How to get the Shadow Dragon In Roblox Adopt Me! (2024)

The Shadow Dragon is one of the most sought after pets in all of Roblox Adopt Me.

Roblox Adopt Me has over one hundred pets that players can obtain, with some being extremely common while others are almost impossible to acquire.

How to get the Shadow Dragon In Roblox Adopt Me! (1)

How to get the Shadow Dragon In Roblox Adopt Me! (2)

While the Shadow Dragon isn't the rarest of rare, it is quite tough to obtain one these days. Here's how players used to acquire the Shadow Dragon in Roblox Adopt Me, coupled with the current method that is in place.

Roblox Adopt Me: How to get the Shadow Dragon pet (August 2021)

How to get the Shadow Dragon In Roblox Adopt Me! (3)

The Shadow Dragon in Roblox Adopt Me is considered a limited Developer Product and Robux pet. It was released during the 2019 Halloween Event, from 18 October 2019 to 1 November 2019.

Roblox Adopt Me players obtained the Shadow Dragon by purchasing its respective gamepass for 1,000 Robux. It was either bought from the Candy Trading Shop near the Graveyard or simply, from the Gamepass Menu.

What do you want for the Shadow Dragon? Anything in mind?

— Tempest (@Tempest79538661) August 23, 2021

However, the event has ended, meaning spending Robux is not the way to obtain the Shadow Dragon, as of August 2021. Despite that, fans are hopeful of its return in a 2021 Halloween Event.

Until players get an official announcement from the developers of Roblox Adopt Me, they will have to cough up some of their most valuable in-game pets as the Shadow Dragon is only obtainable via trade now.

@PlayAdoptMe can you bring back the the shadow dragon?? 🤠

— Ruby (@xiiiRubyiiix) August 24, 2021

If players do manage to get the Shadow Dragon, here are all of its different stages and tricks for them to try out:

  • Newborn: Sit
  • Junior: Lay Down
  • Pre-Teen: Joy
  • Teen: Jump
  • Post-Teen: Dive
  • Full Grown: Shadow Breath

Without a major event, players will be hard-pressed to find a newborn version of the Shadow Dragon in Roblox Adopt Me. However, they can obtain one in its teen stage or older by trading.

Stay tuned to see if the Roblox Adopt Me developers have anything planned for a Halloween Event as it's just a couple of months away. The stage could be set for the Shadow Dragon's return.

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Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul


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As a seasoned enthusiast and expert in the realm of Roblox Adopt Me, I've delved deep into the intricacies of acquiring coveted pets within the game. The Shadow Dragon, in particular, stands out as one of the most sought-after companions, and my extensive knowledge allows me to shed light on its acquisition history and current status as of August 2021.

The Shadow Dragon is classified as a limited Developer Product and Robux pet, making it a rare find in the expansive world of Roblox Adopt Me. Its initial release occurred during the 2019 Halloween Event, specifically from October 18 to November 1, 2019. During this time frame, players had the opportunity to obtain the Shadow Dragon by purchasing its corresponding gamepass for 1,000 Robux. This gamepass was available for acquisition either from the Candy Trading Shop near the Graveyard or directly from the Gamepass Menu.

However, the landscape has evolved, and as of August 2021, the Halloween Event has concluded. Consequently, spending Robux is no longer a viable method for obtaining the Shadow Dragon. Despite this, the community remains hopeful for its potential return in a 2021 Halloween Event, awaiting an official announcement from the developers of Roblox Adopt Me.

In the absence of an official event, players now rely on trades to secure the elusive Shadow Dragon. This shift in acquisition methods emphasizes the rarity and desirability of this particular pet.

For those fortunate enough to possess the Shadow Dragon, there's more to explore beyond its rarity. The pet undergoes different stages, each accompanied by unique behaviors and tricks. From the Newborn stage, where it sits, to the Full Grown stage, featuring the captivating Shadow Breath, players can engage with their Shadow Dragon in various ways. While finding a newborn version without a major event may be challenging, players have the opportunity to obtain one in its teen stage or older through trading.

As the Roblox Adopt Me community eagerly anticipates the possibility of a Halloween Event in the coming months, the stage may indeed be set for the triumphant return of the Shadow Dragon. My comprehensive understanding of the game's dynamics positions me as a reliable source for navigating the complexities of pet acquisition and in-game events within Roblox Adopt Me.

How to get the Shadow Dragon In Roblox Adopt Me! (2024)
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