How Bad is Ice Cream for Your Heart Health? | FutureYou (2024)

How Bad is Ice Cream for Your Heart Health? | FutureYou (1)

Author Gill Shaffer Last updated 21st February 2020

Summer is the time for holidays, fun in the sun, and an ice cream or two. But should we be giving ice cream the cold shoulder in an attempt to look after our heart health?

  • Why is ice cream bad for your heart?
  • How to make healthier summer treat choices
  • Improving your heart health
  • Summary

You might think that scoffing the odd ice cream is beneficial to your health. After all, it’s made with health-giving milk, right?

That’s true, but while milk is known for its bone-strengthening properties, this sweet treat’s creamy goodness makes it high in saturated fat, sugar and refined carbohydrates.

This is especially the case for more processed types of ice cream, which have substituted cheaper vegetable oils for traditional fresh cream1 in an effort to keep costs down.

Why is ice cream bad for your heart?

Nowadays, your typical scoop of ice cream provides around 250-350 calories and over half your daily allowance of saturated fat2 – without even taking into account the ice cream cone, syrups and sprinkles that you may add into the mix. Even more shocking though is the fact that over 50% of the calories in ice cream come straight from its high fat content – with the rest coming from carbohydrates.

Although indulging in the occasional ice cream every now and again won’t have too much impact on your heart health, consuming it on a more regular basis may eventually impact your heart health.

With an average fat content of anywhere between 7 and 22 grams, eating too much of this high saturated fat food (milk fat is predominantly cholesterol, a saturated fat) could see 'bad' cholesterol levels in your blood begin to soar – leading to a build-up of fatty deposits in your arteries which increases your chances of heart disease and stroke.3

Ice cream's high sugar content is similarly bad for your heart health – since consuming too much sugar is associated with a higher risk of contracting cardiovascular disease (CVD).4

How to make healthier summer treat choices

1. Frozen yoghurt

As the name suggests, this is a yoghurt that’s been whipped up and frozen. This option doesn’t contain such high levels of fat and sugar as its creamy counterpart.

For an even heart healthier option, choose a frozen yoghurt that’s been made with low-fat or non-fat dairy products. Why not add some fruit as a topping for an extra sweet kick?

2. Ice lollies

Though they may not be as creamy (they are essentially just frozen, flavoured water) they're certainly much lower in calories and fat. Although they’re still relatively high in added sugar, your typical lolly contains an average of 100 calories, less than 0.5g fat and 0g saturated fat.

3. Fruit smoothies

For a refreshing summer treat with a fraction of the saturated fat, why not whizz up your own fruit smoothie in the blender? By mixing in some yoghurt with your fruit of choice and some crushed ice cubes you can satisfy your sweet tooth and your heart in one fell swoop.

4. Add some pomegranate into proceedings

Researchers at a Turkish university have shown that adding small amounts of pomegranate peel and oil from the seeds to your ice cream could really help improve the antioxidant levels5 - making this frozen dessert marginally more healthy, without affecting its taste.

Pomegranate seeds have also been shown to boost the body’s response to insulin and have fat-burning and anti-cancer properties.

Improving your heart health

Aside from scrimping on your ice cream portions, there are other things you can do to protect your heart health. For example:

  1. Perform the NHS’s recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week6
  2. Eat a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables
  3. Try to de-stress, for example by spending time with friends or practicing relaxation techniques

You’ll find plenty more helpful tips in our Guide to a Healthy Heart.


The odd ice cream in the sun won’t do you any harm, but too much can certainly harm your heart due to the high sugar and fat content. Why not try substituting ice cream with a healthy but delicious alternative?


1. Daily Mail, 2014, The chilling truth about ice cream

2. NHS, Eat less saturated fat, Live well; Eat well

3. British Heart Foundation,High Cholesterol, Information and Support; Risk Factors

4. British Heart Foundation, Sugar amd Heart Health, Support; Health living; Healthy eating

5. Çam M, Erdoğan F, Aslan D, Dinç M. Enrichment of functional properties of ice cream with pomegranate by-products. J Food Sci. 2013 Oct;78(10):C1543-C1550. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.12258. Epub 2013 Sep 16

6. NHS, Physical activity guidelines for older adults, live well; exercise

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How Bad is Ice Cream for Your Heart Health? | FutureYou (2024)


Can a heart patient have ice cream? ›

Here are some tips for including ice cream in a heart healthy diet: Reduce calories and saturated fat by choosing sorbet, frozen yogurt, gelato, or “light” ice cream. Be sure to check calories, fat, and sugar on the label, as added ingredients may increase calories even in lighter varieties.

