Frequently Asked Questions About Chicken Pot Pie (2024)

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Published: by Nora Rey · This post may contain affiliate links ·

A delicious Chicken Pot Pie with Puff Pastry makes for a satisfying meal, however, it can be time-consuming to make. The good news is that there are convenient shortcuts. You can make it more often and have the option to freeze it.

Do you want to know more about chicken pot pie? Have you tried making it at home? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions About Chicken Pot Pie (1)

What is chicken pot pie made of?

A chicken pot pie is filled with chicken, carrots, peas, and aromatics like onion, garlic, celery, and herbs. A roux(flour and butter), chicken stock, and cream make up the gravy or sauce. It is then covered with a flaky pastry crust.

What is pot pie?

A pot pie is a savory baked pie filled with meat, vegetables, and a thick gravy or sauce. It is then topped (sometimes a double crust) with a classic pie crust, phyllo crust, puff pastry, or biscuits. Chicken pot pie may be popular, but there are plenty of other options. You can repurpose leftover turkey, beef, or ham.

What is a pot pie called in England?

In England, savory pies (pot pies) are known as meat pies. They have a thicker filling and are fully enclosed with a top and bottom crust. Some examples are steak pies, pork pies, and chicken and leek pies.

What is the difference between a pot pie and a pie?

A pot pie consists of meat and vegetables cooked in a deep dish with a pastry crust on top. A pie is usually made with a sweet filling enclosed in a pastry shell. It can also be savory, like Shepherd's pie topped with mashed potatoes.

Are pot pies healthy?

Chicken pot pies are delicious but high in calories. Most store-bought versions are loaded with sodium and fat, among other things. Making it at home allows you to adjust it to your taste and make it healthier. As with anything, consume in moderation.

Are chicken pot pies fully cooked?

Homemade chicken pot pies start by cooking the filling first. A raw crust is then placed on top and baked. Most store-bought, frozen chicken pot pies have precooked fillings, but their crusts are not.

Is chicken pot pie supposed to be soupy?

The filling should be thick and not soupy. Prepare the filling with enough roux or thickener, such as cornstarch slurry. Make sure you add the right amount of liquid as well. The filling will release more moisture as it bakes.

How do you thicken chicken pot pie filling?

A roux, a mixture of equal parts flour and butter or another fat, thickens the sauce. You can also use a cornstarch slurry.

Is flour or cornstarch better for pies?

Most chicken pot pies use flour, but cornstarch will also work. Just remember that cornstarch thickens twice as much as flour. Therefore, use half the amount of cornstarch in place of flour. Dissolve it in cold water first to make a slurry.

How do I keep my bottom pie crust from getting soggy?

Par-baking, or blind baking, ensures a crispy crust by baking it before adding the filling. Poke the crust with a fork so steam can escape as the pie bakes. A glass pie plate conducts heat well. Seal the crust by brushing it with egg whites or sprinkling it with breadcrumbs.

What temperature should a pot pie be?

In general, it is recommended that chicken and casseroles be cooked to an internal temperature of 165° F (73.9° C).

Does chicken pot pie need to be refrigerated?

Yes. It should not be left out at room temperature for more than two hours. Bacteria love moist environments, especially creamy sauces. Refrigerate or freeze to prolong its shelf life.

Should you prebake the bottom crust of a pie?

It is always a good idea to prebake or parbake the bottom crust of a pie. You'll get a golden brown crust that's not soggy.

Why is my pie crust not cooked on the bottom?

You'll need to pre-bake the bottom crust if you're making a double crust chicken pot pie. Not only will the crust be fully cooked, but it also browns beautifully and prevents it from getting soggy.

Why is my puff pastry flat?

The puff pastry won't rise as much when it's too soft or warm, or when the oven temperature is too low.

How long should you reheat chicken pot pie?

The microwave is the fastest method, but the crust will not crisp up. Toast it at high temperature for a few minutes to crisp the outside. You can also reheat in the oven at 325° F (165° C) for 20 to 30 minutes, covered with foil.

How do I know when my chicken pot pie is ready?

A golden brown crust indicates that the filling is bubbly and ready.

I hope this post has answered any questions you might have had about chicken pot pie. Try it and let me know what you think!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Chicken Pot Pie (2024)


Why did my chicken pot pie turn out watery? ›

If your chicken potpie seems runny after it's baked, chances are that it wasn't baked long enough. The ingredients need enough bake time to set up and create a thick filling. If your crust is getting too golden or dark before the end of your bake time, place a sheet of foil over the top to keep it from burning.

