5 Tips to Curb Your Late Night Snacking (2024)

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After-dinner and before-bedtime snacking when not hungry can result in consuming unneeded calories. Often this may be due to boredom, stress or tiredness. Try these tips to help banish evening cravings and curb after-dinner snacking; and, if you snack, go for nutritious options.

End Mealtime Madness

Spend a little time planning ahead and grocery shopping for nutritious meals, including breakfast, and snacks throughout the week. When you eat a variety of foods throughout the day according to your hunger and fullness, you're less likely to overeat at night.

Boost Protein and Load up on Fiber

Protein can help you feel full faster and for longer, so ensuring you incorporate protein during meals and snacks may help with mindless snacking.

Some ideas include, a breakfast of oatmeal with a cup of low-fat or fat-free milk, small handful of nuts and fruit, which provide approximately 20 grams of protein. At lunch, a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter (7 grams of protein), half a can of tuna fish (16 grams of protein), half a cup of black beans (7 grams of protein) or a small 4-ounce salmon filet (25 grams of protein) can help push up protein. At dinner, aim for recommended serving sizes such as a small — the size of a deck of cards — 3-ounce chicken breast (27 grams of protein) or a 3-ounce lean top sirloin steak (26 grams of protein).

Dietary fiber also helps us feel full, in addition to being protective of intestinal and heart health. Find fiber in whole grains, legumes such as beans and lentils, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. The daily recommendation for dietary fiberis 14 grams for every 1,000 calories, which is about 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men per day.

Get Sleep

Sleep deprivation can impair glucose metabolism and affect hormones linked to hunger, appetite and body weight regulation. When we get too little sleep, we may confuse tiredness for hunger. If you're tempted to keep snacking after a balanced dinner, that may be a sign that your body needs rest. Adults should strive for 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night.

Turn off the Screen before You Pick up Your Fork

Screen time may encourage mindless eating and increased food intake. Eating in front of the TV, while playing video games or surfing the Internet can distract attention from what and how much is eaten, reduce satiety signals sent to the brain and lessen memory of snacking.

Still Starving after Dinner?

People often eat out of boredom, because of stress or out of habit rather than from true hunger. Consider asking yourself the following questions before eating: Am I hungry? Am I thirsty? Am I tired? Am I bored? Am I sad?

If you are still hungry after ruling out other factors, it's OK to have a snack. Opt for foods with high protein and fiber and eat small portions slowly, and without distractions.


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    5 Tips to Curb Your Late Night Snacking (2024)


    5 Tips to Curb Your Late Night Snacking? ›

    Snack on a handful of nuts, top some whole-grain toast with creamy homemade almond butter, or whip up a sweet and simple trail mix by combining 2 cups of mixed nuts, ½ cup of pumpkin seeds, ½ cup of sunflower seeds, and 1 cup of unsweetened dried fruit to keep on hand for late-night noshes.

    How do I get rid of late night snacking? ›

    Here are 10 things you can do to stop eating late in the evening or at night.
    1. Identify the cause. Some people eat most of their food late in the evening or during the night. ...
    2. Identify your triggers. ...
    3. Use a routine. ...
    4. Plan your meals. ...
    5. Seek emotional support. ...
    6. De-Stress. ...
    7. Eat regularly throughout the day. ...
    8. Include protein at every meal.
    Jul 19, 2021

    What to do against night eating? ›

    Can I prevent NES?
    • Choosing healthy foods: Make sure you only have healthy foods at home. ...
    • Practicing good sleep hygiene: Keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature, and try to go to sleep at the same time every day. ...
    • Keeping an eye on your mental health: Try to manage stress with meditation and deep breathing.
    Sep 16, 2021

    How to make healthy late night snacks? ›

    Snack on a handful of nuts, top some whole-grain toast with creamy homemade almond butter, or whip up a sweet and simple trail mix by combining 2 cups of mixed nuts, ½ cup of pumpkin seeds, ½ cup of sunflower seeds, and 1 cup of unsweetened dried fruit to keep on hand for late-night noshes.

    What should my late night snack be? ›

    Offer snacks that are naturally sweet (low-fat yogurt, fruit, frozen bananas or grapes, apple slices with peanut butter). Don't keep many sweets in the house. If they're not around, they won't be tempted by them (and neither will you). Don't use sweets as a bribe or reward.