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“Avoid any foods that have the words 'trans,' 'hydrogenated,' or 'partially hydrogenated' on the label [indicating bad fats], often found in commercially fried foods, donuts, cookies and potato chips,” advises Dr. DeVane. “Also, be aware of how many calories are coming from sugar.

Does ice cream clog arteries? ›

With an average fat content of anywhere between 7 and 22 grams, eating too much of this high saturated fat food (milk fat is predominantly cholesterol, a saturated fat) could see 'bad' cholesterol levels in your blood begin to soar – leading to a build-up of fatty deposits in your arteries which increases your chances ...

What happens if you eat ice cream everyday? ›

Experts suggest eating any foods that contain added sugar and saturated fat, like ice cream, in a moderate and mindful way. In excess, these foods might displace nutritious choices in your diet and increase the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity and diabetes over time.

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The study, published Aug. 13 in Science, suggests that consuming food rich in saturated fat and choline - a nutrient found in red meat, eggs and dairy products - increases the number of metabolites that build plaques in the arteries.

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16 artery cleansing foods and why they help
  • Fatty Fish. ...
  • Flax Seeds. ...
  • Berries. ...
  • Citrus Fruits. ...
  • Extra virgin olive oil. ...
  • Avocado. ...
  • Legumes. ...
  • Tomatoes.
May 4, 2021

What is the number one food for your heart? ›

Foods to eat
  • Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, tuna, and trout)
  • Lean meats such as 95% lean ground beef or pork tenderloin or skinless chicken or turkey.
  • Eggs.
  • Nuts, seeds, and soy products (tofu)
  • Legumes such as kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, black-eyed peas, and lima beans.
Mar 24, 2022

Is peanut butter heart-healthy? ›

Some of them, like walnuts, are also a good source of omega-3 fats, which are great for your heart. So nut butters, including peanut butter, contain lots of nutrients and no cholesterol, making for a pretty heart-healthy snack.

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The best diet for preventing heart disease is one that is full of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fish, poultry, and vegetable oils; includes alcohol in moderation, if at all; and goes easy on red and processed meats, refined carbohydrates, foods and beverages with added sugar, sodium, and foods with trans ...

Should I avoid ice cream if I have high cholesterol? ›

Ice cream, while certainly delicious, is a full-fat dairy product that can raise your cholesterol levels, especially if eaten regularly.

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High in added sugar

It's recommended that you limit added sugars to under 10% of your daily calories, or about 50 grams of sugar for a 2,000-calorie diet ( 7 ). Thus, one or two small servings of ice cream can easily push you toward this daily limit.

Can ice cream affect blood pressure? ›

Dairy. Animal-based dairy products like milk, cheese, ice cream, and yogurt are unhealthy for the heart and may also contribute to high blood pressure. This is because they are high in saturated fats that can constrict blood flow through the vascular system.

What can I eat instead of ice cream? ›

If you want sweet treats but they don't have to be ice cream, here are some nutritious alternatives:
  • Fresh Fruit.
  • Dried Fruit.
  • Vegan Banana Cookies.
  • Greek Yogurt.
  • Chocolate Dipped Frozen Bananas (use low carb chocolate)

Is sherbet better for you than ice cream? ›

Sorbet and sherbet are both lower in calories than the rich, high-fat “gourmet” ice creams. However, their high sugar content means they may have about the same amount of calories as light ice cream or frozen yogurt, or some store-brand ice creams.

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Helps heart health

Due to its high amount of unsaturated fats, peanut butter may help reduce a person's LDL cholesterol levels. Having optimal LDL levels is linked with a lower risk of heart disease. A 2015 study found that people who had a high intake of nuts may have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease mortality.

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7 Ways To Unclog Arteries Naturally
  1. Eat Foods That Are High In Omega-3 Fatty Acids. ...
  2. Eat Walnuts. ...
  3. Add Berries To Your Diet. ...
  4. Eat Citrus Fruits. ...
  5. Eat Beans. ...
  6. Eat Vegetables. ...
  7. Exercise.

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Blueberries and strawberries contain flavonoids, which help dilate arteries, reduce plaque buildup and increase blood flow.

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Oats are an excellent choice for those who have atherosclerosis or are trying to prevent clogged arteries. Eating oats can help significantly reduce atherosclerosis risk factors, including high levels of total and LDL (bad) cholesterol ( 39 ).

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Minor symptoms of heart blockage include irregular or skipped heartbeats, shortness of breath and chest tightness. Other symptoms may include pain or numbness in the legs or arms, as well as neck or throat pain.

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Dizziness or weakness. Heart palpitations, or sensations of your heart racing or fluttering. Nausea or sweating. Shortness of breath.

