Shadow The World (2024)

"I heard that you have powers that ordinary people don't. I'd be grateful if you could show them to me."[1] - DIO, while encountering Avdol.


  • 1 Basic Information
  • 2 How to Obtain
  • 3 Appearance
  • 4 Moveset
  • 5 Battle Strategies
    • 5.1 Combos (Easy Difficulty)
    • 5.2 Combos (Medium Difficulty)
    • 5.3 Combos (Hard Difficulty)
  • 6 Pros and Cons
    • 6.1 Pros
      • 6.1.1 Cons
  • 7 Battle Tips
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 Gallery
  • 10 References

Basic Information[]

Shadow The World (or simply STW) is the developing-stand of DIO, the main antagonist of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders. It is directly based off Shadow DIO's moveset from the Jojo arcade game Heritage For The Future. Shadow The World is a very powerful stand with incredible speed and precision, however lacks durability. Shadow The World is glassy, but its versatile moveset makes up for it. It deals great damage while also having access to ranged moves and good defensive options. Shadow The World may seem difficult to use at first, but when used correctly, it's quite viable and should not be understimated.

How to Obtain[]

To obtain this stand, you will need to use Camera on Vampiric The World in order to get Shadow The World.


It appears to have the same design as The World, but it has multiple changes. Shadow The World appears to have no legs, which leaves a glowing purple aura at the bottom of the stand itself. All of Shadow The World's color palette changes into white, light purple, and purple instead of yellow, green, and grey. The headpiece of Shadow The World is entirely white and made in neon material, same as all body parts of Shadow The World. It also has hands that have designs but some of them are hardly seen because of the glowing materials, thus the color of the hands of Shadow The World has a gradient that fades from white to light purple color. The accessories of Shadow The World is exactly the same as The World but it does not have the same color palette as The World, which is mentioned previously.


NOTE: As of 04/1/2024, Shadow The World seems to be broken, some of its moves do not work and may glitch the player upon use.

Knife Throw (Currently Broken)

Shadow The World (1)

The user will throw one knife, dealing 8 damage but hits 5-8 times due to pierce. In total, dealing about 40-64 damage.

Shadow Uppercut

Shadow The World (2)

Shadow The World will quickly appear and uppercut the target, dealing 30 damage and knocks them away a few studs.

Shadow Combo/The World 21

Shadow The World (3)

Shadow The World will quickly appear to swiftly throw 3 punches that deal moderate-high damage (13 per punch) to the enemy while stunning them for a short amount of time. This move can deal up to 39 damage.

Space Ripper Stingy Eyes (Currently Broken)

Shadow The World (4)

The user with Shadow The World leans their head back by a bit while charging pressurized fluids into its eyes, then leaning their head to the front while releasing a purple laser-like projectile to the enemy at low to moderate range. This deals 45 damage if successfully landed.

"WRYYYYYYYY!"- Flesh Buds (Currently Broken)

Shadow The World (5)

The user with Shadow The World leans down while making 2 flesh buds appear from the user's back to go a few studs away . If the enemy is in collision with the flesh buds, this deals piercing and immerse damage to the enemy, this makes a flesh bud that is a mind-controlling bud on the enemy's torso. This skill also can be used to pick up items from a far distance. Though the animation makes the flesh buds go straight ahead, their damage is from the side.

"The World's Unknown Ability!" - Time Stop

Shadow The World (6)

Shadow The World quickly stops time for 2-3 seconds, allowing the user to freely use any move they wish. This move has no start-up and is unpredictable.

Punishment (Currently Broken)

Shadow The World (7) + Shadow The World (8)

During the state of Time Stop, the user will throw 6 knives with the help of Shadow The World, which is displayed in a wall pattern. This deals about 240-384 damage in total, because of the piercing damage. This can nearly or instant kill anybody. NOTE: This move will only work if used in the last moments of Time Stop.

"Are you really trying to shoot me?" - Scales of Horror

Shadow The World (9)

The user will pull out DIO's Diary while holding a glass of red wine. If the enemy hits the user while activating this skill, the user will teleport behind the enemy, which makes them stunned for a second.NOTE: This move can be bypassed by certain stands and abilities, such as Over Heavens, Gold Experiencce Requiems, projectiles, Ground Slam, Heart Strike, etc.

Time Stop Teleport

Shadow The World (10)

The user with Shadow The World briefly stops time to move to their destination, which is seen as a teleport. You can use your cursor to teleport but the range for this skill is small, so it can only teleport around the area of your maximum range.

"This suits me well!" - Divine Drink

Shadow The World (11)

The user with Shadow The World will jab their right hand at an accelerated speed into the enemy's throat while sucking their blood out, this heals the user 30 health while damaging the enemy at the same time. It can also grab more than 1 player if used in a crowd.

Battle Strategies[]

There are many combos that you can perform. They can do extremely high and damage and possibly instantly kill opponents. Here are some combos listed below from easy to hard difficulty.

