Your ONE True, Highest, Most Intrinsic Value Versus Your Many Derivative Values (2024)

Dr John Demartini explains how to identify your highest most intrinsic value and prioritize your life around that. When you do you’ll be choosing to live by your intuition and inspiration rather than reacting with impulses and instincts

How To Live Life ByYourHighest Intrinsic Value

Every human being, regardless of age, gender spectrum, or culture, moment by moment is living with a set of priorities, a set of values, things that are most to least important in their life. That set of intrinsic values is completely unique to each individual.

It’s not possible to have the exact same set of values, maybe similar, but even if you say the words “business is important”, or “family is important”, there’s different components of what those mean, so there’s still a distinction. So every individual’s set of values is like afingerprint-specific set.

If any two people are the same,one’s not necessary on the planet.We’re like a snowflake, or a retinal pattern, or a voice print, entirely unique.

Now this hierarchy of values, or set of values, ranging from that which is most important to least important, higher in priority to lower in priority, higher in value to lower in value, is what is dictating our perceptions of the world because we’re filtering our reality through that hierarchy.

As you go down the list of values into lower values, they become more and more and more extrinsic.

What is an Intrinsic Value?

Allyoursensory input, goes throughyoursensory receptors, it then goes up into the spinal cord, the brain stem and into the higher areas of the brain.

It passes through the thalamus where it is filtered through a value filtering process, which decides either, what goes up in the cortex, where you’ll be consciously aware of it, or what goes into the amygdala where you’ll have unconscious impulsive (seeking) or instinctive (avoiding) responses.

Whenever something is highest onyourvalues, you tend to absorb that information, and you tend to make decisions more efficiently and you’re more likely to act. This means in the areas ofyourhighest values, you’redisciplined, reliable, and focusedon what you value most.

Conversely, you’llprocrastinate, hesitate,and frustrateabout things that you value least.

When you are in a situation that is life-threatening, a more primitive part of the brain, you might say, or lower part of the brain, the subcortical part ofyourbrain fires off and you’re now ready for fight or flight, which is all about quick responses.

But inyourhighest value, the very highest value, the thing that’s most important inyourlife at any moment, is the most intrinsic value.Youridentity revolves around it, it’s how you’ll identify yourself. And it’s where you are spontaneously inspired to act upon it.

TheONEHighest Intrinsic Value

My intrinsic value is teaching. I teach 7 days a week, and sometimes 18 hours a day. I’m spontaneously inspired to do it. You don’t have to extrinsically motivate me to teach.

Finding out what’s highest onyourhierarchy of values and accessing the most intrinsic value and finding out where you spontaneously are inspired to act, not react, where you’re most inspired to do things, that’s where you’re going to excel the most.

Yourlife demonstrates what you value most,yourintrinsic value. And finding out what that is and prioritizingyourlife towards that is very empowering because, anytime you do whatever’s highest onyourvalue,yourself-worth goes up,yourachievements go up, you expandyourspace and time horizons and give yourself permission to expand and have more certainty.

When you live according toyourhighest value,yourleadership emerges.

I’m a leader in the field of teaching because it’s my intrinsic value.

When you’re living byyourhighest value, blood, glucose, and oxygen flows into the forebrain and you wake upyourexecutive center, which is the source ofyourinspired vision.

Your ONE True, Highest, Most Intrinsic Value Versus Your Many Derivative Values (1)

Those with a vision flourish and those without a vision perish. Those who are inspired by a vision have more vitality in life than those who are not.

When you’re living byyourhighest values, you’re more likely to be objective inyourrelationships. You’re not subjectively biasing yourself with superiority or inferiority complexes, and you’re more likely to perceive you’re on an equal level with people and love them for who they are.

When you’re living byyourhighest value, you spontaneously act. You don’t need to be motivated.

If you need to be motivated to do what you say is important, then what you say is important, isn’t that important to you.

Yourresilience and adaptabilityis maximized when you live according toyourmost intrinsic and highest value, that’s because you’re most neutral and resilient.

When you’re not neutral and you’re highly polarized with subjective bias, you fear the loss of the things you label ‘good’. And you fear the gain of the things you label ‘bad’.

