Egg and Meats | Umami Information Center (2024)

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Chicken eggs

Chicken eggs contain high-quality protein with well-balanced amino acids, as well as the vitamins (B6, etc.) necessary to metabolize the protein inside the body. This is why, along with milk, chicken eggs are called “complete foods.” Egg yolks contain the umami compound glutamic acid. Egg whites contain mostly albumin protein, with only trace amounts of free-form amino acids. The large size of the proteins means they cannot be tasted. While there are various ways to prepare eggs raw, boiled, or fried eggs are the main ingredient in many sweets.

  • Levels of naturally occurring glutamate(mg/100g):10~20

Egg and Meats | Umami Information Center (16)


There are Japanese Black, Japanese Red, short horned and hornless cattle in the beef-cattle category and 90% of the category is composed of Japanese Black. Shimofuri has a melt-in-the-mouth texture and a rich, luxurious taste derived from an abundance of fat. The beef is sold in the market after 20 days maturation. During these 20 days, its enzymes decompose proteins, then amino acids including glutamate increase. The meat become tender and savory. Sukiyaki is one of the typical Japanese cuisines which makes good use of umami in beef and vegetable, mushrooms and soy sauce.

  • Levels of naturally occurring inosinate(mg/100g):80
  • Levels of naturally occurring glutamate(mg/100g):10

Egg and Meats | Umami Information Center (17)


The pig is a domesticated boar that ranged in the area from Europe to Asia. China has the longest history of pork eating. There are many famous Chinese dishes of pork including sweet and sour pork, hui guo rou (twice cooked pork), simmered diced pork and jinhua huotui (cured ham). Pork fillet is particularly high in glutamate. Broth made from pork bones is a quintessential umami-rich soup. Moreover, cured ham, which is made from pork, is one of the main umami-rich ingredients. Pork is rich in inosinate. Combined with local vegetables and seasonings, dishes using umami synergy are popular in many countries.

  • Levels of naturally occurring inosinate(mg/100g):230
  • Levels of naturally occurring glutamate(mg/100g):10

Egg and Meats | Umami Information Center (18)


Chicken is meat of domesticated wild hens. About 90% of chickens are broilers, which are bred for food and raised for 50 days. Lately, locally produced chickens or branded chickens are becoming popular. Given the lower levels of fat, they are also popular as a diet food. Chicken is rich in inosinate and good for all kinds of cooking such as fried, simmered, and steamed dishes. There are many chicken recipes using umami synergy that combine vegetables and seasonings.

  • Levels of naturally occurring inosinate(mg/100g):150~230
  • Levels of naturally occurring glutamate(mg/100g):20~50
Egg and Meats | Umami Information Center (2024)
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