How do you keep the bottom crust of chicken pot pie from getting soggy? ›

Remove crust from oven and remove parchment and beans(set aside beans or rice to use the next time you need to blind bake a pie crust). 8. Immediately brush bottom and sides of hot crust with beaten egg. This will help create a moisture barrier, so the crust will not get soggy.

How do you know when pot pie is done? ›

Bake on cookie sheet for 30 to 45 minutes. Check that pot pie/empanada is cooked thoroughly. Internal temperature needs to reach 165 degrees F as measured by a food thermometer in several spots. Crust should be golden brown.

Why is it called chicken pot pie? ›

The Chicken Pot Pie originated from Greece. They took cooked meats and placed them in open pastry shells that were called “Artocreas”. The Pot Pies got their name from England. They formed a pie in what was called a coffin which was done by molding the pastry along the bottom of a pie pan or pot.

How do you thicken a chicken pie? ›

Thickening the Filling – You can also use a cornstarch slurry to thicken this filling. Simply mix 2 tablespoons of cornstarch with 1/4 cup of water and whisk. Add this in-place of the flour, or in addition if you want to cut the cooking time down.

Do you cook the bottom of a pie first? ›

But the one surefire way to make absolutely certain your pie's crust will be golden brown, crisp, and delicious — just as appealing as its filling — is to prebake it. That's right: bake the bottom crust first, before adding the filling.

How do I make my pie crust crisp? ›

Blind-bake your crust

Bake in the top third of your oven at 400°F (200°C) for 15-20 minutes or until the edge starts to turn golden. Remove the weights and parchment and bake the crust for another 10 minutes or until the base feels dry to the touch.

What temperature should a chicken pie be? ›

Baking Chicken Pot Pie

Chicken pot pie should generally be baked, uncovered, in the center of a 350 degree oven for 30 – 40 minutes. The internal temperature should be bubbly, reaching 160 degrees, and the top should be golden brown.

How long does pie take to set? ›

If you want the pie to slice cleanly, without oozing filling, allow it to cool completely before serving; this will take at least a couple of hours. To serve warm rather than at room temperature, reheat your cooled pie, tented with aluminum foil, for about 20 minutes in a 350°F oven.

How long does a pie take to set? ›

Serving pie hot from the oven isn't just a bad idea aesthetically—all that hot sugar is also dangerous. Allow your pie to cool for about an hour. The filling will set, and it will be cool enough to eat, yet still a little warm.

What culture are pot pies from? ›

The pot pie is believed to have originated in Ancient Greece and were called Artocreas. An Artocreas is different than the present-day pot pie in that this featured an open pastry shell, but still had a combination of protein and vegetables.

What culture is chicken pot pie? ›

The recipe for chicken pot pie originated in England, but what makes Pennsylvania Dutch country pot pie so different from others is the noodles. Bott boi noodles are square egg noodles that came from German and British traditional cooking styles.

What is the sauce made of in chicken pot pie? ›

What is the sauce made of in chicken pot pie? Heavy whipping cream, chicken broth or stock, butter, and all-purpose flour. Simmered together creates a luxurious, rich sauce that suspends the filling ingredients. This combination prevents a runny consistency that would make a soggy bottom crust as it sits.

Why is there so much liquid in my pie? ›

One of the chief reasons bakers end up with apple soup under the crust is failure to bake their pie long enough. There's almost no such thing as over-baking an apple pie; I've baked apple pies for 2 hours and longer, and they turn out just fine.

What will too much water do to pie crust? ›

If it's sticky, it's going to be really difficult to roll out. If you add a bit too much water, it's easily fixed by a little more flour. But if you add way too much liquid, you need to start the dough again, because adding a lot more flour will throw off that fat-to-flour ratio that you want to make a nice crust.

What makes a pie shrink? ›

The water evaporates when the pie dough is baking, if there's too much water in the pie dough, the pie dough will shrink.

How do you fix a pie that didn't set? ›

Easiest ways to fix a runny pie.

Put your pie back in the high temp oven on the lowest rack until the filling is bubbly and the crust is brown. If needed, use a pie shield or aluminum foil to keep the crust from burning. Let your pie cool overnight. Don't be tempted to cut into it sooner!