When you’re living byyourhighest, most intrinsic value, you transcend both ‘good’ and ‘bad’, you realize that things are neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad’, you’re objective and able to see both sides.

When you’re living byyourhighest most intrinsic value, you’re meta-ethical. You tend to transcend those labels. You don’t judge people. You love people. And you realize that every human being (including yourself) has all traits and both sides.

You Can Live ByYourIntrinsic Value

Living byyourhighest, most intrinsic value isoneof the most powerful things I could teach you, which is why on my website I’ve developed theDemartini Value Determination Process. This online process will guide you through 13 specific steps to help you determine what that intrinsic value is.

My recommendation is to do it now and then again in a week from now and then again in a month from now and after that, every three months. Make sure you keep records ofyourresults each time (which the online process does for you) so you can see the evolution ofyourvalues through time.

Yourhierarchy of values are changing incrementally all the time and will continue to do so throughoutyourlife.

When I was a child, baseball was important, then surfing was important to me, and now for the last 50 years, researching and teaching what I’ve learnt in human behavior and universal laws has been important to me. So although that has been my highest value and focus for the past 5 decades, I may later have another thing that might evolve.

As I said earlier, whateveryourintrinsic value is,youridentity revolves around it. And that’s where you maximizeyourepistemological knowledge.

That’s where you growyourknowledge most. That’s why you’re the expert in that area.

What’s highest onyourhierarchy of values gives you acore competence. It allows you to have acompetitive advantage and awarenessin that area ofyourlife.

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Yourhighest value is alsoyourteleological purpose, it’syourmost meaningful purpose and inspired mission in life.

What happens in the brain when you live according toyourhighest and most intrinsic value

Yourintrinsic value,yourreal identity, is a non-derivative value.

It’s not coming from outside ‘should’s’, ‘ought to’s, ‘supposed to’s’, ‘got to’s’, ‘have to’s’, and ‘musts’ from society.

It’s initiates an intrinsic spontaneous action, something you love doing, something that just comes from within.

In the brain, you have evoked potentials from outside stimuli, and you have spontaneous potentials from within.

When you’re living according toyourintrinsic valueyourspontaneous potentials go up, and you’re more balanced.

Yourautonomic nervous system, which is made up ofyoursympathetic system, which is forfight or flight(beta waves), andyourparasympathetic, which is forrest and digest (delta waves), come into perfect balance.

Yoursympathetic system gives rise to beta waves at about 13 cycles per second andyourparasympathetic gives rise to delta waves at about 3 cycles per second.

When they are in balance, instead of the delta and beta waves you now get an alpha-theta wave which is 7 – 8 cycles per second, which is right in the middle.

In that state, you get gamma waves and their corresponding synchronicity or eureka moments.

Your ONE True, Highest, Most Intrinsic Value Versus Your Many Derivative Values (5)

YourTrue, Authentic Self

When you bringyourmind to balance, when you balance the autonomics and give rise to the alpha-theta states, you get inspiration. You’re inspired byyourlife. Andyourbrain is more synchronous. There’s more coherency. There’s morephysiological balance.

The circadian rhythms inyourphysiology are synchronized and maximized.Yourhealth is empowered. Every area ofyourlife is empowered by that state of living.

That’s why in every talk I share the importance of values, particularlyyourintrinsic value. It’s the foundation of all the work that I teach in theBreakthrough Experienceand all the seminars that follow on from that introductory seminar.

The highest value isyourmost intrinsic value,yourontological identity,yourteleological purpose, andyourepistemological knowledgerevolves around it.

Yourarea of expertise,yourleadership skills,yourexpanded awareness, andyourenlightenment state, all revolve around that highest value. That’syouridentity.

That’syourtrue,authentic self.

I believe that every symptom in the body, physiologically, is trying to get us there, is trying to offer us feedback. Because anytime we’re not living by our highest value, our intrinsic value, and going into lower values, derivative values, we automatically create symptoms in our physiology.

