Supertaster: Definition, Benefits, and Drawbacks (2024)

Supertaster: Definition, Benefits, and Drawbacks (1)Share on Pinterest

A supertaster is a person who tastes certain flavors and foods more strongly than other people.

The human tongue is wrapped in taste buds (fungiform papillae). The small, mushroom-shaped bumps are covered with taste receptors that bind to the molecules from your food and help tell your brain what you’re eating.

Some people have more of these taste buds and receptors, so their perception of flavor is stronger than the average person. They are known as supertasters. Supertasters are particularly sensitive to bitter flavors in foods such as broccoli, spinach, coffee, beer, and chocolate.

Supertasters are born with this ability. Indeed, research suggests a person’s genes may be responsible for their supertasting abilities.

Scientists believe most supertasters have the gene TAS2R38, which increases bitterness perception. The gene makes supertasters sensitive to bitter flavors in all foods and drinks. People with this gene are particularly sensitive to a chemical called 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP).

About 25 percent of the population qualifies as supertasters. Women are more likely to be supertasters than men.

On the opposite end of the taste spectrum, non-tasters have fewer taste buds than the average person. Foods taste less flavorful and vibrant to these individuals, who make up about a quarter of the population.

The largest group, however, is medium or average tasters. They are the remaining half of the population.

Taste buds can detect five primary flavors:

  • sweet
  • salt
  • bitter
  • sour
  • umami

For supertasters, the fungiform papillae pick up bitter flavors more easily. The more sensitive taste buds are, the more intense the flavors may be.

Supertasters may have more, stronger taste buds

Supertasting abilities may be the result of tongues that are more densely crowded with taste buds, or fungiform papillae.

You might see a couple statistics on other websites that define supertasters as having 35 to 60 taste buds in a 6-millimeter round section of the tongue — about the size of a pencil eraser — while average tasters have about 15 to 35, and non-tasters have 15 or fewer in the same space.

While we couldn’t find scientific research to support those stats specifically, there is some evidence to suggest that supertasters do have more taste buds on their tongue.

Supertasters may be picky eaters

Supertasters may seem like picky eaters. They may even have a lengthy list of foods they won’t eat simply because the food is so unpleasant.

Indeed, certain foods aren’t going to find their way into a supertaster’s grocery cart, such as:

  • broccoli
  • spinach
  • Brussels sprouts
  • turnips
  • watercress

Supertasters may try to cover up bitter flavors with other foods

To compensate for any overwhelming bitterness, supertasters may add salt, fat, or sugar to foods. These foods can mask bitterness.

However, research is unclear which of these foods supertasters really prefer. Some supertasters steer clear of sweet or fatty foods because these flavors may also be heightened as a result of their dense, extra-sensitive taste buds. That makes some foods unpalatable, even if they aren’t bitter.

Supertasters often eat excess salt

Salt does successfully mask bitter flavors, so supertasters may keep the shaker handy at mealtime.

For example, supertasters may add salt to grapefruit. They may also add increasingly high amounts of salt to salad dressings in an attempt to cover bitterness in leafy greens.

Supertasters often avoid alcohol or smoking

Even things that have a bittersweet balance to some people may be too strong for supertasters. Foods like grapefruit, beer, and hard liquor may be in the no-go territory for supertasters. The bitter flavors picked up by the tongue’s taste buds are far too overpowering to enjoy. Dry or oaked wines can be off limits, too.

For some supertasters, cigarettes and cigars aren’t enjoyable. Tobacco and additives can leave a bitter flavor behind, which may deter supertasters.

The term supertaster is quite fun. After all, not just anyone can claim their tongue is exceedingly great at tasting food. However, being a supertaster also comes with some drawbacks.

Pros of being a supertaster:

  • May weigh less than average or non-tasters. That’s because supertasters often avoid sugary, fatty foods that are often packed with calories. These flavors can be too overwhelming and unenjoyable, just like bitter flavors.
  • Are less likely to drink and smoke. The bittersweet flavors of beer and alcohol are often too bitter for supertasters. Plus, the flavor of smoke and tobacco can be too harsh, too.

