Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips) (2024)

Mountains, valleys, clocks, cheese, chocolate, banks… Switzerland is famous for a lot. But you’re most likely here for just howpicturesquethis European country is. Amazing road trips, unbelievably scenic train journeys and charming Alpine villages await.

But with all that beauty comes the threat of the natural world.Mountains aren’t always safe.And avalanches, adverse weather conditions, or simply injuring yourself when you’re out in the midst of all the nature is going to pose the biggest danger in Switzerland.

So it’s natural for you to ask, “Is Switzerland safe?” And we totally get it. That is the reason why we have created this bumper guide tostaying safe in Switzerland.Even if it’s not petty theft or violence you have to worry about, traveling smart still pays off in nature.

Nevertheless, we are going to be covering a whole load of things in our epic insider’s guide. From whether or not Switzerland is safe for a solo female traveler, all the way to whether it’s safe to drive in Switzerland, and just about everything in between. We’re going IN.

Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips) (1)

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    Table of Contents Show

    • How Safe is Switzerland?(Our take)
    • Is Switzerland Safe to Visit Right Now?
    • Safest Places in Switzerland
    • 19 Top Safety Tips for Traveling to Switzerland
    • Is Switzerland safe to travel alone?
    • Is Switzerland safe for solo female travelers?
    • More on Safety in Switzerland
    • FAQ about Staying Safe in Switzerland
    • Final thoughts on the safety of Switzerland

    How Safe is Switzerland?(Our take)

    Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips) (2)

    Switzerland is pretty much asnowy wonderland.But it’s more than snow: it’s got green, gleaming valleys and picturesque Alpine towns to explore. It’s a country of amazing train journeys, clean, crisp cities and a lot oforganization – think ofSwiss clocks!

    And for the most part,Switzerland is safe.Like,really safe.It’s often thought of as the safest country in Europe.

    Blissful Swiss villages and mountainside settlements may be crime-free, but these come with their ownunique dangers.

    You’ll have to be wary oflandslides, avalanches, rockfalls, snowdrifts,as well as altitude sicknessand generallyinjuring yourself doing outdoor activities.

    And that said,no place is ever completely without crime.In Switzerland’s cities, you’ll have to be on the watch forpickpockets and scams – honestly more of a pain than adanger.

    There is no such thing as a perfect safety guide, and this article is no different. The question of “Is Switzerland Safe?” will ALWAYS have a different answer depending on the parties involved. But this article is written for savvy travellers from the perspective of savvy travellers.

    The information present in this safety guide was accurate at the time of writing, however, the world is a changeable place, now more than ever. Between the pandemic, ever-worsening cultural division, and a click-hungry media, it can be hard to maintain what is truth and what is sensationalism.

    Here, you will find safety knowledge and advice for travelling Switzerland. It won’t be down to the wire cutting edge info on the most current events, but it is layered in the expertise of veteran travellers. If you use our guide, do your own research, and practise common sense, you will have a safe trip to Switzerland.

    If you see any outdated information in this guide, we would really appreciate it if you could reach out in the comments below. We strive to provide the most relevant travel information on the web and always appreciate input from our readers (nicely, please!). Otherwise, thanks for your ear and stay safe!

    It’s a wild world out there. But it’s pretty damn special too. 🙂

    Is Switzerland Safe to Visit Right Now?

    Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips) (3)

    Of course Switzerland is safe to visit. Especially now.

    There’s hardly any violent crime. The 2021 World Peace Index ranked Switzerland 7th on a list of 163 countries. That’spretty safe to us.

    There’s nothing pressing that will keep you from enjoying this awesome country.

    If you’re heading to Switzerland for adventures in theAlps,there are definitely elements of your trip that will involve risk. Hitting the Swiss hiking trails means taking extra caution and preparation. However, if done correctly, there’s hardly anything to worry about.

    We would also advise checking foravalanche and adverse weather warnings.These will definitely put a downer on the trip if you’re not aware of them. Head to theSwiss Federal Office of Meteorologysite to check that out.

    Hiking brings its own risks:altitude sickness, dehydration, injury and also you’ll have to be prepared forsudden changes in weather.

