Smoking policy | Switzerland Tourism (2024)

Smoking policy | Switzerland Tourism (2024)


Are you allowed to smoke in public in Switzerland? ›

The federal law against passive smokingExternal link came into effect on May 1, 2010. Smoking is forbidden in the workplace as well as public spaces such as restaurants, bars, nightclubs, shopping centres, airports, schools and cinemas. However, ventilated smoking rooms are permitted.

Are there a lot of smokers in Switzerland? ›

Switzerland smoking rate for 2020 was 25.50%, a 0.2% decline from 2019. Switzerland smoking rate for 2019 was 25.70%, a 0% increase from 2018.

Is smoking allowed on Swiss trains? ›

Inside, stickers tell passengers that smoking is not allowed while in Switzerland. Smoking has been banned on all forms of public transport in Switzerland since December 2005.

Which country has the strictest smoking laws? ›

Mexico has some of the strictest anti-smoking laws in the world, including smoking bans at beaches, parks and in some cases private homes. Portugal aims to have a "smoke-free generation" by 2040, and wants to pass a law that would stop bars, cafes and petrol stations from selling tobacco products.

Is it allowed to smoke on a balcony in Switzerland? ›

From a legal point of view, it would be an invasion of privacy to forbid the tenant to smoke in his flat. You can therefore ignore this clause of your rental agreement and smoke on your balcony or in your flat. However, in the common areas or stairwell, smoking is obviously prohibited.

Can you take cigarettes to Switzerland? ›

You may import the following goods duty-free into Switzerland per person and day for private consumption or as gifts: Alcoholic beverages (minimum age 17): 5 litres up to 18% vol. and 1 litre over 18% vol. Tobacco products (Minimum age 17): 250 cigarettes or 250 cigars or 250 g of other tobacco products.

Can you smoke in Zurich? ›

The legal age for smoking is 16. Smoking in public buildings and transport as well as in restaurants and bars became illegal on 1 May, 2010. However, in the canton of Zurich, restaurants and bars are allowed to have a separate and served smoking room (fumoir).

When did Switzerland ban smoking? ›

On 1 May 2010 the Swiss Parliament passed a nationwide smoking ban although not a comprehensive one. This partial smoking ban follows the so-called Spanish model[3].

Can you smoke on the glacier express? ›

First class carriages have 36 places: four-seats or two-seats, with tables either side of a central aisle. Second class carriages have 48 places: four-seats with tables either side of a central aisle. The Glacier Express is a non-smoking train.

What happens if you get caught smoking on a train? ›

You can be prosecuted and fined if you are caught.

Do people smoke on trains in Europe? ›

Many European countries have enacted laws prohibiting smoking on trains and severely restrict smoking in train stations. Smoking is not permitted on trains in the vast majority of countries in which a Eurail pass is valid, though in some countries it's more heavily enforced than others.

Which European country smokes the most? ›

Daily percentage of smokers among persons aged 15 and over

The countries that smoke the most in the EU are Bulgaria, with 28.2 per cent of the population consuming tobacco daily, then Turkey (27.3 per cent), Greece (27.2 per cent), Hungary (25.8 per cent) and Latvia (24.9 per cent).

Can you smoke in public in Europe? ›

Protecting EU citizens from second-hand tobacco smoke

Among these, Ireland, Greece, Bulgaria, Malta, Spain and Hungary have the strictest smoke-free provisions with a complete ban on smoking in enclosed public places, on public transport and in workplaces, with only limited exceptions allowed.

Is Switzerland a smoke-free country? ›

Switzerland falls short.

Furthermore, only up to two public places in Switzerland are completely smoke-free. There has been no significant price change to affect the affordability of cigarettes from 2012 to 2022, and the country is still lacking all appropriate characteristics for health warnings on cigarette packages.

Is it okay to smoke in public places? ›

RA 8749, Section 24. Pollution From Smoking. - Smoking inside a public building or an enclosed public place including public vehicles and other means of transport or in any enclosed area outside of one's private residence, private place of work or any duly designated smoking area is hereby prohibited under this Act.

Can you smoke in Switzerland airport? ›

Zürich Airport rules

Smoking is not permitted in Zurich Airport. However, there are designated smoking lounges inside the airport, both in the passenger area and in the public area of the facility. Any animals other than guide dogs must be transported in suitable carriers inside the airport.

Is smoking allowed in public places in Europe? ›

Protecting EU citizens from second-hand tobacco smoke

Among these, Ireland, Greece, Bulgaria, Malta, Spain and Hungary have the strictest smoke-free provisions with a complete ban on smoking in enclosed public places, on public transport and in workplaces, with only limited exceptions allowed.

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