Dacquoise (2024)

Nutty and light with a delicately crispy exterior

Dacquoise (1)

Dacquoise (2)

Published: July 10th, 2021 | Last Updated: July 24th, 2021

The dacquoise is a nutty and biscuity sponge. It is used as layers in a cake, as an insert in a mousse cake or entremet or as the base of our One-Bites.

A dacquoise is nutty, airy, has a slight chewiness and a delicate crispy exterior. It is like a macaron, as it is also made by folding ground nuts and sugar through a meringue, however it is not as finicky as a macaron and it looks a little more rugged. The dacquoise provides lightness to desserts and a nice alternative to a sponge and provides a different texture and mouth-feel.

It can be stored at room temperature or frozen.

There are many variations of a dacquoise recipe. They all use the same base but use different nuts.

Almond Dacquoise

The almond dacquoise is the go-to version of dacquoise. It pairs well with a variety of flavours and almond meal is generally the cheapest and easiest type of nut meal to find.

  • 70g caster sugar
  • 200g egg whites
  • 200g icing sugar
  • 180g almond meal

Hazelnut Dacquoise

The hazelnut dacquoise is the same recipe, just swapping almonds for hazelnuts. The hazelnut taste is still quite subtle, but worth it if you are going for that hazelnutty flavour.

  • 70g caster sugar
  • 200g egg whites
  • 200g icing sugar
  • 180g hazelnut meal

Black Sesame Dacquoise

Black sesame brings an earthiness and is good to balance out sweeter flavours such as caramelised white chocolate. We use almond meal in combination with the black sesame powder for a better texture and rounder flavour.

  • 70g caster sugar
  • 200g egg whites
  • 200g icing sugar
  • 90g almond meal
  • 90 black sesame powder

Coconut Dacquoise

This coconut dacquoise is a great pairing for tropical flavours. Using shredded coconut also changes the texture and give the dacquoise an interesting bite.

  • 70g caster sugar
  • 200g egg whites
  • 200g icing sugar
  • 115g shredded or desiccated coconut
  • 65 almond meal

Stand mixer

The stand mixer in this recipe is used to make the meringue. In general, it is a great tool to help you do something in parallel (since there’s often lots to do when making desserts!).

The stand mixer is an investment, but it is used in countless dessert applications such as meringues, cake and cookie batters and choux pastry. We recommend a good quality stand mixer such as this one which will last through years of dessert making.

Buy it on Amazon


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.

2. Sift the nut meal and icing sugar together. (Tip: A drum sieve is the quickest way to sieve)

Dacquoise (3)

Dacquoise (4)

3. Beat the egg whites on medium speed in a stand mixer with the whisk attachment. When the egg whites are mostly foamy and white, gradually add the caster sugar. Continue beating to form a meringue until it is able to hold a stiff peak. Be careful not to over whip!

Dacquoise (5)

Dacquoise (6)

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Dacquoise (8)

4. Fold the meringue into the sifted mixture until evenly combined, being careful not to deflate the mixture.

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Dacquoise (10)

Dacquoise (11)

Dacquoise (12)

5. Spread the mixture with an offset spatula onto a lined baking sheet into a layer about 1.5-2cm thick. Try to make sure the surface is evenly thick and the sides are clean so that it bakes evenly and to avoid burning.

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Dacquoise (14)

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6. Bake for 30 minutes or until the middle is golden brown. It may require a slightly longer or shorter time depending on your oven. The time also varies depending on how much you make and how thick the mixture is spread to.

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Dacquoise (18)

7. Once golden, allow to cool completely at room temperature. The mixture may deflate a little, but that’s okay!

8. Cut into desired shapes.

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Dacquoise (22)

Dacquoise (23)

Dacquoise (24)

Dacquoise (25)

Dacquoise (26)

Dacquoise (27)

Dacquoise (28)

Dacquoise (29)

Dacquoise (30)

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Dacquoise (2024)


What does dacquoise mean in French? ›

A dacquoise is a dessert cake made with layers of almond meringue and whipped cream or buttercream, sometimes with nuts. The name comes from the Occitan word dacquoise, which means something like "of Dax", a town in France.

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A dacquoise (French: [dakwɑz]) is a dessert cake made with layers of almond and hazelnut meringue and whipped cream or buttercream on a buttery biscuit base. The term dacquoise can also refer to the nut meringue layer itself.

What is the difference between a dacquoise and a Joconde? ›

A joconde is a close relative of a Genoise sponge, the major difference being the inclusion of ground nuts (usually almonds). It is probably best known for its use in an Opera gateau. A dacquoise is ostensibly a meringue with nuts added (usually hazelnuts and almonds) and occasionally a little cornflour.

What is the difference between a dacquoise and a macaron? ›

A dacquoise is a meringue with ground nuts folded through it before baking. It is similar to a macaron shell, but not beaten as vigorously, so that it doesn't form a smooth shell, but more of a rustic meringue. The finished result is very cakelike, but also very light because of the lack of fat in the finished cake.

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Crème de la crème (French, literally 'cream of the cream') is an idiom meaning “the best of the best” or “the very best”.

How long does dacquoise last? ›

Bake until the dacquoise are dry, about 90 minutes. Turn off the oven (don't open the door), turn on the oven light (if your oven doesn't have a light, continue baking for 15 minutes more), and let the dacquoise sit in the cooling oven for at least 2 hours; it can be stored like this overnight or even up to 24 hours.

What is the difference between dacquoise and Pavlova? ›

Pavlova: Pavlova is a meringue-based dessert that is made with a crispy outer layer and a soft, marshmallow-like center. It is often topped with fruit and whipped cream. Dacquoise: Dacquoise is a French dessert that is made from layers of meringue and whipped cream, often with a flavor such as chocolate or nuts.

What is a hazelnut dacquoise? ›

A dacquoise is a dessert cake. It is made with layers of almond and hazelnut meringue and whipped cream or buttercream. The name comes from the French word dacquois, meaning "of Dax". (Dax is a town in southwestern France.) It is usually served chilled with fruit.

What is Louisiana Russian cake? ›

Russian Cake is prepared by mixing our almond cake, gold cake and devil's food cake with raspberry jelly, rum flavor and a hint of anise oil (licorice flavor). It is then topped with buttercream and nonpareils (aka sprinkles).

What is the difference between dacquoise and genoise? ›

Angel Food Cake, Meringues, and Dacquoise use only egg whites and contain no fat (butter or egg yolks). Chiffon Cakes use the separated egg method and contain oil and baking powder. Genoise (French butter sponge cake or European sponge cake) uses the whole egg method.

Why is Russian cake called Russian cake? ›

There is an interesting legend of how the Russian cake got its name. The story goes that a New Orleans baker made it because he ran out of ingredients to bake a proper cake for the visit of the Russian Grand Duke Alexis when he visited the city in 1872 for Mardi Gras.

What is Croquembouche in French translation? ›

The name comes from the French phrase croque en bouche, meaning '[something that] crunches in the mouth'.

What is the main difference between a dacquoise and a japonaise? ›

I was taught that dacquoise (pronounced dak-waz) incorporated almond flour and the other similar version called japonais (pronounced zha-po-nay) used hazelnut flour…but it's a little more complicated than that.

What does pavlova mean in French? ›

[pævˈləʊvə ] noun. dessert composé d'une meringue garnie de fruits et de crème chantilly.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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