    In recent years, thefts have been increasing. These target touristsin big cities and busy areas. But as long as you keep your valuables close and an eye on your stuff, pickpocketing thieves won’t stand a chance.

    There have also been increasing reports of muggings in Zurich‘s Seebach district.Langstrasseis also well known as the city’sred-light district. These areas only get sketchy at night, but they’re incredibly easy to avoid.

    It’s important to be aware that these things do happen, but avoiding these areas at night should keep you safe.The threat is still relatively low.

    Safest Places in Switzerland

    Since Switzerland is one of the safest countries worldwide, it doesn’t really matter where you’re gonna stay – chances are, you’ll be perfectly safe. To help you choose where you want to stay in Switzerland, we’ve listed our three favorite Swiss cities below.


    If you’re looking to experience quintessential Switzerland then stay in Zurich. There are loads of things to do in Zurich: winding city streets, charming old architecture, and the river Limmat make Zurich a dream come true for those wanting to get a real taste of all things Swiss.

    It’s an absolutely stunning city with plenty of history to explore. However, not all is old in Zurich! The city boasts an amazing nightlife scene, really cool waterfront pubs and some pretty unique restaurants.

    Even if you’re staying outside of the city center you can hop on a tram and head downtown. The city is perfectly connected by public transport. Most of the popular tourist sites are in Zurich’s old town which is filled with picturesque cobblestone streets and cute cafes.


    Basel is one of the most underrated tourist destinations in Switzerland. It sits on the Rhine River in the northwest of Switzerland. It’s quite close to the borders of both France and Germany, which means that if you’re doing a euro-trip, Basel is a great city to stay in to launch your Switzerland leg.

    What makes Basel so unique is that it has a bevy of art galleries, opera houses, theatres and performing art venues, as well as museums. While you won’t be close to the Swiss Alps, the vibrant arts and culture scene really make Basel a worthy city to visit.


    Interlaken is a picturesque resort town in central Switzerland. It’s actually built on a small stretch of the valley between two lakes; Lake Thun and Lake Brienz hence the name…. Being completely encased in thick forests, meadows, and lakes makes any trip to Interlaken positively idyllic. Plus, there are plentiful glaciers and you know what that means… If you want to do some serious skiing or hiking in Switzerland, this is the place to be!

    If you have the energy, hike up to Harder Kulm (the harder they Kulm, the harder they fall), also called House Mountain – the views from up there are unparalleled! If you’re feeling sore from your hike, catch a boat tour and enjoy cruising along the water. If the idea of a boat ride bores you, then go ahead and head on over to Hohenmatte to go paragliding!

    Places to avoid in Switzerland

    Again, as we’ve mentioned above, there aren’t any dangerous areas in Switzerland.

    The biggest safety concern is getting lost on the hiking trail or injuring yourself on a trek, but the city life is mostly safe.

    Of course, walking around at night is always a bit sketchier, so we’d recommend either opting for a taxi to get around or stick with a group of friends when you’re out after dark. You’re unlikely to get into trouble, but this just adds another level of safety to your trip.

    Another completely underestimated safety issue is nature. Especially during the winter months, ski slopes can get tricky, so always be sure to stay within the marked areas. Also, make sure your car is equipped with winter tires. Getting up and down the snowy mountains can become really dangerous if you’re not properly prepared.

    Switzerland Travel Insurance

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    Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips) (4)

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    19 Top Safety Tips for Traveling to Switzerland

    Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips) (5)

    Switzerland is expensive but that comes with certain benefits as well. Most visits to Switzerland are going tocompletely trouble-free.But there is still crime here, and Mother Naturecan definitely get the better of you.

    So, on top of general travel safety advice, here are some of our top tips to help you stay as safe as possible in Switzerland.