How do I keep my pie from drying out? ›

Keep it from drying out by stashing it in a pie carrier like this one ($22), or loosely wrap the pie with plastic or foil. After that, you'll want to pop that delish dessert into the refrigerator so it doesn't spoil.

What are the 3 types of pie crust? ›

Brisée, Sucrée, & Sablée: The 3 Types of Pastry Dough You Need to Know.

What is the secret to a good pie crust? ›

The Best-Kept Secrets for Perfect Homemade Pie Crust
  1. Start with the Right Pie Baking Tools.
  2. Cut in the Butter until You See Peas.
  3. Choose Lard.
  4. Use Ice-Cold Water.
  5. Don't Overmix.
  6. Keep the Dough Cool.
  7. Pick the Right Plate.
  8. Bake with the Rack on the Bottom.
4 Oct 2017

What temperature do you bake pie crust at? ›

Most instructions will have you defrost the crust, prick the bottom of the crust all over with the tines of a fork, and bake at 375°F to 450°F for 10 to 12 minutes.

What are some tips when cooking a pie? ›

  1. Keep ingredients cold. ...
  2. Refrigerate the dough after every step. ...
  3. Handle the dough as little as possible. ...
  4. Use as little flour as possible when rolling out the dough. ...
  5. Bake plain crusts or filled pies in a hot oven to set the crust's structure. ...
  6. Vent double-crust pies. ...
  7. Use aluminum foil or "pie shields" to protect the crust.
23 Nov 2022

How do I keep my bottom crust from getting soggy? ›

Sprinkle dried breadcrumbs or crushed cornflakes, or other types of cereal, on the bottom crust before filling and baking in the oven. This will prevent the filling from turning the crust soggy.

How do I make my pie crust shiny after baking? ›

For a glossy golden appearance, brush with an egg yolk that was beaten with 1 teaspoon of water. For slight shine, brush with half-and-half cream of heavy whipping cream. For a crisp brown crust, brush with water. For a little sparkle, sprinkle with sugar or decorator sugar after brushing with one of the washes.

What causes a pie crust to not be flaky? ›

When ingredients like the butter become too warm, your crust won't have that flaky quality. To keep your dough cool, make sure to use ice cold water instead of room temperature. This will prevent the butter from melting and keep the dough light.

Why do you put vinegar in pie crust? ›

But there are two much more important perks to using vinegar: it provides a little insurance against overworking the dough. And, that splash of vinegar will keep your dough from oxidizing and turning gray. Fresh All-Butter Pie Dough with vinegar (right) and without (left).

How can you tell if a pie crust is undercooked? ›

If you see any white spots in your crust, it needs more time. Just because the top starts to brown, that doesn't mean it's finished. Leave it in there until it's truly brown.

How many times can you reheat chicken pie? ›

There are no limits to how many times you can safely reheat leftover home-cooked meals. However, best practice is to limit the number of times you do so. More often than not, you wouldn't need to reheat one type of dish more than once.

Can you freeze leftover chicken potpie? ›

To freeze an already baked chicken pot pie, cool it completely after baking. This might take a good 30 minutes or more; after that you can refrigerate it to chill it more. Once cool, follow the same instructions as above for freezing. To reheat, no need to thaw, reheat in 375-degree oven for about 35 minutes.

Can chicken pie be eaten cold? ›

Ready to eat cold - but best heated in an oven for true pie pleasure! Remove all packaging and place in a preheated oven.

How long do pies need to rest? ›

Make Sure Pies are Safe After Cooking

Cool them at room temperature for only 30 minutes after you take them out of the oven.

How long do pies have to rest? ›

Always let pies and tarts cool for at least 20 minutes so that the ingredients have time to set. Even if your pie or tart is to be served warm, if you cut into it too soon, it's likely to crumble or fall apart.

Why do pies need to cool? ›

Resting gives the starches in the filling a chance to set into a gel that'll hold everything neatly in place, which makes for a nice clean slice of pie. This process takes time.

How do you cover a pie without messing it up? ›

Once your pie has cooled, wrap it completely in aluminum foil. Next, place your pie on a baking sheet and wrap another piece of foil around the pie and baking sheet to secure it.

