What Sound Does a Zebra Make? | Wild Animal Safari Park (2024)

What Sound Does a Zebra Make? | Wild Animal Safari Park (1)

If you had to explain what a zebra sounds like, what would you say? Would you say a horse? After all, it looks like a horse with stripes. Or maybe a donkey?

If you said either of these, you’d be partly right but not entirely because a zebra can sound like quite a few different animals.When asked to describe the sounds a zebramakes, people who work with animals for a living describe a lot of different sounds, such as that of a:

  • Braying donkey
  • Yapping dog
  • Snorting horse
  • Squealing pig
  • Growling cat

That’s a lot of very different animal sounds, isn’t it?

Zebras do, in fact, make a few unique sounds that often sound like other animals. Zebras use these sounds, as well as body postures and facial expressions, to communicate with each other.

When wildlife park workers were recently asked to describe the sounds a zebra makes, they had a lot of interesting responses.

Different Zebra Sounds

What Sound Does a Zebra Make? | Wild Animal Safari Park (2)

After studying the three zebra species in Ngorongoro Crater, German zoologist and zebra behaviorist, Hans Klingel attributes six distinct sounds to the zebra.

1. Nicker or Whinny

The nicker or whinny is a breathy, drawn-out grunt indicating satisfaction.

2. Neigh

The neigh is an alarm call to warn the herd of predators.

3. Snort

The snort is produced when a zebra finds itself walking into possibly dangerous underbrush or tall grasses where predators may be hiding.

4. Bray or Bark

The bray or bark sounds like the drawing in and then releasing of air. The zebra makes this sound when encountering other zebras in the herd.

5. Squeal

The squeal is a short, high-pitched sound thatan injured zebra makes. It’s often heard when male zebras are aggressive towards each other as they fight to be the dominant stallion in the herd.

6. Wail

The wail is a long and lingering cry made by young zebras in distress.

Zebra Sounds in a Herd

What Sound Does a Zebra Make? | Wild Animal Safari Park (3)

Whenever you see a herd of zebras you’re sure to hear them as well because they’re very talkative.

Although they have a lot to say, zebras use a simple repertoire of sounds. In fact, researchers and modern wildlife experts have recently broken their calls into four main sounds:

  • Bark
  • Bray
  • Snort
  • Nicker

Let’s listen to each of these distinct sounds.


The zebra bark sounds a lot like the high-pitched yappy bark of a little dog – a mixture of a bark and a whimper.


A zebra’s bray is very similar to a donkey’s bray. It starts as a low growling sound and builds into something that sounds like a high squeal.


A zebra’s snort is very similar to a pig’s snort with a grunting soundwith a short, sudden burst of air through its nostrils.


The zebra’s nicker is like the snort, but much softer. It’s bestdescribed as a very soft horse neigh or snort.

What Does a Baby Zebra Sound Like?

What Sound Does a Zebra Make? | Wild Animal Safari Park (4)

Baby zebras sound a lot like their parents except their calls are more high-pitched. Just like a human baby, a zebra foal appears to have a limited vocabulary and makes a small set of zebra noises and sounds. They communicate mostly with very high-pitched barks – which are usually aimed at their mothers.

Each zebra has its own distinct “zebra sound.” This is one of the reasons why a mother zebra keeps her newborn foal away from other zebras until it’s a few days old. She wants the foal to be able to recognize her scent, her call (bray) and her appearance, that is, her stripes.

What Do Zebra Sounds Mean?

What Sound Does a Zebra Make? | Wild Animal Safari Park (5)

Now that we know what they sound like, let’s find out what zebras are actually saying to each other with all this zebra noise.


The zebra bark is a friendly greeting between zebras. It can also be a way one zebra gets the attention of another zebra. It could be referred to as “What’s up?” in zebra talk!


According to The Behavior Guide to African Mammals, “Braying advertises territorial status,” and is often used to express anger or frustration. Additionally, a male zebra uses a loud bray to demonstrate dominance and as part of his courtship behavior towardsa female.

Each zebra’s bray has a different pitch, some higher and some lower, so that other members of the herd can recognize each member’s specific call.


The zebra’s snort hasseveral meanings. It can be a way of saying “hello” to another zebra or as a warning of danger or aggression. The best way to tell the zebra’s meaning when it snorts is to look at its body language.


