Where can players find Brother Corhyn in Elden Ring after he disappears from the Roundtable Hold? (2024)

Brother Corhyn is one of the most important NPCs in Elden RIng, especially for players who are seeking to go for a more Faith and Incantation oriented build.

While he can initially be found near the Site of Grace in the Roundtable Hold, his location eventually becomes prone to sudden changes, and he disappears from his initial spot.

When it comes to learning new Faith spells and powerful Incantations, Brother Corhyn sells many of them when the Tarnished brings him Prayerbooks.

Where can players find Brother Corhyn in Elden Ring after he disappears from the Roundtable Hold? (1)

In exchange for the item, he automatically makes many spells available for sale, making him quite an important character for Faith players.

However, fans are confused about where to find him after he disappears from the Roundtable Hold. Hopefully, today’s guide will be able to help them out.

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Finding Brother Corhyn in Elden Ring

Where can players find Brother Corhyn in Elden Ring after he disappears from the Roundtable Hold? (2)

From what has been gathered so far, Brother Corhyn will only move out of the Roundtable Hold after players beat the NPC Mad Tongue Alberich invasion there and collect the Cipher Pata.

After beating the invasion, Corhyn will mention that he wants to find the Goldmask, which players will remember to be the same character that was mentioned in the introductory cinematic.

After reloading the Roundtable Hold, players will find that Corhyn has disappeared, and they will find them next in the Altus Plateau, next to the place where one can find the area’s map fragment. There he can be found sitting on a wall, and as usual, he will be selling new Incantations in exchange for Prayerbooks.

Then on the northern side of the Altus Plateau, players will find a large broken bridge where they can encounter the Goldmask. After talking to him, players can either go back to Brother Corhyn and report it to him, or they can keep it to themselves.

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If players opt not to talk to the NPS about the Goldmask, then he won’t budge from the spot and will continue to sell incantations from there.

However, if one decides to reveal the location of the Goldmask to him, then he will once again move from the spot and will be found in two locations in this order.

  • He will first be found outside the coliseum in Leyndell.
  • He will eventually move on from there and will be found on the bridge to the south from the Stargazer Ruins in Mountaintops of the Giant.

It’s important to note here that if Elden Ring players are looking to complete Brother Corhyn’s questline but do find him dead at any point of the progression, they can continue to complete the steps with Goldmask.

Edited by Shaheen Banu


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As a seasoned enthusiast with an in-depth understanding of Elden Ring and its intricate gameplay mechanics, I can shed light on the concepts mentioned in the article about Brother Corhyn. My extensive experience with the game allows me to provide valuable insights into the quests, characters, and mechanics involved.

The article discusses Brother Corhyn, a significant NPC in Elden Ring, particularly for players focusing on Faith and Incantation builds. Brother Corhyn is initially found near the Site of Grace in the Roundtable Hold, but his location undergoes sudden changes, leading to confusion among players.

To elucidate the concepts used in the article:

  1. Faith and Incantation Builds:

    • Faith refers to a character's alignment with divine forces and the use of faith-based spells.
    • Incantations are powerful magical spells that players can acquire in the game.
  2. Site of Grace:

    • These are locations in Elden Ring where players can respawn after death or fast travel.
  3. Prayerbooks:

    • Items that players can bring to Brother Corhyn in exchange for new Faith spells and Incantations.
  4. Mad Tongue Alberich Invasion:

    • An event in the game involving the invasion of an NPC named Mad Tongue Alberich.
  5. Cipher Pata:

    • A key item obtained after defeating Mad Tongue Alberich.
  6. Goldmask:

    • A character mentioned in the introductory cinematic, and Brother Corhyn expresses a desire to find them.
  7. Altus Plateau:

    • A location where Brother Corhyn relocates after players beat the Mad Tongue Alberich invasion.
  8. Leyndell and Mountaintops of the Giant:

    • Specific locations where players can find Brother Corhyn at different stages of the questline.
  9. Coliseum in Leyndell and Stargazer Ruins in Mountaintops of the Giant:

    • Landmarks where Brother Corhyn can be located during the questline.
  10. Questline Progression:

    • Players need to follow specific steps involving the Goldmask character to progress Brother Corhyn's questline.

Understanding these concepts is crucial for players seeking to maximize their experience with Faith and Incantation builds in Elden Ring. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on any aspect, feel free to ask.

Where can players find Brother Corhyn in Elden Ring after he disappears from the Roundtable Hold? (2024)
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