How do you know when a pie sets? ›

Look for the moment when the center of your pecan pie gives you just a little jiggle—like the stable but slightly wiggly movement of Jell-O when you give it a gentle shake—but the edges are stable and set.

Can you make a pie and not bake it right away? ›

If made ahead without baking, the pastry crust can become too wet and end up soggy after baking. The best way to make your apple pie in advance? Bake the pie completely, then chill it overnight, allowing the pie to sit at room temperature for at least an hour before serving.

What is the meaning of a pot pie? ›

-ˌpī : pastry-covered meat and vegetables cooked in a deep dish.

Who first invented pie? ›

The Ancient Egyptians created the first example of what we know as pies today. Later on, closer to the 5th Century BC, the Ancient Greeks were believed to invent pie pastry as it is mentioned in the plays of the writer Aristophanes and it was possible to work as a pastry chef in this era, a separate trade to a baker.

When was pot pies invented? ›

8000 years ago. The earliest recorded trace of the spud was found in the Peruvian Andes at around 6000BC. Research implies that communities of hunters initially came to the South American continent 7000 years before harvesting wild potato plants.

What is another name for chicken pot pie? ›

“A pot pie may be made of ducks, rabbits, squirrels, or venison.”
What is another word for pot pie?
covered dishhotdish
hotpotmeat pie
4 more rows

Who invented chicken pot pie? ›

The chicken pot pie has a long history. It originated from Greece. Greeks took cooked meat and placed them in open pastry shells that were called “Artocreas”. It was the Romans who added the top crust making Chicken Pot Pie into an actual pie.

Why are chicken pot pies so good? ›

Chicken pot pie is a quintessential comfort food. Made up of rich gravy, crunchy veggies, and lots of chicken inside of a flaky crust, it's the perfect thing to warm you up in the colder months, but it can also be time-consuming to make from scratch, which is why there are so many options on the frozen pot pie market.

Why does my chicken pot pie come out watery? ›

If your chicken potpie seems runny after it's baked, chances are that it wasn't baked long enough. The ingredients need enough bake time to set up and create a thick filling. If your crust is getting too golden or dark before the end of your bake time, place a sheet of foil over the top to keep it from burning.

How do I thicken my chicken pie filling? ›

Thickening the Filling – You can also use a cornstarch slurry to thicken this filling. Simply mix 2 tablespoons of cornstarch with 1/4 cup of water and whisk. Add this in-place of the flour, or in addition if you want to cut the cooking time down.

Why does pie filling get watery? ›

The first is that your pie may not have had enough time to cool. When you go to serve pie, it should be served at a temperature that is just above room temperature. If your filling is too hot, there is a possibility that the filling won't have time to set.

How do I keep my pie from weeping? ›

Beat a mixture of thickened cornstarch and water into the egg whites to bind and stabilize the liquid in the meringue (and keep it from seeping out). Cook the filling for the full 2 minutes on the stove top so the cornstarch thickens completely and doesn't start breaking down and "leaking" during chilling.

What will happen to the pie crust if too much water is added to it? ›

The primary reason is that adding too much water can make your pie dough tough and once it has crossed that line to being overworked and over hydrated, there is really no recovering from it.

What makes pie filling thicker? ›

When thickening a fruit pie filling, there are several options to consider. Very often flour or cornstarch is used, but in certain instances tapioca, arrowroot and potato starch can also help achieve the desired consistency.

What causes a pie to shrink? ›

The water evaporates when the pie dough is baking, if there's too much water in the pie dough, the pie dough will shrink.

How do I protect my pie crust? ›

How to Prevent Pie Crust From Burning
  1. Use a pie crust protector. Prior to the baking process, cover the edges of the pie crust with a piece of aluminum foil or a silicone pie crust shield. ...
  2. Rotate the pie. To promote even browning, rotate the pie halfway through the baking process.
  3. Keep an eye on the pie.
6 Jan 2022

How do you waterproof a pie crust? ›

To “waterproof” a par-baked crust, cool the crust for several minutes, then brush the bottom and sides of the crust with egg white before filling. Makes enough for 1 (9-inch) single crust pie with extra dough for a decorative or lattice top.

What are the two most common fats used to make pie crust? ›

5. Oil and margarine are the two most common fats used to make pie crust.

What are the 4 basic ingredients used to make pastry? ›

Identify and prepare pastries. 1. Pie crusts are made from four basic ingredients: flour, fat, salt, and water. 2.

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