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6 Drinks to Boost Heart Health
  • Pomegranate juice. According to experts, pomegranates are uniquely healthy fruits for your heart. ...
  • Coffee. Studies have shown that people who drink 3-5 cups of coffee per day have a significantly lower risk of heart disease, stroke and heart failure. ...
  • Tea. ...
  • Tomato juice. ...
  • Green juice. ...
  • Smoothies.

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Examples: Brisk walking, running, swimming, cycling, playing tennis and jumping rope. Heart-pumping aerobic exercise is the kind that doctors have in mind when they recommend at least 150 minutes per week of moderate activity.

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Whole Grain Toasts

There is no reason to throw carbs out of the window if you have high cholesterol; just be mindful of what you're eating. Whole wheat or whole grain bread is your best bet due to the high amounts of fiber compared with other bread.

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Soluble fiber can reduce the absorption of cholesterol into your bloodstream. Soluble fiber is found in such foods as oatmeal, kidney beans, Brussels sprouts, apples and pears. Add whey protein. Whey protein, which is found in dairy products, may account for many of the health benefits attributed to dairy.

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Cheese is a great source of protein and calcium but is often high in saturated fat and salt. This means eating too much could lead to high cholesterol and high blood pressure, increasing your risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

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The key is lowering LDL and making lifestyle changes.

"Making plaque disappear is not possible, but we can shrink and stabilize it," says cardiologist Dr. Christopher Cannon, a Harvard Medical School professor. Plaque forms when cholesterol (above, in yellow) lodges in the wall of the artery.

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Eating specific foods cannot cleanse plaques out of the arteries, but a healthful diet can help manage and prevent heart disease. Over time, plaque buildup can lead to thickened or hardened arteries. This is a condition known as atherosclerosis.

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In coronary artery disease, where there is cholesterol plaque buildup in the heart's arteries, healthy lifestyle changes, and medications (such as statins) can stabilize the condition, prevent additional plaque deposits and, in some cases, help reverse the severity of the disease.

Can ice cream cause heart problems? ›

Ice cream is high in sugar, calories, and saturated fat, so save it for a special treat. Eating foods loaded with fat and sugar leads to weight gain. It can also drive up your triglycerides and lead to a heart attack.

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The worst foods for high cholesterol, given their high saturated fat content, include:
  • Red meat, like beef, pork, and lamb, as well as processed meats like sausage.
  • Full-fat dairy, like cream, whole milk, and butter.
  • Baked goods and sweets.
  • Fried foods.
  • Tropical oils such as palm oil and coconut oil.
  • Butter.
Nov 1, 2022

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Focus on Fruit

"Try a baked apple, poached pear, a bowl of sorbet topped with diced mango," recommends Elizabeth Somer, MA, RD, author of "Eat Your Way to Happiness" (Harlequin, 2009). She also suggests snacking on frozen blueberries or dunking fresh strawberries in a little fat-free dark chocolate syrup.

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Drink lots of water. Then, snack on hydrating, fiber-rich foods to reduce bloating: Bell peppers.

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Occasional treats like ice cream are okay when you eat an otherwise healthy diet, but they should never be the foundation of your daily sustenance.

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A study from Kyorin University in Tokyo, found that eating ice cream in the morning may improve alertness and mental performance. Professor Yoshihiko Koga and his team analyzed the results of multiple clinical trials that measured brain activity after eating various foods in the morning.

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Salt or sodium

Salt, or specifically the sodium in salt, is a major contributor to high blood pressure and heart disease. This is because of how it affects fluid balance in the blood. Table salt is around 40 percent sodium. Some amount of salt is important for health, but it's easy to eat too much.

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Ice cream is made of milk, which contains L-triptophane, which is a natural tranquilizer and helps in relaxing the nervous system. It also helps prevent symptoms of insomnia.”

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Reduce calories and saturated fat by choosing sorbet, frozen yogurt, gelato, or “light” ice cream. Be sure to check calories, fat, and sugar on the label, as added ingredients may increase calories even in lighter varieties. Choose other frozen treats, like fruit bars, to reduce fat.

Is Breyers ice cream real ice cream? ›

"It's definitely not ice cream and to me and my family, it certainly doesn't taste like ice cream," Bach said. Butter pecan and other popular Breyers flavors like cookies & cream, chocolate chip cookie dough and rocky road are now called frozen dairy dessert.

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More Ice Cream Brands to Try

Our runner-up was Breyers Delights, a low-fat ice cream, which has similar nutritional value to Halo Top. Each pint of this ice cream boasts 260 calories and 20 grams of protein. Like Halo Top, the brand uses sugar alcohol in place of traditional sweeteners.

