The Science Of Ice Cream Soda (2024)

There's an art to creating the perfect ice cream soda. Although you start with just two ingredientsice cream and sodayou end up with threeice cream, soda, and foam.

Foam Vs Soda

An A Moment of Science listener and ice cream soda aficionado, noticed something curious: When he put ice cream in his glass first, then poured soda over it, his glass filled with too much foam. Put the soda in first, and he hardly got any foam at all! What was going on?

Carbon Dioxide Gas

It turns out there's a big difference between foam on a glass of plain old soda, and foam made by soda and ice cream together. When ordinary soda foams, it releases carbon dioxide gas. This forms bubbles that rise and pop pretty quickly. Things get more complicated when ice cream is added to the mix.

This is because ice cream itself is in fact a kind of foam. If you looked at ice cream under a microscope, you'd see ice crystals, liquid, and air pockets.

This foamy mixture of liquid, solid, and air is crucial to ice cream's flavor and consistency. To help keep this foamy microscopic structure, ice cream contains chemical ingredients called "thickening agents." These are designed to help foam stay foamy.


When you pour soda over ice cream, the soda makes its bubbles as it usually does. But these bubbles don't just pop; they are held in place and stabilized by the thickening agents in the ice cream. You get a glass full of thick ice cream soda foam.

If you add the ice cream after the soda, most of those soda bubbles have already formed and popped before the thickening agents can get to work.

The Science Of Ice Cream Soda (2024)


What is the science of ice cream soda? ›

Carbon Dioxide Gas

It turns out there's a big difference between foam on a glass of plain old soda, and foam made by soda and ice cream together. When ordinary soda foams, it releases carbon dioxide gas. This forms bubbles that rise and pop pretty quickly. Things get more complicated when ice cream is added to the mix.

What is the chemical reaction between soda and ice cream? ›

Throughout the ice cream there are very tiny ice crystals. The gas molecules from the soda gather on these tiny crystals and become bubbles of gas. If the ice is already wet, some of the points are smoother so not as many bubbles form.

Why does ice cream float in soda? ›

Some ingredients in the ice cream lower the surface tension of the soda so the gas bubbles can expand, while other ingredients trap the bubbles in much the same way as small amounts of protein in seawater trap air to form seafoam.

What is the gas trapped in soda? ›

The citric acid reacts with the carbonate in bicarbonate of soda to form carbon dioxide gas. These bubbles of carbon dioxide are what make your drink fizzy.

How does ice affect carbonation in soda? ›

It kills the extra fizz

When a carbonated drink hits the ice, it reacts with the gases in the soda and causes an explosion of extra fizz. If you've ever been irritated by having to wait for the fizz to die down, only to discover your glass was less than half full, cloudy ice is the culprit.

What is the chemical reaction for ice cream? ›

This is an example of an exothermic reaction . An exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that releases light or heat, otherwise known as energy . In this case, heat is released from molecules moving around, freezing cream into ice cream! More exothermic reactions include the burning of materials and explosions.

What type of mixture is soda with ice? ›

As in the case of Ice in soda we already know that ice is present as a solid phase while soda is a liquid preparation. This mixture contains two components of different phases one is in liquid phase while other is in solid phase. Therefore, ice in soda is an example of heterogeneous mixture.

Why does soda turn to ice when opened? ›

The high concentration of carbon dioxide is maintained by keeping the contents under pressure. When the pressure is released by opening the bottle, the concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide falls. The carbonated water solution now has a freezing point higher than –8 °C and quickly freezes.

Does ice cream or soda go first in a float? ›

You need to put the soda pop in the glass first, and then add the ice cream. If you add the ice cream first to the glass, and then add the soda pop, it will foam up on you like crazy and you'll end up with more ice cream float on the counter than in the glass. The classic Ice Cream Float is a Root Beer Float.

Why does ice cream make co*ke clear? ›

The ice cream increases the rate of this CO2 from the soda causing increased fizzing. This increased rate is a result of the solvation of ice cream particles in the liquid. The particles serve as nucleation sites for the growth of gas bubbles.

Why do I fart after drinking soda? ›

Drinking carbonated beverages like LaCroix can lead to you swallowing air. That air usually comes out as a fart or belch, says Maggie Moon, MS, RDN, and author of The MIND Diet. “Carbonated drinks release carbon dioxide gas, adding to the air in your esophagus that finds its way back out through belching.

Can soda remove gas from stomach? ›

Steer Clear of Carbonation

You may think sipping a carbonated beverage, like seltzer or soda, will make you feel better by inducing burping, but all it does is add gas to your system.

Which beverages release the most gas? ›

I found soda releases the most gas, however amounts released can be different in different types of soda. Based on my experiment, if someone is attending an important event and does not want to be embarrassed by an unexpected burp, water, Gatorade, coffee, and orange juice are recommended.

