Why eating ice cream in summer may make you feel even hotter (2024)

Summer food memories are partly made of ice cream. From a melting Italian gelato to an icy sorbet, ice creams are a delicious, international go-to treat for young and old alike when the temperature rises and the summer heat burns.

But as tasty as ice cream is, the simple yet iconic dessert is extremely complicated.

According to a paper published in the journal, Appetite in 2013, humans are made to generally dislike cold things being placed anywhere near our skin. Whether it’s summer or winter, when cold stimuli is applied externally, you may feel a, ‘oh wow that water is cold’ reflex and shiver, and experience vasoconstriction as your body defends its current temperature.

“Eating ice cream on a hot day can do more harm than good in terms ofraising your body temperature.”

However, there is one bodily exception: your mouth.

“Cold stimuli applied to the mouth are perceived as pleasant because of pleasure associated with satiation of thirst and a refreshing effect,” the study explains.“Cold water is preferred to warm water as a thirst quencher and cold products such as ice cream may also be perceived as pleasant because oral cooling satiates thirst.”

The bad news is that although ice cream will immediately cool you down and generate a refreshing taste sensation of fatty pleasure, eating ice cream may eventually make you feel hotter.

Why you should drink hot tea and eat chillies in summer to cool down

Push that ice-cold drink aside this summer and opt for a hot Moroccan tea, Chinese soup or chilli-filled dish to break into a sweat and really cool your body down.

AnikaRouf, anAccredited Practising Dietitian and spokesperson for the Dietitians Association of Australia, says that although ice cream is fine in moderation any time of the year, it’s actually preferable to eat it in winter than summer.

“Ice cream produces an initial cooling effect in the mouth and that's why it tastes refreshing,” Rouf tells SBS. “But that feeling is short-lived.

“Eating ice cream on a hot day can do more harm than good in terms of raising your body temperature.”

Rouf explains that because ice cream usually contains a fair amount of sugar, fat and protein, it is a hard food for the body to digest.

“Humans are warm-blooded and we control our body temperature, regardless of what the environment is like. We also break down the foods we eat so that various nutrients can be transported around the body and absorbed.

“As ice cream is a complex food, the body will need to produce more heat to digest it. This explains why you may need to switch the fan setting from low to high after eating ice cream.”

“The extra heat produced by the body when you consume heavy foods is beneficial when the weather is cold, but in summer you should be aware of the possibility of overheating on a very hot day.”

Rouf adds that it’s not only ice cream that produces this hot summer outcome but all foods and beverages that contain a high amount of fat, protein or carbohydrates.

“The extra heat produced by the body when you consume heavy foods is beneficial when the weather is cold, but in summer you should be aware of the possibility of overheating on a very hot day.”

If you’re really feeling the summer burn and craving a scoop of ice cream, Rouf says it’s okay to have a small amount or to try a low-fat, low-sugar homemade variety, which might be easier to metabolise.

“You can make your own ice blocks or low-calorie sorbet or ice cream. These low-calorie options may produce less heat during the process of digestion. So theywill be satisfying but it won't be so hard for your body to digest.”

Swap your ice cream for an icy cool dish with bite

The next time you're after a refreshing dessert, opt for frozen hodgepodges that deliver a world of flavour.

What should we be eating when it’s hot?

Although it may sound torturous to consume hot food and drinks like tea or soup in summer, the fact is that they can help regulate your body temperature and cool you down in summer.

“Hot drinks or soups make your core temperature rise,” she says. “As a result, your body will want to cool down so you’ll end up sweating more and lose heat through your skin.”

“For example, you might see people in India drinking chai tea, people in Vietnam having a hot bowl of pho and people in Mexico eating spicy salsa.”

Rouf says this is why people living in hot climates around the world consume hot drinks and soups on a regular basis.“For example, you might see people in India drinking chai tea, people in Vietnam having a hot bowl of pho and people in Mexico eating spicy salsa.”

But if you can’t handle a hot and spicy meal and infinite sweating during the peak of the summer heat, there are other things you can try to cool down.

“To stay cool in summer, you should consume food and drink with high water content so you feel well hydrated. That includes foods like cucumber, lettuce, zucchini celery, watermelons and strawberries.

“Keep water as your drink of choice. If you find water boring, jazz it up by adding fruits to it like pineapple and berries. Either way, in summer, make hydration your priority as it’s the best way to ensure your body stays cool in the heat.”

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Why eating ice cream in summer may make you feel even hotter (2024)


Why does eating ice cream make you hotter? ›

The predominant ingredients in most ice cream products are milk fat and sugar. When fat is broken down in the body, it releases a significant amount of heat. This process is called diet-induced thermogenesis.

Does ice cream make you feel hotter? ›

Ice cream: It turns out the fat content in ice cream actually makes your body warmer. “Foods that contain more fat, protein, and carbohydrates often heat the body up a little bit while digesting food,” says Swanson.

What happens to ice cream on a hot summer day? ›

Your favorite scoop of ice cream melting on a hot summer day is a perfect example of heat conduction where heat from the air is naturally drawn to the much colder ice cream scoop.

