The Nibble: Umami Foods (2024)

The Nibble: Umami Foods (1)

The Nibble: Umami Foods (2)
Mushrooms and oyster sauce give this beef-and-vegetables stir fry its umami chops. Here’s the recipe. Photo courtesy Umami Information Center.



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The Nibble: Umami Foods (3)


KAREN HOCHMAN is Editorial Director of THE NIBBLE.

September 2006
Last Updated March 2012

The Nibble: Umami Foods (4)

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Umami Foods

Page 4: Which Foods Have Umami Flavor

This is Page 4 of a six-page article. Click on the black links below to visit other pages.

  • Page 1: What Is Umami
  • Page 2: Our Umami Heritage
  • Page 3: Umami History
  • Page 4: Umami Foods
  • Page 4: Glutamate Content Chart
  • Page 5: Umami Recipes
  • Page 6: Taste Buds “Tongue Map
  • Page 6: Books To Learn More

Foods With Umami

Before we look at the umami-rich foods in our everyday diet, let’s take a look at these not-so-everyday umami-rich foods:

  • Foods made from fermented beans or grains: soy sauce and miso sauce
  • Foods made from fermented seafood: anchovy and cod roe paste in Scandinavia, the Asian fish sauces noted on the previous page

But unless you eat a diet rich in Asian foods or Scandinavian fish pastes, you don’t eat most of these often. Before we look at how the concept of umami translates into everyday Western foods, here’s a bit of a pep talk:

  • It’s easy to understand sweet, salty, bitter or sour when you taste it—it jumps out at you.
  • Umami is more vague. While all fruit and candy, for example, exhibit some sweetness, not all cheeses or vegetables will shout “umami.” A tomato is meaty, celery is not. The meatiness of a lamb shank or a beef stew easily says “umami”; a delicate poached chicken breast doesn’t make the same kind of statement.
  • You’re looking for glutamate, the flavor of MSG. It requires some palate training, like learning to recognize the tannin and acid components of wine.


Bouillon cubes, ketchup, MSG, steak sauce and Worcestershire sauce are glutamate-laden food-enhancers. In Australia, glutamate-dense yeast extracts like Vegemite and Marmite are spread on buttered bread and eaten the way we enjoy peanut butter. You’ll read more about some of them in the sections below.

Dairy Products

Cow’s, goat’s and sheep’s milk are rich in glutamates. When the milk is cultured and aged to produce cheese, the glutamic acid is further liberated, with a corresponding boost in flavor.

  • That’s why more aged cheeses— cheddar, emmental, gruyère, parmesan, romano, e.g.—are used as seasoning cheeses, grated over or stirred into other dishes, or used as toppings to add savory flavor.
  • Other cheeses, such as the mold-cured blues, lend distinctive glutamate-rich flavors.
  • While cultured dairy products such as yogurt and sour cream are used in many Western cuisines, they are a less concentrated source of glutamate than aged cheese. But their flavor is enhanced by the unique tang of lactic acid, and they are a traditional umami food.

The Nibble: Umami Foods (5)
The small white crystals on the surface of a piece of parmesan cheese are glutamate, crystals which are formed during maturation.

Photo of cheese and of tomato above courtesy of The Umami Information Center.

Cured Pork Products

Bacon, ham, ham hocks, salt pork, sausages and other cured pork products are fundamentals in the umami arsenal. By themselves or as additions to beans, stews, soups, potatoes, rice dishes and other foods, most Western cuisines use some kind of sausage. Each country or region has a specialty: think English country sausages, French charcuterie, Italian pepperoni, German wursts, Polish kielbasa and Spanish chorizo.

  • Cured pork products are part of our daily life, from bacon, ham or sausage with breakfast to ham, bologna or salami sandwich at lunch to a dinner ham, sausages in a pasta sauce or a pepperoni pizza.
  • Sausage has been embraced in American regional cooking, from southern collard greens with smoked ham hocks, German-style potato salad with bacon, Creole jambalaya and Cuban black beans with ham.


While garum died out with the Roman empire, it lives on in other forms: anchovies, anchovy paste, dried shrimp in Latin American cuisine and the various fish sauces of Asia.

