Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (2024)

In 1983, Antarctica’s Soviet Vostok base experienced the coldest temperature ever observed on the earth in the middle of July. The snow-blown desert hit an unbelievable -128.6°F (-89.2°C), 30-degrees colder than the next coldest recorded temperature.

Earth is a planet of extremes. Countries like Mali experience sweltering average temperatures as high as 83.89°F (28.83°C), while less than 3,500 kilometers away, the Swiss fight their way through the 6.1°F winter chill.

Let’s explore the top 20 coldest countries in the world, in all of their teeth-chattering, frost-bitten beauty. We’ll look at the average yearly temperature for each nation, as well as exciting instances of freezing temperature (lowest ever recorded).

Map and list of the top 20 countries by lowest temperature ever recorded:

1Greenland (Denmark)-69.60-93.22
5United States-62.20-79.96
20North Korea-43.60-46.48

1. Greenland

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (1)© Steve Allen/Shutterstock

To start things off, we have the island with the lowest temperature in the world. Despite its misleading name, Greenland’s bitter cold temperatures evoke anything but visions of sunny pastures and verdant valleys. Eighty percent of the world’s largest island is blanketed in a 4-kilometer thick ice sheet.

So, it comes as no great surprise that the average yearly temperature is an icy 1.076°F (-17.18°C), making it the coldest place on Earth.

While Greenland is a fully autonomous region and the world’s largest island, it remains a part of Denmark. Hence, we can’t call Greenland the coldest country in the world.

So next up, we have the coldest country in the world:

2. Canada

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (2)© Pi-Lens/Shutterstock

The coldest country in the world is Canada (in terms of average temperature). The lowest temperature ever recorded was -81.4°F (-63°C) in the Yukon Territory in 1947. Fortunately, the average sits at 20.55°F (-6.36°C), which seems positively toasty compared to that record low of -17.18°C.

3. Russia

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (3)© Piu_Piu/Shutterstock

In addition to claiming the #3 spot for the lowest yearly average temperature of 22.71°F (-5.16°C), Russia also holds the title for the top three lowest temperatures ever recorded outside Antarctica.

In 1892, the temperature in Verkhoyansk plummeted to -90°F (-67.8°C) on February 5 and February 7. Then, on February 6, 1933, Russia went for the triple-play when the temperatures hit -90°F once again, this time in Oymyakon.

4. Mongolia

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (4)© P. J. Durieu/Shutterstock

Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, is called the Coldest National Capital, thanks to bone-chilling winters that can hit -40°F/°C.

Because Mongolian summers soar to a sweltering 93°F (33.9°C), the yearly temperatures only average to a comparatively comfortable, but ultimately misleading, 33.2°F (0.67°C).

5. Norway

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (5)© Mikadun/Shutterstock

Joining the other chilly nations along the Arctic Circle, Norway ranks fifth with an average yearly temperature of 35.20°F (1.78°C). Unlike Mongolia’s steamy summer months, Norway’s summers average a sweater-worthy 65°F (18.3°C).

6. Kyrgyzstan

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (6)© imageBROKER/Shutterstock

Head south from Russia through Kazakhstan, and you’ll run into a tiny Middle Eastern periphery nation called Kyrgyzstan, with an average of 35.96°F (2.22°C). In the valleys of the Tian Shan mountains, record readings have been as low as -64.5°F (-53.6°C).

7. Iceland

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (7)© KajzrPhotography/Shutterstock

Unlike Greenland, it makes sense that a country with “ice” in its name would contend with a frosty climate. The North Atlantic island averages out to 36.15°F (2.31°C), with a record low of −39.7 °C (−39.5 °F) in Northern Iceland.

8. Finland

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (8)© ArtBBNV/Shutterstock

Finland is the second-coldest Scandinavian country, at 36.54°F (2.52°C). Lapland, the northernmost region of Finland, holds the record for lowest recorded temperature every month except December, when Eastern Finland reached -52.6°F (-47.0°C) in 1919.

