How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (2024)

Freezing is by far the best way to preserve your sausages, but it can leave you wondering how to defrost or thaw hot dogs safely. However, after reading this, you will be able to defrost frozen hot dogs like a pro!

Thawing frozen food may sound easy, but there are many things you must remember to ensure that they are safe to eat afterward. Defrosting food incorrectly can lead to the growth of bacteria and food poisoning (1), so be sure to follow the steps below carefully for the best results.

How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (1)

How Not To Thaw Hot Dogs

How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (2)

If you are thinking to yourself,Do hot dogs spoil?”, then the answer is definitely yes. You might think that freezing meat can kill bacteria, but that is completely wrong. Freezing can only slow the growth of bacteria, not kill them.

So when you thaw meat incorrectly, you’re allowing the bacteria to multiply. The longer you wait, the more bacteria there is. Here are the things you should avoid when thawing hot dogs:

1. Do Not Leave Them On The Kitchen Counter

According to Food Safety Guidelines from the USDA, you should never leave your hot dogs at room temperature for more than 2 hours. If the temperature reaches above 90°F, that time limit will go down to 1 hour(2). So whatever you do, NEVER thaw hot dogs on the counter!

2. Do Not Cook Them In The Microwave On High

The safest way to thaw hot dogs is to let them sit at a constant temperature at 40°F or below. If the temperature exceeds that limit, it will be in the “Danger Zone” where bacteria can double in minutes(3).

3. Do Not Let Them Sit In Hot Water

Similarly, if they make contact with hot water, the outer layer of your hot dogs will be in the “Danger Zone” and spoil quickly. So you must use the coolest setting on your tap if you want to thaw them in water.

The Best Methods To Thaw Hot Dogs

If you’re reading this, you probably know if you can put hot dogs in freezers and what not to do while defrosting them. Now, give this section a read, and you shall learn 3 easy yet effective step-by-step tutorials to thaw frozen sausages.

1. Using The Refrigerator (The Safest Way)

How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (3)

What can you do if you accidentally thaw too much sausage? Is it possible to refreeze thawed hot dogs? This might seem like a no-brainer question, but it is actually more complicated than you think.

It is possible to put thawed hot dogs back in the freezer, but one of the requirements for that is thawing the hot dogs in the fridge. That is why the refrigerator method is the go-to way to thaw your hot dogs if you are not sure you can eat them all.

In fact, the refrigerator is also the best way to thaw frozen fish and other foods. Next time you’re not sure how to defrost a certain food, putting it in the fridge is your best bet.

Step 1: Place Them On A Plate

Remember that frozen hot dogs have tiny ice particles on them. Once you thaw the hot dogs, the ice will melt and flow away, carrying bacteria that can contaminate fresh food.

So it would be best if you put them on a spacious defrosting tray. A shallow plate (or a bowl) can also suffice. Just make sure the container can catch all the fluid from the frozen hot dogs. Just line them up, don’t stack them.

Step 2: Cover Them

You can wrap the dish with saran wrap if you want, so the smell doesn’t spread. You can also use a lid to cover the hot dogs.

Also, if you are working with unopened hot dogs, place them on a plate and call it a day—no need to cover.

Step 3: And Now You Wait!

Put the plate in the refrigerator and allow it to thaw for 24 hours or until they become flexible and cool to the touch.

Yes, this method is more time-consuming compared to the others. However, this thawing method will make them last 3-5 days. It’ll also make the requisite timespan to smoke hot dogs considerably shorter. So in the end, I think it is worth it.

Note: If you have to thaw many hot dogs at once, it may take more than 24 hours. So remember to plan your meal a few days prior.

2. Using The Microwave (The Quickest Way)

How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (4)

The microwave is the opposite of the refrigerator one. It is the quickest way to defrost hot dogs, but it can also be quite dangerous if you don’t do it correctly.

Luckily, this section will tell you the proper techniques to use the microwave that might help you know the correct way to defrost bacon and other meat as well. If you follow the instructions below carefully, this will be the most effective method to thaw hot dogs.

Step 1: Put Them On A Plate

If your hot dogs are still in the package, take them out and place them on a microwave-safe plate. The plastic packaging can melt if the heat is too high, spoiling your hot dogs and making a mess in the microwave.

Also, remember not to stack the hot dogs. Just put them in a single layer.

Step 2: Cover Them

Cover the hot dogs by draping a piece of paper towel over them. The paper towel will soak up the hot dog fluid. Alternatively, you can wrap them individually in paper towels.

Step 3: Microwave Them

Microwave the hot dogs for 30 seconds using the defrost setting. If your microwave doesn’t have a “Defrost” option, just set it to 30% power.

Also, if your microwave doesn’t rotate the food for you (this usually happens with microwave ovens), you should turn the dish 180° every now and then to ensure that they are thawed evenly.

Step 4: Check Them Out

After 30 seconds, take them out and check them. Remember, thawed hot dogs are cool to the touch and slightly flexible. If they are not, place them back in the microwave and rotate them for another 30 seconds.