    Which foods suppress appetite? ›

    In a nutshell, experts say, adding more of these foods to your diet can help curb hunger and help you feel fuller on fewer calories:
    • Soups, stews, cooked whole grains, and beans.
    • Fruits and vegetables.
    • Lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs.
    • Whole grains, like popcorn.
    Sep 19, 2007

    How do I train myself to not eat at night? ›

    How to Stop Eating at Night
    1. Prioritize Daytime Eating. ...
    2. Keep a Food Journal. ...
    3. Schedule Your Meals and Snacks. ...
    4. Pump Up Your Protein. ...
    5. Break Associations. ...
    6. Keep Your Hands Busy. ...
    7. Get to Bed an Hour Earlier. ...
    8. Don't Beat Yourself Up.
    May 31, 2021

    What triggers night eating? ›

    Doctors think it might be related to issues with the sleep-wake cycle and some hormones. Changes in your sleep schedule and routines aren't responsible. You're more likely to have night eating syndrome if you're obese or have another eating disorder.

    Why am I always craving food at night? ›

    A study published in the most recent version of the journal Obesity found that the body's internal clock, the circadian system, increases hunger and cravings for sweet, starchy and salty foods in the evenings.

    What foods are OK to eat before bed? ›

    5 best foods to eat before bed
    • Cherries. Cherries, especially the tart Montmorency variety, are a natural source of melatonin. ...
    • Bananas. Bananas are rich in magnesium and have been found to significantly increase melatonin. ...
    • Walnuts. ...
    • Turkey. ...
    • Milk.

    Is peanut butter a good late night snack? ›

    Summary. As part of a balanced diet, a small serving of peanut butter can be a nutritious choice for a nighttime snack. Combining this with a piece of fruit, such as an apple or banana, or vegetables, such as celery, increases the fiber content and nutritional value of the snack.

    What should I eat at 10pm when hungry? ›

    Here are 14 excellent and healthy late-night snack ideas.
    • Tart cherries. Consider adding tart cherries like Montmorency or their juice to your late-night snack options. ...
    • Banana with almond butter. ...
    • Kiwi. ...
    • Protein smoothie. ...
    • Goji berries. ...
    • Crackers and cheese. ...
    • Hot cereal. ...
    • Trail mix.
    Nov 30, 2022

    What is a good snack at 2am? ›

    Hungry at 2 a.m.? Nutritionists suggest these 11 quick and easy snacks
    • Greek yogurt.
    • nuts.
    • seeds.
    • crackers.
    • popcorn.
    • hummus.
    • toast.
    • hard-boiled eggs.
    Aug 2, 2022

    What time of night is best not to eat after? ›

    Experts say that having a late-night meal keeps the body on 'high alert' at a time where it should be winding down, which can have dangerous implications for our health. Researchers have now said that we should never eat within two hours of our bedtime, and ideally, nothing after 7pm.

    What burns fat while you sleep? ›

    6 Ways to Lose Weight While You Sleep
    • Lift weights at night. ...
    • Drink a casein protein shake. ...
    • Take a cold shower. ...
    • Drink green tea. ...
    • Sleep in a colder room. ...
    • Explore intermittent fasting.
    Oct 27, 2021

    What foods speed up metabolism before bed? ›

    Lose weight and sleep great by eating these healthy foods before bed!
    • Whey Protein Shake. ...
    • A Warm Bowl of Oatmeal. ...
    • Greek Yogurt with Berries or Cherries. ...
    • Half a Turkey Sandwich. ...
    • Egg Wrap. ...
    • Smoked Salmon Bagel. ...
    • Cottage Cheese and Fruit. ...
    • Peanut and Nut Butters.
    Mar 9, 2022

    What foods fill you up without gaining weight? ›

    10 Healthy Foods You Can Eat Without Gaining Weight
    • Celery.
    • Lettuce.
    • Watermelon.
    • Broccoli and cauliflower.
    • Grapefruit.
    • Mushrooms.
    • Berries (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries)
    • Kiwi.
    Jan 20, 2023

    How to speed up metabolism? ›

    5 ways to boost metabolism
    1. Exercise more. Add interval training to your cardio routine and burn more calories in less time. ...
    2. Weight train. Add muscle mass to your body and you can burn more calories at rest. ...
    3. Don't skip meals, especially breakfast. ...
    4. Eat fat-burning foods. ...
    5. Get a good night's sleep every night.

