Beginner's Guide To A Biweekly Budget - My Worthy Penny (2024)

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Learn the most efficient and effective ways of budgeting biweekly paychecks.

Beginner's Guide To A Biweekly Budget - My Worthy Penny (1)

You are probably here because you just landed a new job and found out that you will be paid bi-weekly. Or, you have been paid biweekly but do not know how to set up a biweekly budget.

Or maybe, you are probably here because you are on a quest for a better budgeting system. Whatever your reason is, don’t worry you are in the right place.

My husband and I are paid biweekly and I have been budgeting on a monthly basis and it works well for us. However, everyone is different, what might work for us might not for you.

So without further ado, let’s dive in.

Just to be clear, getting paid biweekly does not mean you get paid twice a week. No. It means that you will receive your payment on a set day every other week.

Technically, you will be paid twice a month resulting in 24 paychecks. However, in some months you will get three paychecks for a total of 26 paychecks. Occasionally, depending on the year, you will get 27 paychecks.

If you are mindful of your budgeting and stick to twice a month budget, you will be able to use the “extra” paychecks for debt payment, beefing up your emergency fund, or funding your savings.

So here are some ways on how to budget biweekly paychecks.

How To Set Up A Biweekly Budget

Before you start figuring out which method of budgeting biweekly paychecks is best for your financial situation, you will first make your monthly budget.

Grab a pen and paper and block out an hour or two of your day to create your budget.

Let’s start budgeting.

First, you start by figuring out your monthly expenses. To better facilitate this process, gather all your bank statements from the last month and list down all your expenses. Here is a checklist of budget categories for reference.

Mortgage. Car payments. Groceries. Cable. Phone. Internet. Gas Money. Student Loan.

Everything and anything that you have to spend money on, write it down. Next, list down the due dates of all your bills and create a bill payment calendar.

Check out Beginner’s Guide To Monthly Budget to have a better understanding of how to set up your budget.

Now that you have your monthly budget, you can now start to figure out which budgeting is best for you.

So here is how your monthly budget can look like.

#1 Take Monthly Expenses and Divide It By Two

The first method on how to budget a biweekly paycheck is to divide your monthly expenses into half. For example, if your mortgage is $1200, you divide that into two, and you will have $600.

If your total monthly expenses is $4000, divide that into two and you will have $2000.

Your first paycheck will pay the first half of your monthly expenses and the second paycheck will take care of the second.

So your spreadsheet will look like this.

Beginner's Guide To A Biweekly Budget - My Worthy Penny (2)

This method may be perfect for some but there are some bills that cannot be paid twice monthly. Also, some mortgage companies do not honor two payments in a month. You might even get penalized for not paying the full amount.

A work around this can be setting aside the half-payment on a separate account and then when the bill is due, you can transfer that back to the checking and pay the bill. It adds more work to your budgeting tasks but it has its advantages.

When you separate the half-payment, you will eliminate the temptation to spend it on other stuff.

#2 Each Paycheck Pays For Fixed Expenses or Variable Expenses

Another method on how to budget biweekly paychecks is to give each paycheck a job. Either to pay the fixed expenses or variable expenses. In addition to the two types of expenses, some add a third one which is the savings.

If I am using this method, I would add savings to the fixed expenses because I like to treat it as a fixed expense that I need to pay every month.

Fixed expenses are the bills that you pay every month that does not change. It can be your mortgage, rent, car payment, HOA, utilities, savings, etc.

Variable expenses are the ones that change every month and you have the ability to spend less or more on it. It can be dining out, groceries, gas, entertainment, etc.

Now look at your expenses and categorize them into fixed and variable. Your spreadsheet can look like this.

Beginner's Guide To A Biweekly Budget - My Worthy Penny (3)

The downside of this method is not all of us have lesser fixed expenses. Most of us might even have higher fixed expenses than our first paycheck, which can cause a huge problem.

A work around this can be to use the first paycheck to pay just the first and/or second biggest fixed expense. It can be your mortgage and car payment.

This adjustment will give you a wiggle room for other expenses.

#3 Budget By Due Dates

The third method, which I think is the most reasonable out of the three is utilizing the due dates of your bills.

Go back to your fixed expenses and pay attention to the due dates of your bills. If for example, your paychecks come on the 5th and on the 19th of the month, group all expenses by due dates.

