Will the Housing Market Crash in 2025? (2024)

Last year's housing market rollercoaster ride left many wondering: will home prices drop or rebound in 2025? Home prices will continue to slow down but not drop. But there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the housing market in the United States will likely vary depending on location and other factors.

Will the Housing Market Crash in 2025?

Most experts in the housing industry predict less buyer demand, lower prices, and higher borrowing rates. Rate increases, along with a shortage of availability, have pushed many purchasers to the sidelines. In 2025, the housing market is likely to be a balancing act on a tightrope.

The Shifting Landscape of the Housing Market:

  • Interest Rate Rollercoaster: Mortgage rates, the primary driver of demand, are a wild card. Some foresee their descent with economic cooling, while others predict potential hikes due to inflation concerns. This delicate dance will significantly impact buyer affordability and market activity.
  • Inventory Tango: The chronic shortage of homes may finally ease as construction catches up. Increased supply could dampen price growth, leading to a more balanced market, especially in previously overheated areas.
  • Regional Rhythms: Remember, the housing market isn't a monolith. Each region will perform its own unique dance, with factors like local economies, job markets, and population trends influencing prices and buyer behavior.

Possible Scenarios:

  1. The Soft Landing: If interest rates stabilize and inventory gradually increases, we could see a moderation in price growth, with some markets experiencing slight dips. This scenario, akin to a gentle waltz, wouldn't dramatically alter the affordability crisis but could offer a glimmer of hope to aspiring homeowners.
  2. The Tightrope Wobble: A more volatile scenario emerges if a potential recession throws market dynamics into disarray. Sharper price corrections could occur in certain regions, but affordability may not improve significantly due to pre-existing high prices. This tightrope walk requires agility and careful judgment for both buyers and sellers.
  3. The Unexpected Twist: Remember, unforeseen events can throw the market off balance. Geopolitical turmoil, natural disasters, or policy changes could significantly alter the trajectory. This unpredictable tango keeps everyone on their toes, highlighting the need for flexibility and adaptability.

How Likely Is a Housing Market Crash?

While these factors pose risks, it's crucial to note that a crash is not inevitable or imminent. Positive factors supporting the housing market include:

  • Strong Fundamentals: Factors like population growth, household formation, limited land availability, and low vacancy rates create a long-term demand for housing.
  • Improved Lending Standards: Unlike the 2008 crash, the current housing market benefits from improved lending standards, higher credit scores, and more equity in homes.
  • Pent-up Demand: Despite challenges, a large pool of potential buyers, especially among millennials, could enter the market as mortgage rates decline.

ALSO READ: Latest National Housing Market Trends

Top Housing Market Predictions for 2025

Here's when home prices can drop in 2025. While this may appear to be oversimplified, it is how markets work. Prices drop when demand is met. There is now an excessive demand for houses in several property markets, and there simply aren't enough homes to sell to prospective purchasers. Home construction has increased in recent years, although they are still far behind.

Thus, big drops in housing prices would necessitate considerable drops in buyer demand. Demand falls mostly as a result of higher interest rates or a general weakening of the economy. Rising interest rates would ultimately need far less demand and far more housing supply than we now have.

Even if price growth slows this year, a drastic fall in home prices is quite unlikely. As a result, there will be no fall in house values; rather, a pullback, which is natural for any asset class. According to many experts, in the United States, house price growth is forecasted to “moderate” or maybe slightly drop in 2024.

Fannie Mae's recent survey of housing experts offers valuable insights into the future of the housing market, predicting a shift from the breakneck pace of 2023 to a more moderate rhythm in 2024 and 2025. The projected slowdown to 2.4% and 2.7% growth in 2024 and 2025, respectively, marks a significant departure from the anticipated 5.9% surge in 2023.

This reflects the impact of rising interest rates, which have already cooled buyer demand and are expected to continue exerting pressure in the coming year. While some may interpret this as a sign of a housing market crash, the experts' projections paint a more nuanced picture.

