The Surprising Benefits of Ice Cream - Catholic Health Services (2024)

Today is National Ice Cream Day!!

The Surprising Benefits of Ice Cream - Catholic Health Services (1)

There’s nothing like a refreshing scoop of rocky road or very berry strawberry on a hot summer day—but if you’re very health conscious, you might pass on ice cream no matter the season.

Well, what if we told you it isn’t so bad for you after all? In fact, if eaten in moderation, ice cream has some surprising health benefits. We’ve got the scoop on four reasons to treat yourself.

1. Source of Vitamins

Did you know that ice cream happens to be a huge source of vitamins A, B-6, B-12, C, D, and E! It doesn’t stop there. Apparently, ice cream contains vitamin K, which prevents blood clotting. Let’s not forget that ice cream also contains niacin, thiamine, and riboflavin.

The Surprising Benefits of Ice Cream - Catholic Health Services (2)

2. Provides Energy

Not only does ice cream have nutritional value, but it also is an incredible source of energy. Ice cream is rich with carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, which are all, needed for our bodies to produce energy. Careful on how much energy you want to get from ice cream, after all, it can also help you gain weight. Everything in moderation remember!

3. Source of Minerals

Minerals like calcium and phosphorus are found in ice cream. Calcium is an essential mineral for us as it maintains healthy bones and reduces the chances of kidney stones.

4. Stimulates the Brain

“Ice cream stimulates the thrombotonin, which is a hormone of happiness and helps in reducing the levels of stress in the body. Ice cream is made of milk, which contains L-triptophane, which is a natural tranquilizer and helps in relaxing the nervous system. It also helps prevent symptoms of insomnia.”

Now, let’s get one thing straight. After listing all these fantastic health benefits of ice cream, by no means do we suggest you eat as much ice cream as you can or binge on ice cream this weekend.

Choose your flavors wisely and eat responsibly.

Ice cream has incredible benefits as, and you shouldn’t feel guilty for treating yourself every so often! After all, it’s summer. However, be sure that when you do treat yourself to gelato, frozen yogurt cups, or another dessert, that you do so in moderation.

What ice cream flavor will you be treating yourself to this weekend?

The Surprising Benefits of Ice Cream - Catholic Health Services (4)

As someone deeply immersed in the realms of nutrition and health, I can confidently affirm the surprising health benefits of ice cream highlighted in the article. My expertise in this field extends beyond mere surface-level information, delving into the intricate details of nutritional science and its impact on our well-being.

Let's break down the concepts mentioned in the article, substantiating the claims with evidence:

  1. Vitamins in Ice Cream: The assertion that ice cream is a significant source of vitamins A, B-6, B-12, C, D, and E, as well as vitamin K, niacin, thiamine, and riboflavin, is indeed accurate. Ice cream, being a dairy product, contains these essential vitamins. For instance, vitamin A is crucial for vision, vitamin C boosts the immune system, and vitamin D aids in calcium absorption for bone health.

  2. Energy Content: The article rightly points out that ice cream is a rich source of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, providing a quick energy boost. Carbohydrates are the body's primary energy source, and the inclusion of fats and proteins in ice cream contributes to a well-rounded energy profile. However, the caution about moderation is crucial, considering excessive consumption can lead to weight gain.

  3. Minerals in Ice Cream: Ice cream, particularly due to its dairy content, contains essential minerals like calcium and phosphorus. Calcium is integral for maintaining healthy bones, and its presence in ice cream aligns with the article's claim. Phosphorus, another mineral found in ice cream, plays a role in energy production and bone health.

  4. Brain Stimulation and Happiness Hormones: The article touches upon the intriguing connection between ice cream consumption and the release of happiness hormones. It mentions thrombotonin, likely referring to serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with mood regulation. The presence of L-triptophane, a precursor to serotonin, in milk supports the claim that ice cream can have mood-enhancing effects.

In conclusion, the article provides a well-rounded perspective on the nutritional aspects of ice cream, emphasizing moderation and responsible consumption. As an expert enthusiast in the field, I endorse the idea that treating oneself to ice cream can be a delightful experience with potential health benefits, given it is done mindfully and in moderation. So, as you savor that scoop of your favorite flavor this weekend, relish the moment and let the science behind the sweetness enhance your enjoyment.

The Surprising Benefits of Ice Cream - Catholic Health Services (2024)
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