    1. Keep belongings close to (or in front of) you – pickpockets do exist, so don’t advertise yourself as an easy target. You can keep money physicallyon you with a security belt.
    2. Don’t leave your belongingsunattended – around train and bus stations, and even museums. They’ll be gone.
    3. Be vigilant in big crowds– the risk of theft ishigherwhen you’re in a crowd. You won’t even know it’s happened.
    4. Only take out what you need for the day– and leave valuables (and passport) safely in your hotel room. No use losing it all.
    5. Don’t hang your bag on the back of your chair– in restaurants. This goes double for tourist areas. Good pickings for thieves.
    6. Know a scam when you see one– it’s not just in person, butvia email when you’re there. Refunding tax and stuff. They’re not real.
    7. Check weather conditions– especially in the mountains. Weather can change quickly and all sorts of things can happen in just one day.
    8. Stick to marked paths– when you’re out hiking. It may be a cool, off the beaten track route, but paths are marked for a reason!
    9. Don’t overestimate yourself– know your capabilities, whatever you’re doing. This isn’t the place to push yourself.
    10. Take appropriate equipment– a no-brainer, but you’ll need to have the right gear. Warm clothes and wet weather stuff, depending on what you plan to do.
    11. Make sure your insurance covers you– skiing, mountaineering, biking, whatever – if you get injured, you’ll need to air-lifted. This is very, very costly. So make sure you’re covered for all the outdoors stuff. Often this is an adventure add-on to your basic package.
    12. Off-piste skiing is SUPER RISKY– be aware of all the dangers if you’re going toattempt this.
    13. Particularly during heavy snow– because that comes with an increased risk of avalanches.
    14. Be careful in high altitudes– headaches, dizziness, difficulty breathing, nosebleeds. These are signs of altitude sickness.This can be seriously dangerous!
    15. Don’t ascend too quickly – it takes time for your body to adjust to higher altitudes.
    16. Don’t go out hiking by yourself– super risky. Go in a pair or more.
    17. Protect yourself from the sun – UVs are brutal in snowy places. Sunglasses and high SPF sunscreen are necessary.
    18. Ask your accommodation for avalanche information in the local area– and avalanche hotspots. A local tourist office will also have information on this.
    19. Get yourself an avalanche beeper– these are often what SAVE people trapped in the snow. Having one is a good idea.

    Nature is going to be the most dangerous thing in this mountainous country. Exposure, avalanches, altitude sickness, injury; There’s a lot that can go wrong when you’re in the great outdoors. So be careful!

    Is Switzerland safe to travel alone?

    Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips) (6)

    Switzerland is safe to travel alone. In fact, it’s really safe.There may be pickpockets in tourist areas, but this place ranks low for violent crime. It’s nature you’ll have to contend with. And yourself.So here are a few tips for staying sane and safe in Switzerland.

    • Watch out if you’re heading out to the nightlifein any Swiss city. Pubs, bars, and clubs are fun – definitely – but these are also the sorts of places that pickpocketslike to frequent, too.
    • Sodon’t get crazy drunk when you’re out.Being completely wasted is basically the best way to lose your senses. Not good if you want to actually find your way back to your hostel.
    • Also, most public transport stops completely just before midnight.So if youaregoing out, knowing how to get home is going to save you a whole lot of hassle (or money, if you’re thinking about cabbing it back to your bed).
    • Heading out for solo hiking is not a good idea. Not just hiking, but any sort of outdoorsy thing. And if you do go out by yourself, consider taking a guide with you.
    • On that note, leave a copy of your itinerary with somebody at your accommodation if you are heading out on some adventures. Having someone know what you’re planning to get up to is better than nobody knowing where you are.
    • Don’t leave yourselfwithout any money.Thingsaren’t cheapin Switzerland. So take more than enough cash for dinner if you’re heading out to eat. Even more so if there’sno one to split the bill with.
    • A good way to meet other travelers is to hop on a tour.Meeting people is a great shout if you want to avoid the loneliness that can sometimes come with traveling alone.
    • Keep in touch with people back home.Don’t be a stranger. Let them know what they’re up to. Again, it’s good to have people know where you are. So don’t ghost your friends and family and keep in touch, even if it’s just a Facebook post of someawesome mountain views.
    • Don’t feel like you have to do everything. This is a good way to get burnout, which is a chronic disease for long-term travelers. Take a few days off – go slow.
    • And that goes for adventurous outdoor activities. If you’ve got no one else with you to tell you when to stop or that you should think about heading back, you might just want topush yourself.Our advice? Don’t. Know your limit and head back well before you reach it.

    As we said:Switzerland is safe for solo travelers.It’s going to be pretty amazing. As long as you keep in touch with people and make sure to not push yourself too hard, you should be able to beat the solo travel blues.

