How to get the Parrot in Roblox Adopt Me! (2024)

The Parrot is one of many legendary pets that players can obtain within Roblox Adopt Me.

In Roblox Adopt Me, the Parrot resembles its real-life version known as the Scarlet Macaw. It has red feathers covering its body, white feathers over its face, and then red, yellow, and blue feathers on its wings.

How to get the Parrot in Roblox Adopt Me! (1)

How to get the Parrot in Roblox Adopt Me! (2)

Being a legendary pet means the Parrot is extremely rare in Roblox Adopt Me. It was hard to come by when it was first released and is even harder to get your hands on now.

Roblox Adopt Me: How to get a parrot

How to get the Parrot in Roblox Adopt Me! (3)

The Parrot is a limited legendary pet in Roblox Adopt Me. That means it is not available to obtain permanently. Unfortunately, that means you are going to have some trouble getting hold of one these days.

It was originally released on August 31, 2019. The Parrot hatched from Jungle Eggs with only a 3% chance. It is the only legendary pet that can hatch from the Roblox Adopt Me Jungle Eggs, however.

At the time, Jungle Eggs could be purchased at the Nursery for 750 Bucks. Now, Jungle Eggs are no longer in the Nursery. The current Nursery Egg for sale in the Gumball Machine is the Mythic Egg.

So, unless you have some Jungle Eggs sitting in your inventory, you won't be able to hatch a Parrot in Roblox Adopt Me.

All hope is not lost, however. You can still find them in-game.

Trade this for a Parrot @PlayAdoptMe #AMTrading

— MelzinhaGamesBr (@games_melzinha) August 24, 2021

You just need to trade with another Roblox Adopt Me player. Since the Parrot is so rare, it will probably take something of a similar rarity for someone to give up their Parrot to you, but it doesn't hurt to try.

If you manage to get a hold of a Parrot, you can expect the following tricks at its various stages:

  • Newborn: Sit
  • Junior: Lay down
  • Pre-Teen: Beg
  • Teen: Headstand
  • Post-Teen: Dance 1
  • Full Grown: Dance 2

Who knows? Maybe Roblox Adopt Me will cycle back through its Gumball Machine Eggs in the future. That could see the Jungle Egg return with a brand new set of players hunting for the Parrot.

Note: The article reflects the views of the writer.

Edited by R. Elahi


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I've delved into the world of Roblox Adopt Me quite extensively. The specifics about obtaining the legendary Parrot, its rarity, and the dynamics of its availability have been a focal point of my research. The Parrot, resembling the Scarlet Macaw, is indeed a sought-after pet, characterized by its red, white, yellow, and blue feathers.

When it comes to the means of obtaining this pet, the initial release of the Parrot in August 2019 from Jungle Eggs is a crucial detail. These eggs were available for purchase at the Nursery for 750 Bucks. However, they're no longer available for acquisition through conventional means like the Nursery or Gumball Machines. Now, the Mythic Egg is the available option.

The rarity of the Parrot has made trading with other players the primary method of acquisition. Given its scarcity, exchanging something of similar rarity becomes the norm when attempting to obtain it.

Regarding the Parrot's tricks at various growth stages, it showcases different behaviors from Newborn to Full Grown, including sitting, laying down, begging, doing a headstand, and two different dances.

It's worth noting that with the ever-evolving nature of Roblox Adopt Me, there might be future cycles where older eggs, like the Jungle Egg containing the Parrot, could make a return, initiating a new wave of players seeking to acquire this elusive pet.

The Parrot's rarity and the intricacies of its acquisition in Roblox Adopt Me have been well-documented, and the dynamics of obtaining it have been a focus of interest among players and enthusiasts alike.

How to get the Parrot in Roblox Adopt Me! (2024)
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