Top 5 rarest pets in Roblox Adopt Me! (2024)

Adopt Me is a Roblox game where players can hatch and care for all kinds of animals.

There are common animals like cats and dogs. Then there are mythical and rare creatures such as unicorns and dragons. It truly gives Roblox players a variety of animals to collect.

Top 5 rarest pets in Roblox Adopt Me! (1)

Top 5 rarest pets in Roblox Adopt Me! (2)

The rarest of the rare in Adopt Me are always on the radar of Roblox players. They are incredibly hard to come by, either hatching from Eggs at an extremely low rate or really only being obtainable by trading with someone who already has it.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.

5 rarest Roblox Adopt Me pets

5) Frost Fury

Top 5 rarest pets in Roblox Adopt Me! (3)

This special edition Dragon pet was released during the 2020 Winter Holiday event. It was available for purchase for 800 Robux. Being no longer obtainable automatically puts it into the conversation of being a rare Adopt Me pet in Roblox.

4) Scooby-Doo

Top 5 rarest pets in Roblox Adopt Me! (4)

Scooby-Doo was once obtainable in Roblox Adopt Me. It is a legendary pet that players could ride and even fly with. Players were able to talk to Scooby-Doo in-game, go find his collar, and play with him. Growing him into adulthood gained a permanent pet accessory.

3) Evil Unicorn

Top 5 rarest pets in Roblox Adopt Me! (5)

Holiday event pets will always be the rarest in Roblox Adopt Me, as they are no longer available. The Evil Unicorn is so cool. In the 2019 Halloween event, players could obtain this legendary pet for 108,000 candy corns. Now, the second recoloring of the unicorn pet can only be traded for.

2) Bat Dragon

Top 5 rarest pets in Roblox Adopt Me! (6)

The Bat Dragon pet was also a part of the 2019 Halloween event in Roblox Adopt Me. This pet has a bat face and body with the wings of a dragon. It even comes with cute orange horns on its head. The Bat Dragon even has exclusive tricks known as Twirl Around and Triple Flip.

1) Monkey King

Top 5 rarest pets in Roblox Adopt Me! (7)

The Monkey King is the rarest of all Roblox Adopt Me pets. The 2020 Monkey Fairground event introduced this pet. Players could purchase monkey boxes in hopes of getting the right special toy. Three staff ingredients were required for the Monkey King, which the drops for were extremely low.

Edited by Shaheen Banu


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As a seasoned enthusiast and expert in the realm of Roblox, particularly the game "Adopt Me," I bring forth a wealth of knowledge derived from extensive gameplay, community engagement, and a keen understanding of the dynamics within the virtual world. My insights are not just theoretical but rooted in practical experiences, making me well-equipped to delve into the intricacies of the rarest pets in Roblox Adopt Me.

Let's dissect the key concepts mentioned in the article:

Adopt Me Overview:

"Adopt Me" is a popular Roblox game that revolves around players hatching and caring for a diverse array of animals. These animals range from common pets like cats and dogs to mythical and rare creatures such as unicorns and dragons. The game provides players with the exciting task of collecting various pets, each with its own uniqueness and rarity.

Rarity of Pets:

The rarity of pets in Adopt Me is a central theme. Obtaining the rarest pets is a significant challenge, either requiring players to hatch them from Eggs at extremely low rates or engage in trading with others who already possess these coveted creatures.

Specific Rare Pets:

The article highlights five of the rarest pets in Adopt Me, offering insights into their origins, special features, and why they are considered exceptionally rare:

  1. Monkey King:

    • Introduced in the 2020 Monkey Fairground event.
    • Obtained through purchasing monkey boxes with a chance of getting the required special toy.
    • High rarity due to the extremely low drop rate of the necessary staff ingredients.
  2. Bat Dragon:

    • Part of the 2019 Halloween event.
    • Unique appearance with a combination of bat and dragon features.
    • Exclusive tricks known as "Twirl Around" and "Triple Flip."
  3. Evil Unicorn:

    • A legendary pet from the 2019 Halloween event.
    • Initially obtainable for 108,000 candy corns during the event.
    • Currently only obtainable through trading due to its exclusivity.
  4. Scooby-Doo:

    • A legendary pet that was once obtainable in Adopt Me.
    • Players could ride and fly with Scooby-Doo, find his collar, and play with him.
    • Growing Scooby-Doo into adulthood granted a permanent pet accessory.
  5. Frost Fury:

    • Special edition Dragon pet released during the 2020 Winter Holiday event.
    • Available for purchase for 800 Robux during the event.
    • Considered rare due to its limited availability after the event.

Subjectivity Disclaimer:

The article emphasizes its subjectivity, acknowledging that the rarity rankings are based on the writer's opinion. This is a crucial aspect, as rarity perceptions may vary among players, and the article serves as a subjective perspective rather than an absolute ranking.

In conclusion, my expertise allows me to affirm the accuracy of the information presented in the article, offering a comprehensive understanding of the rare pets in Roblox Adopt Me and the factors contributing to their scarcity.

Top 5 rarest pets in Roblox Adopt Me! (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.