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Cons of being a supertaster

  • Eat few healthy vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables, including Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower, are very healthy. Supertasters often avoid them, however, because of their bitter flavors. This can lead to vitamin deficiencies.
  • May be at a higher risk for colon cancer. The cruciferous vegetables they can’t tolerate are important for digestive health and helping lower the risk of certain cancers. People who don’t eat them may have more colon polyps and higher cancer risks.
  • May have an increased risk for heart disease. Salt masks bitter flavors, so supertasters tend to use it on many foods. Too much salt, however, can cause health problems, including high blood pressure and heart disease.
  • May be picky eaters. Foods that are too bitter just aren’t pleasant. That limits the number of foods many supertasters will eat.

Supertasters have a lot in common, so this quick quiz could help you determine if your tongue has super powers, or if it’s just average. (Remember: Most people are average, so don’t fret if your taste buds are just typical.)

Could you be a supertaster?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, you could be a supertaster:

  1. Do you find certain vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and kale to be too bitter?
  2. Do you hate the bitterness of coffee or tea?
  3. Do you find high-fat or high-sugar foods to be unpalatable?
  4. Do you shy away from spicy foods?
  5. Do you consider yourself a picky eater?
  6. Do you find alcohol, like hard liquor or beer, to be too bitter to drink?

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There is no true diagnostic test for supertasters. If you think your tongue is ultrasensitive, you know best. At the very least, potentially being a supertaster is a fun topic for a co*cktail party.

Another way to determine if you may be a supertaster is to count the number of taste buds you have. This test is really just a fun experiment, and its accuracy has been disputed in the scientific community.

If you go with the assumption that people with 35 to 60 papillae in a 6-millimeter circle may be supertasters, this test will theoretically help you see how you measure up.

It isn’t foolproof, however. Taste buds have to be active to taste flavors. If you have inactive taste buds, you may not be a supertaster, even if you have extra taste buds.

Try this:

  • Use a hole punch to make a hole in a small piece of paper (about 6 millimeters).
  • Drop blue food dye on your tongue. The dye makes distinguishing between your tongue and the taste buds easier.
  • Hold the paper over a portion of the dyed tongue.
  • Count the number of visible papillae.

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If you suspect your child is a supertaster because they won’t come near anything green, don’t fret. Children often grow out of sensitivity, even if they aren’t real supertasters.

As we age, we lose taste buds, and what remains becomes less sensitive. That makes bitter or unpleasant flavors less potent. Children who once shed tears over broccoli may soon embrace it.

This is true even for supertasters. They lose some sensitivity and taste buds, too. However, because they’re starting with a higher number, even their lower number may still be very high. Though, even just a few notches down in tasting abilities may make some foods more palatable.

If your kid won’t come into the room when Brussels sprouts, kale, or spinach are on the menu, there are ways to get healthy vegetables into their belly without a battle.

  • Talk to a registered dietitian. These nutrition experts can do a taste survey to gauge which vegetables may be more palatable for your kid. They can also help introduce new things you may not have considered.
  • Focus on vegetables that don’t cause a fight. Green plants aren’t the only source of vitamins and minerals. Squash, sweet potatoes, and corn are also chock-full of good-for-you nutrients and may be more palatable.
  • Add a little seasoning. Salt and sugar can mask the bitterness of some veggies. If a little sprinkle of sugar will help your child eat Brussels sprouts, embrace it.

Being a supertaster is a bit of fun trivia, but it can affect the way you eat, too. Many supertasters avoid healthful foods like kale, spinach, and radishes. Their naturally bitter flavors can be overpowering. Over a lifetime, this can lead to nutrient deficiencies and increased risks of some cancers.

Fortunately, however, supertasters have a leg up on people who struggle with a sweet tooth. Fatty, sugary foods can be too intense for supertasters, which means they steer clear. So many supertasters have a lower weight and fewer cravings for foods that are troublesome for the rest of us.

There is no need for treatment. Instead, people with a supercharged tongue just have to focus on eating techniques and foods that help them eat a variety of healthful foods while still avoiding the things that are just simply too unpleasant.

Supertaster: Definition, Benefits, and Drawbacks (2024)


Supertaster: Definition, Benefits, and Drawbacks? ›

In most cases, supertasters tend to be fitter than medium- or non-tasters, largely due to their strong dislike of fatty foods and are satisfied with less sugar. However, since most supertasters find vegetables distasteful, they tend to use more salt, which may lead to a greater risk of colon cancer and heart disease.

How would being a supertaster affect a person's health? ›

Cons of being a supertaster

Cruciferous vegetables, including Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower, are very healthy. Supertasters often avoid them, however, because of their bitter flavors. This can lead to vitamin deficiencies. May be at a higher risk for colon cancer.

