Reheating tips: How to safely warm up leftovers and takeout meals (2024)

Reheating tips: How to safely warm up leftovers and takeout meals (1)

Whether it'sleftovers or to-go orders, know that the microwave is not always the best way to reheat everydish.

The general rule of thumb is to reheat food in the same way it was originally cooked. For example, soup should be reheated in a pot on the stovetop and a roast chicken in the oven.

To ensure foods like casseroles and roast meats donot dry out while reheating in the oven, just cover themwith foil. Use a low-temperature like 350 degrees Fahrenheitand cook until the dish isjust heated through, depending on the item this could be anywhere from 8 to 20 minutes.

Here are some tips to warm up items that traditionally are difficult to reheat.

Fried foods

Fried foods have the best chance of getting crispy again in dry heat.Place in an oven or toaster oven preheated to 400 degrees. It’s best if you can reheat them on top of a rack so the itemdoesn’t simmer in any excess grease.


There is nothing worse than overcooked seafood. Heat fish dishes in a low-temperature oven until just heated through.


If reheating a whole pizza, stick it in the oven directly on the oven rack or on a preheated pizza stone.

If just reheating a slice or two, warm it up in a hot skillet with the lid on. This stove-top technique will give you a crispy crust with melty cheese on top.


Grains like rice and quinoa reheat best in the microwave. Add a teaspoon or two of water and reheat in microwave. The extra water basically steams the rice.

French fries

Reheat for a minute or two under the broiler, just until crispy. Placing them on a rack will help them crisp up evenly.

Mashed potatoes

Reheat items like mashed potatoes in a double boiler to keep them from separating.If you don’t own a double boiler, simply set a metal bowl over a pan of simmering water. This process slowly warms the dish without scorching it. Also, warm butter and cream sauces this same way.

Jennifer Chandler is theFood & Dining reporter at The Commercial Appeal. She can be reached, and you can follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @cookwjennifer.

More cooking tips to come

For the next few weeks, The Commercial Appeal Food & Dining reporter Jennifer Chandler will post shopping and recipe tips to help you put a delicious and healthy meal on the table. Chandler is the author of four cookbooks, including "The Southern Pantry Cookbook."

Certainly! The article provides a range of reheating tips for various types of food, emphasizing that not all dishes should be reheated in a microwave. Instead, it suggests using methods aligned with the original cooking technique to maintain the food's texture and taste.

Let's break down the concepts covered:

  1. Reheating Techniques:

    • Stovetop for soup: Reheat soup in a pot on the stovetop.
    • Oven for roast chicken and casseroles: Cover with foil, use a low temperature (around 350°F), and heat until just warmed through.
    • Fried Foods: Reheat in an oven or toaster oven at 400°F on a rack to retain crispiness.
    • Seafood: Reheat in a low-temperature oven to prevent overcooking.
    • Pizza: Reheat whole pizza in the oven directly on the rack or in a skillet for slices with a crispy crust and melted cheese.
    • Rice: Reheat in the microwave with added water to steam.
    • French Fries: Under the broiler for a short time, ideally on a rack for even crispiness.
    • Mashed Potatoes and Sauces: Use a double boiler or a metal bowl over simmering water to prevent separation.
  2. Contact Information:

    • Jennifer Chandler, Food & Dining reporter at The Commercial Appeal, offers these tips. She can be reached at, and followed on Twitter and Instagram at @cookwjennifer.
  3. Upcoming Content:

    • Jennifer Chandler will continue to post shopping and recipe tips in subsequent articles.

The advice reflects an understanding of food reheating techniques, considering different textures and compositions. It's apparent that the recommendations stem from practical experience and expertise in the culinary field. Reheating methods are tailored to each type of food to ensure optimal results, demonstrating a nuanced understanding of food science and cooking principles.

Reheating tips: How to safely warm up leftovers and takeout meals (2024)
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