Liquefaction of Gases: Critical Temperature, Volume, Pressure & Videos (2024)

States of Matter

Gases are difficult to transport. Due to their physical properties, it is almost impossible to transfer them from one place to another. For the same purpose, the gas is transformed into a liquid. Study of liquefaction of gases tells us about changes in the properties and structure of a gas. It also gives valuable information about the structure of matter in general. Let’s see how.

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Liquefaction is the transformation of a gaseous substance into its liquid state. This change is the outcome of change in physical conditions like temperature, pressure, and volume. Thomas Andrew was the first person to study the change of state from gases to liquids in Carbon Dioxide. It was later discovered that most real gases behave likeCarbon Dioxide (CO2) and change from gases to liquids if optimum physical changes in temperature and pressure are achieved.

In his experiment on CO2, Andrews came to a conclusion that at high temperatures, despite high pressure, the gases cannot be liquefied. Also with the increase in temperature, the gases show significant deviation from the ideal behavior. In the case of carbon dioxide, at 30.98° C, the gas started changing into a liquid.

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  • Behaviour of Real Gases – Deviations From Ideal Behaviour
  • Gas Laws
  • Ideal Gas Equations
  • Intermolecular Forces
  • Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
  • The Gaseous State
  • The Liquid State

Critical Temperature, Volume, and Pressure

Andrews in his experiment observed that above a specific temperature, the gas sample couldn’t be liquefied, howsoever high the pressure becomes.The critical temperature is the temperature at which a gas changes into liquid. With the increase in temperature, the pressure required to liquefy a gas also increases. This temperature was the highest temperature at which a gas appears in the form of a liquid. It is the critical temperature or TC.

Critical constants play an essential role in the change of states of matter. Critical constants are critical pressure, temperature, and volume.The volume of one mole of a gas volumeliquefied at critical temperature is known as the critical volume (Vc) while the pressure required to liquefy the gas at critical temperature is called as the Critical pressure (pc).

Isotherm of Carbon Dioxide

The graph between the Pressure and Volume at a given constant temperature is the isotherm. On studying the isotherm of Carbon dioxide we get to know the different intervals of temperatures at which a gas can show signs of liquefaction:

Liquefaction of Gases: Critical Temperature, Volume, Pressure & Videos (9)

On studying the isotherm above we get to know the physical change of state temperature wise. Volume and pressure play a vital role in the change of state. In the above isotherm, we study the liquefaction of Carbon dioxide.

We see that the gaseous state of carbon dioxide changes to liquid at 30.98° C. The curve changes at a lower temperature, while at the higher temperature it does not show any change. At 30.98°C, the gas shows considerable deviation from the ideal gas behavior.

Equilibrium state

Here we notice that the curve at increased pressure signifies compressibility of liquidCO2 while the steep line pertains to the isotherm of the liquid, slightest of compression results in a sharp rise in the pressure, thus indicating the amount of compressibility of CO2. On attaining 21.5° Carbon dioxide behaves like a gas until point B.

The point B shows signs of liquid CO2.The gas now exists in the dual form i.e both liquid and gas. At this stage compressing further does not affect the pressure on the gas, rather it results in condensation. At point C, all the CO2gas has condensed and further compression results in therise in pressure.

From the above isotherm it is clear that at point A,CO2exists in thegaseous state while at point D it exists in a liquid state. At point D the compression of the liquidCO2 is almost impossible. At point C an equilibrium state between the two states of matter is seen.

We further find that the behavior of all the gases is similar to CO2and this is because of the constant temperature or isothermal compression. This similar behaviorshown by gases, in compression, at constant temperature is known as isothermal compression.

Gases to liquids

  • The critical temperature of the gas is the highest temperature at which the first occurrence of liquefaction of gas is seen.The critical temperature signifies the force of attraction between the molecules.The higher the critical temperature, higher is the intermolecular force of attraction and easier is the liquefaction of the gas.
  • Gases require cooling and compression both for liquefaction.

Now what gases need cooling and compression both for liquefaction? The gases which display a positive deviation from compressibility factor (Z) are permanent gases and they need both cooling and compression for the change in state.

We already know that the compressibility factor is the ratio of the original volume of a gas to the molar volume, now if the value of Z is in positive or greater than 0 then it shall need both cooling and compression for the change of state.

Understand what is Molar Volume in this Video

Effect of Compression and Cooling

Compression is the process of increasing pressure on the molecules of the gas. It brings the molecules close to each other. As soon as the molecules come in the vicinity of each other the reduced temperature slows the random movement of the molecules. This dual action of compression and cooling instigates intermolecular interactions. With the start of this intermolecular interaction, the molecules gradually and closely move toward each other leading to a change in the state.

Solved Example for you:

Q: The Critical temperature of N2is 126 K and He is 5.3 K. Which of the gases will liquify first?

