance required for a Philippines visa? No one can answer this, but anywhere near $1000 is enough. The bank balance required for a Philippines visa is the minimum amount you will need in your bank to be able to apply for a visa. The Philippines embassy has set this amount to be at least $1000.

How much is the cost of dual citizenship in the Philippines? ›


$50.00 Processing fee payable in cash or money order made payable to “Embassy of the Philippines” (Personal checks and credit cards are not accepted). For derivative citizenship of Minors / Children: 3 colored 2″ x 2″ photos. Birth Certificate.

Do you need a Philippine passport to go to the Philippines if you are dual citizen? ›

Filipinos with dual or multiple citizenship shall present, upon arrival in any port of entry in the Philippines, either a Philippine or a foreign passport.

Is Philippine dual citizenship worth it? ›

The great benefits of dual citizenship are having rightful access to the home country's right to own properties and businesses. Take on employment and stay in the country indefinitely without applying for a special visa or permit.

Can you live in the Philippines if you marry a Filipina? ›

The 13a marriage visa allows foreign spouses of Filipino Nationals to live permanently in the Philippines. The main requirements for the 13a visa are: A Philippine citizen partner. A valid marriage certificate recognized by the Philippines.

Can a Balikbayan own property in the Philippines? ›

When purchasing land for residential use, Balikbayans can only buy a maximum of 1,000 square meters for urban land and 1 hectare for rural land. If the land is being purchased for commercial purposes (business or investment), the limitations are capped at 5,000 square meters of urban land and 3 hectares for rural land.

Can a Filipino travel back to Philippines with expired passport? ›

If a Philippine passport has expired, the passport cannot be used for travel to any country including the Philippines. The Philippine citizen must file for a new passport at the PCG Calgary and wait for the new passport.

How many years after your passport expires Do you have to renew it? ›

Validity of Most Recent Passport: Make sure your most recent passport was valid for 10 years. The passport must be expiring within one year or have been expired less than five years.

How many years after your passport expires Can you renew it? ›

Can I renew my passport if it's expired? Yes, but the passport must have been issued within the last 15 years.

How many months after your passport expires Can you renew it? ›

You must renew your passport within 5 years of the date it expired. If you wait longer than that, you'll have to use the same procedure as a first-time passport applicant.

Can I go back to the US with an expiring passport? ›

While urgent travel back to the United States may be accomplished on an expired passport that qualifies for this exception, you will need to renew your U.S. passport, most commonly by mail, in the United States before you can depart the United States again.

Can I renew my U.S. passport in the US embassy in the Philippines? ›

Apply For or Renew a U.S. Passport

The Passport & Citizenship Unit provides passport services to U.S. citizens in the Philippines, at the Embassy in Manila and the Consular Agency in Cebu, by appointment only.

Can I leave us with expired passport? ›

The quick answer is "no," at least if you leave the country. A passport that has expired is not accepted for overseas travel. If your passport has expired or will expire within the next six months, you must renew it.

How can I renew my Philippine passport in 2023? ›

How to Renew Philippine Passport in 2023: Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Step 1: Secure an online appointment. ...
  2. Step 2: Pay the passport renewal fee. ...
  3. Step 3: Go to your chosen DFA branch on your appointment date and time. ...
  4. Step 4: Have your photo and biometrics captured in the encoding section.
Mar 31, 2023

Do I need a passport to go to the Philippines? ›

A tourist visa is not required for the Philippines for U.S. citizens if the stay is under three months. But, you do need to present a valid passport and a proof of return ticket. Tourist and business visas last anywhere between three-twelve months.

Can I renew my passport early? ›

It is possible to renew your passport at almost any time within its validity period. However, it is only recommended to do so more than 9 months to 1 year ahead of its expiry for a legitimate reason. You may need to renew your passport for reasons such as the following: Your passport has been lost or stolen.

What documents are needed to renew Philippine passport in USA? ›

How to Renew
  • Duly-Accomplished Passport Application Form. Duly-accomplished Passport Application Form. ...
  • Latest Philippine Passport (Lost valid/expired, etc) a. ...
  • Proof of Current Philippine Citizenship. Present the original and photocopy of the following: ...
  • Supporting Documents (Married Female, etc)

Can I renew my passport at the US Embassy? ›

When you apply or renew in-person for passport services at U.S. embassies and consulates, only cash (local currency or U.S. dollars), or in some cases, credit cards are accepted. Please see the website of your embassy or consulate to confirm the forms of payment.

