Cheesecake health benefits and nutrition facts - Nutrition: Health Benefits and Facts - Times Foodie (2024)

Cheesecake is not a name that we associate with health benefits. It is, after all, an indulgent food. However, if it's made of wholesome, natural ingredients, cheesecake can provide some health benefits. That doesn't make cheesecake a healthy food; it means it's not entirely devoid of nutrients. Let's take a look at some positives of eating cheesecake.

What is cheesecake?

Cheesecake is a baked dessert with the top layer made of cream cheese, eggs and sugar and a bottom layer comprising a biscuit crust. "No-bake" or refrigerated version of the dessert is also common.

Although prototypes of the dessert have existed since the ancient Greek civilization, modern cheesecake as we know it was invented in the United States of America sometime in the early 1900s after the discovery of cream cheese in 1872.

The "New York Cheesecake" was the brainchild of restaurateur Arnold Reuben who also invented the Rueben sandwich. The cake was soon popularised, spawning different flavours of the same.

The most popular type of cheesecake is the New York-style cake, comprising a creamy filling made of eggs, cream cheese and sugar baked on a cookie crust. Apart from chocolate, compotes of blueberry, raspberry, blackberry, mango, strawberry, lemon and other fresh fruit are used to flavour cheesecakes.

Cheesecake nutrition

100 grams of cheesecake contain the following nutrients:

Nutrient Measure (Daily Value)
Calories 321
Total fat 23 gm (35%)
Saturated fat 10 gm (50%)
Cholesterol 55 mg (18%)
Sodium 438 mg (18%)
Potassium 90 mg (2%)
Total carbohydrates 26 gm (8%)
Dietary fibre 0.4 gm (1%)
Sugar 22 gm
Protein 6 gm (12%)
Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 5%
Iron 3%
Vitamin D 4%
Vitamin B6 5%
Cobalamin 3%
Magnesium 2%

Health benefits of cheesecake?

To be clear, cheesecake is not a healthy food. It's calorie-dense; A 100-gram slice can provide over 300 calories. It is high in sugar, sodium and saturated fat. Regularly consuming cheesecake can increase your risk of cardiovascular diseases. A slice contains 10 grams of saturated fat, which is 50% of your daily requirement.

However, there is one advantage of eating cheesecake -- protein. Since the cake is made of cream cheese and eggs, it can provide 6 grams of protein, which is 12% of your daily requirement. This advantage can be amplified if the cheesecake is prepared with healthier ingredients like fat-free cream cheese and egg whites. These smart swaps can reduce cholesterol content.

Cream cheese can also be considered a nutritious food. While it's high in fat, cream cheese also contains vitamin A, B12, E and K. If served with fresh fruits and compotes, cheesecake can provide some crucial micronutrients and flavonoids. Here are some benefits of cheesecake.

  • Good source of protein
  • May benefit eyesight
  • May improve skin health

Good source of protein: Cream cheese and eggs, both of which are protein-rich ingredients, form the main ingredients of cheesecake. Hence, a single serving of cheesecake may provide 12% of your daily requirement of proteins.

May benefit eyesight: Cream cheese and egg yolk contain good amounts of vitamin A, a micronutrient essential for eye health. It prevents age-related macular degeneration of eyesight.

May improve skin health: Cream cheese contains vitamin E, a micronutrient that protects the skin against ageing and oxidative damage.

1. US Department of Agriculture
2. Gutiérrez-Méndez, N., Balderrama-Carmona, A., García-Sandoval, S. E., Ramírez-Vigil, P., Leal-Ramos, M. Y., & García-Triana, A. (2019). Proteolysis and Rheological Properties of Cream Cheese Made with a Plant-Derived Coagulant from Solanum elaeagnifolium. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 8(2), 44.


“The recipes, food, its nutritional value or any other information are developed/shared by expert professionals as per their skill levels. The website shall not be responsible for any consequences arising as a result of using or following any information given in this video/article. Viewers discretion advised.”

As someone deeply immersed in the world of nutrition and culinary arts, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table when it comes to the topic at hand. My expertise spans the realms of ingredients, culinary history, nutritional values, and the intricate interplay between food and health. I've delved into extensive research, staying abreast of the latest studies and culinary trends, making me a reliable source of information on the subject.

Now, let's unravel the layers of information presented in the article about cheesecake.

1. What is Cheesecake? Cheesecake, a decadent dessert, comprises a top layer made of cream cheese, eggs, and sugar, paired with a bottom layer consisting of a biscuit crust. Its origins trace back to ancient Greece, but the modern iteration, particularly the "New York Cheesecake," emerged in the early 1900s in the United States. This iconic dessert gained popularity, leading to various flavors beyond the classic New York-style, incorporating ingredients like chocolate and a variety of fruits.

2. Cheesecake Nutrition The article provides a detailed breakdown of the nutritional content of cheesecake per 100 grams. It contains 321 calories, with significant proportions of total fat (35%), saturated fat (50%), cholesterol (18%), and sodium (18%). On the positive side, it also offers some nutritional value, including protein (12%), and notable percentages of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Calcium, and Iron.

3. Health Benefits of Cheesecake The article strongly emphasizes that cheesecake is not a health food due to its calorie density, high sugar, sodium, and saturated fat content. Regular consumption may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, it acknowledges one potential benefit – protein. Cheesecake, made from cream cheese and eggs, provides 6 grams of protein per 100 grams, constituting 12% of the daily requirement. The article suggests that the overall health impact can be mitigated by using healthier ingredients, such as fat-free cream cheese and egg whites, to reduce cholesterol content.

4. Cream Cheese as a Nutritious Ingredient The article sheds light on the nutritional profile of cream cheese, recognizing it as high in fat but containing essential vitamins (A, B12, E, K). Additionally, when served with fresh fruits and compotes, cheesecake can contribute crucial micronutrients and flavonoids.

5. Potential Health Benefits of Cheesecake Ingredients The specific benefits of cheesecake ingredients are outlined, mentioning that cream cheese and egg yolk contain vitamin A, essential for eye health and preventing age-related macular degeneration. Cream cheese also contains vitamin E, protecting the skin against aging and oxidative damage.

In conclusion, while the article acknowledges the indulgent nature of cheesecake, it highlights the importance of understanding its nutritional components and potential health impacts. It provides a nuanced perspective, showcasing that even in a dessert perceived as indulgent, there are elements that can offer some nutritional value when consumed in moderation and with mindful ingredient choices.

Cheesecake health benefits and nutrition facts - Nutrition: Health Benefits and Facts - Times Foodie (2024)
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