  • Moderation, not Meltdown: The deceleration in price growth doesn't necessarily translate to price drops. Instead, it suggests a more balanced market where supply and demand find a middle ground. This could benefit buyers facing affordability challenges in the current red-hot market.
  • Inventory on the Rise: Increased construction activity is slowly chipping away at the chronic shortage of homes, potentially easing competition and putting downward pressure on prices, particularly in overheated markets.
  • Long-Term View: For those planning to hold onto a property for the long haul, short-term fluctuations may matter less. Focusing on fundamentals like location and long-term value can be a wiser strategy than chasing volatile price movements.

A housing market crash would have different implications for homeowners and buyers depending on their situation. For homeowners who plan to stay in their homes for a long time, a temporary decline in home values may not matter much, as long as they can afford their mortgage payments and maintain their equity. However, for homeowners who plan to sell or refinance their homes in the near future, a drop in home values could reduce their net worth and limit their options.

For buyers who are looking for a home, a housing market crash could offer an opportunity to buy at a lower price and with less competition. However, buyers should also be aware of the risks involved in buying a home during a downturn, such as lower income and employment prospects, higher interest rates and closing costs, and negative equity if prices fall further.

The broader outlook from several housing analysts is that housing demand will continue to surge due to several factors. For e.g; the millennials have aged into their prime homebuying years, and they are now the fastest-growing segment of home buyers. In 2018, millennial homeownership was at a record low but the situation has changed markedly. They are no longer holding back when it comes to homeownership.

According to the 2023 Home Buyers and Sellers Generational Trends report from the National Association of Realtors, the demand for homes is increasing among baby boomers, who now make up the largest generation of homebuyers in the US, accounting for 39% of home buyers in 2022, up from 29% in 2021.

On the other hand, younger and older millennials' combined share of homebuyers decreased from 43% in 2021 to 28% in 2022. Generation X made up 24% of total buyers, and Generation Z makes up 4% of homebuyers, with 30% of Gen Z moving directly from a family member's home into homeownership.

Furthermore, buyers are now moving farther distances, with younger boomers moving the greatest distance at a median of 90 miles away. Additionally, all generations agreed that the most common reason to sell was to be closer to friends and family. Buyers expect to live in their homes for 15 years on average, up from 12 years in 2021.

Overall, the report suggests that demand for homes is growing among baby boomers and Generation Z while decreasing among younger and older millennials. Buyers are moving farther distances, with a desire to be closer to friends and family being the most common reason to sell. Buyers also view owning a home as a good investment, with a majority of buyers using a real estate agent to help with the purchase.

Hence, housing prices cannot drop drastically. Although the housing market appears to be cooling from 2023 through 2024, there are some bright spots. Economic forecasters, despite the recent recession, continue to expect robust demand from purchasers (millennials) and high home price increases in the housing market.

With homebuyers active and supply still lacking, the current trend of home prices will not see a major downfall. Despite a sluggish market and waning buyer enthusiasm, we anticipate that home demand will continue to outstrip available inventory. Increasing rental costs should add to this expected development.

However, as the number of available homes increases, the demand for housing should decrease owing to affordability concerns. As a result, we are not on the verge of a housing market crash. The rate of home price growth during the two years of the pandemic was unsustainable, and higher mortgage rates combined with increased inventory will result in slower home price growth but unlikely any big price decline.

Of course, these predictions are just that – predictions. The housing market can be unpredictable, and unforeseen factors can always come into play. However, these educated guesses can give us a general idea of what we can expect in the coming years. If you're planning to buy or sell a home, it may be helpful to keep these predictions in mind as you make your plans.


  • https://www.fanniemae.com/newsroom/fannie-mae-news/q4-2023-home-price-expectations-survey
  • https://www.zillow.com/research/home-value-forecast-november-2023-33540/
  • https://www.noradarealestate.com/blog/housing-market-predictions/
  • https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/indices/indicators/sp-corelogic-case-shiller-us-national-home-price-nsa-index/
  • https://www.nar.realtor/newsroom/baby-boomers-overtake-millennials-as-largest-generation-of-home-buyers
Will the Housing Market Crash in 2025? (2024)


Will the Housing Market Crash in 2025? ›

Sanders: “There is a low risk of a housing market recession or crash in the next 5 years due to low inventory, strong demand, and relatively low mortgage rates. However, buyers should be aware of risks such as rising unemployment.”