Can I just turn up at passport office? ›

You must book an appointment for an urgent passport application before you call or visit a centre. Use the normal service if you do not need a passport urgently.

How many days does it take to get a passport? ›

For applications made at Consular Offices in Metro Manila, processing and releasing of passports take 12 working days for regular processing and 6 working days for expedited processing.

How much is passport fee? ›

I'm an adult (16 and older) and I'm applying for the first time
ProductFormApplication Fee
Passport BookDS-11$130
Passport CardDS-11$30
Passport Book & CardDS-11$160
3 more rows
Jan 31, 2023

Can I still use my expired Philippine passport? ›

Expired and Renewed passports do not affect the validity of the foreign visas. However, you must bring your old passport with valid visas along with your new passport when travelling.

Can I travel if my Philippine passport is expiring? ›


Your passport must be at least six-months valid for you to be able to travel abroad.

Is it OK to go to DFA without appointment? ›

Are you a returning OFW, senior citizen, PWD, pregnant woman, solo parent or minor? You may walk in at any of the DFA's Consular Offices in the Philippines WITHOUT AN ONLINE PASSPORT APPOINTMENT! Our courtesy lane is open to accept your passport application. Miri Suan and 5,213 others like this.

How can I get appointment in Philippine consulate? ›


Can I go walk in for DFA authentication? ›

No need for an appointment.

Can I get an passport without an appointment in Philippines? ›

NO APPOINTMENT IS NEEDED for the following:

Senior Citizen with Senior Citizen ID. Person with Disability (PWDs) with PWD ID or visible disability. Solo Parent with Valid Solo Parent ID. Pregnant women with medical certificate.

Why is it so hard to book an appointment in DFA? ›

Booking an appointment online has been extra tricky lately, as the DFA reports that the number of slots available across the country were almost cut in half during the pandemic. Five new sites for passport appointments have been opened up, but those only operate till September.

Why is there no slot for passport appointment? ›

There are no available DFA passport appointment slots. What should I do? If you don't see available passport appointment slots online, it doesn't mean they've all been taken up. The DFA advises you to refresh the page, as appointments become available from time to time.

What is the dress code for DFA passport? ›

The applicant must wear decent attire (no sleeveless and/or collarless attire) and without eyeglasses/contact lenses.

How do I contact the Philippine Embassy in the US? ›

Contact Us
  1. Embassy of the Philippines. Bataan street, corner 1600 Massachusetts Ave., NW. Washington, D.C. 20036. USA.
  2. Tel: 202.467.9300. Fax: 202.328.7614.
  3. Emergency hotline : +1-202-368-2767. VAW (Violence Against Women) desk. and Assistance to Nationals (ATN) hotline : +1-202-769-8049. ...

How long does a consulate appointment take? ›

If everything looks to be in order, the officer might ask only two or three questions—but can always ask more. If you have children in common, the officer is much less likely to question whether your marriage is bona fide. The interview itself can take as little as 20 minutes.

How do I book an embassy appointment? ›

To get started, visit the U.S. Visa Information and Appointment Services website. Select “Temporary- Non Immigrant visas”. Then select the country of the embassy you chose in Step 2. Click apply (because never used this site before and you have completed a DS-160).

How do I set up a DFA appointment? ›

How to schedule a DFA appointment online?
  1. visit the DFA website (your slot will only be held by the system for a period of 20-30 minutes)
  2. choose the DFA office you wish to visit.
  3. choose your preferred date and time.
  4. fill out the form with all the necessary information.

How long does it take to authenticate documents in DFA? ›

Payment for DFA-OCA's Authentication service is : Php100. 00 for regular processing (released after five working days) and Php200. 00 for expedited processing (released after two working days).

How long can you stay in the Philippines if you are a dual citizen? ›

You can stay in the Philippines indefinitely provided that upon your arrival in the Philippines you present before the Philippine Immigration Officer your valid US/Foreign passport and your Dual Citizenship Documents. EXCEPTION: when you travel with your Foreign Husband/Wife/Child.

How many days is rush passport in the Philippines? ›

In the Philippines, DFA offers expedite processing with a processing period of six (6) working days for NCR applicants and seven (7) working days for applicants outside the NCR. The fee for expedited processing is Php 1,200.00. What are the requirements for a passport application?

How much is passport fee Philippines 2023? ›

The cost of renewing a Philippine passport is the same as obtaining a new one. In 2023, the fee for regular processing is PHP 950, while special/expedited processing costs PHP 1,200. Additionally, a PRF fee of PHP 250 applies in both cases.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.