What are the benefits of ice cream in summer? ›

During hot summer, ice cream provides that instant boost of energy which we all need. Due to the presence of cream, ice cream can give you instant energy, fats and carbohydrates. It is good especially for growing kids. Adults on the other hand can go for low-fat milk variants.

Does eating make you feel hotter? ›

In general, foods that take longer to digest can help raise your body temperature and make you feel warmer. The medical term for this process is thermogenesis, which is the process of your body producing heat caused by food metabolizing. Look for food that's high in healthy fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Does eating ice cause heat in body? ›

Ice, eaten to cool off in hot weather, will lower body temperature suddenly, so more salt from the body and mineral spillage. It may cause inflammation of the throat or high fever discomfort in people with sensitive tonsils. People with ice that are eaten as a sweaty body, especially the lungs may be cold.

Is it good to eat ice cream during summer? ›

“Eating ice cream on a hot day can do more harm than good in terms of raising your body temperature.” However, there is one bodily exception: your mouth. “Cold stimuli applied to the mouth are perceived as pleasant because of pleasure associated with satiation of thirst and a refreshing effect,” the study explains.

How does eating ice cream make you feel? ›

Ice cream contains protein and fat, both of which our bodies need to help level our moods. On top of that, the amino acids you take in when eating ice cream, such as tryptophan, are known to increase serotonin production. That leaves us feeling calm, satisfied, and well, happy!

What happens to ice in the summer? ›

For the most part, sea ice expands during winter months and melts during summer months, but in certain regions, some sea ice remains year-round. About 15 percent of the world's oceans are covered by sea ice during part of the year.

Is ice cream melting on a hot day a physical change? ›

Yes, the melting of ice cream is a physical change because here only change in physical state is taking place that is from solid to liquid and if we want again a solid ice cream we can freeze it.

What happens in the summer season ice cream man? ›

The poem describes a hot summer day scene of the city. In the summer days, everybody gets tired of the heat and the sun blazes extremely. Meanwhile, the Ice-cream man comes down the streets with his cart. The ice-cream man becomes a means of joy and happiness for everyone.

Why is ice cream in demand in summer? ›

The summer season is the season for ice cream. To escape from the heat of the summer, people seek ice cream parlors. This resulted in the growth of the ice cream industry. Now ice cream is available in different flavors.

In which season is ice cream popular summer? ›

Ice-cream is popular in summer season.

Is ice cream heat or cold for body? ›

It turns out that ice cream makes your body warmer.

When we eat ice cream, we feel cool sensations due to receptors in our mouth and the gastrointestinal tract that recognize the cold temperature.

Does eating sugar make you hotter? ›

Over the years, through our clinical experience, we've found that eating sugar increases both the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. Research has also linked high blood sugars to more hot flashes.

Why do I feel hot after eating sugar? ›

Sometimes, a high-sugar meal can cause your body to make too much insulin, the hormone that helps you process sugar and change it into energy. That can lead to a dive in blood sugar known as reactive hypoglycemia. Sweating is one sign of that.

What foods cause heat in the body? ›

Foods that Produce Heat in the Body
  • Normal kitchen foods like onion, garlic, black pepper, ginger, and other spicy foods that produce heat in the body.
  • Root vegetables are innately hot, and are therefore generally recommended during winters.
  • Spinach, beans, potatoes, broccoli, etc. also produce heat in the body.

How long after eating ice cream can I take my temperature? ›

If you've been eating or drinking, wait 30 minutes before you take a temperature by mouth. Turn on the digital thermometer. Place the thermometer tip under your tongue. Close your mouth around the thermometer for the recommended amount of time or until the thermometer beep indicates it's done.

What food cools the body? ›

Here we have listed a few cooling foods that you should definitely add to your diet to fight against the hot climate effects.
  • Watermelon. Watermelon, a seasonal summer fruit comes for a reason. ...
  • Cucumber. ...
  • Curd. ...
  • Coconut water. ...
  • Mint. ...
  • Green leafy vegetables. ...
  • Onions. ...
  • Melons.
Nov 7, 2017

Do people buy more ice cream in summer or winter? ›

Actually, demand is greater for ice cream in the summer. One study found that people are 3–4x more likely to purchase ice cream from June to August than from December to February.

What does ice cream do to the body? ›

Ice cream can be part of a healthy diet

In moderation, thanks to ice cream's benefits, it has a place in healthy diets. Ice cream is a calcium-rich food, and calcium helps keep your body strong and boosts your metabolism. Adding a higher fat ice cream will help make you feel fuller longer too.

Does ice cream give you energy? ›

Provides Energy

Not only does ice cream have nutritional value, but it also is an incredible source of energy. Ice cream is rich with carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, which are all, needed for our bodies to produce energy.

Why don't you feel good after eating ice cream? ›

When levels of the lactase enzyme are too low, eating something like a bowl of ice cream or a slice of cheesy pizza can cause a number of signs and symptoms, including abdominal cramps, bloating, gas, diarrhea and nausea.