It’s the most special of all the zebra vocalizations because it’s the sound of affection reserved for other members of the herd. Mother zebras can often be heard nickering to their foals.

5 Other Zebra Fun Facts

What Sound Does a Zebra Make? | Wild Animal Safari Park (6)

There are three main species of zebra. Two live on the African plains, one lives in the mountains. Let’s look at severalfun facts about these beautiful creatures.

1. What Makes Up a Zebra Family? And a Herd?

Zebra herds, also known as a dazzle of zebras or a zeal of zebras, are usually made up of many smaller family groups who tend to stick together within the herd. A typical family group is made up of five to 20 zebras consisting ofa male zebra, several female zebras and their young.

A female zebra is known as a mare and the male, a stallion. Baby zebras are typically called foals, although they are sometimes referred to as cubs. A young female zebra is called a filly and a young male, a colt.

Herds can contain thousands of zebras, especially during their migration to better feeding grounds. They are constantly on the move, foraging for food. Other grazers and browsers often intermingle with the zebra herds, forming mixed herds that travel together.

When families of zebra travel together, they form hierarchies, with one dominant stallion in the lead.

2. What is a Zebroid?

Zebras, horses and donkeys all belong to the Equidae family. Although zebras have never been domesticated, they can be cross-bred with the domesticatedmembers of the horse family creating “zebroids.” Zebroids can be quite beautiful but are almost always sterile.

You probably wonder what the cross between a horse or donkey and a zebra is called. We’ve done a little research and found some interesting names such as zorse, zonkey, zebrass, zedonk, zebradonk, zedonk, zebrinny, and others. Making combinations of your own just might make you a little “zebonkey”. Yep, that’s one too!

3. Are Zebras Colorblind?

Zebras have very good eyesight. It’s thoughtthey can see in color, although some scientists believe they cannot see orange. Because the zebra’s eyes are on the side of their head, they have a wider field of vision than humans.

4. Are All Zebra Stripe Patterns the Same? Are Their Stripes White or Black?

No, each zebra has a unique set of stripes. Just like human fingerprints and snowflakes, no two are alike!

Each species of zebra also exhibits its own general stripe pattern. The plains zebra, for example, has broad stripes. Grevy’s Zebra, also known as the Imperial Zebra, is the largest of the zebra species and has bold, narrow stripes that are vertical on its torso and neck, and horizontal on its legs. The mountain zebra also has vertical stripes on its torso and neck, and horizontal stripes on its legs.

Zebra stripes are used as camouflage as they roam the African plains. From a distance, their stripes cause a herd of zebras to look like grass swaying in the breeze to some predators who often see few colors.

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Does a zebra have black stripes or white? Zebras are black with white stripes. Their main skin color is black.

5. How do Zebras Protect Themselves?

To defend themselves, zebras form a semicircle facingtheir attacker. They nip, bite and kick at any predators that come too close. If a family member is injured, they’ll surround the injured zebra, protecting it from further attack. A zebra’s kick is a very useful weapon. Their powerful kick contains almost nearly 3,000 pounds of force – enough to kill a fully grown lion with just one blow to the body.

Come See and Hear the Uniqueness of Zebra Stripes and Sounds for Yourself

Two of the three zebra species are in trouble. Because there are only about 2,000 Grevy’s zebra left, the International Union for Conservation of Nature labels them as threatened. The mountain zebras are listed as vulnerable with only around 9,000 remaining. Fortunately, various organizations such as Wild Animal Safari are working to preserve this beautiful creature.

If you didn’t know that zebra stripes were as different as fingerprints, you need to come see them for yourself at one of our parks in Pine Mountain, Georgia; Stafford, Missouri; and Bryan-College Station, Texas.

And when asked what a zebra sounds like…you can decide for yourself whether it sounds like a horse, donkey, pig or yappy dog. Maybe when asked, you’ll remember to tell them, a zebra sounds like…well, a zebra.