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If you are looking to buy a house you may want to wait until 2026. Home sellers would probably be wise to sell before 2026. Likewise, if you are looking to downsize, it would be to your economic advantage to do it sooner rather than later. The reason, of course, is the outsized impact of the baby boomer generation.

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Housing Market Predictions 2025. Looking ahead, housing market news experts predict that there will be no drop in house prices and that home prices will rise more gradually from 2025 through 2028, compared to the substantial surge observed from 2021 through 2023.

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“A 30 percent decrease will not happen, because there isn't enough inventory.” He believes the housing supply will balance out within five years. Many other experts agree that there is no danger of an imminent housing market crash.

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In closing, Stevens said he projects that 2025 will be the second or third biggest year for home sales in history due to the wave of demand coming. This will ensure steady home price increases and a couple of interest rate reductions in 2024. He is bullish on the year ahead.

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The state where house prices are predicted to be the highest by 2030 is California, where the average home could top $1 million if prices continue to grow at their current rate. Other states expected to see their average house price rise above the $750k mark include Hawaii, Washington and Colorado.

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Based on historical averages of 3.5% of home value growth per year, property prices will rise a total of about 18 to 20% in 5 years. The math is simple: 3.5% a year for 5 years, compounding annually. The key is to do the math as compounding because your home value will continue to build.

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This reflects an upward revision in Fannie's analysis: Two months ago, the mortgage giant expected rates would dip below 6% at the end of this year. All told, Fannie Mae predicts mortgage rates will average 6.6% in 2024 and 6.1% in 2025.

Should I wait to buy a house until the market crashes? ›

Right now, you probably don't need to be preparing for the housing market to crash. But if you're wondering what you can do now to put yourself in a good spot if a crash were to occur sometime in the future, here are some ways you can prepare: Keep an emergency fund. Don't buy more house than you can afford.

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Buying a home this year, particularly in early 2024, might mean you're able to beat the rush, as the market could get more crowded if or when rates drop further. Waiting, however, could give you more options to choose from as supply improves, along with the potential for increased mortgage affordability.

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This decreased demand means less competition for homes on the market, which in turn means sellers who are more open to lowering their prices. So buying during a recession, if you are financially able to, may get you a better deal.

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Most experts do not expect a housing market crash in 2024 since many homeowners have built up significant home equity. The issue is primarily an affordability crisis. High interest rates and inflated home values have made purchasing a home challenging for first-time homebuyers.

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For many people, owning a home is a good investment that leads to greater financial stability. In fact, according to 2022 data from the National Association of REALTORS Research Group, homeowners have an average net worth of $300,000, which is 37 ½ times the net worth of renters at $8,000.

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Prices will increase only 0.5% in 2024 and 2025, the mortgage giant said Thursday. That's down sharply from its forecast in March, when it predicted home prices would rise 2.5% in 2024 and 2.1% 2025.

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Best Time to Sell Your House for a Higher Price

April, June, and July are the best months to sell your house in California. The median sale price of houses in June 2023, was $796,400, which is expected to grow more in 2024. However, cities like Arcadia and San Mateo follow an upward trend throughout the year.

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Not only will prices not drop substantially in 2024, but prices are actually more likely to continue rising. The National Association of Realtors predicts that when August 2024 rolls around, existing home prices will be 2.6% higher than the year before.

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But here's the kicker: I anticipate a leveling off as the economy stabilizes and mortgage rates start to come down.” Lord: “The rate of growth in home prices will decline in the coming years with the expectation for a 2.5% increase in 2024, 3% increase in 2025, 3% increase in 2026 and 2027, and 2% rise in 2028.

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The 10-year treasury constant maturity rate in the U.S. is forecast to decline by 0.8 percent by 2026, while the 30-year fixed mortgage rate is expected to fall by 1.6 percent. From seven percent in the third quarter of 2023, the average 30-year mortgage rate is projected to reach 5.4 percent in 2026.

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This is a subjective question that will depend on the individual real estate investor. Generally speaking, the higher the appreciation rate the better. In America, home appreciation rates range from 2-6% when looking at the real estate market over a period of 10 years or longer.

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In 2024, homebuyers can expect high home prices and slightly lower mortgage rates later in the year. Hopeful buyers should start preparing as early as possible by saving money and improving their credit. Look into affordable mortgage programs and down payment assistance to boost affordability.

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