Does ice release heat? ›

When water freezes it gives up some of the water's energy. This energy that is given up is the latent heat of freezing. When the water was freezing latent heat of freezing energy was being released. Heat energy was actually being released.

How does ice affect temperature? ›

Melting ice causes more warming.

Because they are darker in color, the ocean and land absorb more incoming solar radiation, and then release the heat to the atmosphere. This causes more global warming. In this way, melting ice causes more warming and so more ice melts. This is known as a feedback.

Why does ice melt on a hot day? ›

As more and more heat is added, the molecules move faster and faster, causing the structure of the molecules to loosen. As the structure loosens, more movement is allowed. You see this in the form of solid ice turning to liquid water, or what we know as melting.

Is melted ice cream physical change or chemical change? ›

Melting of ice cream is a physical change. Liquid ice-cream solidifies again on freezing without change in chemical properties.

What reaction is ice cream melting? ›

This is an example of an exothermic reaction . An exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that releases light or heat, otherwise known as energy .

Is ice cream making an example of physical change? ›

When making ice cream, you're using physical changes. You mix and dissolve the sugar into the milk, but this doesn't change the chemical structure of the milk and you could remove the sugar is you tried.

Why did the children enjoy ice cream in summer? ›

Answer. As the ice cream gives cooling effect due to which they enjoy eating ice cream.....Moreover not only children even the adults enjoy eating ice cream in summers...

What is the moral of the poem Ice Cream Man? ›

Conclusion of Ice-cream Man

The poem of 'Ice-Cream Man' is all about the love children have for ice creams and the ice cream man. It perfectly describes the way his visit brings joy to them in the scorching heat and everyone gets a break to cool down during the summers.

How is summer described in the poem ice cream man? ›

In chapter 1( The ice-cream Man) How has summer been described in the city? The poet describes the summer days as too sunny and scorching.

Why do I get hot after eating sugar? ›

Sometimes, a high-sugar meal can cause your body to make too much insulin, the hormone that helps you process sugar and change it into energy. That can lead to a dive in blood sugar known as reactive hypoglycemia. Sweating is one sign of that.

Does ice-cream make you sweat? ›

How can something cold make you sweat, you ask? The high levels of fat in ice-cream causes your internal thermostat to increase, and you end up perspiring as a result.

Does cold water reduce body heat? ›

Drinking cool liquids like water or iced tea can help reduce body temperature by cooling the body internally. The regular intake of fluids can also prevent dehydration, which can increase body heat.

What can I drink in summer to keep my body cool? ›

All Time Cooling Drinks For Summer
  • Buttermilk.
  • Lassi.
  • Coconut Water.
  • Kokum Juice.
  • Cucumber Honey Limeade.
  • Khus Juice.
  • Bael Sherbet.
  • Aam Panna.
May 27, 2022

Why does my body get so hot at night but not sweating? ›


If you regularly feel overheated but produce little to no sweat, you may have a condition called anhidrosis. Anhidrosis is a condition in which you don't sweat as much as your body needs you to, which can lead to overheating. Other symptoms of anhidrosis include: an inability to cool down.

What foods to avoid for body heat? ›

5) Eating oily, fried, or spicy foods, having high-protein food during summers, or drinking alcohol with caffeine causes heat stress. 6) Certain drugs like opioids, antibiotics, or antihistamines also raise the body temperature.

Why do men sweat at night? ›

Because it can also be a sign of infection; liver, kidney or pituitary gland disease; or an autoimmune disease, a diagnosis of low testosterone can lead to additional testing. Other medical conditions that can cause night sweats include hypoglycemia, infection, HIV and certain cancers, such as lymphoma or leukemia.

What vitamins cause night sweats? ›

Vitamin B12 deficiency is common. It is known to cause a wide spectrum of neurological syndromes, including autonomic dysfunction. Three cases are discussed here in which drenching night sweats were thought to be caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. All three responded dramatically to vitamin B12 therapy.

Why do diabetics sweat so much? ›

Neuropathies and sweating

Sudomotor function describes the part of the nervous system that controls sweating. Diabetes can result in nerve damage so that for some people, the nerves that control sweat glands are always “switched on.” This can result in excessive sweating, known as hyperhidrosis.

Does eating ice cream cool you down? ›

While it may seem logical that introducing something cold, like ice-cream, into the stomach should help reduce temperature, its initial cooling effect is rapidly replaced by heat generated by digestive processes needed to break down the nutrients in ice-cream.

What happens to your body after eating ice cream? ›

Experts suggest eating any foods that contain added sugar and saturated fat, like ice cream, in a moderate and mindful way. In excess, these foods might displace nutritious choices in your diet and increase the risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity and diabetes over time.

Why do I feel so hot after eating? ›

If you find yourself sweating excessively after eating, regardless of what you eat, you might have something called gustatory sweating. Gustatory sweating is simply a medical term for food-related sweating. You might also hear it called gustatory hyperhidrosis.

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.