What Sound Does a Zebra Make? | Wild Animal Safari Park (2024)


What Sound Does a Zebra Make? | Wild Animal Safari Park? ›

Zebra Sounds in a Herd

What are the sounds of all animals? ›

Animal Sound Vocabulary
  • Bark: Dogs, foxes, ostriches, seals.
  • Bellow: Alligators, cattle (bulls), koalas, oxen, rhinos.
  • Bleat: Calves, giraffes, goats, lambs, sheep.
  • Chirp: Birds, crickets, grasshoppers, ostriches.
  • Gibber: Apes, monkeys.
  • Grunt: Camels, hogs, pigs.
  • Hiss: Cats, ostriches, snakes.
  • Howl: Jackals, wolves.

Does San Diego Safari Park have zebras? ›

The mares, their foals, and immature males wander through as they wish. If food becomes scarce, though, the stallions leave their territories for a while and travel with the larger herds. Zebras at the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park are fed hay, alfalfa, and carrots.

Why do zebras neigh? ›

It is an essential sound for the zebra since males and females, or stallions and females, do not always travel together and need to find each other when it comes time to mate.

What sounds like zebra? ›

Such sound signals may express alertness, curiosity, or used as a greeting, to show impatience or anger. Depending on the pitch and intensity, zebra sounds.

What is the ending sound of zebra? ›

The final sound unique to zebras is the snort. This is basically a short, sharp burst of air that travels through a zebra's nostrils. The snort is often quite loud. If a zebra snorts while calm, the sound indicates a friendly greeting.

Can you tell what sound do these animals make? ›

Know the Sounds of Each of These Animals
Tigersgrowl, roar
66 more rows

How do you spell out animal sounds? ›

  1. Cats: meow, purr, hiss, yowl.
  2. Dogs: bark, woof, growl, howl.
  3. Horses: neigh, whinny, nicker, snort.
  4. Goats and sheep: bleat, baa.
  5. Pigs: oink, squeal, grunt.
  6. Cows: low, moo.
  7. Donkeys: bray, hee-haw.
  8. Chickens: cluck, peep.
Mar 1, 2024

Which animal can make 100 sounds? ›

Have you ever wondered how many sounds your cat can make? Experts assure us they could be more than 100!

Is a zebra in the safari? ›

Zebra are an iconic safari animal and, fortunately, common throughout virtually all safari areas. There are three species of zebra: plains, mountain, and Grevy's. Burchell's zebra are a subspecies of plains, which are the most common species of zebra. Plains zebra are found throughout east and southern Africa.

What safari animal has zebra legs? ›

The okapi (pronounced oh-COP-ee) is a beautiful and unusual animal. With its white-and-black striped hindquarters and front legs, is it related to zebras? No! Take a look at an okapi's head, and you'll notice a resemblance to giraffes.

What eats a zebra? ›

Zebras are preyed on mainly by lions. Leopards, cheetahs, spotted hyenas, brown hyenas and wild dogs pose less of a threat to adults. Biting and kicking are a zebra's defense tactics.

What type of noise does a zebra make? ›

Bray or Bark

The bray or bark sounds like the drawing in and then releasing of air. The zebra makes this sound when encountering other zebras in the herd.

Do zebras and horses make the same sound? ›

Like horses, zebras will snort when excited and nicker (creating a 'whuffle' kind of sound by blowing air through their nose and lips) when greeting each other. But zebras also bray in a similar way to donkeys and mules, but horses don't.

What do zebras do when they are scared? ›

When zebras are frightened, their ears are pushed forward, and when angry, their ears are pulled backward. When zebras inspect an area for predators, their ears stand straight up. Due to hunting for zebra skin and the destruction of their habitat, the Grevy's zebra and the mountain zebra are endangered species.

Do zebras run or gallop? ›

They walk, trot, canter and gallop like horses, but do not move as quickly. Zebras are African equines with distinctive black-and-white striped coats.

When it sounds like a horse zebra? ›

Theodore Woodward who said, “When you hear hoofbeats behind you, don't expect to see a zebra.” In medicine, the zebra was chosen to represent a rare disease. Doctors are taught to expect less common conditions in order to avoid patients being misdiagnosed with rare illnesses.

Whose sound is chatter? ›

Chatter is a sound made by a monkey. A whoop is a sound made by a monkey. A screech is a sound made by a monkey. Buzz is a sound made by a mosquito.

Do zebras zig zag? ›

The Zebra can run up to 65km/h. They combine this speed with amazing stamina and zig-zag motions to evade their predators. Zebras are very social animals, and will only sleep when they are close to neighbors in order to easily warn each other if predators are nearby.

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