11 Easy Ways to Respond when Someone Declines Your Wedding Invitation (2024)

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1Assume they have a good reason.

2Accept their reason if they give you one.

3Thank them for letting you know.

4Tell them you’ll miss them.

5Try to let it go if you two aren’t super close.

6Feel free to ask why if they’re a close friend or family.

7Be upfront about your feelings if you’re hurt.

8Consider negotiating if it’s a practical issue.

9Let it go if they’re not budging.

10Focus on the bigger picture.

11Accept that it’s okay to be a little hurt.

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Co-authored byBridget Connollyand Eric McClure

Last Updated: April 19, 2022References

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You want to share your special day with someone you care about and they’ve turned you down. How should you respond? In this article, we’ll walk you through a wide variety of responses based on different situations you might be in. We'll also touch on when it's appropriate to probe deeper and ask why they can’t make it to your wedding. To learn more about how to handle a declined wedding invitation and the emotions that come with it, read on.


Assume they have a good reason.

  1. As personal as it may feel, people decline invites for all kinds of reasons. If they simply let you know that they aren’t coming to your wedding or they declined to RSVP, you may feel the urge to ask, “Why?” As hurt as you may be, recognize that people decline invites for all sorts of important reasons.[1]

    • They may have other plans on the book they can’t cancel. Maybe they already paid for a European vacation with their family, or they have a work trip they can’t cancel.
    • If they don’t live near you, they may not be able to take enough time off of work to travel out for the wedding.
    • Maybe there’s a health concern. For example, if they’re immunocompromised they likely won’t want to be around other people during the COVID pandemic.
    • They might have financial issues. This can be a huge deal if you’re having a destination wedding or they can’t afford a gift for you right now.
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Accept their reason if they give you one.

  1. If they tell you why they can’t come, don’t read too much into it. If they include a note in their response explaining why they can’t make it, you may feel like it isn’t a good enough reason. It’s natural to feel that way, especially since your wedding matters so much to you. Part of you may even think they’re being dishonest. Try to respect their response and don’t hold it against them.[2]

    • It sounds a little harsh, but they don’t owe you a reason to begin with. People are allowed to attend or not attend things as they see fit. Even if you think their reason is invalid, try to take it in stride.


Thank them for letting you know.

  1. Even if you’re a little hurt, tell them you appreciate the heads up. You know what’s worse than someone telling you they aren’t coming? Someone not telling you. The fact that they’re letting you know they can’t make it a sign of respect and love (even if it stings a bit in the moment), so thank them for the letting you know.[3]

    • You might say, “Aw, that’s a bummer, but I understand. Thank you for giving me a heads up,” or, “I appreciate you telling me ahead of time. I’m sorry you can’t make it!”
    • If they just declined on your e-vite but they didn’t say anything to you, don’t reach out to them to thank them. It’s probably just coming to come across as passive-aggressive if you do that.
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Tell them you’ll miss them.

  1. After you thank them, include a note that they’ll be missed. This signals that you’re not mad at them, and it’s probably a good move if you want to stay on good terms with them in the future. Even if you’re a little hurt right now, just remember that they aren’t telling you they can’t come to make you feel bad (it’s actually the opposite). Try not to hold it against them and show them a little love.[4]

    • You might say, “Your presence will be sorely missed. I’ll be sure to have a drink for you at the reception,” or, “I really wish you could be there, but I know stuff happens. I’ll be thinking of you!”


Try to let it go if you two aren’t super close.

  1. If they aren’t a key person in your life, don’t push it further. A quick note thanking them and telling them that they’ll be missed is all you should do if this isn’t someone super important to you. They’ve already told you they can’t make it, and it might be inappropriate to probe any deeper. Don’t let your visceral emotional response get the better of you.[5]

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Feel free to ask why if they’re a close friend or family.

  1. If they didn’t give you a reason but you’re close, you can probe a bit. It’s generally considered bad etiquette to ask why someone declined an invitation, but it’s okay if you have a close relationship with someone and the two of you have the kind of rapport where you can be open with one another. Call or reach out to them and be honest about how you feel.[6] You might say:

    • “Aw, that’s really disappointing. I was really hoping you’d be able to be there. Do you mind if I ask why you can’t make it?”
    • “Is there something I did that’s making you not want to come? You’re one of my best friends and I was really hoping you’d be there.”


Be upfront about your feelings if you’re hurt.

  1. If you need to say your piece, honesty is the best policy. It’s totally normal for something like this to keep you up at night if it’s eating away at you, and telling them how you feel is a reasonable thing to do. Just remember to let up if they don’t share more about why they aren’t coming or they aren’t sympathetic.[7] You could tell them:

    • “This kind of hurts. I know it’s totally unfair of me to ask, but I really want you there if you can make it.”
    • “I know we haven’t seen one another in a while, but it’s really going to suck if you can’t make my wedding. Can you please come?”
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Consider negotiating if it’s a practical issue.