Combos (Easy Difficulty)[]

  1. E + T
  2. F + Q
  3. Y + E
  4. Y + V + E
  5. B + E
  6. Y + V + R + E
  7. Y + B + E + Q
  8. F + Q (Only easy if you have got the timing down, otherwise it's pretty difficult.)
  9. R + E

Combos (Medium Difficulty)[]

  1. F + B + Q + E (This combo may sometimes guarantee to one shot if done correctly. After using Blood Suck, move back a bit so the knives can hit. One More Time/Solar One More Time can survive this combo due to their extremely high durability)
  2. B + R + E (not recommended, easily punishable)
  3. F + T + Q
  4. F + R + Q
  5. F + Q + E
  6. E + V + Y + B + E

Combos (Hard Difficulty)[]

  1. Y + V + R + F + B + Q + E (Risky, but incredible damage)
  2. Y + V + E + Space + C + F + Q + F + R (Easier to land, but landing knives will be somewhat difficult)
  3. F + E + Q + T
  4. Y + V + E + Q + Space + C + F + B + Q + E
  5. F + Q + E + T
  6. E + F + Q + V + B + E
  7. Y + V + R + B + E + T or Q (Risky, but deals good damage)

Pros and Cons[]


  • Amazing damage output.
  • Time Stop is instant and is near impossible to avoid.
  • B heals health and stuns players.
  • Great combo potential.
  • Pretty low cooldowns.
  • Great for zoning.
  • Low Time Stop cooldown.
  • Strongest single-knife throw in the game.
  • Q in Time Stop can easily demolish health if used correctly.
  • Flesh Buds has a big hitbox.
  • Good block (75% reduction).
  • Counter bypasses almost every move and can be manually canceled.
  • Good mobility.


  • Q in Time Stop can easily be countered by blocking and damage reflect.
  • Sometimes Q in Time Stop doesn't hit your opponents.
  • Low durability.
  • Shortest Time Stop in the game.
  • Struggles against high-damaging stands/specs if you're not playing correctly.
  • Struggles against stands/specs with greater mobility.
  • Time Stop can be canceled by Return to Zero.
  • Easily countered by Frog and Return to Zero.
  • V can be punishable if used incorrectly.
  • H can be bypassed by projectiles, Over Heavens, Gold Experience Requiem variants, and special moves such as Acid Strike, Ground Slam, Disc Steal, etc.

Battle Tips[]

  • Durability - Shadow The World has bad durability, making it a glass cannon. You have to be careful when fighting against others. High damaging moves can completely demolish your health. Make sure to block since Shadow The World has a good block, it reduces the damage you take. Shadow The World blocks 75% of damage, which is an A-tier block. Note that Shadow The World has access to a self-heal move, allowing you to heal 30 HP if you land it. Just use it wisely because it's pretty punishable.
  • Speed and Mobility - Shadow The World has good speed and mobility. It's combat speed is great and is much faster than many stands/specs, even outpacing Over Heavens. Using V can help you quickly attack opponents or avoid danger, but just be careful of using it as it can be punishable.
  • Combos - Use combos to take chunks of health off your opponents. You will need to do as much damage as possible. Shadow The World has a pretty good moveset for pairing up moves, so use it to your advantage. For example: Y + V + E
  • Using Time Stop - Shadow The World's time stop is only 2 seconds. Use this carefully, as this can easily go to waste. Use Knife Wall, then follow up with other moves. But if you are using it against a stand that has a teleport move or high durability, blood suck them and move back a bit so you can use and land your knives. STW users may need to be reliant on Time Stop if they're fighting against stands/specs like Dio's The World and Sans.
  • Baiting - One of Shadow The World's biggest counters is blocking. However, you can counter this by continuously attacking your opponents. They'll most likely stop and attack back, if they do, use counter if necessary, or just Time Stop and quickly finish them off with a combo. Another big counter is Return to Zero, which all you have to do is to fake attack. Use an attack but miss on purpose. In some cases, they might think they timed their counter right, but waste it. If this is done successfully, you can easily finish them off.
  • Using Counter - If you are being rushed, it is highly recommended to use counter, you take no damage and it gives you a high advantage during battles. You are practically invincible. However, don't rely on it too much as Over Heavens, Gold Experience Requiems, projectiles, and special moves (such as Acid Strike, DISC Steal, Ground Slam, etc) can bypass this.
  • Using Moves Properly - Many Shadow The World users spam their moves, like E + R, which is a horrible playstyle. It would be better if you did R + E or E + V + R + B instead. If you want to deal damage as much as possible, pair up your moves with ranged moves, such as Flesh Buds and Time Stop Teleport. Continuously spamming wouldn't really get you anywhere, which will likely just lead you to death.
If Shadow The World is used right, it can kill some pretty strong stands. Such as The World Over Heaven, Dio's The World/Dio's The World (OVA), and Jotaro's Star Platinum/Jotaro's Star Platinum (OVA). Even Sonic/Sonic.exe. You will need to be careful, as these stands can destroy you in seconds without much effort, especially The World: Over Heaven, Dio's The World/Dio's The World (OVA), and Jotaro's Star Platinum/Jotaro's Star Platinum (OVA). Use the following tips for your battles, as they are really helpful for effective gameplay.