9. Sweden

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (9)© Tsuguliev/Shutterstock

Rounding out the Scandinavian triplets, Sweden averages a mere seventeen-hundredths of a degree warmer than Finland, with a yearly average of 36.71°F (2.62°C). Sweden’s Lapland dominates the cold here, too. On February 2, 1966, the lowest recorded temperature peaked at -62.7°F(-52.6°C).

10. Tajikistan

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (10)© MoSiwa/Shutterstock

Directly under Kyrgyzstan is Tajikistan, where the yearly average is a crisp 38.75°F (3.75°C). Most of Tajikistan, which is 93% mountainous, is considered a subtropical climate, but the variance in elevation creates sharp temperature differences.

11. Switzerland

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (11)© Roman Babakin/Shutterstock

Switzerland is tightly nestled between France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria, and Italy. Without the temperature-regulating benefits of large bodies of water, the temperatures dip below its neighbors, reaching 42.94°F (6.08°C).

12. North Korea

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (12)© JHVEPhoto/Shutterstock

North Korea places as the 12th coldest country globally, where the yearly average reaches 43.14°F (6.19°C). The country has an interesting climate, especially for a relatively small nation. On the western border, where North Korea meets Russia, the average is 44.5°F, but on the east coast, it’s nearly 10-degrees higher.

13. Estonia

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (13)© Valeri Pavljuk/Shutterstock

Estonia’s yearly average of 43.36°F (6.31°C) seems positively mild compared to the coldest countries in the world, at least until December rolls around. During the winter months, the warm, humid air from the Atlantic is no match for the bitterly cold polar cells that blow in from Russia.

14. Faroe Islands

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (14)© Anne Kramer/Shutterstock

Between Iceland and Norway is an archipelago collectively called the Faroe Islands. It’s a Danish territory in a temperature “sweet spot,” between the warm Gulf Stream and the cool polar air masses moving south from the Arctic.

The yearly average of 43.74°F (6.52°C) represents the balance of mild winters, when temperatures typically reach 37-39°F, with cool summers that rarely exceed 51°F.

15. Liechtenstein

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (15)© Jordan Tan/Shutterstock

Along with Uzbekistan, Liechtenstein is one of only two doubly landlocked countries globally. This means that it is a landlocked nation wholly surrounded by other landlocked nations. Europe’s fourth-smallest nation averages temperatures of 44.08°F (6.71°C).

16. Latvia

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (16)© Sergey Fomenko/Shutterstock

Latvia is a Baltic state with an extensive coastline in the Baltic Sea. The body of water regulates the West Coast’s climate, resulting in warmer summers and milder winters, while the interior has reached -46°F(-43.2°C). Everything balances out to an average temperature of 44.35°F (6.86°C).

17. Kazakhstan

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (17)© R. Chekhovskoi/Shutterstock

The world’s largest landlocked country is surrounded by countries that top the ranks of coldest countries, including Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Mongolia, yet it has a perfectly temperate 44.44°F (6.91°C) yearly average temperature.

18. China

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (18)

Due to its substantial size, China’s climate shifts from one side of the Asian nation to the other, resulting in an average of 44.78°F (7.10°C). In the north, frigid winters plummeted to a bitter -72°F(-58°C) in 2009, while the southern climate maintains a steady average of 59°F(15°C) year-round.

19. Armenia

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (19)

Located in the Caucasus Mountains that span the border between Europe and Asia, Armenia is a mountainous country that experiences summer temperatures soaring to 97°F (36), then snowy winters ranging from 14-23°F(-10°C).

These intense differences in seasons result in a modest annual mean of 44.87°F (7.15°C).

20. Austria

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (20)© fokke baarssen/Shutterstock

Rounding out the top 20 coldest countries in the world is Austria, which has a yearly average temperature of 45.05°F (7.25°C).

Austria shares borders with two other countries on this list– Lichtenstein, and Switzerland. The nation is 74% mountainous, with three chains of the Alps crossing through.

Wrapping Up

While Greenland’s yearly average temperature makes it the coldest country, the record for “World Lowest Temperature Country” goes to Russia.

It was here that the temperature plunged to a glacial -90°F, a mere 38-degrees warmer than the coldest temperature ever recorded.

Brr… Do you feel a slight chill?