  1. Flexing on some of your requirements may enable them to come. If there’s a very straightforward roadblock to their attendance, consider making an exception for them. For example, if they can’t get a babysitter, you might allow them to bring their child. If they have to catch a flight that night, tell them it’s okay to just attend the ceremony and leave. They may change their mind if you’re flexible and can offer a compromise.[8]

    • Try to frame the idea as a potential option, not as an absolute solution. For example, “Oh, well if you just want a +1, you can have one. Problem solved!” can come off as presumptuous.
    • Instead, you might say, “I totally understand that you wouldn’t know anyone there and that would be scary. Would it help if I gave you a +1?”


Let it go if they’re not budging.

  1. Unfortunately, you can’t control whether they change their mind. As hurtful as it is for someone you care about to not come to your wedding, the reality is that you don’t have much recourse. Try to put it out of your mind and focus on the guests who will be there. If the declining guest is going to miss your wedding, that’s their loss.[9]

    • It helps to remember that they could have just totally ghosted you on your wedding day, or made up some lie about an emergency keeping them from making it.
    • They’re trying to do a kind thing by telling you ahead of time, even if it doesn’t feel that way now.
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Focus on the bigger picture.

  1. In the grand scheme of things, you won’t remember one missing guest. Take a deep breath and keep things in perspective here. You get to marry someone you love, and it’s going to be a beautiful event. Think of all the people who will be there. You’re going to have an incredible wedding, so don’t let one missing guest get you too down.[10]


Accept that it’s okay to be a little hurt.

  1. It’s totally natural to be upset that someone won’t be there. A declined invitation can feel like a punch to the gut, and it’s super reasonable that this is bothering you. This is one of those things that you don’t have much control over, but that doesn’t mean it can’t hurt. Talk it out with your soon-to-be spouse, vent, cry it out, do whatever you feel like you to do to feel better.[11]

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      About This Article


      Co-authored by:

      Bridget Connolly

      Political Activist

      This article was co-authored by Bridget Connolly and by wikiHow staff writer, Eric McClure. Bridget Connolly has volunteered on political campaigns at the local and federal level for over 10 years, most notably for the 2008 Obama campaign in Nevada and Josh Harder's Congressional race in 2018. She has gone door-to-door to help register voters and get out the vote in both California and Nevada. This article has been viewed 38,492 times.

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      Co-authors: 5

      Updated: April 19, 2022


      Categories: Invitations

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      Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 38,492 times.

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      11 Easy Ways to Respond when Someone Declines Your Wedding Invitation (2024)


      11 Easy Ways to Respond when Someone Declines Your Wedding Invitation? ›

      The traditional approach for this is simply “Declines with Regrets”. However, some hip couples have some fun with an informal approach here. Choices like “So sad I can't make it” to even goofier options like “I'm a failure and won't be able to do it” have been springing up in modern online rsvp wording.

      How do you respond to RSVP regrets examples? ›

      The traditional approach for this is simply “Declines with Regrets”. However, some hip couples have some fun with an informal approach here. Choices like “So sad I can't make it” to even goofier options like “I'm a failure and won't be able to do it” have been springing up in modern online rsvp wording.

      How do you respond to RSVP no? ›

      Reply whether or not you can attend, but if you have to decline, less is more. Smith advises providing a limited amount of information as to why you can't come. A simple, "I'm so sorry, I can't make it. Very sad to miss, but hope it's a great party/event!" is enough.

      What are examples of RSVP responses? ›

      Example RSVP email subject line
      • Accepting your invitation for (event name)
      • I'm delighted to confirm my attendance at (event name)
      • I'm coming! Can't wait to join you on your special day.
      Jan 18, 2023

      What do you say in a wedding RSVP decline? ›

      “Thank you so much for the invitation, I really appreciate it and it means a great deal.” "I would love to attend, but I have prior commitments on that date." "We would love to celebrate with you but unfortunately, we can't make it work." "I've given it a lot of thought, and unfortunately, we won't be able to attend."

      Is it rude not to respond to an RSVP? ›

      People appreciate the reminder, and most understand why you would want to know. While it's rude not to RSVP and people can be flaky or noncommittal at times (some, sadly, all the time), don't hold it against them personally or stew about it. Just ask. And save at least a few extra spots.

      How do you say RSVP yes or no? ›

      Keep it simple with an “RSVP by” or “Please RSVP by” at the bottom of your invitation. Or, get fancy and write out the RSVP acronym: “Répondez s'il vous plaît.” In French, this means “Please reply.” If "RSVP" isn't your thing, write “Reply by,” or “Kindly reply by” instead.

      What are common ways to RSVP to a wedding? ›

      The most traditional and common way to secure RSVPs for your wedding is with a response card. The response card (or RSVP card) is typically a small square or rectangular card that is sent along with your invitation.

      How do you nudge someone to RSVP? ›

      The most direct way to remind guests to RSVP for the wedding is by putting the RSVP date on the front page of your wedding website. This is one of the few details that you can put on your wedding website and invitations. Simply write, "We can't wait for you to celebrate with us.