  • Anchovies are extremely popular in southern Italy, Sicily and southern France as a flavor-enhancer in sauces and with meat, vegetables, and pasta, pizza, salads and hors d’oeuvres. In paste form it is added to sauces, salad dressings and spreads like anchovy butter. It is a component of condiment such as Worcestershire and steak sauces. (The top-quality white anchovies sown at the right area treat for anchovy-lovers. Click here for more information.)
  • Anchovy paste and other fish pastes like cod roe paste are basics in Scandinavian cuisine.
  • Dried shrimp is used in soups, stews and mixed rice dishes in Central and South American and the Caribbean to provide a fuller, richer flavor.
  • The intense, meaty seafood broths—bouillabaisse, gumbo, sopa de mariscos, et al—are the closest Western equivalent to a Japanese dashi, full of sea-based glutamates.
The Nibble: Umami Foods (6)
Top-quality anchoviesfrom Ortiz are available on


Beef stock is aclassic example of umami. The flesh and bones, boiled with vegetables, herbs and spices, form the basis of great sauces, stocks and soups.

  • Stocks can be made from veal, chicken and other meats as well. Strained and clarified, they makes broth or bouillon (from the French bouilli, boiled).
  • These glutamate-rich liquids also can be reduced into concentrates, from glace de viande to commercially bottled concentrates (Bovril, e.g.).
  • A cheeseburger with tomato and ketchup provides three sources of umami: meaty beef, aged cheddar, perhaps a slice of tomato and lots of tomato ketchup.
  • Pork is as equally full of glutamic acid as other meats, but is most known as an umami agent in its cured form.


Earthy-flavored mushrooms vary by type in glutamate content, but most contain substantial amounts. The highest content is owned by the shiitake, Japan’s most popular mushroom.

When mushrooms are dried, their guanylate content increases, further boosting their umami flavor. The liquid from re-hydrated dried mushrooms is very rich in umami and is widely used to make dashi and other stock.

The Nibble: Umami Foods (7)

Photo of shiitake mushrooms courtesy of The Umami Information Center.


One hardly thinks “umami” when thinking of the tomato; but a true, farm-raised tomato has a “beefy” flavor that comes from a heavy concentration of glutamates. Delicious by itself, it is used in condiment form (ketchup) and as a paste to enhance soups, stews and sauces.

While the tomato is indigenous to Peru and Ecuador*, it has taken root the world over.

  • Ketchup, one of the most ubiquitous tomato-based foods, originated in Southeast Asia; kecap is the Indonesian word for soy sauce. When kecap was brought back to England by sailors, it was remade with local ingredients such as walnuts and mushrooms; when it traveled to America the condiment was remade with the local tomato.
The Nibble: Umami Foods (8)
Tomato. Photo courtesy of The Umami Information Center.
  • Tomato sauce on pasta with parmesan cheese is a double-umami hit. A pizza with tomato sauce, cheese and pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms or anchovies is a triple or a perhaps a home run, depending on the number of toppings one chooses.

*Called tomatl by the native Americans), the tomato was brought to Spain by Christopher Columbus and later by Hernando Cortès, and then to Italy where they earned the name pomi d’oro, or golden apple, because the original varieties were yellow. It was originally used for medicinal purposes and had a reputation for being poisonous; but it was assumed for years to be poisonous in Italy, where it was grown as a decorative plant. Eventually the peasant classes discovered that it could be eaten when food was scarce. This eventually (and thankfully!) developed into the famed Italian cuisine of tomato dishes: by the 18th century the tomato had become an indispensable ingredient of Italian cuisine. Across the sea, by 1799, it was being used to make catsup in New Orleans. In the U.K., Worcestershire sauce was made from tomatoes and other vegetables, and this was eventually exported to America, along with tomato sauce and paste, where a variety of processed foods such as ketchup and chili sauce were produced. Today, tomatoes are one of the most widely produced vegetables on the planet and their umami taste is appreciated all over the world.

Glutamate Content Chart

Here is the comparative glutamate content in the natural forms of these foods:



mg/100g mg/100g
Beef 107 Mackerel 215 Sea Bream 215
Bonito 285 Mushroom (Enokitake) 21.8 Seaweed, Nori 1378
Bonito (Dried) 26 Mushroom (Shiitake-Fresh) 67 Seaweed, Wakame 8.62


Mushroom (Shiitake-Dried) Soybean


Cabbage (Chinese)


Parmesan Cheese 1200 Squid


Chicken 76 Oyster 137 Sweet Potato 60
Clam 41 Pork 122 Tomato 140
Cod 44 Prawn 43 Tomato Juice 260
Green Tea 668 Potato 102 Truffle 8.5
Kombu (Seaweed) 2204 Sardine 280 Tuna 188
Sardine (Dried) 50

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The Nibble: Umami Foods (9)

The Nibble: Umami Foods (2024)


What produces the umami taste ________________? ›

Umami comes from three compounds that are naturally found in plants and meat: glutamate, inosinate, and guanylate. Glutamate is an amino acid found in vegetables and meat. Inosinate is primarily found in meat, and guanylate levels are the highest in plants.