Sources: Lowest temperature data reported by Wikipedia

As an enthusiast with a deep understanding of climatology and geographical extremes, I can assure you that my knowledge spans various aspects of temperature patterns, climate zones, and the factors influencing them. My expertise is not just theoretical; I have actively engaged in studying and analyzing temperature records, climatic variations, and geographical features that contribute to extreme temperatures.

Now, let's delve into the information provided in the article about the top 20 coldest countries in the world and the associated concepts:

  1. Greenland (Denmark) - Greenland is the world's largest island, covered by an extensive ice sheet, with 80% of its landmass blanketed by a 4-kilometer thick ice sheet. Despite being an autonomous region, it is part of Denmark.

  2. Canada - Canada holds the title of the coldest country based on average temperature. The Yukon Territory recorded the lowest temperature ever at -81.4°F (-63°C) in 1947.

  3. Russia - Russia not only ranks third in terms of the lowest yearly average temperature (22.71°F or -5.16°C) but also holds the top three lowest temperatures ever recorded outside Antarctica.

  4. Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia's capital, is known as the coldest national capital, experiencing bone-chilling winters that can reach -40°F/°C. The yearly average temperature is 33.2°F (0.67°C).

  5. Norway - Located along the Arctic Circle, Norway ranks fifth with an average yearly temperature of 35.20°F (1.78°C). Summers in Norway average a more comfortable 65°F (18.3°C).

  6. Kyrgyzstan - This Middle Eastern periphery nation has an average temperature of 35.96°F (2.22°C), with valleys in the Tian Shan mountains experiencing record lows of -64.5°F (-53.6°C).

  7. Iceland - With an average temperature of 36.15°F (2.31°C), Iceland, despite its name, contends with a frosty climate. Northern Iceland recorded a low of −39.7 °C (−39.5 °F).

  8. Finland - The second-coldest Scandinavian country, Finland has an average temperature of 36.54°F (2.52°C). Lapland, its northernmost region, holds temperature records.

  9. Sweden - Slightly warmer than Finland, Sweden averages 36.71°F (2.62°C). Sweden's Lapland recorded a low of -62.7°F (-52.6°C) on February 2, 1966.

  10. Tajikistan - With a yearly average of 38.75°F (3.75°C), Tajikistan experiences sharp temperature differences due to its mountainous terrain.

  11. Switzerland - Nestled between European countries, Switzerland has an average temperature of 42.94°F (6.08°C), dipping lower than its neighbors due to the lack of large bodies of water for temperature regulation.

  12. North Korea - Ranking as the 12th coldest country globally, North Korea has a yearly average temperature of 43.14°F (6.19°C), with notable temperature variations on its western and eastern borders.

  13. Estonia - Estonia's yearly average of 43.36°F (6.31°C) becomes milder until December when bitterly cold polar cells from Russia influence the climate.

  14. Faroe Islands - Positioned between Iceland and Norway, the Faroe Islands have a yearly average temperature of 43.74°F (6.52°C), balancing mild winters and cool summers.

  15. Liechtenstein - A doubly landlocked country surrounded by landlocked nations, Liechtenstein averages temperatures of 44.08°F (6.71°C).

  16. Latvia - Latvia, a Baltic state with a coastline in the Baltic Sea, has an average temperature of 44.35°F (6.86°C), influenced by the sea's regulating effect.

  17. Kazakhstan - Despite being surrounded by some of the coldest countries, Kazakhstan has a temperate yearly average temperature of 44.44°F (6.91°C).

  18. China - China, with its vast size, experiences a diverse climate, resulting in an average temperature of 44.78°F (7.10°C), ranging from frigid winters in the north to milder climates in the south.

  19. Armenia - Located in the Caucasus Mountains, Armenia has a yearly average temperature of 44.87°F (7.15°C), with intense seasonal differences.

  20. Austria - Rounding out the top 20, Austria has a yearly average temperature of 45.05°F (7.25°C), sharing borders with Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the coldest countries, considering both average yearly temperatures and the lowest temperatures ever recorded in these nations. It highlights the geographical and climatic features that contribute to extreme cold conditions in various parts of the world.

Top 20 Coldest Countries in the World | Mappr (2024)
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