Your first paycheck will pay all the bills that are due before the 5th of the month and the second paycheck will take care of the bills that are due before the 19th of the month.

Your spreadsheet can look like this.

Beginner's Guide To A Biweekly Budget - My Worthy Penny (4)

In this method, the variable expenses are divided into two. For example, if your budget for grocery is $400, you divide that into two to come up with $200.

I personally use this method and in here I categorize savings as a different category from fixed expenses. But I still divide them into two and put them away in a savings account.

For example, if I am budgeting $50/month to save for a vacation, I will take the half-payment every paycheck and put it in our savings account.

The same thing for annual fees like a gym membership, car insurance, home insurance, etc. I will divide the total annual fees into 24, and that will be the amount I will set aside from each paycheck.

So if your home insurance is $1200, divide that by 24. The result will be $50, so for every paycheck, you set aside $50 dollars. By the time the home insurance is due, you already have the full amount to pay it off.

This process is called funding your sinking funds. A sinking fund is a way of saving a little money each month to save for a big purchase later on.

Biweekly Budget Frequently Asked Questions

Why do some employers pay their staff biweekly while others pay weekly?

Some companies pay their employees biweekly because they want to make sure that they get paid twice a month. This way, there is no chance of being shorted any money.

What’s the best way to create a budget when bi-weekly income varies greatly?

You can budget an irregular biweekly budget by first getting the average of your income over a period of time. You can do this by adding all the income you made in the last 12 months. Then, take that number and divide it by 12. That will be the average monthly income that you will budget. Also, make sure you have cushion money set aside.

How do you create a budget when you get paid biweekly?

If you get paid biweekly, then you need to calculate how much you will earn per week. Take the average of your earnings over the past year and multiply it by 52 weeks. Divide that number by 52 to find out how much you should budget.

What’s the 50 30 20 budget rule?

The 50 30 20 budget rule states that you should spend at least fifty percent of your income on necessities, thirty percent on wants, twenty percent on savings, and ten percent on entertainment.

The Last Thing You Need To Know About Budgeting Biweekly Paychecks

If you are just starting out on your biweekly budgeting, do not be discouraged if you mess up the first time, second time, third or fourth. Budgeting takes practice, the more you do it, the better you’ll get.

It is important to note that in every budgeting, it is a good practice to always have a buffer. If you have a buffer, you will less likely be hit with fees.

Before you start budgeting, I recommend saving up for a month’s worth of expenses so that you’ll be covered. I usually have last month’s salary paid for this month’s expenses.

There you have it!

Those are the ways on how to budget biweekly paychecks. There are a lot of creative ways on how to budget, but the most vital thing for it to work is to stick with one that works for you and your family dynamics.

Are you ready to set up your biweekly budget?

Budgeting Related Articles:

  • How To Make A Monthly Budget
  • Basic Steps On Creating A Budget
  • Categories For A Personal Budget
  • Dave Ramsey Zero-Based Budget
  • Budgeting Goals You Should Have
  • 5 Figure Salary Simplified (Plus 6 And 7 Figure Salary)
Beginner's Guide To A Biweekly Budget - My Worthy Penny (5)

Beginner’s Guide To A Biweekly Budget


Beginner's Guide To A Biweekly Budget - My Worthy Penny (2024)


What is the best budget for a biweekly paycheck? ›

Plan your bi-weekly budget out per paycheck.

I personally recommend that you budget based on 2 paychecks and then use those “extra” paychecks to beef up your emergency savings, pay down debt or save for large expenses.

How to budget when you get paid every 2 weeks? ›

Because most bills are due once a month, a biweekly budget simply involves allocating funds from your first and second paydays to handle your bills in the first and second halves of the month, respectively.

How to start a budget plan for beginners? ›

Follow the steps below as you set up your own, personalized budget:
  1. Make a list of your values. Write down what matters to you and then put your values in order.
  2. Set your goals.
  3. Determine your income. ...
  4. Determine your expenses. ...
  5. Create your budget. ...
  6. Pay yourself first! ...
  7. Be careful with credit cards. ...
  8. Check back periodically.