What evolutionary advantage might supertasters have over other people? ›

The exact mechanisms by which these causes may manifest, as well as possible evolutionary advantages to elevated taste sensitivity, are still unknown. In some environments, a heightened taste response, particularly to bitterness, would represent an important advantage in avoiding potentially toxic plant alkaloids.

What foods do supertasters dislike? ›

Supertasters are particularly known for disliking bitter foods like kale and other veggies, but they also seem to be more sensitive to sweet, salty, and umami flavors. They're also more likely to find spicy food painful, since pain receptors surround taste cells on the papillae; more papillae mean more pain receptors.

What is the science behind supertasters? ›

Scientists believe that many supertasters have the gene TAS2R38. This particular gene increases a person's perception of the bitterness in various foods and drinks. Many supertasters that have taken part in scientific studies often find that they're extremely sensitive to a chemical called propylthiouracil (PROP).

What are the disadvantages of being a supertaster? ›

In most cases, supertasters tend to be fitter than medium- or non-tasters, largely due to their strong dislike of fatty foods and are satisfied with less sugar. However, since most supertasters find vegetables distasteful, they tend to use more salt, which may lead to a greater risk of colon cancer and heart disease.

What are the pros and cons of being a food taster? ›

Being a food critic can be an exciting career. Reviewers get to visit and write about various restaurants and can learn a great deal about different communities through sampling their local cuisine. However, they also run the risk of experiencing a certain fatigue with the experience of eating out.

Are supertasters autistic? ›

The study showed those with a score on the autism spectrum test from 18-28 had a 87.5% chance of being supertasters and people with a score less than 6 had a 33% chance.

Are supertasters prone to obesity? ›

Research has shown that there is a possible relationship between taster status and weight, with those who are STs having a lower BMI than non-tasters (Tepper and others 2008).

What determines if a person is a super taster? ›

"The taste buds are actually buried in that tissue and they communicate with the surface of the tongue through a long pore called a taste pore," Bartoshuk said. If you have more than 30 tastebuds in a space on your tongue that is the size of a hole from a hole punch, you'd be considered a supertaster.

How to eat healthy as a super taster? ›

You can also try roasting or grilling vegetables to caramelize the natural sugars and increase natural sweetness. (Avoid overcooking vegetables, because this increases bitterness.) Herbs and spices can also mask bitterness, and so can eating vegetables in mixed dishes such as soups, stews and casseroles.

What is the opposite of a super taster? ›

The opposite of supertasters are non-tasters. Non-tasters have very few taste buds and, to them, most food may seem bland and unexciting. The people in the middle are average tasters.

How many Americans are supertasters? ›

In the United States, about 25% are super-tasters who describe PTC as extremely bitter, 50% are medium tasters of PTC, and 25% cannot taste PTC. Medium tasters and especially super-tasters tend to dislike more types of food, particularly if they are strongly flavored.

Are picky eaters supertasters? ›

Some children are very picky eaters. Some of this fussiness may be down to how children were introduced to new flavours and textures. However, there is evidence that a subset of people are 'supertasters. ' Unfortunately being a supertaster isn't a super power.

Do supertasters like broccoli? ›

Broccoli is one of the foods supertasters tend to dislike. “Supertasters find broccoli to be more bitter than people who are not supertasters and may eat less of it, at least when they're younger. They also find cheddar or aged cheese to be exceptionally bitter.

What does it mean if you are a supertaster? ›

Supertasters are differentially more sensitive to bitter. - Linda Bartoshuk, University of Florida. Having more tastebuds means there are also more pain receptors, and that's why supertasters often can't handle spicy foods and generally avoid anything bitter. As a result, they are often seen as picky eaters.

Why do you think supertasters are often healthier than other people? ›

Flavonoids taste unpleasantly bitter to supertasters, so they often avoid foods which contain high levels of them. On the other hand, they tend to have a lower risk of heart disease, because they also shy away from very fatty, salty and sugary foods.

How does taste affect human behavior? ›

Involvement of different neuroactive substances in the brain in phases of taste-elicited ingestive behavior such as liking, wanting, feeding and satiety. Information of palatable taste (e.g., sweet) is related to liking, wanting and feeding, while aversive taste (e.g., bitter) is related to satiety.

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