How To BeYourAuthentic Self

Anything that needs external motivation, an external derived source to get people to move and do things is a derivative value. It’s anextrinsic value. It’s lower in value.

In the hierarchy, as Hartman described, the hierarchy of values, intrinsic always override extrinsic.

I learned a long time ago,don’t waste time on low-priority things.

Fillyourday with high-priority things, and delegate lower-priority things to people who love to do those things that’s high on their values. Cause if it’s high in their values they’ll do a greater job than you will. They’ll be inspired to do it. You’ll surround yourself with inspiring people.

You’ll liberate yourself from things that weigh you down, that are drudgery to you, and that you must be motivated to do. Motivation is not a solution for human beings. It’s a symptom. It’s a sign of doing something that’s not inspiring. A quiet life of desperation, not a life of inspiration.

I do whatever I can in myBreakthrough Experience program,and every talk I do, to help people live an inspired intrinsically driven life.

And so, if so if while you’re reading this you recognize some of the signs of living byyourlower values and you’d love to alignyourlife so you can open up the opportunities of living byyourhighest values, thenjoin me at my signature seminar the Breakthrough Experience. It’s been a profound turning point for so many people and can be for you too.

Know that if you’re living byyourlower values, you’re automatically draining yourself.Yourenergy goes down,yourmitochondria reduce their energy producing ATP the second you perceive you’re doing lower-value systems.

So if in any way you’re sitting there subordinating to the world around you, putting people on pedestals and thinking, “well that individual’s smarter than me”, and “that individual’s more successful”, and “that individual’s wealthier”, “that individual’s more stable in their relationship”, “that individual’s more socially connected”, “that individual’s more physically fit and pretty”, “that individual’s more spiritually aware” then you’re not honoring thetrueyou and you’re trying to be somebody you’re not.

The magnificence of who you are far exceeds any fantasy or comparison you could ever impose upon yourself. If you’re not honoring yourself as you are, then it’s time to transform that at the Breakthrough Experience seminar whichyou can find out more about here.

IdentifyYourValues SoYourLife Is Decided ByYourIntuition And Inspiration

When you minimize yourself to everybody around you, you’ll inject their values, which are derivative values. You’ll cloud the clarity ofyourown mission because now you can’t seeyourown vision because you’re so bombarded by all these expectations that are injected.

You’re not objective. You’re now unfulfilled. You’re operating fromyouramygdala, which is the subcortical area of the brain.

When you’re run byyouramygdala, you’ll be driven to avoid pain and seek pleasure.

The amygdala wants to bi-polarize you. It wants you to be biased. It wants you to judge. It wants you to be prejudiced. It wants you to discriminate. It wants you to avoid anything that challengesyourvalues and seek anything that supportsyourvalues.

It makes you go towards impulsive behaviors, addictive behaviors, and consumption.

Your ONE True, Highest, Most Intrinsic Value Versus Your Many Derivative Values (6)

The amygdala makes you overspend and wipe outyourwealth. It makes you overeat; makes you wipe outyourhealth. It makes you go and lust.

All the “passions” that are so popularly talked about, which are sources of suffering are a result of the amygdala’s response, not the executive function.

The second you live inyourlower values you end up devaluing and depreciating yourself.

It’s unwise to liveyourlife decided by impulses and instincts. It’s wiser to liveyourlife decided byyourintuition and inspiration.

So that’s why I tell people automatically to live by their highest values and prioritize their life because when you live byyourintrinsic value you grow in self-worth, and evenyournet worth grows.

Because that’s where you’re most objective, most likely to have a sustainable fair exchange inyourtransactions with people where people want to continue to do business with you, people are engaged, you’re engaged, people want to refer to you. You end up with more social connections and power, and more business opportunities.

When you’re inyourhighest values, you’re more magnetic in relationships.

