How to Boil Hot Dogs (in 10 Minutes or Less) (2024)

Boiling is one of the most popular ways to cook hot dogs. But you have more options than just the stovetop! Pressure cookers, slow cookers, your microwave, and more can all be used to cook dogs for one or many.

In this article, we breakdown just how you can use your many appliances to prepare hot dogs, and how you can keep those dogs warm once they’re done.

How do you boil the perfect hot dog?

Fun fact: many hot dogs are already fully cooked, so what you’re actually doing is reheating them to kill any bacteria.

To boil a hot dog on the stovetop, simply add one quart of water to a large saucepan and allow to boil. Add your hot dogs to the boiling water and then bring them to a full boil for four to five minutes. If you’re cooking a frozen hot dog, boil for around eight minutes. Always use tongs to remove that hot dog so you don’t burn yourself.

Do hotdogs float when they’re cooked?

Not all dogs are created equal, so not all dogs float! Dogs with more meat sink, while dogs with more fat and gristle float. Which ratio of meat to fat to gristle you go with is up to your own personal preference!

How do I know when my hot dogs are done?

The hot dog’s done when it’s cooked just how you like it! Some people like them steaming while some like them just above cold.

How do you keep hot dogs from bursting or splitting?

Skins are more likely to split if you use other cooking methods like grilling or microwaving. If you’re concerned about ending up in Splittsville, just poke some holes into your dog with a fork.

Can you over boil a hot dog?

If you boil a hot dog for too long it’ll change its taste, texture, and even its color. And once the dog has absorbed too much water, it’ll split!

Is boiling hot dogs bad?

It comes down to personal taste, but if boiling hot dogs is wrong we don’t want to be right!

Can I eat uncooked hot dogs?

You shouldn’t. Even in the case of hotdogs that are precooked, eating them straight out of the package puts you at risk of getting Listeria monocytogene, which can lead to many unpleasant symptoms.

  • Fever
  • Muscle ache
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea

If the infection spreads to your nervous system, you can develop other symptoms.

  • Headache
  • Stiff neck
  • Confusion
  • Loss of balance
  • Convulsions

Cook those dogs!

Can you boil frozen hot dogs?

Yes, you just need to double the cooking time

Why shouldn’t you boil hot dogs?

If you prefer them grilled!

Why do boiled hot dogs taste better?

“Better” is subjective. Some hot dogs contain more salt, and since boiling can draw out the salt that will make the hot dogs more palatable to those who want less salt flavor. The brand of the dog and what kind of casing it has will make a difference. As will how long you boil them. Boiling them for less time can make them softer while boiling them for longer can give them more snap.

What can I do with my hot dogs once they’re boiled?

Once your hot dogs are done, you can dress them with the topping and condiments of your choice. You can get creative, or follow a recipe.

You can also make use of the rest of your stovetop. For example, you can boil the hot dogs, split them down the middle, and then make a grilled hot dog in a hot pan with the fat or oil of your choice. Remember, different fats and oils will add different flavors to your hot dog!

You can also place your hot dog bun in a frying pan with some butter or olive oil to make a toasted bun.

How do I keep my hot dogs warm once they’re cooked?

As hard as it is to imagine hot dogs being left out for over two hours without them getting all eaten up, it does happen! But you shouldn’t let it happen because hot dogs left out for that long could become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, just like any other food. If you don’t want to put them in the fridge, consider keeping your dogs warm.

  • Use a chafing dish.
  • Keep them warm in a crockpot.
  • Wrap them tightly in aluminum foil.
  • Keep them in hot water that’s kept in a thermos or insulated plastic cooler.

Can you boil a hot dog in the microwave?

Yes, fill a microwave-safe bowl with water with about an inch of room at the top. Put in the hot dogs, and microwave for 2 to 3 minutes. Alternatively, soak a paper towel and wrap it around your dogs.

Can you cook hotdogs in a slow cooker (Crock Pot)?

Yes, and it doesn’t even take added water! Put the hot dogs in your slow cooker standing up, unless you can’t close the lid, in which case you should put them on their sides. The moisture inside the hotdogs will be enough to cook them. Just set the slow cooker on high for 2.5 to 3 hours. They’ll come out just like they would as if they were cooked in a hot dog cart!

The added benefit of the slow cooker is that you can also keep the hot dogs warm inside.

Can you cook hotdogs in a pressure cooker (Instant Pot)?

To make an Instant Pot hot dog, seal your hot dogs and some water in your pressure cooker. Depending on your make and model, select the “pressure cook” or “manual” options and then set the time to zero minutes on high pressure. The hot dogs will cook as the pressure cooker comes to pressure. Once it gets there, quick release the steam.

Can you sous-vide hot dogs?

According to Life Hacker, you can sous-vide a hot dog! Set the sous-vide “bath” to 155℉, and let the hot dogs boil for 45 minutes.

What are “Dirty-Water Hot Dogs”?

Dirty-water hot dogs are the hot dogs you get from a pushcart. They get their name from the fact that they’re boiled in water that becomes “dirty” with salt and hot dog juices. In that way, almost every boiled hot dog is a dirty water hot dog!

Bottom Line: Should I drink the hot dog water?