  • The older models of Shadow The World are originally made by A Bizarre Day.
  • Even though Shadow The World is the awakening of The World, you will need to use Camera on Vampiric The World in order to obtain him, despite being the pre-evolution.
  • Even though The World is his true form, Shadow The World is much better
  • Despite being a Vampire, it does not have a passive regeneration unlike its previous form, Vampiric The World.
  • The new version of Shadow The World for A Bizarre Day is much harder to use due to the number of moves available for Shadow The World itself. However, Shadow The World in SA is much easier to master because there are fewer moves and higher damage output.
  • According to the community, Shadow The World is disliked for being bad in PvP. However, the truth is, if you get used to the moves, you can fully master Shadow The World. Making it very good to fight with.
  • Shadow The World used to be an S Tier according to the Stand Tier List in A Bizarre Day Modded (Old version of Stands Awakening). It was also known as the only stand to be in S Tier. However, due to Camera dupers, Shadow The World's value dropped tremendously, making it an A Tier stand. Even though it is good, it is at the bottom of A Tier. Due to the Camera being bugged and spawning inside of the map, Shadow The World's rarity and value increased from A to SS Tier in the revamp. The bug was later fixed, and now Camera spawns properly, which shot Shadow The World's rarity down to S, between Dio's The World (OVA) and Dio's The World.
  • Shadow The World's destructive power and durability have question marks on it, which is quite unique and special. The destructive power likely means it depends on the user. It is likely to be A. The durability for Shadow The World is actually E, however it has 120 HP instead of 100. Shadow The World also blocks 75% of damage, despite having low durability. This is shared with the King Crimson variants and Sticky Fingers.
  • Shadow The World's Q Move used to throw 3 knives instead of 1. It was changed because its damage output was incredibly high.
  • Shadow The World is the only stand in Stands Awakening to have the most ranged moves, this beats most of the stands/specs who have ranged move by 1. Shadow The World has 3 ranged moves, which are Knife Throw, Space Ripper Stingy Eyes, and Flesh Buds.
  • Despite the counter depicting that it can dodge projectiles, it actually doesn't. Which defeats the purpose of the meaning.
  • While doing counter, the user will hold the old model of DIO's Diary instead of the new one.
  • Many players believe Flesh Buds (Y) is broken, but it is not. The animation makes it look like it hits from the front when it does not. The hitbox still goes for the side instead of the front.
  • Shadow The World's Timestop used to not show the TS effect upon being used, most likely as the result of a bug.
  • You cannot get Shadow The World with The World: Greatest High, if you try to use a Camera on it, this will not grant Shadow The World.
  • Shadow The World's Flesh Buds used to be able to bypass Epitaph, now it cannot. However, it can hit people during Time Erase, along with its knives.
  • Shadow The World can completely cancel Dio's The World/Dio's The World OVA's barrage by pressing E after a second being initiated. However, this sometimes doesn't work, but it should after you use V + E.
  • Counter sometimes makes the user fall over after being hit by Dio's The World's barrage, which may cause certain death in a PvP scenario.
  • Shadow The World's counter used to not work back in A Bizarre Day Modded.
  • Because of the recent updates with Standless and The World, there is a possibility that this stand along with some others will get reworks.


  • Movesets/Abilities

  • Pose

  • Misc

Shadow The World (12)

The user of Shadow The World using Knife Throw.

Shadow The World (13)

Shadow The World and the user throwing knives while time is stopped.

Shadow The World (14)

Shadow The World using Shadow Uppercut.

Shadow The World (15)

Shadow The World using Shadow Combo.

Shadow The World (16)

The user of Shadow The World using Space Ripper Stingy Eyes.

Shadow The World (17)

The user of Shadow The World using Flesh Buds.

Shadow The World (18)

The user of Shadow The World using Bloodsuck.

Shadow The World (19)

Shadow The World and the user, using "The World's hidden ability!" (Timestop, Lasts for around 2-3 seconds)

Shadow The World (20)

Shadow The World using Teleport.

Shadow The World (21)

Shadow The World menacingly posing.

Shadow The World (22)

STW's old model and pose.

Shadow The World (23)

Oldest STW pose and model.

Shadow The World (24)

STW's new model for Stands Awakening.

Shadow The World (25)

A 3D turn-around of the new STW model.

Shadow The World (26)

An undeveloped The World in the anime, as used by Shadow DIO.


Shadow The World (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.