Does freezing soda remove carbonation? ›

With both H2O and CO2 fighting for the limited room within the container, per Sciencing, the carbonation is ultimately evicted from the drink in a pretty aggressive fashion. Between a lack of space and the pressurized gas, frozen soda is just a big explosion waiting to happen.

Why does cream soda go flat so fast? ›

Sodas go flat when the 'sparkle' gas carbon dioxide - which dissolves in the beverage under pressure can escape! The gas is retained under pressure in sealed packaging e.g. can, PET or glass bottle - but if left unsealed or in an open glass the gas able to escape - back into the atmosphere.

Why does ice cause more fizzing? ›

A:Ice cubes do more than just chill the soda. They also provide lots of the microscopic nooks and crannies in which bubbles like to form. Carbon dioxide - the gas that forms the bubbles in soda - stays in solution better in cold water than it does in warm water.

What cools soda the fastest? ›

You could try the best-known and easiest method: wrap soda can or any beverage in a damp cloth or paper towel. Then, place it in a freezer or submerge it in ice. The water on the towel evaporates and pulls the heat away from the drink, allowing it to cool faster.

What soda melts ice the fastest? ›

Diet co*ke melted the ice cube fastest, but the V-8 took nearly three times the amount of time to melt the same size cube.

Does ice float in soda? ›

There are a couple reasons that home ice might not float in water/soda. Less likely is that the ice and the bottom of the glass form a seal similar to a suction cup. Buoyancy depends on the pressure of the fluid being able to push up on the object. But if the bottom is sealed, this pressure is not available.

What is the physics of ice cream? ›

There are ice crystals (ca 30 per cent by volume), air bubbles (50 per cent) and fat droplets (5 per cent) from the cream, held together by a viscous sugar solution (15 per cent). Ice cream thus contains all three states of matter simultaneously and is both a foam and an oil-in-water emulsion.

What are the 5 main components of ice cream? ›

Ice cream is made of five basic components: air, sweeteners, fat, ice crystals, and other solids.

What process causes ice cream to change? ›

Ice cream contains tiny ice crystals that are surrounded by air cells and fat globules. As temperatures rise, these ice crystals melt and the structure is destabilized, which we call melting. The warmer the temperature, the more quickly the ice crystals melt, and the more melting we see.

What is ice cream soda made of? ›

Ice cream soda is made by stuffing large glasses of ice cream surrounded by syrup flavored carbonated soda water topped with whipped cream and equipped with a long straw and an ice tea spoon to make a scrumptious delight called an ice cream soda.

At what temp does soda freeze? ›

Water and diet soda freeze at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Regular sodas (with sugar) freeze at about 30 degrees Fahrenheit. The exact freezing point of alcoholic beverages depends on its proof (amount of alcohol per volume). The lower the proof, the warmer the freezing point.

What are the bubbles in soda called? ›

The bubbles are made from a gas called carbon dioxide. The soda pop company puts the carbon dioxide in the soda to give it that special fizz. You can see some of this carbon dioxide fizz, bubble, and pop in this activity with soda pop!

Why does soda freeze slower than water? ›

The sugar molecules are not the same shape or size as the water molecules are, so they don't fit into the ice crystals, even though they do fit nicely into the liquid water. Because of this, it's actually harder to freeze liquids like juice or soda than plain water - you have to get them colder before they will freeze.

Why is a spider drink called a spider? ›

The 'something' varied – claret, brandy, whatever alcoholic item was available. The folklore about this is that the shot was the spider that followed the fly (it is reminiscent of the rhyme about the old lady who swallowed the fly – why oh why did she swallow a fly?)

Why does ice cream crystallize in soda? ›

The soda on the outside is warmer than the ice cream when poured over it. This melts some ice cream and dilutes the soda with sweet creamy goodness. Sometimes the ice cream will be cold enough to freeze parts of the soda onto the ice cream causing this "crispy" shell that I like.

What is the difference between an ice cream soda and a float? ›

Don't get confused by the terms "soda" and "float." They're often used interchangeably. Traditionally, sodas contain syrups and cream, while with a float the ice cream "floats" on top of the soda water. Here's our step-by-step guide for making the perfect ice cream soda.

What is the name for ice cream with co*ke in it? ›

co*ke float makes a classic drink recipe. Made of ice cream and Coca-Cola, a co*ke float is a definite favorite.

What was clear co*ke called? ›

Competition. After PepsiCo's introduction of Crystal Pepsi in mid-1992, Coca-Cola decided to follow suit with its own clear cola, Tab Clear, at the end of the year.

Why does cream soda fizz so much? ›

Carbon dioxide is the gas responsible for the fizz in fizzy drinks. This carbon dioxide stays dissolved in the drink because the bottle contains a lot of pressure and a liquid can hold more gas if it's under pressure. You feel this pressure being released when you open a fresh bottle of pop.

