How to handle irate customers? 5 steps for call center agents | Talkdesk (2024)

Contact Center Trends

How to handle irate customers? 5 steps for call center agents | Talkdesk (1)

By Celia Cerdeira

0 min read

How to handle irate customers? 5 steps for call center agents | Talkdesk (2)


In a contact center, unhappy customers are just part of the job, and it shouldn’t be a part that you dread.

Typically, a customer’s complaint is very valid – something that you yourself can sympathize with. Through active listening and problem-solving, you can usually turn an irate caller into a loyal customer.

How to handle an irate customer?

  • Process.
  • Listen.
  • Remain calm.
  • Repeat information.
  • Avoid the hold button.
  • Make the caller happy.

Building a process for handling angry customers.

As a call center representative, you will come across frustrated, impatient, or short-tempered callers on a daily basis. How you handle angry customers can either lead to a successful resolution of their issue or to losing the customer forever. In these types of trying situations, it can be difficult for call center agents to stay calm and respond to the customer’s concerns appropriately. But, your support team can handle it well if they have the right tools, training and call center software to help them handle difficult personalities with grace.

The following five techniques can help to calm the caller, enhance the productiveness of the call, decrease handle times, and increase customer service quality.

Step 1: Listen.

You can usually determine whether or not the caller is angry within the first few seconds of a call. When you come across an angry caller, it is important to simply listen to them before trying to defuse the situation. The caller may just want to vent his frustration. Sometimes, after a caller is given the chance to express displeasure, they will apologize and allow you to solve the problem with no further anger.

Throughout the conversation, it may be helpful to jot down the major points of of the customer’s concerns on your notepad. Irate customers tend to go on tangents. Keeping notes will help you to find an answer to the problem more efficiently and will also allow you to maintain your focus throughout the customer conversation.

If you run into an especially difficult circ*mstance and the angry customer is threatening you, using violent language or swearing, follow your company’s policy guidelines. Your organization should have specific rules pertaining to situations when the support team has to handle exceptionally angry customers and things get out of hand. If your guidelines allow you to end the call when they cross the line, by all means, end the call right away.

Step 2: Remain calm.

It is important to stay calm during a call to prevent the situation from escalating. Here are a few tips to try:

  • Focus on using an even tone while you speak, remaining calm even if the customer continues to lose their temper. Using an agitated or angry tone will simply infuriate the caller even more.
  • Remember that the customer isn’t angry at you. It is the situation that is making the caller angry.
  • Put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if this happened to you? Most customers have valid reasons for reacting to the situation with anger and impatience. Having a little bit of empathy for the customer’s feelings can go a long way.
  • Take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves while the caller is talking. Upset customers usually just need to tell someone their frustrations, so it often helps if you simply stay calm and listen.

Step 3: Repeat information.

When the angry caller has finished talking, it is important to make them feel as if you are on their side. One way to do this is to apologize about the problem, convey empathy and then summarize their main points. Doing so will not only make the caller feel you are listening to them, it will also give them a few moments to calm down. You may be surprised at how much calmer they are when they start talking again.

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Step 4: Avoid the hold button.

Many customer service representatives will put an angry caller on hold, believing that the hold time will allow them a moment to calm down. Actually, the opposite is true. The hold time will add to the caller’s frustration, escalating the situation.

Some callers believe that hold time allows representatives to talk rudely without being heard. Others believe that they are put on hold so that the representative doesn’t have to deal with the problem. While this may not be true, while on hold, a caller’s imagination will have plenty of time to think up negative reasons for why they are on hold.

Instead of putting the caller on hold while you research the problem, talk to them. Let them know exactly what you are doing to solve their problem. For example, “it seems to me that you may have a billing error. I’m pulling up your bill, Ms. Jones, and taking a look. I see that you were billed on the first of the month and the payment was made automatically through your credit card. You said you changed your method of payment, so now I am going to take a look at the notes on your account to see when that change was made.”

Talking to your angry customer will help to calm them as they will feel you care enough to guide them through the entire process.

How to handle irate customers? 5 steps for call center agents | Talkdesk (3)


Call center call scoring evaluation form items


Step 5: Make the caller happy.

Once you have researched the problem, it is time to take action. Below are tips to help make the callers happy:

Give them options.

Giving your callers options to resolve their issue will make them feel more in control. Be sure to not only tell your customer what their options are but also how soon each option can be implemented. A lack of control can enrage the customer even further.

Offer a refund or voucher.

If your company policy allows, offer them a refund or voucher. It can go a long way in showing that you are sorry and that you appreciate their business.

Go the extra mile.

Before ending the call, ask the caller if there is anything else you can help them with. Going the extra mile can make them feel more appreciated.

Make them smile.

Finally, compliment them on being patient or telling a joke to lighten the mood. If you can put a smile on their face before you end the call, you are an all-star agent.

Handling angry callers are part of the job at any call center. Knowing how to deal with these challenging interactions effectively can go a long way in improving the customer’s experience with you and your company. Listening, staying calm, repeating information, avoiding the hold button, and making your caller happy are all essential when you have an angry caller on the line. Employing these techniques will not only allow you to help the customer but will also improve customer satisfaction and reduce handle times.

For additional reading, check out our recent conversation with Surveypal when we discussed customer service best practices.

