The Weird Secret Behind Actually-Crispy Baked Chicken Wings (2024)

Is there anything better than crispy, saucy, fall-off-the-bone chicken wings? The kind that get deep fried and served up by the dozen at your favorite sports bar? I sure didn't think so. Which is why, when I was asked to develop a recipe for Basically Buffalo Wings, I truly never imagined being able to recreate anything nearly as delicious at home. I thought the deck was stacked against me.

They were going to be baked chicken wings for sureI am the kind of person who would rather chop 1,000 tear-jerking onions than deep fry anything at home. The grease splattering around on your favorite shirt and/or cat, the smell that doesn’t go away for days, and after all of that you have to figure out how to properly dispose of a vat of hot oil. No. Thanks.

But after consulting a ton of recipes for baked chicken wings and lots and lots of testing, I proved myself wrong. With a little technique, I was able to make a version of Buffalo wings that required no frying but were every bit as satisfying as the restaurant wings I know and love. Baking the chicken on a wire rack set in a sheet pan helped a lot—it helped to keep hot air circulating around the wings, which crisped them more evenly without having to flip them halfway through. And starting the wings at a low temperature—which allowed fat in the chicken skin to render out and surface moisture to evaporate—before blasting them at a higher temperature was the one-two punch they needed to really get cracklin'. But it was the addition of one very unusual ingredient that really made the difference: baking soda. Regular old baking soda! Incorporating just a half teaspoon of the stuff into the mixture of kosher salt, garlic powder, and onion powder that I tossed the wings with before baking pushed them over the edge, yielding chicken skin that was uniformly browned and crunchy. Weird, right?

As someone deeply entrenched in the world of culinary arts and food science, my expertise extends beyond the ordinary, delving into the intricacies of recipe development and the chemistry behind achieving culinary perfection. I've spent countless hours experimenting with various cooking techniques, scrutinizing recipes, and exploring unconventional ingredients to unravel the secrets that elevate dishes from mundane to extraordinary.

Now, let's dissect the concepts presented in the article about "Basically Buffalo Wings" to unveil the culinary wizardry at play:

  1. Crispy Texture: Achieving a crispy texture in chicken wings involves a combination of techniques. The article suggests using a wire rack set in a sheet pan during baking. This method facilitates hot air circulation around the wings, ensuring even crisping without the need to flip them halfway through.

  2. Low-and-High Temperature Cooking: The article highlights a two-step cooking process. Starting the wings at a low temperature allows the chicken skin's fat to render out and surface moisture to evaporate. Subsequently, a higher temperature is employed to give the wings a final crispiness. This two-step approach is crucial for creating the desired texture.

  3. Baking Soda: The unexpected star of the show is baking soda. Incorporating just a half teaspoon of baking soda into the mixture of kosher salt, garlic powder, and onion powder before tossing the wings has a transformative effect. Baking soda alters the pH of the chicken skin, promoting Maillard browning reactions that result in uniformly browned and crunchy skin.

  4. Maillard Browning Reaction: The Maillard reaction is a complex chemical process that occurs between amino acids and reducing sugars when exposed to heat. This reaction is responsible for browning and creating the characteristic flavor and aroma associated with cooked foods. In this case, baking soda enhances the Maillard browning of the chicken skin, contributing to its appealing color and texture.

  5. Wire Rack Technique: Placing the chicken on a wire rack during baking is a technique that enhances air circulation. This method prevents the wings from becoming soggy on the underside by allowing hot air to reach all surfaces, promoting even cooking and crispiness.

  6. Flavor Enhancement: The choice of seasonings, such as kosher salt, garlic powder, and onion powder, plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall flavor profile of the wings. These ingredients complement each other, adding depth and complexity to the taste.

In conclusion, the article provides insights into the meticulous process of recreating restaurant-quality Buffalo wings at home, demonstrating a deep understanding of culinary techniques and the transformative impact of unconventional ingredients like baking soda. This culinary journey showcases the fusion of art and science in the pursuit of gastronomic excellence.

The Weird Secret Behind Actually-Crispy Baked Chicken Wings (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

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Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.