Ans. N2(nitrogen) liquifies easily. Intermolecular forces are high for gases which have a highcritical temperature, making the change of state fast.

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Liquefaction of Gases: Critical Temperature, Volume, Pressure & Videos (2024)


What is the critical temperature and pressure of liquefaction of gases? ›

The critical temperature of a gas is the temperature above which it is impossible to liquefy it with any amount of pressure. for example, Carbon dioxide has a critical temperature of 30.98oC. This means that no amount of pressure given to carbon dioxide will cause it to liquefy above 30.98oC.

What do you mean by critical temperature, critical pressure, and critical volume at gas? ›

The critical temperature, pressure, and volume simply represent TC, PC, and VC respectively, and above which the gases cannot be liquefied. • What is critical temperature? The Critical temperature (TC) is the maximum temperature at which the gas can be liquefied and the temperature above which the liquid cannot exist.

What are the three methods of liquefaction of gases? ›

In general, gases can be liquefied by one of three methods: (1) by compressing the gas at temperatures less than its critical temperature; (2) by making the gas do some kind of work against an external force, which causes the gas to lose energy and change to the liquid state; and (3) by making gas do work against its ...

How can a gas be liquefied at critical temperature? ›

The critical temperature is temperature above which the gas cannot be liquefied by pressure alone. Now, if we want to convert a gas into liquid, we have to decrease the temperature below the critical temperature because if gas works against an external force, it starts losing energy and converts into the liquid state.

What is critical volume for liquefaction? ›

The volume of one mole of a gas volume liquefied at critical temperature is known as the critical volume (Vc) while the pressure required to liquefy the gas at critical temperature is called as the Critical pressure (pc).

What are the best conditions for liquefaction of a gas? ›

Thus, the most favourable conditions to liquefy a gas are high pressure and low temperature.

At what temperature does air liquify? ›

Liquefied air is produced cryogenically, at -196°C, which is the boiling point of nitrogen; at atmospheric pressure. Liquefying air reduces the volume of air by 700 times.

How to liquify gas? ›

By lowering the temperature. Gases can be converted into liquids by simple cooling. At very low temperatures, the gases convert to liquids.

At what temperature are the gases liquefied? ›

For refrigerated storage, the rock cavern is kept at a gas liquefaction temperature, which for the most common petroleum gases, propane and butane, is approximately −40° and −20°C, respectively, at atmospheric pressure.

What are the 4 types of liquefaction? ›

Flow chart showing different types of soil liquefaction: flow liquefaction, cyclic liquefaction, cyclic mobility, and cyclic softening (modified from References [41,42]).

At what pressure does gas turn to liquid? ›

The natural gas is then condensed into a liquid at close to atmospheric pressure by cooling it to approximately −162 °C (−260 °F); maximum transport pressure is set at around 25 kPa (4 psi) (gauge pressure), which is about 1.25 times atmospheric pressure at sea level.

What is the process of gas liquefaction? ›

Gas liquefaction involves cooling gas to a temperature below its boiling point so that it can be stored and transported in its liquid phase. Very low temperatures (known as 'cryogenic' temperatures) are required and these temperatures are achieved through a complex set of industrial scale processes.

Which gas cannot be easily liquified? ›

Permanent gases such as hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen cannot be liquefied easily by the processes of compressing, cooling or applying pressure. The permanent gases have weak intermolecular forces of interaction which makes the process of liquefaction impossible to carry out.

What is a gas below critical temperature called? ›

A gas below the critical temperature is called vapor because it can liquefied by applying pressure. Unlike true gases , vapors can be condensed to liquids by cooling.

Can we liquify a gas by increasing pressure alone? ›

No a gas can be liquefied by pressure alone only when temperature of gas is below its critical temperature.

What is the temperature and pressure of natural gas liquefaction? ›

When natural gas is cooled at a liquefaction facility to approximately -260°F (-161.5°C) at atmospheric pressure, it condenses into a liquid. One volume of liquid occupies approximately 1/600 the volume of natural gas.

What temperature pressure is air liquefaction? ›

Liquid air is air liquefied at -196°C at atmospheric pressure. Traditionally, air is separated to its constituents and the constituents such as oxygen and nitrogen are liquefied for industrial purposes, as well as storage and transport.

What temperature is liquefied gas pressure? ›

So gases having critical temperatures above minus 10°C are called liquefiable gases. SMPV rules define: “liquefiable gas” means any gas that may be liquefied by pressure above at minus 10 °C (−10°C), but will be completely vaporised when in equilibrium with normal atmospheric pressure (760 mm Hg) at 30°C.

What is the pressure required to liquefy a gas at its critical temperature known as? ›

The minimum pressure required to liquefy the gas at the critical temperature is called the critical pressure.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.