What foods are considered umami? ›

Generally, umami taste is common to foods that contain high levels of L-glutamate, IMP and GMP, most notably in fish, shellfish, cured meats, meat extracts, mushrooms, vegetables (e.g., ripe tomatoes, Chinese cabbage, spinach, celery, etc.), green tea, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, and fermented and aged products ...

What is the purest umami flavor? ›

Best of all, you could make a pot of dashi, the Japanese stock that is the purest expression of umami. Dashi has but two ingredients: kelp and bonito flakes, two powerhouses of the umami world. (Bonito, also known as skipjack in English and katsuo in Japanese, is related to tuna and mackerel.

Why is everyone saying umami? ›

The rich savory flavor of miso soup is one way to experience umami, the fifth major taste. What makes a meal delicious? Often, the answer might be umami. The Japanese word means "delicious taste," and refers specifically to a savory, meaty flavor often found in fish broths, mushrooms, cheese and tomato sauce.

What stimulates the umami taste buds? ›

Umami taste is elicited by many small molecules, including amino acids (glutamate and aspartate) and nucleotides (monophosphates of inosinate or guanylate, inosine 5′-monophosphate and guanosine-5′-monophosphate).

Where is the umami taste on the tongue? ›

Umami is not only widely recognized across the entire tongue, but the perception also spreads as umami is consumed, and it lingers. Umami, or savory-ness, is essential in triggering a sustained release of saliva which is essential in digestion.

Do eggs have umami? ›

This is why, along with milk, chicken eggs are called “complete foods.” Egg yolks contain the umami compound glutamic acid. Egg whites contain mostly albumin protein, with only trace amounts of free-form amino acids. The large size of the proteins means they cannot be tasted.

What are 3 examples of umami? ›

Umami boosters great to stock your pantry with include ketchup, miso, truffle oil, ranch dressing, and soy sauce, to name a few. Proteins like pork, beef, fish, and shellfish make strong umami foundations and vegetables like tomatoes, mushrooms, and seaweeds are also high in glutamate (umami).

What vegetables have umami? ›

Umami is a meaty flavor. It is found in many animal proteins, especially aged meats. But it's also found in a wide variety of plants. Tomatoes, peas, garlic, corn, spinach, carrots, cabbage, ginger, mushrooms, and potatoes are just a handful of the vegetables that are rich in umami.

What cheese has the most umami? ›

Aged cheeses

Are high in the umami compound glutamate. As cheeses age, their proteins break down into free amino acids through proteolysis, raising their levels of free glutamic acid. From highest to lowest in glutamate content are: Parmesan, comte cheese, Cabrales, Roquefort, emmental cheese, gouda and cheddar.

Is avocado umami? ›

Considered a 'super-food' because of its highly nutritious fat content including oleic acid, high levels of vitamin B, C, E, K and potassium, and loaded with Umami, avocado has become extremely popular as a staple of Western vegetarian diets.

Does honey have umami? ›

However, the umami taste is more subtle than other tastes as it always comes alongside other flavours and never found by itself naturally like the sweet (found in honey and most fruits like dates and pineapple) or sour (found in citrus fruits, tamarind, cranberries) flavours.

What the heck is umami? ›

It's one of our five basic tastes along with sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Umami is a complex flavor that can be difficult to define, but it's often described as a pleasant savory taste. Think of the flavor of a hearty broth or piece of seared meat. That's what is umami in a nutshell!

Is umami just MSG? ›

A popular seasoning and flavor enhancer, MSG, or monosodium glutamate, is the purest form of umami, the fifth taste. MSG (monosodium glutamate) is widely used to intensify and enhance umami flavors in sauces, broths, soups and many more foods.

Is umami good for you? ›

On the positive side, umami taste can improve food flavor and consumption, improve nutrition intake of the elderly and patients, protect against duodenal cancer, reduce ingestion of sodium chloride, decrease consumption of fat, and improve oral functions.

What is the taste of umami quizlet? ›

Umami, also called savoury, is a rich, 'mouth-filling' taste in protein-based foods due to the presence of glutamate.

What is umami quizlet? ›

Umami. -A category of taste in food (besides sweet, sour, salt, and bitter), corresponding to the flavor of glutamates, especially monosodium glutamate.

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