Do you wear shorts all winter? For some, it’s a sign of growing up (2024)

Do you wear shorts all winter? For some, it’s a sign of growing up (1)

Even with the wintry, rainy weather forecast in the Bay Area this week, my son Didi will stick to his usual attire: shorts.

Like the postman, neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night will prevent this 11-year-old from wearing his beloved baggy polypro shorts.

He’s become “that kid,” the one who wears shorts year-round. Maybe you remember someone like that or you were that person, who defiantly, gleefully wore shorts despite — or perhaps because of — protestations from parents about the dangers of catching a cold. You insisted that you weren’t cold despite the goose bumps and posed for pictures while sitting in snowbanks.

A search online reveals multiple articles about this phenomenon, including two satirical monologues in “McSweeney’s, titled “I’m the guy who wears shorts in the winter, and one day you will all bow before my bare weatherproof legs and “I’m a middle school boy and I refuse to wear anything but basketball shorts in the winter.”

In an informal online poll I conducted on social media, people weighed in on a trend that dates back decades and into the present — not only in California or in mild climates, but also in places where it snows. The reasons for their choices included comfort, thinking it looked “cool” not feeling cold, and taking pride in not needing to wear pants (that is to say, pants are for wimps!)

Some grew out of the habit; others still persist into adulthood.

I’m fascinated by how wearing shorts can powerfully define someone. By contrast, wearing other elastic-waisted garb such as athleisure and soft pants isn’t viewed as particularly memorable. It was perhaps considered a tad slovenly, despite becoming extraordinarily common during the pandemic among those working from home.

Related styles among the younger set: wearing cotton tights or athletic tights beneath the shorts, or in Didi’s case, in the fifth grade, he’d wear track pants over his shorts and whip them off by afternoon. Now he’s dispensed with the intermediate step.

His twin brother, Gege, is the opposite: always in a sweatshirt and long pants. At bedtime, Gege slips into red flannel pajamas, while Didi is in cotton shorts, shirtless. Their perception of temperature runs at different speeds.

As parents, it’s fascinating to see how our boys’ personalities and preferences emerge through their attire. For as long as we can remember, Didi has claimed green as his favorite color, and Gege red, which has in turn influenced their choice of clothes. We thought it was innate.

Then I glanced at their first studio portrait, as infants: Didi wore a green-striped rugby shirt, and Gege a red-striped one. Did we set them down the path of who they would become, or would they have developed those tastes anyway?

Do you wear shorts all winter? For some, it’s a sign of growing up (2)

Phyllis L. fa*gell, a therapist and author of “Middle School Matters,” told the Atlantic that children in late elementary and middle school don’t want to seem babyish — and for some kids, wearing shorts helps assert their independence.

That’s in contrast to the British aristocracy, royals and upper class, whose boys wear shorts until 8 years old — until graduating to long pants, according to etiquette experts. To do otherwise is considered suburban!

Our boys are suburban, through and through. Because the pandemic interrupted and constrained their childhood, I’m glad that wearing shorts gives Didi a chance to exercise his autonomy.

Didi swears it’s not a bid to get attention or to be contrarian. Indeed, his long, wavy hair, which he grew out during the pandemic, has come to define him more strongly. “I like being different,” he said. He’s not obsessed with being like everyone else, a lesson that will serve him through adolescence and beyond.

  • Vanessa Hua

    Vanessa HuaVanessa Hua is the author, most recently, of "Forbidden City." Her column appears Fridays in Datebook.

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the realms of fashion and psychology, particularly regarding children's clothing choices, I find the subject matter of the article on year-round shorts-wearing habits fascinating and reflective of underlying psychological dynamics. This isn't merely about a preference for shorts; it's a window into the intricate world of self-expression, autonomy, and identity formation, especially during the formative years of late elementary and middle school.

The evidence supporting the enduring trend of wearing shorts in various weather conditions is abundant and diverse. First, the article cites the personal experience of the author, Vanessa Hua, who observes her son Didi's unwavering commitment to wearing shorts year-round. This anecdotal evidence is complemented by an informal online poll conducted on social media, where people from different regions and climates shared their views on the trend, offering insights into the persistence of this phenomenon.

Moreover, cultural and societal references are woven into the narrative, as seen in the mention of satirical monologues on the subject in "McSweeney’s." This not only establishes the universality of the phenomenon but also indicates its recognition in popular culture. The article goes on to explore related styles among the younger generation, such as wearing tights beneath shorts or layering with track pants, providing a comprehensive overview of the evolving trends and expressions within this subculture.

Phyllis L. fa*gell, a therapist and author, adds a layer of professional insight, suggesting that children in late elementary and middle school use clothing choices, like wearing shorts, as a means to assert their independence and avoid appearing babyish. This psychological perspective deepens our understanding of the motivations behind such choices, going beyond mere comfort or style preferences.

The article also delves into the broader impact of clothing on personality and identity development. The author reflects on how her sons' clothing preferences may be intertwined with their emerging personalities, questioning whether parental influence or innate tendencies guide these choices.

In conclusion, the article seamlessly weaves personal experiences, cultural references, social media insights, and expert opinions to provide a rich tapestry of understanding regarding the intriguing phenomenon of year-round shorts-wearing habits among children. This exploration serves as a captivating lens through which we can analyze the complexities of self-expression, independence, and identity formation during the crucial years of late childhood and early adolescence.

Do you wear shorts all winter? For some, it’s a sign of growing up (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.