Keep repeating this step until they are no longer cold. In total, the length of time to microwave hot dogs is different based on their state and size. Thick hot dogs will obviously take more time than thin ones.

In general, the process might take up to 12 minutes for a whole package (meaning you have to microwave them 24 times).

Sounds like a lot? Yes, this can be quite excessive. But do NOT turn the heat on to make the process faster. This will trigger bacterial growth and spoil the hot dogs.

Step 5: Cook Them Right Away

Once they are thawed, you must cook the hot dogs immediately! The microwave has partially cooked the hot dogs. So if you let it sit for too long, the hot dogs will go bad very quickly.

Your hot dogs are safe to eat once their internal temperature reaches 165°F (or when they are steaming hot).

3. Using Cool Water (The Easiest Way)

How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (5)

Don’t have enough time to wait for your hot to thaw in the fridge and microwaved hot dogs don’t sound appetizing to you? This is the best method for you, especially if you plan to try the ways to make boiled hot dogs later. And best of all, this method is incredibly easy to do.

Step 1: Put Them In A Bag

Place the sausages in an airtight plastic bag and seal it tight. Make sure the water can’t touch the food.

If your hot dogs are unopened, keep them in their original package.

Step 2: Place Them In Cool Water

Add cool water to a big bowl and let your hot dogs sit in it for 30 minutes. Remember to submerge your bag. If it floats, that means there’s still air inside the bag. Squeeze the air out and put them back in the bowl.

Do not use warm or hot water in this step. Because just like the microwave method, if the hot dogs start to cook in the water, they will spoil.

If you are working with a few packs of hot dogs, put them in separate bowls to speed up this process.

Step 3: Check Them Out

After 30 minutes, take them out of the bowl and check to see if they are squishy and cool to the touch. If not, replace the water in the bowl and let them sit for another 30 minutes.

Thawing multiple packs of hot dogs will take longer (1-2 hours), but usually, they will thaw within the first 30 minutes.

Note: If your hot dogs are not thawed after 2 hours, don’t place them back in the water, put them in the refrigerator instead. Thawing them in cool water for more than 2 hours is not recommended.

Step 4: Cook Them Right Away

Cook your hot dogs immediately to kill all the bacteria in the hot dogs. This method is much safer than the microwave one, but leaving them for too long can be dangerous.

Cooking them to the safe temperature of 165°F will ensure that there are no bacteria in your hot dogs. Use a candy thermometer or a wireless meat thermometer with high accuracy to ensure that the hot dogs have reached the recommended temperature before taking them out.

Let’s sum up these 2 sections with some knowledge about thawing meat! Watch this video:

Watch this video: The Best Way to Thaw Meat

3 Ways To Cook Hot Dogs Without Thawing Them

Once your hot dogs are fully thawed, you can cook them however you like. Fry them, grill them, smoke them,… the possibilities are endless!

However, there are still many ways to cook hot dogs while they are completely frozen. So if you are craving hot dogs and don’t have the time to thaw them, have a look at the tutorials below:

1. Using The Stove

How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (6)

This is probably the most straightforward method to cook frozen hot dogs without thawing them. All you have to do is boil them for a bit longer than usual until they are thoroughly cooked.

How long does it take to boil hot dogs? Depending on the size of your hot dogs or the temperature of the stove, each recipe will have a different recommended cooking time and temperature.

In this case, you just need to cook them on high for 8 minutes, and they are good to go.

2. Using The Oven/ Toaster Oven

How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (7)

You can also learn how to make hot dogs using a toaster oven or a conventional oven if you prefer a crunchy, more flavorful dog.

Brush a bit of oil on the frozen hot dogs and bake them in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 400°F. Check and flip them regularly. Additionally, you can turn the temperature to 430°F to make them extra crispy and pretty-looking.

This technique is best when you plan to prepare tasty dishes with leftover hot dogs the following day. As this method allows the hot dogs to achieve their full flavor potential, you’ll find that the leftovers still taste amazing after being cooked a day or two.

3. Using An Air Fryer

How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (8)

In the air fryer basket, place a single layer of hot dogs and apply some oil on them. Air fry them for 6 minutes at 320°F. After that, flip them and put them back in the fryer, cook them for 6 more minutes at 360°F this time to make them crispy.

4. Using An Instant Pot

How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (9)

Add some water to the instant pot and place in the frozen sausages. Close the lid and cook them for 20 minutes. Once they are fully cooked, release the steam and remove them from the instant pot.

If you want to have your hot dogs with buns, you can put them in a steaming basket and place them in the hot instant pot. This is considered one of the best ways to steam hot dog buns.

For more instructions on cooking hot dogs in an instant pot, check this out!

Watch this video: Instant Pot Frozen Italian Sausage Recipe


For more information on thawing frozen hot dogs, take a look at the frequently asked questions below and find the answers you need.

How long does it take to thaw a frozen hot dog?

This heavily depends on the thawing method you’ve chosen and the number of hot dogs you want to defrost.

If you thaw them in the fridge, it will take up to 24 hours. Thawing hot dogs in cool water takes 30 minutes to 2 hours. The microwave can defrost your hot dogs in about 30 seconds to 12 minutes.

