Wedding Day Survival Guide for the Introvert Groom or Bride — Colorado's Most Trusted Wedding Planner (2024)

Do you agree that the most treasured part of being at home is that you can control who is in it? Do you prefer to re-energize with a night in? Are you filled with relief when a friend cancels plans? Do you befriend the animals at a house party before anyone else?

If you answered yes to any of those questions or identify as an introvert, your new planning best friend, A Touch of Bliss, has some invaluable wedding tips just for you!

Do a first look and exchange your vows privately!

First up is the first look. A first look was practically made for introverts. It gives you the time to connect with your other half without an audience. This time together will be sure to help steady those common wedding day nerves. It also creates an incredible photo opportunity! These are photos that will surely be memorable and cherished for years to come.

Similar to our first tip is to exchange vows privately during a first look and use standard vows during the ceremony. Private vows mean less public speaking which is an extremely common form of anxiety. Repeating standard vows after your officiant is a bit less daunting of a feat than using your own words to describe the deeply personal and intimate feelings you have for your life partner.

Pick a photographer you feel comfortable around!

Given that being in front of the camera all day can feel extremely overwhelming to an introvert, our advice is to pick a photographer you like spending time with! Yes, the photos are what will last a lifetime so still be sure to pick a professional based off of their work but, keep in mind you will spend more time with this pro than anyone else on your wedding day. You want a photographer that makes you feel comfortable enough that you can focus on your partner rather than the camera. A bonus tip for how to feel more comfortable with your photographer is to do an engagement photo session. This allows you both to spend time with them before the wedding bells ring. You will become more acquainted with their work style and personality in a low-pressure environment.

Get ready for the day in a relaxing space!

Likewise to picking a photographer you feel comfortable with, think about who you want to surround yourself with while you prepare for your wedding day. You can decide to start your wedding day routine with just one or two people and meet with the rest of your wedding party later in the day. If being around more than a handful of people is going to drain or stress you, then don’t do it. Spend your wedding morning exactly how you want to; if your happy place is a quiet place then limit the number of people in your space as you get ready.

Skip the first dance, make it private or cut it short!

Again, do your wedding your way! If dancing in front of everyone you know sounds more like a nightmare than a dream. Feel free to skip the first dance, make it private or cut it short. We promise you don’t need to dance to the entire three and a half minutes of your song. Ask your DJ to cut the song down to whatever length feels most comfortable. A fun way to incorporate the dance tradition but keep it a bit more casual is opt for an anniversary dance. Your DJ will invite all married couples to the floor and slowly ask people to be seated based on the length of their marriage. You’ll be able to sit down first since you’ve been married for about an hour and watch all of the other married couples dance. Be sure to ask the last couple dancing for their best marriage advice. You can also plan to give your bouquet to that couple instead of doing the traditional bouquet toss.

Choose to do your cake cutting unannounced!

Our last tip is to have an unannounced cake cutting. Instead of your DJ requesting all of your guests to leave the dance floor to gather and watch you cut your cake, just do it when it feels right and your photographer is ready! With this more casual cutting you also won’t have to feel rushed to end a conversation or have nearly as many eyes on you for this sweet photo opportunity.

All of our tips considered, don’t worry about what traditions have been in place or what other weddings you have been to have looked like. Do what makes you feel the most comfortable, it’s your day anyways!

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Adrienne Coffey

Wedding Day Survival Guide for the Introvert Groom or Bride — Colorado's Most Trusted Wedding Planner (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.