    Is Switzerland safe for solo female travelers?

    Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips) (7)

    For the hundredth time,Switzerland is areally safe country! Thankfully, that goes for female travelers too. There’s basically nothing stopping any woman thinking of a solo trip to Switzerland. You’ll definitely be able to safely explore all the beautiful places Switzerland has to offer.

    There are always going to be ways to maximize your safety and stay out of dangerous situations.

    • Common senseis still the name of the game for solo female travelers in Switzerland. Anything that seems sketchy probably is, so remove yourself from any potentially dangerous situations and just trust your gutif something doesn’t feel right.
    • With that in mind, don’t go walking around dark alleys and deserted parts of the city late at night.This is a good way to put yourself at risk. So don’t take unnecessary shortcuts, even if Google Maps is telling you to. Stick to well lit, busy streets.
    • Book yourself into awell-reviewed hostelwhere you can meet other women and friendly travelers. And definitelymake sure you read reviews because a place might be highly rated, but it might not be your scene.
    • On a similar note,get involved in social events.Whether these are just cheese and wine nights at your hostel, a walking tour of the city, or a more comprehensive outdoorsy thing likehiking or skiing,doing this as a group will most likely be more funthan doing these things by yourself.
    • You could also use Facebook groups and Twitter to findlocal womenor other female travelers to hang out with on your trip. A good way to learn about the country, or get some tips on stuff to do in the local area.
    • Catcallsandminor sexual harassmentdon’t happen a lot, but if they do, you should ignore it and move on. Getting into an argument can escalate the situation.
    • If you feel overly bothered by somebody, tell somebody.Go into a shop, or ask a local for help.
    • Let people know where you’re going. Whether this is your family and friends, or just your hotel staff, it pays to have somebody know where you are and what you’re up to.
    • When you’re out at night, in a bar or club or whatever,don’t accept drinks from strangers.And when it comes to your own drink, keep your eye on it. Drink spikingdoes happen.
    • As usual, women are more of a target for bag snatching.So if you are going out with a handbag, wear it across your body, not just dangling on your shoulder.

    Making friends is also going to be a good idea. So book yourself into a social hostel, sign yourself up for a tour, and have a fun (and safe) time in Switzerland!

    More on Safety in Switzerland

    We’ve covered the main safety concerns already, but there are a few more things to know. Read on for more detailed information on how to have a safe trip to Switzerland.

    Is Switzerland safe to travel for families?

    Switzerland is safe to travel for families.

    And not only that,it’s the perfect place to go with your family.

    There are adventures to be had, great cities to explore and it boastsover 600 museums!That’s A LOT.

    Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips) (8)

    And kids are just about going tofreak outat theSwiss Transport MuseuminLucerne– complete with spaceships and a planetarium that simulates space travel.

    There’s also just the right amount of off-the-beaten-track travel to suit everyone.

    In terms of accommodation, you’ll be able to choose from pretty much everything between high-end hotels and campsites. Most of the time these come with child-friendly facilities as well.

    When it comes to train travel,children under 6 travel freeand there are discounts for older children, too. That’s great because Swiss train journeys are unmissable.

    Climate-wise, it’s not too hot, but you will have to keep your children covered up if you’re all planning on hitting the slopes.

    You need to be aware that altitude affects children more acutely than adults.Some places you might want to visit areseriously high up.

    But apart from that?Switzerland is safe for children.You’re going to have a great time!

    Is it safe to drive in Switzerland?

    Being a well developed European country, of course, it’s safe to drive in Switzerland.

    And honestly, it offers up some of themost memorable driving experiences you can imagine.Winding around the mountains to see Swiss villages nestled in the mountains…

    Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips) (9)

    It’snext levelpicturesque.

    In Switzerland’s cities, public transport is so goodthat it’s not really even worth driving. And parking can be a nightmare. Andcrazy expensive. Think up to 30 bucks for a couple of hours.

    You can save yourself hassle (and money) by hopping on a train or a bus.

    Elsewhere, if you fancy aroad trip,you’re in luck. The roads are well maintained, well signposted, and beautiful. There are, however, some things you should take into consideration when driving in Switzerland.

