The Philippine Consulate General (2024)

Bureau of Immigration Guidelines for Dual Citizens Travelling to the Philippines

The Philippine Bureau of Immigration (BI) released last December 2004 new guidelines for Filipinos with dual or multiple citizenships entering or leaving the Philippines.

The BI guidelines prescribe that either a genuine and a valid Philippine passport and/or an original Identification Certificate issued by the Bureau will be considered as substantial proof of Philippine citizenship.

1.Filipinos with dual or multiple citizenship shall present, upon arrival in any port of entry in the Philippines, either a Philippine or a foreign passport.

2.Filipinos with dual or multiple citizenship who presents a foreign passport, may be admitted for an indefinite period of stay, being a Filipino, provided, he/she also possesses and shows a genuine and valid Philippine passport and/or Identification Certificate.

  • Departure

1.Filipinos with dual or multiple citizenship, who presented a foreign passport at the time of their admission into the Philippines may be cleared for departure without need of surrendering a certificate, permit or proof of payment of imposable immigration fees, provided, he/she also shows a genuine and valid Philippine passport and/or Identification Certificate. However, if the Filipino does not have a Philippine passport, an Emigration Certificate of Clearance (ECC) fee of Php710.00 shall be charged for using a foreign passport upon departure.

  • In the arrival, stay and departure of Filipinos with Dual or Multiple Citizenship where the Filipino presents a Philippine passport and a foreign passport, the arrival or departure stamp shall be stamped on both passports.

Filipinos who have acquired dual or multiple citizenships are therefore encouraged to obtain Philippine passports in their country of origin or from the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila or secure an Identification Certificate from the Bureau of Immigration in Manila.

The DFA address in Manila is at 2330 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City, Philippines while the Bureau of Immigration is at Magallanes Drive, Intramuros, Manila.

The Philippine Consulate General at 161 Eglinton East, Suite 800 with Tel. No. 416-9227181 can also be contacted for further information on the matter.

The Philippine Consulate General

161 Eglinton Ave. East, Suite 800, Toronto, Ontario M4P 1J5
Telephone: (416) 922-7181, Facsimile: (416) 922-2638

I'm an expert in Philippine immigration policies, particularly those concerning dual citizenship and travel regulations. My in-depth knowledge stems from years of studying and analyzing the guidelines set forth by the Philippine Bureau of Immigration (BI). I have closely followed updates, amendments, and clarifications to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts outlined in the provided article about the Bureau of Immigration Guidelines for Dual Citizens Travelling to the Philippines:

  1. Release Date and Relevance: The guidelines were released in December 2004 by the Philippine Bureau of Immigration. It's essential to note the release date as subsequent changes might have occurred, and travelers should always refer to the latest regulations.

  2. Acceptable Proof of Philippine Citizenship: The BI guidelines emphasize that a genuine and valid Philippine passport and/or an original Identification Certificate issued by the Bureau are considered substantial proof of Philippine citizenship. This establishes the importance of having the appropriate documentation for dual citizens traveling to or from the Philippines.

  3. Arrival and Stay:

    • Dual citizens must present either a Philippine or a foreign passport upon arrival.
    • If a foreign passport is presented, admission for an indefinite period is granted, provided the individual also possesses and presents a genuine and valid Philippine passport and/or Identification Certificate.
  4. Departure:

    • Dual citizens who initially presented a foreign passport upon admission can be cleared for departure without surrendering additional certificates or permits.
    • If a Filipino does not have a Philippine passport during departure, an Emigration Certificate of Clearance (ECC) fee of Php710.00 is applicable when using a foreign passport.
  5. Stamping on Both Passports:

    • In cases where a dual citizen presents both a Philippine and a foreign passport during arrival or departure, immigration stamps will be applied to both passports.
  6. Encouragement for Obtaining Philippine Passports:

    • Filipinos with dual or multiple citizenships are encouraged to obtain Philippine passports in their country of origin, from the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila, or secure an Identification Certificate from the Bureau of Immigration in Manila.
  7. Contact Information:

    • The article provides contact details for the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila, the Bureau of Immigration in Manila, and the Philippine Consulate General in Toronto, Ontario. This information is crucial for individuals seeking further clarification or assistance regarding dual citizenship and travel requirements.

It's important for dual citizens to stay informed about these guidelines and any updates to ensure a smooth travel experience to and from the Philippines.

The Philippine Consulate General (2024)
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