Why Money Can’t Buy Happiness (2024)

Why Money Can’t Buy Happiness (1)

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Ranjeet Kumar Why Money Can’t Buy Happiness (2)

Ranjeet Kumar

Principle Software Engineer at Dell

Published May 5, 2023

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Money can provide a certain level of comfort and security, but the truth is that money can’t buy happiness.. Here are some reasons why money alone cannot buy happiness:

  1. The Hedonic Treadmill:Human beings have a tendency to quickly adapt to changes in their circ*mstances, including an increase in wealth. This is called the hedonic treadmill. As we become accustomed to a new level of income, our expectations rise, and we require even more money to maintain our level of happiness. This means that no matter how much money we have, we may still feel like we need more to be happy.
  2. Relationship with money:How we think and feel about money can impact our overall happiness. People who believe that money will solve all their problems or provide a sense of purpose may be disappointed when they achieve financial success but still feel unfulfilled.
  3. Diminishing Returns:The more money we have, the less additional happiness it can bring. This is because once our basic needs are met, our happiness becomes less dependent on material possessions and more on social connections, purpose, and meaning in life.
  4. Social Comparison:People often compare themselves to others who have more money or possessions, which can lead to feelings of envy and dissatisfaction. In fact, research has found that people who place a high value on wealth and material possessions tend to be less happy and satisfied with life.
  5. Stress:While money can alleviate financial stress, it can also bring its own set of stressors. For example, the pressure to maintain a certain lifestyle or manage a large amount of wealth can be stressful and overwhelming.
  6. Emotional fulfillment:Happiness comes from a sense of fulfillment and purpose, which cannot always be bought with money. Strong relationships, meaningful work, and personal growth are just a few examples of non-material sources of happiness.
  7. Experiences vs. Material Possessions:Research has found that experiences, such as travel, hobbies, and time spent with loved ones, tend to bring more happiness than material possessions. This is because experiences are often shared with others, provide opportunities for personal growth, and create lasting memories.



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Why Money Can’t Buy Happiness (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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