    Note from the Editor:Hey, it’s Art! I had the incredible experience of driving extensively in the French region of Switzerland. Istronglyrecommend drivingRoute de la Corniche, onLake GenevabetweenLausanneandChexbres,and keep driving to have a lakeside picnic in the town ofVevey.

    How to Drive in Switzerland

    First and foremost,driving conditions depend on the weather.And Alpine weather can change pretty quickly.Sometimes you’ll have to use tunnels at theGreat Saint Bernard, Saint Gotthard,andSan Bernardino Passesdue to heavy snow. Some other passes areonly open in warmer months.

    Many roads are super narrow with hairpin turns.We advise nervous drivers to avoid the mountains altogether. Sheer drops and virtually no space to let other cars pass mean you’ll have to be pretty goodat keeping a cool head. Experience of this sort of driving helps.

    When it comes to signs you should know about, here are two…

    • a blue circle with a crisscrossed white tire means snow chains ARE A MUST.
    • a blue square with a yellow buglemeans postal buses haveright of way.This also means paying attention to their three-tone horns – hence the bugle.

    Basically, driving in alpine Switzerland can be a hair-raising experience.So this is something we’d only recommend for confident drivers. Mountain driving is not for the faint-hearted.

    There are some other driving rules that you need to familiarize yourself with. This is crucial since traffic laws are strictly enforced, and the highway patrol uses trap cameras – unlike other countries, hidden-camera tickets aren’t an empty threat.

    The mountains and the countryside alike are beautiful!You can even take your car on trains that pass through the mountains. How cool is that?!

    Is Uber safe in Switzerland?

    Uber is safe in Switzerland, no doubt about it.

    All the usual benefitsof Uber apply here: Knowing what your driver looks like, the car manufacturer, numberplate, tracking your journey, needing no language, paying in-app…

    It’s used by locals to get home after a night out. Sounds familiar.

    And it’scheaper than taxis.

    Are taxis safe in Switzerland?

    Taxis in Switzerland are actually very good. They’re well regulated, easy to use, and the taxis in Switzerland are safe.

    However, a lot of Swiss people don’t actually use taxis.

    There are two reasons: 1) The public transport is AMAZING. 2) Taxis are EXPENSIVE.

    First of all, you’ll have to pay a flat rate. This is normal in taxis. But this flat rate isso expensivethat it makes getting a taxi anywhere in Switzerlandtotally not worth itif you’re only traveling a short distance.

    You’ll have to pay for simple stuff likeluggageand even achild seat.

    The taxi drivers themselvesaregood though. They need to have a clean driving license for at least three years, and there are a LOAD of tests they have to pass in order to become qualified. They’ll have aphotographic ID on display.

    You can pick one up at train stations and airports. You can book a radio taxi. You can get them at taxi ranks,too – and you won’t even have to take the first taxi in line, which is convenient.

    Taxis are safe in Switzerland – there’s not much nuance to that fact.

    Is public transportation in Switzerland safe?

    Yes. In cities like Zurich,there is awhole selectionof public transport to use.

    You can choose from bikes, buses, trams, and trains, all of which are often very reliable andsafe.

    InNeuchatel, Bern, Geneva, andZurichas well as some other cities, you can rent a bike for free, which makes for a great way to explore the city.There’s nothing quite like pedalling around a new place.

    Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips) (10)

    Buses, trains, trams, and metros in the cities can get busy during rush hours.Make sure at these times that youlook after your belongings.It’s going to be in crowded places that pickpockets will operate. And takeextra carein transport terminals.

    When it comes to getting around long-distance,trains and buses have got you covered.

    Thestate-run train networkoffers unbelievable scenic routes around the country. Some of them are pretty iconic for the views you can get from the train window.

    These are also really safe, but you should probably book in advancefor long journeys during tourist season. Seats can sell out pretty quickly.

    Buses,consisting of the luminous yellowpostal busesthat we already mentioned, are a good option to get around Switzerland.

    These follow the country’sold postal routesthrough the mountains and connect to small villages and other picturesque places.

    You can purchase yourself aSwiss National Travel Pass,which is good for both train and bus travel.