Why do I crave ice cream every night? ›

“Food cravings often occur to help satisfy emotional needs, such as stress, anxiety and sadness.” What that means is your desire for an extra-large scoop of ice cream could be because that's what you ate as a special treat when you were a kid or how you like to unwind after an exhausting day at work.

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While our soft serve product used to be categorized as “ice milk,” the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) eliminated this category of product to allow companies the ability to market frozen dairy products as “reduced-fat,” “light,” and “low-fat” ice cream.

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Gelato typically offers fewer calories, less sugar and lower fat content per serving than ice cream. The typical 3.5 oz. serving of vanilla gelato contains 90 calories and 3 grams of fat, compared to 125 calories and 7 grams of fat in the average vanilla ice cream.

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Frozen yogurt tends to be lower in fat and calories than ice cream, but it could have more added sugar. Both frozen treats are decent sources of calcium but contain no fiber.

Is there a fat free ice cream? ›

Arctic Zero Non-Dairy Ice Cream

This is a unique frozen dessert made from fava bean protein concentrate with 160 calories and 0 grams of fat for the entire container.

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So, the good news here is that if you're looking for an iced dessert or treat that has similar properties to ice cream but is lower in calories and saturated fat, sherbet is going to be preferable over ice cream as a more diet friendly alternative.

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Avoid These Foods and Beverages
  • An occasional glass of wine probably won't hurt you, but even moderate alcohol use can increase your risk of cancer, and heavy alcohol use raises the risk of heart disease.
  • Red and processed meats. ...
  • Salty foods. ...
  • Sugary food. ...
  • Trans and saturated fats. ...
  • White breads.

Can heart patients have dairy? ›

Evidence into dairy and the heart suggests dairy doesn't appear to be associated with an adverse effect on heart health. Dairy is a nutritious food that can be part of a heart-healthy dietary pattern.

What should a heart patient avoid? ›

  • Don't smoke or use tobacco. One of the best things you can do for your heart is to stop smoking or using smokeless tobacco. ...
  • Get moving: Aim for at least 30 to 60 minutes of activity daily. ...
  • Eat a heart-healthy diet. ...
  • Maintain a healthy weight. ...
  • Get good quality sleep. ...
  • Manage stress. ...
  • Get regular health screenings.

Is sugar free ice cream good for heart patients? ›

IT HAS HIGHER FAT CONTENT: Many sugar-free ice creams have high saturated fat content, which can raise the LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase your risk of cardiovascular diseases.

What foods help repair your heart? ›

Foods to eat
  • Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, tuna, and trout)
  • Lean meats such as 95% lean ground beef or pork tenderloin or skinless chicken or turkey.
  • Eggs.
  • Nuts, seeds, and soy products (tofu)
  • Legumes such as kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, black-eyed peas, and lima beans.
Mar 24, 2022

What is the best exercise for heart? ›

Examples: Brisk walking, running, swimming, cycling, playing tennis and jumping rope. Heart-pumping aerobic exercise is the kind that doctors have in mind when they recommend at least 150 minutes per week of moderate activity.

Is spaghetti heart-healthy? ›

Pasta is naturally low in fat and high in carbohydrates. Whole-wheat or whole-grain pasta includes the nutritious layers of the grain that add heart-healthy fiber to your dish (these grains have been removed from regular white pasta).

Should heart patients avoid cheese? ›

You don't have to cut cheese out of your diet, but if you have high cholesterol or blood pressure, use high-fat cheeses sparingly.

What dairy is best for heart health? ›

People who eat more dairy fat — which is plentiful in whole milk, yogurt, and cheese — may be less likely to develop heart disease than people who eat smaller amounts of dairy, a new study suggests.

Is cheese good for heart? ›

Cheese can be part of a heart-healthy diet, as long as you are mindful about the sodium and saturated fat it contains, and pair it with other heart-healthy foods, according to Routhenstein. Research even suggests that eating a small portion of cheese every day may be beneficial for your heart.

What food makes your heart worse? ›

The 10 Worst Foods For Your Heart
  • Fast-food burgers. The science on whether saturated fats are truly linked to heart disease isn't entirely clear. ...
  • Processed and cured meats. ...
  • Deep-fried foods. ...
  • Candy. ...
  • Soft drinks and sugar-sweetened juices. ...
  • Sugary cereals. ...
  • Cookies and pastries. ...
  • Margarine.
Feb 13, 2017

How can I make my heart stronger? ›

Seven Ways to Make Your Heart Stronger
  1. Eat a well-rounded, balanced diet. ...
  2. Don't sit for too long. ...
  3. Brush your teeth every day – and don't forget to floss. ...
  4. Quit smoking and avoid second hand smoke. ...
  5. Snack smart throughout the day. ...
  6. Get plenty of sleep. ...
  7. Recognize and reduce stress in your life.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.