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How to handle irate customers? 5 steps for call center agents | Talkdesk (4)

Celia Cerdeira

Célia Cerdeira has more than 20 years experience in the contact center industry. She imagines, designs, and brings to life the right content for awesome customer journeys. When she's not writing, you can find her chilling on the beach enjoying a freshly squeezed juice and reading a novel by some of her favorite authors.

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How to handle irate customers? 5 steps for call center agents | Talkdesk (2024)


How to handle irate customers? 5 steps for call center agents | Talkdesk? ›

Know When It's Time to End the Conversation

Give the customer the best solution you have, and acknowledge that you've helped to the best of your ability and it's time to disconnect. “This is the best solution we have at this time. Is there anything else I can help you with today?”

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  1. Prevent Angry Customers to Begin With.
  2. Don't Take It Personally.
  3. Remain Calm and Confident.
  4. Listen First.
  5. Be Empathetic.
  6. Stay Positive.
  7. Stick to the Facts.
  8. Secure the Next Step.
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7 Steps For Dealing With Angry Customers
  1. Remain calm. ...
  2. Don't take it personally. ...
  3. Use your best listening skills. ...
  4. Actively sympathize. ...
  5. Apologize gracefully. ...
  6. Find a solution. ...
  7. Take a few minutes on your own.
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Know When It's Time to End the Conversation

Give the customer the best solution you have, and acknowledge that you've helped to the best of your ability and it's time to disconnect. “This is the best solution we have at this time. Is there anything else I can help you with today?”

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Templates to deal with angry customers over live chat
  1. “I know you're feeling frustrated, and I want to let you know I'm here to help. ...
  2. “I understand how upsetting this situation must be for you. ...
  3. “Thank you for reaching out to us. ...
  4. “I apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced. ...
  5. “I appreciate your patience.
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When asked how you would deal with an angry customer in a job interview, follow these tips to provide a strong and convincing response:
  1. Stay Calm and Composed. ...
  2. Acknowledge and Empathize. ...
  3. Apologize Sincerely. ...
  4. Active Listening. ...
  5. Ask Clarifying Questions. ...
  6. Offer Solutions. ...
  7. Be Flexible and Empower. ...
  8. Stay Professional and Positive.
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How to deal with difficult customer situations
  1. Keep your communication professional.
  2. Remain calm.
  3. Speak softly.
  4. Practice active listening.
  5. Give them time to talk.
  6. Understand the customer's point of view.
  7. Assess their needs.
  8. Seek a solution.
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5 Strategies for Handling Rude Customers
  • Stay Calm, Don't React. The first thing to do is to remain calm and not respond in kind. ...
  • Don't Take It Personally. Why are some customers so rude? ...
  • Listen and, If Appropriate, Apologize. Rude customers often need to vent their frustration. ...
  • Stand Firm. ...
  • Solve the Problem.

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Try these five steps for managing anger in your relationships to have healthier arguments: (1) check the anger beast; (2) when overwhelmed, take a break; (3) arm yourself with tools to zap anger; (4) when calm, re-engage; and (5) rebound from arguments.

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Listen with empathy
  1. Remain patient and acknowledge the customer's concerns.
  2. Ask questions.
  3. Do not interrupt.
  4. Allow the person to vent, it can relieve their frustration.
  5. Summarise their concerns to make sure you have understood.
  6. The following phrases may be useful: "I understand that you are frustrated"
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  2. Listen actively. ...
  3. Separate the issue into smaller issues. ...
  4. Repeat what the customer says back to them. ...
  5. Stay calm. ...
  6. Offer solutions. ...
  7. Act quickly. ...
  8. Offer a sincere apology.
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Listening, staying calm, repeating information, avoiding the hold button, and making your caller happy are all essential when you have an angry caller on the line. Employing these techniques will not only allow you to help the customer but will also improve customer satisfaction and reduce handle times.

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One of the fastest ways to de-escalate a situation with an angry customer is to show you care. You can demonstrate active listening skills by repeating their issue and clarifying anything they said that you didn't understand. In addition, customer service agents should display empathy and understanding.

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Start by saying, “I apologize for your inconvenience. No wonder you're upset.” Then follow this with an “S” – sympathy and empathy – response. Pretend it's you having the problem. How would you want to be dealt with?

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“I understand why you're upset – I would be upset as well in this situation. We will figure out a solution that makes you happy and that fully resolves this issue for you.” “I understand how frustrating this must be, especially since it sounds like we really missed the mark here.”

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Let's look at some of these phrases that upset customers and how to avoid them.
  • “Calm down!” ...
  • “That's not my responsibility.” ...
  • “I don't know.” ...
  • “Let me put you on hold.” ...
  • “We can't help with that right now.” ...
  • “First, let me get your information.” ...
  • “If you keep shouting, I'll have to terminate this call.”
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Here are our eight tips on how to deal with customer's complaints without ruining your own nerves.
  • #1 Stay Calm. ...
  • #2 Be kind to the caller. ...
  • #3 Listen. ...
  • #4 Acknowledge the matter. ...
  • #5 Apologize for the inconvenience. ...
  • #6 Ask Questions. ...
  • #7 Don't overpromise. ...
  • #8 Send a follow-up email.
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.