Why do older people fart more? ›

Anecdotal evidence links older age to increased gas production. This has been attributed to the metabolic changes that take place at this time of life. These include a general slowing of the metabolism, a decrease in muscle tone and less-effective digestion.

What do different fart smells mean? ›

If your farts have started to reek, smell like rotten eggs, there is something extremely wrong with your digestive system. It's either because of a food intolerance, high - fiber, high-sulfur foods, certain medications and antibiotics or could be more serious i.e. a bacterial infection in the digestive tract.

What happens when you hold in a fart? ›

Now, intestinal gas can either be released as a burp or a fart. When you hold in a fart by tightening your anal sphincter muscles, the pressure builds on the gas in your digestive system. In the short term, this can cause immediate pain, bloating, and heartburn.

Why am I still bloated after pooping? ›

In most cases, feeling bloated after pooping can be caused by what we ate; for example, dairy or high-fibre foods may cause you to feel puffy afterwards. Another possible culprit is gas that hasn't been released during your bathroom session.

Do bananas help with gas? ›

As bananas ripen, their resistant starch is turned into simple sugars, which are more digestible. As such, eating ripe bananas may help reduce gas and bloating ( 13 ).

What is the number one food that causes gas? ›

Foods most often linked to intestinal gas include: Beans and lentils. Asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and other vegetables. Fructose, a natural sugar found in artichokes, onions, pears, wheat, and some soft drinks.

What gives you extreme gas? ›

Excessive flatulence can be caused by swallowing more air than usual or eating food that's difficult to digest. It can also be related to an underlying health problem affecting the digestive system, such as recurring indigestion or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

What is the best drink for gas trouble? ›

drinking water with a squeeze of lemon or lime, rather than fruit juice or beverages with flavorings or artificial sweeteners. drinking teas that can help ease digestion and reduce gas, such as those that contain chamomile, fennel, peppermint, or turmeric.

What is the science of soda floats? ›

Regular pop is more dense than water, therefore it sinks. This is called displacement. Diet pop is less dense than water and weighs less than the water it displaces, this causes it to float.

What makes it a cream soda? ›

Cream soda's true origin and original "formula," however, are pretty unclear. In its simplest form, cream soda is a mix of three ingredients -- carbonated soda water, vanilla extract, and some form of sweetener.

What gives cream soda its flavor? ›

Cream soda is an old time sweetened carbonated drink flavored with a vanilla syrup. It was developed back before vanilla was a common flavoring, so it was wonderfully exotic in its time.

Why do bubbles in soda go up density? ›

Bubbles are comprised of gases, which have a lesser density than water. Since they are less dense, they get pushed up to the surface, and they rise, lighter than the liquid around them.

Do sodas sink or float? ›

A 12-oz can of regular soda will sink in the same container of water in which the same brand of diet soda floats. Brand is not a factor, and only in the case of 12-oz aluminum cans does the small density difference straddle the density of water. All plastic containers sink.

What is the hypothesis of floating and sinking pop cans? ›

Objects will float in water if their density is less than 1 g/mL. Objects will sink in water if their density is greater than 1 g/mL. The cans of diet pop are less dense than water, so they float. The cans of regular pop are more dense than water so they sink.

Is ice cream soda the same as cream soda? ›

Cream Soda is an eye-poppingly sweet, vanilla-tasting, carbonated soft drink. It is not the same as an Ice Cream Soda. It has a soft rather than astringent fizz to it, and a foamy head that lasts a long time.

Why does cream soda taste like vanilla? ›

“It was a luxury spice.” In the 1930s, vanilla extract, especially the invention of synthetic vanillin (the primary flavor in vanilla) made cream soda, and vanilla-flavored anything, much more accessible. Cream soda began to pop up all over the U.S. and all over the world.

Is cream soda pink or white? ›

Creamy soda or brown cream soda is vanilla flavoured, whereas creaming soda refers to a pink soft drink also featuring vanilla flavours produced by Kirks, Bundaberg, and Bickford's, among other brands.

What fruit is in cream soda? ›

One of my favorite childhood drinks from Japan is Cream Soda, a delicious melon flavored soda drink with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

What flavor is Dr Pepper? ›

What does Dr Pepper taste like ? Dr Pepper has been described as having a sweet and savory flavor, with subtle notes of cherry and caramel. Dr Pepper is not overly sweet like some sodas, but it still packs enough of a punch to satisfy your cravings for something refreshing.

Why does the cream soda dum dum have fruit on it? ›

I had no idea that this whole time my favorite DumDum flavor is cream soda, yet it has tropical fruits on it? Our Cream Soda Dum Dums are a mixture of tropical fruit & vanilla to create the delicious flavor!! Did y'all discontinue the cream soda flavor Dum-Dums?? Thanks for contacting us.

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.