    What foods keep you full the longest? ›

    Foods That Help Beat Hunger and Keep You Fuller Longer
    1. Whole Grains. Whole grains, such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, and whole wheat pasta, are linked to weight control and maintaining a healthy weight. ...
    2. Greek Yogurt. ...
    3. Avocado. ...
    4. Oatmeal. ...
    5. Red Chili Pepper. ...
    6. Fish. ...
    7. Nuts. ...
    8. Beans and Legumes.

    What is a natural food suppressant? ›

    A person can suppress their appetite by including more protein, fat, and fiber in their meals. Stocking up on vegetables and pulses can make a person feel fuller for longer. It might also help to try different spices, such as ginger and cayenne pepper, and drink tea to beat unwanted food cravings.

    How do you trigger yourself to not eat? ›

    8 Ways to Stop Emotional Eating Triggers
    1. Rewire your brain with healthier habits.
    2. Limit processed foods.
    3. Avoid restriction.
    4. Practice affirmations.
    5. Work on building a solid foundation.
    6. Take the guilt out of the equation.
    7. Don't resort to extremes.
    8. Take a pause.

    What time should I stop eating at night to lose weight? ›

    As a guide, stop eating two to three hours before bed to avoid weight gain. Finishing meals earlier than this may help boost weight loss.

    What does eating late at night do to your body? ›

    New study provides experimental evidence that late eating may increase hunger, obesity risk. Obesity afflicts approximately 42 percent of the U.S. adult population and contributes to the onset of chronic diseases, including diabetes, cancer, and other conditions.

    What fruit is highest in melatonin? ›

    1. Cherries. Cherries (especially sour cherries like the Montmorency variety) are one of the only (and highest) natural food sources of melatonin. Studies have shown a boost in circulating melatonin after consumption of cherries, though sweet cherries have half the melatonin content as sour cherries.

    What should I eat after 9pm? ›

    Get creative in your kitchen with these tasty, light, and filling late-night snack ideas.
    • Popcorn. When winding down before bed with a bag of popcorn and a show, you may wonder, is popcorn a good late-night snack? ...
    • Hummus. ...
    • Greek Yogurt. ...
    • Cottage Cheese. ...
    • Fish. ...
    • Avocado Toast. ...
    • Bell Peppers. ...
    • Oatmeal.
    Mar 15, 2021

    Is banana and peanut butter a healthy bedtime snack? ›

    Galloway recommended pairing a banana with peanut butter before bed, as bananas also contain magnesium which can support good sleep.

    What to eat at 3am? ›

    25 Healthy Midnight Snacks for Late Night Munching, According to a Nutritionist
    • Hummus and Whole Grain Crackers or Veggies. We knew there was a reason we loved chickpeas. ...
    • Oatmeal. ...
    • Popcorn. ...
    • Low-fat Greek Yogurt and Fruit. ...
    • A Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich. ...
    • Pumpkin Seeds. ...
    • Bananas and Peanut Butter. ...
    • A Handful of Nuts.
    Oct 12, 2022

    What is the most healthiest snack? ›

    Some examples include:
    • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
    • Frozen fruit.
    • Fruits canned in water or their own juice.
    • Whole grain bread, crackers and cereals.
    • Lower fat yogurt.
    • Lower fat cheese.
    • Unsalted nuts and seeds and their butters.
    • Hummus.
    Mar 1, 2021

    Are Ritz crackers healthy? ›

    These snacks are high in fat and calories because they contain high-calorie processed ingredients such as canola oil, palm oil, and refined sugar. Eating Ritz on a regular basis can help you lose weight, but it can also mean you're eating way too much.

    Is Oatmeal good before bed? ›

    Oatmeal. Hot or cold oatmeal might help prepare your body for sleep and keep you full throughout the night. Oats contain magnesium as well as melatonin, the sleep hormone. Consider making a batch of overnight oats with dried fruits and seeds for a simple nighttime snack option.

    What cereal is good for night? ›

    A bowl of unsweetened cereal (e.g. rice puffs, bran flakes) or muesli high in complex carbs, coupled with milk makes for a yummy bedtime snack. As a bonus, the duo in this combo help your body produce melatonin to lead you into a more restful night.