      How do you respond to a wedding RSVP text? ›

      Most RSVP cards will read “To reply, text “hello” to [123.456. 7890 or whatever their replied app number is].” You can actually text any word that you want and the intelligent text message RSVP service will begin replying to you and gathering your information.

      What is proper RSVP response time? ›

      Ideally, the RSVP date should fall three to four weeks before the wedding, and the wedding invitation should be mailed six to eight weeks prior to the wedding. That means guests have a window of about a month to RSVP.

      How do you thank someone but declined? ›

      Just decline gracefully by alluding to your other obligations.
      How to Say 'Thanks for the Offer' After Someone Reaches Out to Help After a Death or Tragedy
      1. “Thank you so much for offering to bring by a casserole for the family. ...
      2. “I appreciate you offering to take the girls for the weekend for me. ...
      3. “I miss you, too.
      May 31, 2022

      How do you respond to an informal refusal invitation? ›

      Write an informal refusal to the above invitation in about 50 words. I am really thankful that you have invited me for New Year celebrations at your residence. I convey my apologies to you as I won't be able to come. My parents are not in favour of my staying away late at night.

      How do you gracefully back out of a wedding? ›

      The best way to communicate to a couple if you suddenly can't attend their wedding is to do it as soon as possible. Give them your legitimate reason, so they know you're not totally blowing them off, and promise you'll make it up to them.

      Is it rude to not reply to a wedding invitation? ›

      A wedding invitation is not a referendum on the marriage. The only thing it requires you to say honestly is whether you plan to attend. There is no excuse for ignoring it or replying rudely.

      Is it rude to not respond to a wedding RSVP? ›

      It is inconsiderate, but unfortunately common, for guests to fail to RSVP. Anyone who receives an invitation has an important obligation to reply as soon as possible. And yet so many don't. Some forget; others procrastinate and then feel guilty, so they delay even longer.

      How do you politely rescind RSVP? ›

      If it's a day-of cancellation, a short, to the point text is appropriate. "I'm very sorry, we cannot make it to your wedding today as John is in the hospital. No need to respond—I hope you have a wonderful wedding day and will check in next week."

      How do you express your regrets? ›

      All of these are very common in spoken and written English.
      1. I should have + past participle / I shouldn't have + past participle. ...
      2. I wish (that) I had + past participle / I wish (that) I hadn't + past participle. ...
      3. I regret + gerund / I regret not + gerund. ...
      4. If only I had + past participle / If only I hadn't + past participle.

      How do you say you won't be able to attend? ›

      The many ways to say "no."
      1. I'm sorry, but I won't be able to make it.
      2. I wish I could be there, but I can't.
      3. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend.
      4. I'm afraid I won't be able to come.
      5. I'm not going to be able to make it.
      6. It pains me to say this, but I won't be able to attend.
      7. Sadly, I won't be able to join you.
      Sep 14, 2022

      How do you politely respond to an invitation? ›

      How to Say Yes
      1. Thank you.
      2. Thanks for the invitation.
      3. That is so kind of you.
      4. Thanks for thinking of us.
      5. That sounds great.
      6. How wonderful!
      7. Awesome!
      8. How fun!
      Dec 5, 2018

      What is the RSVP regrets only wording? ›

      The more lax term "Regrets Only" means just what it says: "Don't call us unless you are NOT coming to the party and if you don't call, we expect to see your smiling face the day of the event".

      How do you politely rescind? ›

      Put your decision in writing

      In order to avoid any miscommunications or discrepancies, you should send them a formal rescinding offer letter. Consider stating that this job offer was at-will and was not a contract. Similar to your phone call, state why you are withdrawing your job offer.

      What is a good quote about regrets? ›

      “… By making us feel worse today, regret helps us do better tomorrow.” “We need the ability to regret our poor decisions – to feel bad about them – precisely so we can improve those decisions in the future.” “When we handle it properly, regret can make us better.”

      What are the two expressions showing regret? ›

      There are two phrases in English to express regret: “I wish” and “If only.” Both of these phrases are followed by the Past Perfect, which uses the construction HAD + PAST PARTICIPLE.

      What is another word for not allowed to attend? ›

      On this page you'll find 19 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to not permitted, such as: banned, barred, illegal, prohibited, restricted, and against the law.

      Is it correct to say I won't be able to attend? ›

      I will not be able to attend a meeting tonight” is a correct grammar. Others commonly used “won't” instead of “will not” which is also correct.

      What does sorry I can't make it mean? ›

      If you cannot make it, you are unable to attend an event that you have been invited to. 'I can't make it,' she said.

      What is the best response to a wedding invitation? ›

      Thank you for the kind invitation to your wedding. We are looking forward to the celebration. Both Mr Johnson and myself will be accepting the invitation.

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      Author: Jerrold Considine

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      Name: Jerrold Considine

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      Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.