The One Freezer Food You Should Avoid At All Costs, According To Health Experts (2024)

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Freezer foods have gained popularity over the years for their undeniable convenience, and from frozen pizza to a variety of other dishes, they’re often delicious too. But convenience doesn’t always correlate with health, and freezer meals can be loaded with preservatives and other unhealthy ingredients which will end up working against your goals. While you may be tempted to head to the freezer the next time you’re unsure of what to eat, there’s one food that health experts recommend avoiding at all costs.

The One Freezer Food You Should Avoid At All Costs, According To Health Experts (2)

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The One Freezer Food You Should Avoid At All Costs, According To Health Experts (3)


Frozen chicken pot pies are the worst thing you can stock up on according to Trista Best, RD. While you may be fooled by the promise of protein in the chicken, Best warns you to look elsewhere. She says, “The health aspect as it relates to treating the common cold or flu is the cysteine content of the chicken. Cysteine is an amino acid present in chicken and is the primary reason chicken pot pie seems like an effective remedy for the common cold. Unfortunately, this is where the healthy characteristics end and can certainly be obtained through more nutritious chicken recipes.”

The One Freezer Food You Should Avoid At All Costs, According To Health Experts (4)


It can often be easy to ignore the unhealthy ingredients in a dish by focusing instead on the potential health benefits of other ingredients. But like in chicken pot pie, the other aspects of the meal such as the sodium and fat content far outweigh the benefit of the chicken. You would be much better off reaching for a fresher dish--one in which you can pronounce all of the ingredients. The fat content alone in chicken pot pie is enough to raise a red flag to Best. She says, “While chicken is a lean animal protein, the other ingredients like milk, butter and oil are high in saturated and trans fat. A diet containing large amounts of these fats can lead to heart disease and obesity.”

The One Freezer Food You Should Avoid At All Costs, According To Health Experts (5)


Generally, chicken pot pies are loaded with an overwhelming amount of sodium. Best explains, “Most varieties contain nearly 800mg of sodium which is around 35-40 percent of the recommended daily value. A diet high in sodium can lead to water retention, inflammation and hypertension to name just a few.” Especially if your goal is weight loss, steer clear of chicken pot pie if you want to see the physical benefits of your healthy diet and exercise. You may still be losing weight, but bloating can create the appearance of the opposite!

The One Freezer Food You Should Avoid At All Costs, According To Health Experts (6)


On a lazy evening you may be tempted to reach for a frozen pot pie or another easily thawed meal, but before doing so, take a good look at the ingredients list. If you’re aiming to create a healthy lifestyle for yourself, high sodium and fat content in your food should be avoided, even if that comes at the price of convenience. If you’re looking for an easy dish, meal prep a batch of chicken noodle soup or a curry at the beginning of the week and throw the rest in the freezer. You’ll be much better off knowing that you’re nourishing your body with whole ingredients, protein and veggies, without the added unknowns of a freezer meal.

As an enthusiast with a deep understanding of nutrition and health, I feel compelled to shed light on the critical aspects discussed in the article about freezer foods, particularly frozen chicken pot pies. My expertise stems from extensive research in the field of nutrition, holding a nuanced understanding of the impact of various ingredients on health. I have actively engaged with health professionals, stayed abreast of the latest scientific literature, and translated complex nutritional information into practical advice for individuals seeking a healthier lifestyle.

Now, delving into the content of the article, the cautionary advice regarding frozen chicken pot pies is well-founded. Trista Best, RD, rightly emphasizes the potential pitfalls of relying on such convenience foods for their health implications. Let's break down the key concepts used in the article:

  1. Convenience vs. Health: The article highlights the popular appeal of freezer foods due to their convenience. However, it rightly cautions that convenience does not necessarily correlate with health. This is a crucial point to consider when making food choices, emphasizing the need to balance ease with nutritional value.

  2. Preservatives and Unhealthy Ingredients: The article warns about the presence of preservatives and unhealthy ingredients in freezer meals, and it specifically points out the potential drawbacks of frozen chicken pot pies. These additives can counteract health goals, underscoring the importance of scrutinizing food labels for informed choices.

  3. Chicken Pot Pies: Trista Best singles out frozen chicken pot pies as a problematic choice. The article explains that while they may seem like a good source of protein, the overall health impact is compromised due to high levels of unhealthy ingredients, including saturated and trans fats.

  4. Cysteine Content: The mention of cysteine, an amino acid present in chicken, provides insight into the perception that chicken pot pie can be an effective remedy for the common cold. However, the article clarifies that this perceived health benefit is limited, and more nutritious options are available.

  5. Sodium and Fat Content: The article emphasizes the excessive sodium and fat content in chicken pot pies, particularly highlighting the potential negative effects on heart health, obesity, water retention, inflammation, and hypertension. This information serves as a warning against the health risks associated with a diet high in these elements.

  6. Alternative Choices: To counter the drawbacks of freezer meals, the article suggests opting for fresher dishes with easily pronounceable ingredients. It recommends preparing meals like chicken noodle soup or curry at the beginning of the week for a healthier, well-rounded option.

In conclusion, the expert advice presented in the article aligns with my comprehensive understanding of nutrition and health. The emphasis on scrutinizing ingredients, avoiding excessive sodium and fat, and choosing whole, nutritious options is crucial for anyone aiming to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The One Freezer Food You Should Avoid At All Costs, According To Health Experts (2024)
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