Are you going to gulp down that ham water? Chug some HotDog2O? Cool off with some beef juice? We’re not going to yuck your yum if you like to drink the water when your dog’s done. And if you think there’s no possible way someone would drink hot dog water, think again!

At one festival, “Unfilter Hot Dog Water” sold for upwards of $37! And, it even came with a dog in the bottle. The drink was touted for its utility in dealing with dehydration since the protein and salt are great when you’ve been sweating a lot. So, maybe next time you’re dehydrated, you can consider boiling some dogs. You’ll have yourself a tasty treat and an alternative to Pedialite or sports drinks like Gatorade or Powerade. Think of it as Hot Dog Ade!

Just an added perk of boiling hot dogs, one of the fastest and easiest ways to prepare America’s most iconic food.

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How to Boil Hot Dogs (in 10 Minutes or Less) (2024)


How to Boil Hot Dogs (in 10 Minutes or Less)? ›

Bring water to a boil. Add the hot dogs one at a time using tongs. Reduce the heat to the low setting and allow the hot dogs to simmer for anywhere from 3 to 6 minutes (the longer they simmer, the crispier they'll be). Once they're done, use tongs to remove them from the water and pat them dry with paper towels.

What is the best way to boil hot dogs? ›

Bring water to a boil. Add the hot dogs one at a time using tongs. Reduce the heat to the low setting and allow the hot dogs to simmer for anywhere from 3 to 6 minutes (the longer they simmer, the crispier they'll be). Once they're done, use tongs to remove them from the water and pat them dry with paper towels.

How do you know when your hot dogs are done boiling? ›

You can tell when a hot dog is done cooking once its internal temperature increases after being exposed to heat for a period of time, according to Before being consumed, hot dogs should reach an internal temperature of at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit, says Coleman Natural Foods.

Do you add anything to the water when boiling hot dogs? ›

Add the water to a large saucepan and stir in the salt, if using. Bring the water to a boil over medium heat and add the hot dogs. Turn the heat to low and simmer for 4-5 minutes. (If your hot dogs are frozen, simmer for 8-10 minutes.)

Do you boil hotdogs until they float? ›

The buoyancy of hot dogs in water is not a reliable indicator of their doneness. Unlike some foods, such as eggs, where floating can indicate they are cooked, hot dogs don't follow the same rule. The best and safest way to determine if a hot dog is done is by checking its internal temperature.

Do you salt the water when boiling hot dogs? ›

Season the water before you boil the hot dogs.

Try adding 1/2 teaspoon (1.44 g) of salt if you like your hot dogs salty. In addition, pour in one or more of the following spices before you turn up the heat: 1/2 teaspoon (1.44 g) garlic powder.

How to cook hot dogs on the stove? ›

Boil Method – Bring water to boil in a medium saucepan on the stove. Add the hotdogs, then reduce to a simmer. Cook the hot dogs until they appear slightly darker in color, about 5-6 minutes. Remove from water and pat dry with paper towels.

Do you cut hot dogs before boiling? ›

Generally, chefs are not fans of cutting up meat before or during the cooking process since it results in juices flowing out. Unless you're really, really concerned with getting lots of char marks on your dog, it's best never to split a dog all the way down the middle.

What is the best liquid to cook hot dogs in? ›

Grilling on a barbecue or a grill pan can add a smoky flavor, while boiling in water or broth can cook the hot dogs quickly and evenly. Pan-frying or broiling can also be used for a crispy texture.

Why do people boil hot dogs in water? ›

A grilled hotdog is (debatably, but popularly) better than a boiled hot dog, but boiled is cheaper, easier, and faster in volume. Since hot dogs are usually consumed fast and in volume, and not usually expensive, boiling is the way.

How to make hot dogs taste better? ›

  1. Stuff your hot dogs with cheese and wrap them in bacon for a decadent twist on this cookout favorite. ...
  2. Or go for a German-style hot dog with mustard and sauerkraut. ...
  3. Quick pickled onions add a slightly tangy taste to hot dogs, and they're surprisingly easy to make. ...
  4. Sliced jalapeños turn up the heat on a classic hot dog.
Jul 3, 2023

Why do boiled hot dogs taste better? ›

While the hot dogs might lack the attractive char marks and smoky flavor you get from the grill, many people actually prefer the milder taste when they've been boiled, and this method really allows the hot dog toppings and condiments to shine through.

How to boil hot dogs without splitting? ›

Hot dog skins split when they are cooked at too high a heat. Cook them over an indirect heat to avoid them splitting, or if boiling, do not exceed 5 minutes.

How do hot dog vendors cook their hotdogs? ›

Street hot dogs are boiled. This works for two reasons: it's both low-effort and impossible to screw up. However, to avoid overcooking, street dogs are stored in less-than boiling water. In the biz, this is known as “hot holding.” This is an easy way to keep food ready-to-serve over a long period of time.

How to cook hot dogs on the stovetop? ›

Boil Method – Bring water to boil in a medium saucepan on the stove. Add the hotdogs, then reduce to a simmer. Cook the hot dogs until they appear slightly darker in color, about 5-6 minutes. Remove from water and pat dry with paper towels.

How does Nathan's cook their hotdogs? ›

Nathan's method is to slow-cook them, starting on low heat and upping the temperature until they're cooked through, about 40 minutes later.

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