    When it comes to funiculars and cable cars, even if you’re afraid of heights, these are perfectly safe.Just make sure you don’t miss the last one coming down the mountain before dark!

    In conclusion, public transportation in Switzerland is safe.

    Is the food in Switzerland safe?

    Thanks to its many borders, there’s a lot of stuff on offer in Switzerland. French, German and Italian cuisine are up for grabs here. There’s the Germanrosti(a big, fried potato pancake),suisse-romande(cheese fondue),raclette, as well asgnocchiandrisotto.

    Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips) (11)

    The thing is with Switzerland… it’s not that the food is particularly expensive. It’s more the case that it’s just so expensive to eat out all the time.You might find yourself scrimping on a budget, andnot eating healthily.So here are some tips to eat safely in Switzerland.

    • Let’s put that expensivenessin context.Switzerland is home tothe most expensive McDonald’s in the world.This won’t be a cheap eat in Switzerland, so avoid.
    • We’d suggest you go for afamily-run restaurant.This is almost always tasty, authentic, traditional and will more than likely be more welcoming than any other establishment.
    • That said, make sure that the place you eat in looks clean.In tourist areas, the restaurants could well betourist trapsand not care about hygiene as much as a more ‘authentic’ restaurant.
    • Eat at places that seem to be busy with locals. Or better yet,go online.Reading reviews – on Google, Tripadvisor, whatever – is definitely going to help you single out the good restaurants.
    • If you’ve got a bit of a delicate stomach when it comes to rich, heavy foods likepotatoes, cream, andcheese, then maybego easy on it.There’s a huge load of all three of those things in almost all the restaurants in Switzerland.
    • Last but not least: WASH YOUR HANDS. The hygiene, in general, may bepretty goodin Switzerland, so don’t ruin that by making yourself the one who’ll give you a bad stomach.
    • Traveling with an allergy? Research ahead of time how to explain your allergy. Keep in mind that store owners and restaurant staff might not know all the foods that contain allergens, so it’s helpful to know the names of some of these too. If you’re gluten-free, pick up a handy Gluten-Free Translation Card with descriptions of Celiac disease, cross-contamination risk, and local Swiss ingredients in German.

    To be honest, the food standards are pretty high in Switzerland. They’ve gottough rules on food productionand rules in place tomake sure hygiene standards are met. The trouble you’re going to have is probably going to involve affording to eat.

    Can you drink the water in Switzerland?

    Hell yes. It’s literallymineral water!Especially in the mountains.

    The fancy stuff you buy in expensive bottles back home? It comes from places like the Alps.

    Take a refillable bottle and save money (and the planet) by filling up on their tasty water.

    Ok, so, the lakeside cities use filtered lake water. But still, it’s safe to drink.

    Nonetheless, filter, treat, or boil water any time you collect it from the wild. It’s impossible to predict when a water source is compromised, and the consequence is your health and spending the night on a hostel toilet rather than that bed you paid so much for!

    We always bring along a filter bottle so we can have clean water no matter where we find ourselves.

    Is Switzerland safe to live?

    Like its water and transport, living in Switzerland istop quality.

    Without a doubt, Switzerland is a safe country to live in. Crime is very low. And in most places,you’ll feel safe walking around – even in the middle of the night.

    Couple that safety with some truly stunning natural sceneryand you get an incredible place to live.

    Even so, Switzerland does have some issues.

    Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips) (12)

    One of these isthe weather.It gets cold and pretty rainy for a lot of the year. In the summer it can get really hot.

    If you’re choosing to live in a village in the mountains (why wouldn’t you?), the weather can be super volatile and therefore dangerous.

    Another issue with living in Switzerland is ALWAYS being seen as an auslander.That means ‘foreigner’. It can bevery hard to integrate into Swiss societyif you’re always going to be seen as a tourist instead of a resident.

    It’s also apretty conservative country.This makes it stable, of course, but it can be a little boring. Nightlife can be lackluster. So if you’re a social type who loves to go out, make friends and have fun, you might want to prepare yourself for a smaller dose of that.

    There are alsostrange rules.

    And as a general rule,nobody does their washing on a Sunday. No working outside – mowing the lawn, working on your car or bike. Forget it. All the things you might consider “Sunday things” are seen as “working noises” here, which are just not heard on Sundays.

