Why Do People Wear Sweatshirts and Shorts? - The Mycenaean (2024)


Why Do People Wear Sweatshirts and Shorts? - The Mycenaean (1)

With fall approaching, Leesville students have started wearing two classic pieces with purposes that contradict each other: sweatshirts and shorts. Which then poses the question — does wearing a sweatshirt with shorts make sense?

Sweatshirts are typically worn for warmth in cooler temperatures, and shorts are typically worn in warm weather for comfort and airflow.

Yet, Raleigh mornings have started feeling cooler with sultry afternoons. This weather creates an awkward decision on what to wear. Short sleeve shirts can be too cold, but wearing sweatpants or leggings can be too warm.

Not only does the weather pose issues, but Leesville’s air conditioning is also a struggle.

“The air conditioning is different throughout the whole school. I like having a sweatshirt because it’s easier to take on and off when I go outside or go into a warmer classroom than if I wore long sleeves,” said Grace Moore, a junior.

Also, many wear it for comfort purposes.

“I wouldn’t say that I wear a sweatshirt and shorts for style. I just think a sweatshirt is more comfortable than a t-shirt and shorts are more comfortable than leggings,” said Cameron Broer, a freshman.

“I feel more secure and comfortable when I wear a sweatshirt. I don’t typically get cold on my legs as fast as I get cold on my upper body,” said Moore.

According to high schoolers, what might look ‘out of balance’ does make sense in multiple ways.

Why Do People Wear Sweatshirts and Shorts? - The Mycenaean (2)

Hey! I’m Viv. I am president of the club Pride Players, as well as a member of NHS, FCA, and SNAC Club. I also play on the Varsity Softball team. You will probably see me around school or at sporting events with my camera!

Greetings! As an avid enthusiast and expert in the realm of fashion and personal style, I'm here to dissect the intriguing conundrum presented in Viviana Straniero's article dated September 13, 2021. Viviana, a video editor with a keen eye for observation, delves into the fashion choices of Leesville students as they grapple with the transitional weather of fall.

Now, let's break down the key concepts explored in the article:

  1. Contradictory Fashion Choices: The central theme revolves around Leesville students opting for a combination of sweatshirts and shorts, two classic wardrobe pieces that traditionally serve contrasting purposes. Sweatshirts are associated with warmth in cooler temperatures, while shorts are favored in warm weather for comfort and airflow.

  2. Weather Dilemma: The article highlights the dilemma faced by students as Raleigh experiences cooler mornings followed by sultry afternoons. This climatic uncertainty makes choosing an appropriate outfit a challenging task. Short sleeve shirts might be too cold in the morning, while sweatpants or leggings can become too warm as the day progresses.

  3. Air Conditioning Challenges: Another layer to the fashion puzzle is the variable air conditioning within Leesville's premises. Students express their preference for sweatshirts, not just for outdoor temperature variations but also for the convenience of taking them on and off when transitioning between different environments, such as going outside or entering warmer classrooms.

  4. Comfort Over Style: The students interviewed emphasize that their choice of wearing a sweatshirt with shorts is driven more by comfort than style. The comfort factor extends to both the upper and lower body, with some students finding sweatshirts more comfortable than t-shirts and shorts more comfortable than leggings.

  5. Individual Preferences: The article presents individual perspectives on this seemingly contradictory fashion choice. Grace Moore, a junior, values the ease of wearing a sweatshirt for temperature adjustments, while freshman Cameron Broer emphasizes the comfort of this combination over style. Moore further emphasizes feeling more secure and comfortable with this unconventional pairing.

  6. Multiple Perspectives: The conclusive point drawn from the student testimonials is that what might appear 'out of balance' from a conventional fashion standpoint makes perfect sense to them in multiple ways. The juxtaposition of warmth and coolness, comfort over style, and the practicality of adapting to variable temperatures and air conditioning are all factors contributing to this unique fashion trend.

In conclusion, the article sheds light on the multifaceted reasons behind the seemingly contradictory fashion choice of pairing sweatshirts with shorts. The individual preferences and practical considerations of Leesville students provide a fascinating glimpse into the nuanced world of personal style in the face of weather and environmental challenges.

Why Do People Wear Sweatshirts and Shorts? - The Mycenaean (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.