What is the app for biweekly pay? ›

I created EveryTwo because I couldn't find a low-cost and easy-to-use budget app that would let me do biweekly budgeting. This budget planner will let you fully customize your budget schedule whether it's a weekly budget, biweekly budget, bimonthly budget, monthly budget, or any other time frame you need.

How to save $5,000 getting paid biweekly? ›

The easiest way to do this is to “chunk” your savings contributions so they align with your pay schedule. For instance, if you're paid weekly, aim to save around $97 each week. If you're paid biweekly, aim for roughly $193 every paycheck. And if you're on a monthly pay schedule, try to save around $417 a month.

How to save $10,000 biweekly? ›

To save $10,000 in a year with a bi-weekly plan, you should divide the total goal by the number of pay periods in a year. With 26 bi-weekly periods in a year, you must divide $10,000 by 26. This results in approximately $384.62.

Does getting paid three times in a month help? ›

Having an extra paycheck in a month can really help if you're living paycheck to paycheck. It can provide the financial means to help you establish, or add to, an emergency fund, pay down high-interest debt or help you pay for holiday expenses.

How do I manage my money if I get paid biweekly? ›

To start creating your biweekly budget, you'll need to set up a budget calendar with your bill due dates, pay dates, savings plans, and other important dates. Having a calendar gives you a visual view of everything that will occur during the month, this way you can plan each bi-weekly check you get accordingly.

What is the best free budgeting app? ›

Best Budgeting Apps Of May 2024
  • YNAB (You Need A Budget): Best for Setting Goals.
  • Empower Personal Dashboard™: Best for Tracking Net Worth.
  • Goodbudget: Best for Envelope Budgeting.
  • Oportun (formerly Digit): Best for Passive Saving.
  • Monarch Money: Best for Replacing Mint.
  • PocketGuard: Best for Tracking Spending.
May 1, 2024

What is the simplest budgeting method? ›

Zero-Based Budgeting

Simply put, a zero-based budget accounts for every dollar of your income. With this method, when you subtract your expenses from your income, it should equal zero. For example, if you earn $5,000 per month, all of your spending and savings should total $5,000.

How to budget money for dummies? ›

How to budget for beginners
  1. Calculate your total monthly income from all sources. ...
  2. Categorize your monthly expenses. ...
  3. Set budgeting goals. ...
  4. Follow the 50/30/20 budget method. ...
  5. Make changes to your spending habits. ...
  6. Use budgeting tools to track your spending and savings. ...
  7. Review your budget from time to time.
Jun 20, 2023

What are the first 5 things you should list in a budget? ›

What Are the 5 Basic Elements of a Budget?
  • Income. The first place that you should start when thinking about your budget is your income. ...
  • Fixed Expenses. ...
  • Debt. ...
  • Flexible and Unplanned Expenses. ...
  • Savings.

How do I make a biweekly budget spreadsheet? ›

Here's how to create a biweekly budget in six steps.
  1. List All Your Expenses. ...
  2. Tally Up Discretionary Spending. ...
  3. Create a Budget Calendar. ...
  4. Find the Right Savings Ratio. ...
  5. Create Two Biweekly Budgets. ...
  6. Track Your Spending.
Sep 17, 2022

What is an example of a biweekly pay schedule? ›

Biweekly pay describes when employees are paid every other week on a specific day of the week. For example, if you want to establish a biweekly pay schedule, you might choose to pay your employees every other Friday. Since every calendar year has 52 weeks, this results in a total of 26 paychecks per year.

What is the biweekly envelope budget app? ›

EveryTwo: Biweekly Budgeting on the App Store.

What is the best budget for a paycheck? ›

We recommend the 50/30/20 system, which splits your income across three major categories: 50% goes to necessities, 30% to wants and 20% to savings and debt repayment.

How much should I save from my biweekly paycheck? ›

The standard rule of thumb is to save 20% from every paycheck.

What is the budget for paycheck to paycheck? ›

Budgeting by paycheck

50% of net pay for essentials: groceries, bills, rent or mortgage, debt payments, and insurance. 30% for spending on dining or ordering out and entertainment. 20% for personal saving and investment goals.

What is the 50 30 20 budget biweekly? ›

It's a simple rule of thumb that suggests you put up to 50% of your after-tax income toward things you need, 30% toward things you want, and 20% toward savings.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.