How do you defrost hot dog buns quickly?

The microwave method is the quickest way to thaw your hot dogs. Just put them in the microwave and defrost them for 30 seconds. Check to see if they thaw, put them back in for another 30 seconds until they are flexible. You might have to repeat the steps more than once.

How do you cook frozen hot dogs?

Once they are fully thawed, you can treat them the same way you treat fresh hot dogs. But if you want to save time, you can cook them while they are still frozen with the methods listed above.

How do you grill frozen hot dogs?

You should never grill fully frozen hot dogs. Make sure that they thaw completely before placing them on the grill. You can put them in the fridge, let them sit in cool water or microwave them, it depends on your preference.

How long can thawed hot dogs stay in the fridge?

It is safe to leave thawed hot dogs in the fridge for about 3-5 days before you cook them. But cooking them right after they are thawed is the best option.

Is it safe to defrost at room temperature?

Leaving hot dogs at room temperature for only 1-2 hours will rapidly increase the bacteria in them. So no, it is rather dangerous to thaw them at room temperature or on the counter.

What does a spoiled hot dog look like?

Spoiled hot dogs have a dull greyish color, slimy flesh, and sour smell. Those with freezer burns are also unsafe to eat. Discard them immediately if they have these signs.

Be Cautious When You Thaw Hot Dogs!

Thawing food safely may require extra time and effort, but keeping these tips in mind will keep you and your family members safe from food poisoning.

By the end of this article, I hope you can understand the effective methods to defrost or thaw hot dogs safely.

Do you have any concerns about this topic? Let me know in the comment section down below. Also, remember to give this post a thumb up and share it with your friend if you like. Stay safe and see you next time!

How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (10)

How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs

4.8 from 5 votes




Prep time






Thawing time



Total time



Are you having trouble with defrosting hot dogs? Well, all your problems will be gone after reading this guide. Here are the best ways to thaw your hot dogs safely.


  • Frozen hot dogs

  • Using The Refrigerator
  • A shallow plate (Optional: bowl)

  • Saran wrap

  • Using The Microwave
  • A microwave-safe plate

  • Paper towel

  • Using Cool Water
  • A pot of cool water

  • An airtight plastic bag


  • Using The Refrigerator
  • Place the hot dogs on a plate, bowl, or defrosting tray.
    • How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (11)
    • How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (12)
  • Cover them with saran wrap or a lid (optional). Put the plate in the refrigerator and allow it to thaw for 24 hours.
    • How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (13)
  • Using The Microwave
  • Take the hot dogs out of their package and place them on a microwave-safe plate. Do not stack the hot dogs. Arrange them in a single layer.
  • Cover the hot dogs by draping a piece of paper towel over them.
  • Microwave the hot dogs for 30 seconds using the defrost setting.
  • After 30 seconds, take them out and check if they’re thawed. Repeat until completely defrosted. And cook immediately after thawing.
    • How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (14)
  • Using Cool Water
  • Keep your hot dogs in their original packaging or put them in an airtight plastic bag and seal it tight.
  • Add cool water to a big bowl and submerge your hot dogs for 30 minutes. Check after 30 minutes. Replace the water and add another 30 minutes if necessary. Cook the hot dogs right away.
    • How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (15)


  • Do not use warm or hot water to thaw hot dogs, as doing so can potentially spoil them.
  • While you should cook hot dogs thawed in the microwave or water immediately, the ones that was defrosted in the fridge can last for another 3-5 days.

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Nutrition Facts

4 servings per container

  • Amount Per ServingCalories159
  • % Daily Value *
  • Total Fat11.9g17%
    • Saturated Fat4g20%
  • Cholesterol46mg16%
  • Sodium636mg27%
  • Total Carbohydrate8g3%
    • Sugars1.3g
  • Protein4g8%
  • Calcium 53%

* The % Daily Value tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.

How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (16)


  1., 2021. Bacteria and Viruses.
  2. USDA, 2013. Hot Dogs & Food Safety.
  3. USDA, 2013. The Big Thaw — Safe Defrosting Methods.

Table of Contents

  • How Not To Thaw Hot Dogs
    • 1. Do Not Leave Them On The Kitchen Counter
    • 2. Do Not Cook Them In The Microwave On High
    • 3. Do Not Let Them Sit In Hot Water
  • The Best Methods To Thaw Hot Dogs
    • 1. Using The Refrigerator (The Safest Way)
    • 2. Using The Microwave (The Quickest Way)
    • 3. Using Cool Water (The Easiest Way)
  • 3 Ways To Cook Hot Dogs Without Thawing Them
    • 1. Using The Stove
    • 2. Using The Oven/ Toaster Oven
    • 3. Using An Air Fryer
    • 4. Using An Instant Pot
  • FAQs
  • Be Cautious When You Thaw Hot Dogs!
  • How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs
    • Ingredients
    • Directions
    • Notes
  • Nutrition Facts
  • Reference
How To Defrost (Thaw) Hot Dogs: The Top 3 Ways 2023 (2024)
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