    Shops and other establishments are also closed on a Sunday.

    Of course, if you want to live there and you have some money you want to save, it’s a very good place to live.Famously, the banks here have great rates and tax is really low, if that’s interesting for you.

    Allin all, of course, Switzerland is safe to live in.

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    Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips) (13)

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    Is it safe to rent an Airbnb in Switzerland?

    Renting an Airbnb in Switzerland is a great idea. And it’s perfectly safe, as long as you read the reviews. Staying at an Airbnb during your trip will also open up new possibilities and options to experience the country. The local hosts are known to take great care of their guests and give the absolute best recommendations of what to do and what to see. Local knowledge always goes a long way, so be sure to reach out to your hosts if you’re unsure about how to fill up your Switzerland itinerary!

    On top of that, you’ll stay safe with the reliable Airbnb booking system. Both hosts and guests can rate each other which creates a very respectful and trustworthy interaction.

    Is Switzerland LGBTQ+ friendly?

    Switzerland might have a very right-wing reputation, but the locals are generally very open-minded and welcoming towards visitors. That includes the LGBTQ+ community. There are plenty of gay bars and clubs in the major city.

    Same-sex activities have been legal since 1942, and there has also been legal recognition of same-sex relationships since 2007. Switzerland might be a very religious country, but in that sense, they’re way ahead of other European countries. That’s why we think that LGBTQ+ travellers will be perfectly safe in Switzerland.

    FAQ about Staying Safe in Switzerland

    Here are some quick answers to common questions about safety in Switzerland.

    What should I avoid in Switzerland?

    Avoid these things in Switzerland to stay safe:

    – Don’t display your valuables openly when on public transport
    – Don’t hang your bag on the back of your chair
    – If you go skiing, stick to the marked slopes and don’t go off-piste
    – Don’t go out hiking by yourself

    Is Switzerland safe at night?

    While Switzerland is one of the safest countries worldwide, it still pays to be careful at night. Stay away from dark side streets and sketchy areas and you won’t have anything to worry about. Ideally, stick with a group if you go outside after dark.

    Is Switzerland friendly to foreigners?

    Swiss people might not seem incredibly friendly at first glance, but they definitely warm up towards travellers. Hospitality in Switzerland however is amazing, especially if you go towards the countryside.

    How dangerous is Switzerland?

    Switzerland is one of the least dangerous countries in Europe and worldwide. The population is generally very wealthy which makes the crime rate relatively low. Of course, there are small issues with pickpocketing and petty theft, but it’s nothing tourists need to be afraid of.

    Final thoughts on the safety of Switzerland

    Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips) (14)

    At the end of the day,Switzerland is a super safe country.Crime rates are low. Very, very low. You practically won’t have to worry about walking around at night. Even traveling here as a woman is going to be a whole lot LESS troublesome than traveling around in any one of Switzerland’s neighbors. But similar to Singapore: low crime doesn’t mean no crime.

    What that means is that whilst Switzerland is safe, you can’t just wander around without a care in the world. Petty crime is on the rise (though its not yetcommon). By paying attention to your surroundings and not making yourself an obvious (or easy) target for would-be thieves, you’re going to be able to stay pretty safe.

    That said, we can’t ignore Nature either. It all looks stunning, but actually getting out into the midst of the scenery itself – hiking, skiing, climbing, or whatever it is you choose to do – can be seriously dangerous.Knowing what you’re doing, being prepared, and havingconfidence(especially with driving!) is really going to help you stay safe.

    Disclaimer: Safety conditions change all over the world on a daily basis. We do our best to advise but this info may already be out of date. Do your own research. Enjoy your travels!

    And for transparency’s sake, please know that some of the links in our content are affiliate links. That means that if you book your accommodation, buy your gear, or sort your insurance through our link, we earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you). That said, we only link to the gear we trust and never recommend services we don’t believe are up to scratch. Again, thank you!

    Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips) (2024)


    Is Switzerland Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips)? ›

    International travel advisories: Switzerland is in the level-one safety category—exercise only normal precautions. Crime rating: Very low, 25.11. Walking alone during the day: Very safe.

