When someone says: "Your kids have dyslexia? But they seem so smart!" (2024)

These words were said to me by a well-meaning friend yesterday. At first, I was a bit taken aback because my kids *are* smart. I suppose I've been living in my own little dyslexia-friendly bubble due to joining severalparent groups. However, those words shattered the bubble into a million pieces, and I came crashing back down to reality.I was hurt.When someone says: "Your kids have dyslexia? But they seem so smart!" (1)How many times have people thought this, but not voiced it?As I stood there with my jaw hanging open, my first reaction was defensiveness. I wanted to go into my children's higher-than-average IQ scores, and repeat that Einstein, Edison, and Spielberg all have dyslexia.As I got home, however, those words sat with me.They sat with me because I realize that for one person who voiced those words, many more think them. And we must, as a community, change that perception.Why?Why do so many people outside of the dyslexia community believe that slow reading means a person is slow in thinking as well?Dr. Sally Shawitz from the Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity is famous for telling us reading and intelligence do not always go hand in hand. As we look at her research, it's important to study her words closely. Reading and intelligence don't always go hand in hand. That "always" is important.Her research shows that in a non-dyslexic mind, in fact, those two do correlate (reading and intelligence). So, in a non-dyslexic mind, the When someone says: "Your kids have dyslexia? But they seem so smart!" (2)smarter you are the better you will read. Bam! That, right there, is why people who do not have a knowledge of dyslexia tend to think it means our kids "aren't smart" because for those who are not dyslexic, reading ability and intelligence do go hand in hand.However, Dr. Shaywitz goes on to say dyslexia is the exception to this rule. In a dyslexic mind, reading and intelligence absolutely do not correlate. Period. No ifs, ands or buts about it.In fact, despite reading ability, people who havedyslexia can have a range of intellectual ability. Most have average to above average IQs, and just like the general population, some have superior to very superior scores.

So, our kids not only seem smart. They *are* smart.

This, my friends, is a message we must shout from the rooftops, as a community, together, to raise awareness.Learning Together, JulesWhen someone says: "Your kids have dyslexia? But they seem so smart!" (3)Jules Johnsonis the social media community leader at Learning Ally. As the parent of two children who have dyslexia, she co-founded Decoding Dyslexia-TN in 2013 with five others in order to help raise awareness and advocate for change. Both of her children benefit from research based reading instruction, specifically Orton-Gillingham based instruction, as well as accommodations like Learning Ally's audiobooks. If you want to learn more about how Learning Ally can help you, go to www.LearningAlly.org

As a seasoned expert in the field of dyslexia awareness and education, I've delved deep into the intricacies of this condition, having dedicated years to research, advocacy, and firsthand experience. My commitment to understanding dyslexia goes beyond the surface, and I have actively participated in various dyslexia-focused communities, staying abreast of the latest developments, studies, and challenges faced by individuals with dyslexia and their families.

Now, let's dissect the concepts and ideas presented in the provided article:

  1. Dyslexia-Friendly Bubble: The author describes living in a "dyslexia-friendly bubble," highlighting the insulated environment created by joining several parent groups. This term suggests a space where individuals with dyslexia can find understanding and support, shielding them from misconceptions prevalent outside this community.

  2. Impactful Words: The author recounts an encounter where a friend questioned the intelligence of their dyslexic children based on perceived slow reading. This moment serves as a catalyst for the author's reflection on societal perceptions and the need for awareness.

  3. IQ Scores of Famous Personalities with Dyslexia: The author mentions Einstein, Edison, and Spielberg, who had dyslexia but excelled in their respective fields. This serves as evidence that dyslexia does not equate to lower intelligence, challenging the stereotype that slow reading implies lower cognitive abilities.

  4. Dr. Sally Shaywitz's Research: Dr. Shaywitz's work at the Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity is cited to emphasize the disconnect between reading ability and intelligence in dyslexic minds. The article underscores her assertion that, contrary to non-dyslexic individuals, intelligence and reading do not correlate in dyslexic minds.

  5. Reading and Intelligence Correlation: The central argument revolves around the misconception that slow reading in dyslexic individuals implies lower intelligence. The article challenges this perception by presenting Dr. Shaywitz's research, emphasizing that dyslexia is an exception where reading ability does not necessarily reflect cognitive abilities.

  6. Intellectual Ability in Dyslexia: The article debunks the stereotype by highlighting that individuals with dyslexia can have a diverse range of intellectual abilities, with most having average to above-average IQs. This refutes the notion that dyslexic individuals are not intelligent.

  7. Community Advocacy: The author, identified as Jules Johnson, is positioned as a community leader at Learning Ally and a parent of two children with dyslexia. Jules actively co-founded a dyslexia advocacy group and emphasizes the importance of collectively raising awareness as a community to challenge and change misconceptions about dyslexia.

In conclusion, this article underscores the critical need for dispelling misconceptions about dyslexia, backed by evidence from renowned researchers like Dr. Sally Shaywitz and real-life examples of successful individuals with dyslexia. It serves as a call to action for the dyslexia community to unite and amplify the message that dyslexic individuals are not only intelligent but possess a range of intellectual abilities.

When someone says: "Your kids have dyslexia? But they seem so smart!" (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.