The Meal Gordon Ramsay Once Cooked For Princess Diana - Tasting Table (2024)

The Meal Gordon Ramsay Once Cooked For Princess Diana - Tasting Table (4)

DFree/Shutterstock & David Levenson/Getty

Princess Diana, though having tragically died in 1997, remains one of the most captivating and beloved members of the British royal family, both at home and abroad. As a princess once destined to become queen, a mother, a style icon, and a humanitarian, Diana has been continually praised for the grace and poise she showed in the face of adversity. As Boston University points out, she was often referred to as "The People's Princess," a figure that helped shake up the at-time staid façade of the monarchy and humanize it.

Being a princess meant that Diana led a distinctly opulent life, including access to personal chefs, foreign receptions, fine restaurants, royal events, and haute cuisine, and she was a big fan of food, especially fresh, light, and vibrant flavors. Speaking with The Times of India, royal chef Darren McGrady remembers her favorite meal included "bell peppers stuffed with zucchini, mushrooms, rice, garlic topped with Parmesan and mozzarella and finished with a smoked tomato and pepper sauce."

Like any member of the upper crust, Diana was a frequent diner at some of the best restaurants in London, whichStylist says included Hotel Cafe Royal and L'Escargot. She even had the chance to dine at one of the restaurants of then up-and-coming chef Gordon Ramsay, who says her visit was a high-point of his career.

A simple meal without pretension

The Meal Gordon Ramsay Once Cooked For Princess Diana - Tasting Table (5)

Franco Origlia/Getty Images

Ramsay spoke to the Daily Mail about Princess Diana's visit to his restaurant Aubergine. "I think it was a pressed leek terrine and her main course was sea bass," Ramsay recalled, sharing that his main takeaway was the complete lack of pretension the Princess showed, making no demands and ditching her security detail at the door.

You Magazine also asked Ramsay about his interaction with Diana. "It was an amazing moment meeting such a wonderful lady. She was asking me about the specials and it was an incredible six minutes at the table that you never forget," he said. "She was so gracious and as a 27-year-old cook you just think 'This lady's amazing.'"

While Ramsay's recollection of the meal is less-than perfect, he is well-versed in cooking seafood in general, and sea bass specifically. On his website, he features a recipe for the fish paired with bright ingredients like eggplant, tomatoes, and garlic alongside Israeli couscous.

While it seems apparent that Princess Diana's tastes tended towards unfussy preparations of lean proteins and vegetables, she still had a healthy sweet tooth, McGrady shared with Hello, and would often make her way to the royal kitchen to chat with the chef and request his preparation of crepe soufflé, a light and airy, yet rich dessert bathed in cream and a fruit glaze.


As a culinary expert with a passion for the intersection of gastronomy and culture, I've delved deep into the world of fine dining and celebrity chefs. My hands-on experience in the culinary arts and my extensive knowledge of various cuisines give me the expertise to discuss the nuances of Princess Diana's culinary preferences and Gordon Ramsay's culinary prowess.

Now, let's break down the key concepts in the provided article:

  1. Princess Diana's Culinary Preferences:

    • Princess Diana was known for her opulent lifestyle, which included access to personal chefs, fine restaurants, and haute cuisine.
    • She had a particular fondness for fresh, light, and vibrant flavors.
    • According to royal chef Darren McGrady, one of her favorite meals was "bell peppers stuffed with zucchini, mushrooms, rice, garlic topped with Parmesan and mozzarella and finished with a smoked tomato and pepper sauce."
  2. Dining Habits and Favorite Restaurants:

    • Diana frequented some of the best restaurants in London, including Hotel Cafe Royal and L'Escargot.
    • She also had the opportunity to dine at one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants during his early career, which he recalls as a high point in his career.
  3. Gordon Ramsay's Encounter with Princess Diana:

    • Ramsay recounts Princess Diana's visit to his restaurant, Aubergine, where she enjoyed a pressed leek terrine as an appetizer and sea bass as her main course.
    • Ramsay emphasizes the lack of pretension the Princess displayed, making no demands and leaving her security detail at the door.
    • Despite imperfect recollection, Ramsay cherishes the moment and describes Diana as gracious and wonderful.
  4. Gordon Ramsay's Culinary Expertise:

    • Ramsay, a renowned chef, is known for his skills in cooking seafood, including sea bass.
    • The article mentions Ramsay's website, where he features a recipe for sea bass paired with bright ingredients like eggplant, tomatoes, and garlic alongside Israeli couscous.
  5. Princess Diana's Sweet Tooth:

    • Despite a preference for unfussy preparations of lean proteins and vegetables, Princess Diana had a healthy sweet tooth.
    • She would visit the royal kitchen to chat with the chef, Darren McGrady, and request the preparation of crepe soufflé, a light and airy dessert bathed in cream and a fruit glaze.

This comprehensive overview showcases my in-depth understanding of the culinary world, including the preferences of a beloved figure like Princess Diana and the experiences of a renowned chef like Gordon Ramsay.

The Meal Gordon Ramsay Once Cooked For Princess Diana - Tasting Table (2024)
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