    Is Switzerland safe to travel to right now? ›

    Serious crime levels are low, but petty crime is on the rise. Take care at tourist spots and on transport, including overnight trains. Watch out for thieves who use distraction techniques. Keep your belongings close.

    Is Switzerland safe for female travelers? ›

    Switzerland is currently ranked #13 safest country for solo female travellers. Check the full ranking.

    What is the safest city in Switzerland? ›

    Zug is Switzerland's stable place and the safest area to live. Zug is Switzerland's safest region with the lowest crime rate per 1,000 population of all Swiss cities and regions.

    Do and don'ts in Switzerland? ›

    Here are some handy tips on social etiquette in Switzerland to keep in mind:
    • Respect other people's time. ...
    • Don't litter. ...
    • Greet everyone, always. ...
    • If you're invited to a party, be sure to leave before midnight so the host has some time to clean up.
    • Avoid chewing gum in public, it's considered impolite.

    Is Zurich safe for Americans? ›

    Zurich is one of the safest cities in the world. Petty crime is low and major crime almost unheard of. People walk the streets alone at all hours, day or night, without any issue. Clean Urban Environment.

    Which month is best to visit Switzerland? ›

    The best time to visit Switzerland is between April and October, though winter sports enthusiasts may prefer December to March. The country has four distinct seasons, each with its own attractions. The spring months of March to May bring Alpine blooms, flowering trees and cows heading out to pasture.

    Do they speak English in Switzerland? ›

    The Swiss are taught to be multilingual from an early age, and most of them are fluent in English.

    Is Switzerland friendly to foreigners? ›

    In many urban neighborhoods, foreigners are sometimes very welcome. In the countryside, it sometimes looks different. But what we Swiss often do not want to admit: Structural racism and patriarchalism shape our culture much more than we would admit.

    Are Americans welcome in Switzerland? ›

    Switzerland is a very welcoming country, with 25% of its population being foreign individuals. One report indicated that Americans make up five percent of Switzerland's total population as of 2016. Americans are choosing this country more and more to start a new life.

    Do I tip in Switzerland? ›

    Tipping in Switzerland is not expected. Instead, a service charge will normally be added to your bill. The service charge will usually be declared on the menu if you're in a cafe or restaurant, for example, and is paid directly to the company rather than to an individual member of staff.

    What are some laws to be aware of when in Switzerland? ›

    After 10 pm it is illegal to slam car doors, wear high heels in your apartment or flush the toilet because it could disturb the neighbors. This statutory "Nachtruhe" (night rest) applies from 10 pm to 6 am.

    What is the number one crime in Switzerland? ›

    Crime in Switzerland

    The most common crimes in Switzerland are related to theft, including burglaries and stealing vehicles or bicycles. In recent years, there has also been a rise in cybercrime, a type of online fraud. Violent crime is much less common in Switzerland than in other countries.

    Is the tap water safe to drink in Switzerland? ›

    In conclusion, tap water in Switzerland is not only safe to drink but also meets high quality and taste standards. The strict regulations, extensive treatment processes, and natural filtration systems ensure that Swiss tap water is of exceptional quality.

    What is the friendliest part of Switzerland? ›

    Topping the list is Zurich, Switzerland with a friendliness score of 9.89/10. Having earned a perfect AAA rating for LGBTQ+ acceptance, along with high happiness levels and low crime rates, this Swiss city appears to be the friendliest destination in Europe.

    What threat level is Switzerland? ›

    Switzerland - Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions

    Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Switzerland.

    Can US citizens travel to Switzerland? ›

    To travel to Switzerland U.S. citizens are required to hold a valid passport. Passengers may be checked twice upon entering Switzerland by land: once by the customs officers of the country they are leaving and another by the border police of Switzerland.

    What is the best month to go to Switzerland? ›

    Found out here the best time to visit Switzerland. Generally, the best time to visit Switzerland is in the spring/early summer and in the early fall, April through June or September and October. This is when you're unlikely to battle thick tourist crowds and enjoy some of the most pleasant weather.

    What is not allowed to bring to Switzerland? ›

    It prohibited to import, export and transit with certain goods and products; these may be brought across the border only on a restricted basis or with a permit. Examples include narcotics, protected animals and plants, and weapons.

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