How to Fit Ice Cream into a Heart-Healthy Diet (2024)

How to Fit Ice Cream into a Heart-Healthy Diet (1) Ice cream in its many forms is a very popular summer treat worldwide. For some. it is even a year-round indulgence. But can ice cream be included in a heart-healthy diet?

While ice cream comes in many flavors and varieties, it is generally made from whole milk or cream, sweeteners, flavorings such as vanilla, and also ingredients with nutritional benefits such as fruit, nuts, and dark chocolate. According to the USDA Food Composition Database, a one-half-cup serving of vanilla ice cream contains the following:

  • 15.58 grams of carbohydrates
  • 7.26 grams of fat
  • 2.3 grams of protein
  • 14 grams of sugar
  • 53 mg of sodium
  • 137 calories, which is about twice the amount in ½ cup of whole milk1

To be labeled “ice cream”, the dessert must contain a minimum of 10% milk fat. Some ice cream contains as high as 16% milk fat, which is saturated fat and accounts for almost half of the calories in a serving of ice cream. The remaining calories come from the protein in the milk and from carbohydrates, added sugar, and flavorings. The 14 grams of sugar in a half-cup serving means 56 calories in ice cream come from sugar. This is more than 50% of the American Heart Association’s recommended daily consumption of sugar for women and almost 40% for men.2

Ice cream does provide small amounts of nutrients, including vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, niacin, thiamin, and riboflavin as well as vitamin K1 which functions as a blood thinner and helps prevent clotting. The dairy treat also includes antioxidants as well as minerals, calcium, and phosphorus.1

Tips for Including Ice Cream In a Heart-Healthy Diet

Here are some tips for including ice cream in a heart-healthy diet:

  • Reduce calories and saturated fat by choosing sorbet, frozen yogurt, gelato, or “light” ice cream. Be sure to check calories, fat, and sugar on the label, as added ingredients may increase calories even in lighter varieties.
  • Choose other frozen treats, like fruit bars, to reduce fat. But be sure to take a close look at the label. A typical frozen fruit bar can contain anywhere from 14 to 24 grams of carbohydrates, with little protein and fat (although some do include milk fat). Select the most appealing flavor with the least amount of saturated fat and sugar.
  • Follow the AHA guidelines to use up as many calories as you take in3 and take a walk while or after eating your ice cream treat.

Like many foods, ice cream has some nutritional advantages and disadvantages depending on the variety chosen and serving size. The bottom line: in moderation, ice cream can be included in a heart-healthy diet.

  1. United States Department of AgricultureAgricultural Research Service.USDA Food Composition Databases. Accessed 3.28.17.
  2. American Heart Association. Added Sugars. Accessed 7.19.23.
  3. American Heart Association. American Heart Association’s Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations. Accessed 3.28.17.
How to Fit Ice Cream into a Heart-Healthy Diet (2024)


How to Fit Ice Cream into a Heart-Healthy Diet? ›

Tips for Including Ice Cream In a Heart-Healthy Diet

Can someone on a cardiac diet have ice cream? ›

Butter, cream and ice cream are not part of a heart-healthy diet and should only be eaten sometimes and in small amounts.

Which ice cream is best for heart patients? ›

In its heart-healthy food guidelines, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends choosing fat free or low fat ice cream with no more than 3 grams (g) of fat per 1/2 cup serving. However, people should also be aware of their sugar intake with these types of ice cream.

How to incorporate ice cream into diet? ›

How to fit ice cream into a healthy diet
  2. SLOW CHURNED. ...
  3. GELATO. ...
Sep 13, 2019

What is a heart healthy substitute for ice cream? ›

Reduce calories and saturated fat by choosing sorbet, frozen yogurt, gelato, or “light” ice cream. Be sure to check calories, fat, and sugar on the label, as added ingredients may increase calories even in lighter varieties. Choose other frozen treats, like fruit bars, to reduce fat.

Can you eat ice cream after a stent? ›

A more liquid/puree diet is usually encouraged for the next few days e.g. clear or smooth soup, jelly, ice cream, milkshakes, pureed foods (no lumps). The doctor who performed the stent placement will give instructions on the type of diet recommended for you to progress onto.

Can I eat ice cream and still be healthy? ›

Ice cream is still associated with negative health outcomes from high blood sugar. Eating ice cream won't improve your health, but in moderation it can be part of a healthy diet.

Is slow churned ice cream better for you? ›

Slow churned ice cream is lower in fat and calories than regular ice cream, but not lower than frozen yogurt. Slow churned options use artificial sugar, which isn't always healthy for you.

Which cheese is good for heart patients? ›

Using lower-fat cheeses – such as mozzarella, feta, cottage cheese or reduced-fat cheeses – will provide less saturated fat.

Is skinny cow ice cream healthy? ›

Skinny Cow Ice Cream

And while they have less than half the fat, they still have nearly as much sugar and many artificial ingredients. "This is not health food," says Deppen.

Should heart patients eat ice cream? ›

Ice cream is high in sugar, calories, and saturated fat, so save it for a special treat. Eating foods loaded with fat and sugar leads to weight gain. It can also drive up your triglycerides and lead to a heart attack. Cut your calories and fat by choosing sorbet, low-fat or nonfat frozen yogurt, or frozen fruit bars.

Can ice cream affect heart rate? ›

High-glucose foods

“People that typically have a low blood sugar level are at higher risk for heart palpitations from eating high carbohydrate or sugar foods, such as bread, pasta, candies, cakes, or ice cream, because of the sudden spike in blood sugar levels they may cause,” she explains.

Can you eat sweets on a cardiac diet? ›

The cardiac diet aims to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. It prioritizes foods such as vegetables, whole grains, and oily fish. It also limits processed foods that are high in sugar and salt.

Should I avoid ice cream if I have high cholesterol? ›

Products like ice cream, sour cream, cream cheese — almost anything made from milk — are high in cholesterol. Several studies have shown that the fat found in dairy can raise your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol level, so avoid eating these products on a regular basis.

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