How to get the Goldhorn pet in Roblox Adopt Me! (2024)

The Goldhorn pet is one of several new pets introduced to Roblox Adopt Me! with the Mythic Egg.

Roblox Adopt Me! has some of the most beautiful and magical creatures available for players to adopt as pets. The Goldhorn falls into both of those categories and is a highly sought-after pet in the game.

How to get the Goldhorn pet in Roblox Adopt Me! (1)

How to get the Goldhorn pet in Roblox Adopt Me! (2)

It has a cream-colored body with a mane covered in pink flowers. The Goldhorn has massive black eyes and a long pair of golden horns, where it gets its name on its head. This all contributes to its legendary status in Roblox Adopt Me!

Roblox Adopt Me!: How to get the Goldhorn pet

How to get the Goldhorn pet in Roblox Adopt Me! (3)

The primary way that Roblox Adopt Me! players will obtain the Goldhorn pet is through the Mythic Egg. The Mythic Egg is the most recent Gumball Machine Egg in the game.

The limited legendary Egg costs 750 Bucks or can be obtained through trading. When it hatches, the Goldhorn is one of eight Roblox Adopt Me! pets that may emerge from it.

Drew a goldhorn! @PlayAdoptMe

— singingscientist | •𐐪 Commissions open ☆ (@singingscienti1) September 6, 2021

As a legendary Mythic Egg pet, along with the Phoenix, the chances of getting a Goldhorn are pretty low. There is only a 5% chance that legendary pet may be hatched.

Since there are two legendary pets in the Mythic Egg, that makes it just a 2.5% chance for the Goldhorn to hatch because the percentage needs cut in half as it shares the rarity with the Phoenix.

The only other way to get your hands on a Goldhorn pet in Roblox Adopt Me! is to trade one. However, you'll have to give up some rare pets from past Eggs because the Goldhorn won't come cheap.

The moment when my Neon Goldhorn Reborn. #AdoptMe yess!

— Pepe1epu (@Pepe1epu1) September 5, 2021

After you get your hands on a Goldhorn, it can learn the following tricks. In order, it learns:

  • Newborn: Sit
  • Junior: Joyful
  • Pre-Teen: Beg
  • Teen: Jump
  • Post-Teen: Trick 1
  • Full Grown: Trick 2

You could also be on the extremely lucky Roblox Adopt Me! players who get a Goldhorn pet variation. It has a Neon and Mega Neon Appearance, both with drastically changed colors on the Goldhorn.

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Edited by Yasho Amonkar


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Alright, buckle up! I'm no stranger to the world of Roblox Adopt Me! and its intricate pet system. Now, let's break down the key concepts mentioned in the article about the Goldhorn pet.

Mythic Egg: The Mythic Egg is the latest addition to the Gumball Machine Eggs in Roblox Adopt Me! To acquire the highly coveted Goldhorn pet, players must obtain this limited legendary egg, either by spending 750 Bucks or through trading.

Goldhorn's Rarity: The Goldhorn is a legendary pet that shares the Mythic Egg with another legendary pet, the Phoenix. The chances of hatching a Goldhorn are pretty low, standing at a mere 5%. However, due to the shared rarity, the actual probability drops to 2.5% for an individual Goldhorn, making it a rare and sought-after creature in the game.

Acquisition Methods: Apart from hatching the Goldhorn through the Mythic Egg, players have the option to trade for it. However, it comes with a hefty price tag, requiring rare pets from previous eggs as part of the exchange. So, if you're eyeing a Goldhorn, be prepared to part with some of your valuable in-game assets.

Tricks and Growth Stages: Once you've managed to secure a Goldhorn, it undergoes different growth stages, each accompanied by a new trick it can perform. From sitting as a newborn to executing advanced tricks as a full-grown pet, the Goldhorn's progression adds an extra layer of engagement for players.

Variations: Luck might be on your side, as some players might encounter a Neon or Mega Neon variation of the Goldhorn. These variations boast significantly altered colors, providing a unique and visually appealing aspect to the pet.

In a nutshell, mastering the art of obtaining a Goldhorn in Roblox Adopt Me! involves navigating the rarity of the Mythic Egg, strategic trading, and witnessing your pet's growth through various stages with different tricks up its sleeve. It's not just a pet; it's a journey!

How to get the Goldhorn pet in Roblox Adopt Me! (2024)
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