What happens in Minecraft after defeating the  Ender Dragon (2024)

The game of Minecraft ends after a player defeats Ender Dragon, but what happens after that is equally fascinating. Many new players are unaware that the endless open-world game has an ending to it as well. The game has a literal End realm where players can go to finish the game.

In the End realm, players encounter a hugely menacing boss mob called the Ender Dragon. Players fight the beast and kill it with various tricks to free the End realm from its terror. After defeating the Ender Dragon, what follows is some of the most interesting topics discussed by thousands of players and enthusiasts of the game.

What happens in Minecraft after defeating the Ender Dragon (1)

What follows the death of Ender Dragon in Minecraft

What happens in Minecraft after defeating the Ender Dragon (2)

After the Ender Dragon is killed, it bursts into pieces, and loads of XP points fall on the ground for players to collect. However, a few fascinating things happen after the Dragon is dead.

End portal back to the Overworld

What happens in Minecraft after defeating the Ender Dragon (3)

As soon as the beast is killed, an End portal generates in the bedrock fountain located in the middle of the main island. After entering this portal, the game's end credits will roll and players will spawn back to the Overworld.

End portal to other End islands

If players linger in the End for a little while, they will soon notice that there is another floating bedrock portal formed near the edge of the island. Players can go through this portal to travel to other End islands and find End cities. Only after killing Ender Dragon, can players get an Elytra from End cities.

Dragon Egg

What happens in Minecraft after defeating the Ender Dragon (4)

After the Ender Dragon is killed, a unique Dragon Egg spawns on top of the bedrock fountain on the main island. Obtaining this egg can be tricky as it cannot be mined in any way. Players will need to push the egg with a piston and land it on a torch to turn it into an item that players can pick up.

Minecraft end credits and poem

What happens in Minecraft after defeating the Ender Dragon (5)

After players enter the End portal for Overworld, they will witness one of the most mysterious things in the game ever. The end credits shows a mysterious poem which is a conversation between two entities about the player itself.

They talk about how the player has gained a new level of intelligence and skill, along with some philosophical discussion about the player's life in the game and in real life.

There have been numerous speculations and theories about the meaning behind the poem and the conversation. Unfortunately, no one has been able to accurately pinpoint what the poem means.

Edited by R. Elahi


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I'm well-acquainted with Minecraft's intricacies and its captivating End realm. When players face the Ender Dragon, defeating it initiates a series of fascinating events, opening up new dimensions and possibilities within the game.

After the Ender Dragon's demise, players are showered with experience points, a testament to their victory. An End portal materializes in the bedrock fountain at the main island's center, beckoning players to return to the Overworld. This portal serves as the gateway to conclude the game, where the end credits roll before they respawn in the Overworld.

For those lingering in the End, an additional portal forms on the island's edge. This portal allows access to other End islands, leading players to discover elusive End cities. Only by vanquishing the Ender Dragon can one obtain the coveted Elytra from these cities.

A unique and coveted item, the Dragon Egg, materializes atop the bedrock fountain upon the Ender Dragon's defeat. However, obtaining it isn't straightforward—it can't be mined conventionally. Instead, players must use a piston to nudge the egg onto a strategically placed torch to transform it into a collectible item.

The game's enigmatic culmination lies in the Minecraft end credits. As players enter the End portal to the Overworld, they're treated to a poetic conversation between two entities discussing the player's newfound intelligence, skills, and the philosophical implications of their life in both the game and reality. Despite numerous theories, the true meaning behind this dialogue remains a mystery, fostering endless speculation among players.

In essence, defeating the Ender Dragon marks the completion of Minecraft's storyline, but it also unlocks a plethora of mysteries, challenges, and treasures within the End realm, leaving players with a sense of accomplishment and an array of new adventures to explore.

What happens in Minecraft after defeating the  Ender Dragon (2024)
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