How long to boil hot dogs? Cooking tips and more on these favorite franks (2024)

Hot dogs are the perfect food to dress up to your taste. From adding ketchup and mustard to pickles and onions, hot dogs are great forany occasion, especially family barbecues orbaseball games.

No matter if you throw one on the grill, stovetop or even roast one over a flame, hot dogs are a crowd favorite. Even though the food is fairlysimple to prepare, things could go awry during the cooking process.

So, here is a guide on how long to boil hot dogs and more information about the famous frankfurter.

How long to boil hot dogs?

Hot dogs should be boiled for around four to six minutes. But if the hot dog is frozen, it should be boiled for nine to 10 minutes.

You can choose to boil your hot dog in water or beer, depending on your preference.Regardless of the your liquid choice, one refrigeratedhot dogshould be boiled uncovered for four to six minutes. Once it is done, remove the hot dog from the pot and place on a paper-towel-lined plate to drain the liquid.

Boiling your hot dogin beer can give ita mellow flavor and tender texture, which differs from boiling it in regular water.

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How do you know when boiled hot dogs are done?

You can tell when ahot dogis done cooking onceits internal temperature increases after being exposed to heat for a period oftime, according to Before being consumed, hot dogs should reach an internal temperature of at least140 degrees Fahrenheit, says Coleman Natural Foods.

Another general rule for if a hot dog iscooked is to check its texture.Fully cooked hot dogs will have wrinklyskin and will become darker in color.

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What's really in a hot dog?

The main ingredient in hot dogs is meat, which can bebeef, pork or poultry (such as turkey or chicken). The meat, however, comes from trimmings, which are bits and pieces from cut meat. For example, chicken trimmings are leftovers from separating chicken into thighs and breast pieces.

Hot dogs also contain up to 15% of mechanically separated pork and poultry. But there should be nobone fragments in hot dogs.During the creation of mechanically separated pork and poultry, the machinery cannot crush or grind the bones; they must beremoved basically intact, the USDA says.

A hot dog may not contain more than 30% fat or no more than 10% water, or a combination of 40% fat and added water, according to theDepartment of Agriculture.

How long to boil hot dogs? Cooking tips and more on these favorite franks (1)

Read more:What are hot dogs actually made of?

How long to boil hot dogs? Cooking tips and more on these favorite franks (2024)


How long to boil hot dogs? Cooking tips and more on these favorite franks? ›

Hot dogs should be boiled for around four to six minutes. But if the hot dog is frozen, it should be boiled for nine to 10 minutes. You can choose to boil your hot dog in water or beer, depending on your preference.

How do you know when franks are done? ›

How Do You Know When Your Hot Dogs Are Cooked? You'll know your hot dogs are done grilling when they start to expand and get grill marks. You want to remove them before they start sputtering and spitting out liquid. A sputtering hot dog is an indication that it's finished cooking and may be a little overdone.

How do you know when hotdogs are fully boiled? ›

Boil the hot dogs for 6 minutes.

Test a dog by making a small center slit to see whether it steams. If not, continue cooking for another minute or two. If you're boiling just a dog or two, they may be ready before six minutes are up. Test a dog at five minutes by making a small slit to see whether it steams.

How long should I boil Franks? ›

You can choose to boil your hot dog in water or beer, depending on your preference. Regardless of the your liquid choice, one refrigerated hot dog should be boiled uncovered for four to six minutes. Once it is done, remove the hot dog from the pot and place on a paper-towel-lined plate to drain the liquid.

Do you put hot dogs in before or after the water boils? ›

Bring the water to a boil over medium heat and add the hot dogs. Turn the heat to low and simmer for 4-5 minutes. (If your hot dogs are frozen, simmer for 8-10 minutes.) Remove from the water and serve immediately.

How to cook hot dogs on stove top? ›

Place a cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1 tablespoon of butter. Once the butter has foamed and the foam has subsided, add 1 hot dog to the skillet. Sear, shifting every minute or so, until plumped and beginning to brown on each side, 3 to 4 minutes.

How do I make sure my hot dogs are done? ›

You'll know they're done when you see them begin to brown and curl just a bit. Can't you just hear the sizzle? Serve. Take your hot dogs out of the oven, top them and enjoy!

Why do hot dogs get bigger when boiled? ›

Sausages are soft “processed meats", and when they are heated to cooking temperature, the air they contain expands, and the water they contain becomes steam.

Can you overcook a boiled hot dog? ›

Too much water intake will cause the skin of hot dogs to crack and rupture, which results in those mushy textures. To add insult to injury, over-boiled hot dogs also result in off-putting grey colors and bland tastes since the hot dogs won't have any salt and/or preservatives left inside.

How does Nathan's cook their dogs? ›

It's still a regular business day, so the cooks also have to make dogs for customers. Nathan's method is to slow-cook them, starting on low heat and upping the temperature until they're cooked through, about 40 minutes later.

What kind of meat is Nathan's hot dogs? ›

Nathan's Famous premium, 100% beef hot dogs feature the same original recipe cooked up by Nathan himself over 100 years ago.

Can you overcook franks? ›

"To avoid burning or overcooking your dogs on the grill — which can cause the casing to burst — cook them over indirect heat on the grill grate and move them around frequently so every side gets touched by the heat source," Claudia Sidoti, principal chef and head of recipe development at HelloFresh, told Insider.

How long do you cook hot dogs for? ›

It generally takes no longer than 10 minutes for a hot dog to heat through, and it may take less than five. The leaner your hot dogs, the less grill time they require. Most standard-sized beef franks need between four and eight minutes on the grill.

Are hot dogs done when they float? ›

When you put them in water to heat them, they will heat up but floating is not an indication of “done ness” nor of a specific temperature. You will need a meat thermometer for that. The buoyancy of hot dogs in water is not a reliable indicator of their doneness.

How long to cook frank hot dogs? ›

Bring a small pot of water to a boil. Add 1 hot dog. Boil uncovered for 4 to 6 minutes, until the hot dog has plumped up on all sides.

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