    Should I eat before bed if hungry? ›

    A small snack before bedtime can help ensure you're not hungry when trying to sleep, however. Dr. Singh says a small snack 30 to 40 minutes before bed is fine if you feel a little hungry.

    When should you eat your biggest meal? ›

    Most people are brought up thinking that dinner should be the biggest meal of the day, meaning they opt for a light breakfast and lunch. However, research has found that a smaller dinner and larger lunch could be the key to helping you shift those weight.

    Does eating late cause belly fat? ›

    Aside from causing belly fat, eating late and reclining on a full stomach increases your risk of developing acid reflux and indigestion, since gravity is no longer able to pull everything in your tummy straight down.

    Does late night snacking cause weight gain? ›

    “Previous research by us and others had shown that late eating is associated with increased obesity risk, increased body fat, and impaired weight loss success.

    Will I lose weight if I stop late night snacking? ›

    If you are a heavy nighttime eater, you will almost certainly lose weight if you can cut out the nighttime snacks. Some people consume as much as 25% of their calories in the evening hours, so curbing this habit can make a huge difference in the amount of food you take in during a given day.

    Is late night snacking bad for you? ›

    Studies suggest that late-night snacking could raise blood sugar levels, and certain foods may negatively affect sleep quality. Choosing snacks that contain plenty of vitamins and minerals but aren't high in sugar or spice may actually improve your sleep.

    What time should you stop eating at night to lose weight? ›

    If you want to maintain or lose weight, then you shouldn't eat after 7 p.m. There are myriad reasons why people might not want to eat after a certain time in the evening, especially if it's close to when they go to sleep, says Cara Harbstreet, M.S., R.D., L.D., owner of Street Smart Nutrition..

    Does late night eating cause belly fat? ›

    The Bottom Line

    Physiologically, calories don't count for more at night. You won't gain weight by merely eating later if you eat within your daily calorie needs. Still, studies show that nighttime eaters typically make poorer food choices and eat more calories, which can lead to weight gain.

    Why you shouldn't eat after 8pm? ›

    Eating late at night may lead to acid reflux and negatively affect blood sugar management, blood pressure, and weight. This may be due to many factors like poor food choices.

    Why can't i stop snacking late at night? ›

    Endless snacking at night can result from a number of factors, including not eating enough during the day or eating due to boredom, stress, anger or sadness. For some, there may also be a hormonal imbalance that causes severe increases in appetite.

    Is it better to go to bed hungry or have a late night snack? ›

    Going to bed hungry can be safe as long as you're eating a well-balanced diet throughout the day. Avoiding late-night snacks or meals can actually help avoid weight gain and an increased BMI. If you're so hungry that you can't go to bed, you can eat foods that are easy to digest and promote sleep.

    Is peanut butter good before bed? ›

    Therefore, eating peanut butter or other foods with tryptophan before bed may alleviate sleep issues. Peanut butter is highly nutritious and rich in protein, which reduces food cravings and promotes muscle growth. It also contains tryptophan, which may enhance sleep quality.

    What vitamin deficiency causes sugar cravings? ›

    Deficiencies in certain minerals such as zinc, chromium, iron, calcium, and magnesium may lead to sugar cravings as well, Elia says. Magnesium deficiency is specifically worth paying attention to.

    When should I stop eating if I go to bed at 10pm? ›

    Experts recommend waiting at least three hours after you've eaten to go to bed. This allows your body time to digest your food so you're not up at night with an upset stomach, indigestion, or acid reflux.

    What not to eat when trying to lose weight? ›

    11 Foods to Avoid When Trying to Lose Weight
    • French fries and potato chips. French fries and potato chips are often very high in calories and fat. ...
    • Sugary drinks. ...
    • White bread. ...
    • Candy bars. ...
    • Some fruit juices. ...
    • Pastries, cookies, and cakes. ...
    • Some types of alcohol (especially beer) ...
    • Ice cream.
    Dec 19, 2022

    Why you shouldn't eat after 7? ›

    Overeating before the bedtime increases the risk of indigestion and heartburn, resulting in restlessness and sleeplessness. Eating late also sends a message to the brain to keep active that further prevents the body from powering down.

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