The Breakthrough Experience

In theBreakthrough Experience programthat I teach around the world, is where I explain to you:

  1. how to determineyourhighest and most intrinsic value,
  2. how to structureyourlife according to this most purposeful value
  3. how to delegate lower-priority actions,
  4. how to prioritizeyoursystems,
  5. how to live more objectively by being guided byyourexecutive center,
  6. how to have foresight, not living with only hindsight,
  7. how to empoweryourlife, instead of disempowering it. Because if we’re judging, we’re disempowered, and we have emptiness, not fulfilment. You can’t have fulfillment by judging, you have fulfillment by loving.
  8. how to love,
  9. how to appreciate, I show you how to not subordinate to people or superordinate to people, how to ordinate with people.
  10. how to manifest things by concentrating on congruent goals. If you exaggerate yourself, you’ll set too big a goal in too short a timeframe and undermineyourlife. If you minimize yourself, you’ll end up setting too small a goal in too long a timeframe and you’ll hold backyourachievements.

But if you’re being authentic, you’ll set real goals in real time to real strategies and achieve something meaningful.

So, in theBreakthrough Experience,I teach people how to set real goals in real time that help them manifest what it is that they want, that aretrueobjectives and not fantasies that lead to nightmares.

People are depressed because they’re comparing their current reality to a fantasy that they’re addicted to.

If you put people on pedestals and inject their values and try to be like them and envy them and imitate them and try to fit in, you’ll end up with a fantasy and try to live outsideyourown values. Just remember that each ofyourperceptions, decisions, and actions are based onyourvalues so living by injected values is going to have you doing lower priority actions until you get back toyourintrinsic values and priority.

High Energy And Vitality Throughout The Day

If you’d love to have more vitality and energy, if you’d like to have more awakened creativity, then know that when you live byyourhighest and mostintrinsic value, that’s when you’re waking upyourgenius.

It’s going to help you inyourbusiness,yourfinance, andyourrelationships. It’s going to help you inyourleadership, health, well-being, and vitality. You’re not going to age as much.

Every time you live byyourhighest valueyouraging drops. Every time the lower values,youraging goes up. Because it’s negentropy, life physics when you’re living byyourhighest values, and entropy when you’re living byyourlower values.

Anybody that’s fulfilling their intrinsic value is inspired and that’s their spiritual contribution to the world.

Every symptom inyourlife is trying to get you back to living byyourhighest and most intrinsic value. And all the derivative values are all going to create symptoms to get you back there.

The Breakthrough Experience:where you learn how to masteryourmind and masteryourlife

If you’d love to find out more, you cancontact usor chat with a member of the Demartini team bybooking a call.

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If you'd love to learn how to put the principles covered in this blog into action, join me at my 2-day seminar,The Breakthrough Experience, where I'll introduce you to a powerful self-development process called theDemartini Method.

The Demartini Method is a breakthrough discovery and cutting-edge individual transformation methodology that results in a new perspective and paradigm in thinking and feeling.

It is the key methodology incorporated in Demartinian Psychology. The Demartini Method consists of Executive Function Development exercises used strategically to drive the evolution of the brain - from subcortical dominance to prefrontal cortex or executive center dominance.

It is the culmination of more than five decades of research and studies in numerous disciplines, including physics, philosophy, theology, metaphysics, psychology, astronomy, mathematics, neurology, and physiology. It's a cognitive process that involves balancing your mathematical equations of perceptions through a continuous thinking and writing action, driving you from your more primitive survival brain (systems 1) dominance to your more advanced thrival self-governing (systems 2) brain dominance.

The Demartini Method results in greater self-governing executive function and thus life mastery.

It is a powerful transformation process used by many leading specialists in the mind mastery field such as psychology, psychiatry, coaching, mentoring, teaching, and holistic healing.

If you'd love to find out more, clickhere. You can also chat with a member of the Demartini team by booking a callhere.

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About Dr John Demartini:

Dr John Demartini, is a human behavior specialist, a polymath, philosopher, international speaker and published author. He has recently been awarded the IAOTP Top Human Behavior Specialist of the Year as well as the IAOTP Lifetime Achievement Award.

His work is a summation of over 299 different disciplines synthesized from the greatest minds in most fields of study today. His extensive curriculum focuses on helping purpose driven individuals master their lives so that they are able to more extensively serve humanity with their inspired vision and mission.

Your ONE True, Highest, Most Intrinsic Value Versus Your Many Derivative Values (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.