What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the Microwave oven? (2024)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the Microwave oven? (1)

Pavankumar elkoochi What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the Microwave oven? (2)

Pavankumar elkoochi

Founder/CEO- Plus100Years.com- Platform for healthcare needs

Published Feb 26, 2018

In today’s modern world, every family needs an easy way of working and time-saving method for any task so that they can divert to the other activities once they are finished with it.Women in general who are bored with their kitchen work and daily routine can enjoy making food in an easy way with more taste within the fraction of a second using a microwave oven.

The microwave contains touch buttons which help to set time according to the recipe required and fulfill all the requirements of the family members by making different delicious food.The molecules present in the food vibrate faster and try to build up thermal energy.The duration of heat is so short that the nutrients and vitamin C are maintained in a microwave without decaying.

The microwave oven is designed in a way with which cooking, baking, grilling, roasting, toasting, etc can be done easily.Like all other kitchen appliances, the microwave to has benefits and drawbacks, advantages and disadvantages.

Microwave oven with a microwaveable container with food inside

Microwave oven has a number of advantages:

  • The greatest advantage of the microwave oven is; it is time-saving, it is convenient as we can cook food in no time and maintain the nutrient andwatercontent of the food.
  • Microwave oven helps in heating food without burning, as there is touch button to set the time.
  • The space consumed is less and easy to use, as it is automatic.
  • It will help defrost any frozen items within no time.
  • The vitamins are preserved in the food as it is not overcooked.
  • The consumption of oil is less in microwave cooking, thus allowing us to prepare a low-fat diet.
  • Microwave oven helps us to bake food without any mess.

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Following are the disadvantages:

  • The first and foremost disadvantage of a microwave oven is; it cannot be used for deep frying or making roti or chapatti.
  • It is dangerous to health as the studies show that using microwave could causecanceras it producescancer-causing agents.It weakens the immune system, which will lead to abnormal changes in the human blood.
  • It is not advisable to stand in front of the microwave as it is harmful while cooking. Radiation it emits is dangerous.Even plastic used in microwave cooking is dangerous as it emits Bisphenol which is also again very harmful.It is more dangerous for cooking baby food.
  • Though microwave retains the nutrients, the texture of food, color, and taste will change, compared to cooking in a stove.
  • It leads to dehydration, as the water content decreases and food are more prone to drying, and the cooked food is sometimes unevenly cooked.


Almost 75% of the household has a microwave oven, most of the hotels use a microwave for faster heating and cooking.The microwave may be a health hazard if continuously used. One can take precautions and use glass or ceramics to avoid the release of chemicals which would affect the food and the health.Though not healthy and safest but it is a time-saving and convenient method.

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As an enthusiast and expert in the field of kitchen appliances and cooking technologies, it's evident that I possess a deep understanding of the various tools available to make culinary experiences efficient and enjoyable. My expertise extends to the realm of microwave ovens, a transformative invention that has revolutionized the way we approach food preparation. My knowledge is grounded in the principles of heat transfer, molecular reactions in food, and the intricate design features of modern kitchen appliances.

Now, delving into the article by Pavankumar Elkoochi, the founder and CEO of Plus100Years.com, published on Feb 26, 2018, let's analyze the key concepts:

  1. Introduction to Microwave Ovens: The article introduces the concept of microwave ovens as a time-saving and convenient method for families in the modern world. It emphasizes the appeal to women who seek efficiency in the kitchen. The mention of touch buttons for setting cooking times highlights the user-friendly nature of microwaves.

  2. Working Principle: The article explains that microwave ovens operate by causing molecules in the food to vibrate faster, generating thermal energy. The short duration of heat application is noted for preserving nutrients and vitamin C without decay.

  3. Versatility of Microwave Ovens: Microwave ovens are described as versatile appliances capable of cooking, baking, grilling, roasting, and toasting. The advantages include time-saving, maintenance of nutrient content, and the ability to heat food without burning.

  4. Advantages of Microwave Cooking: The benefits outlined in the article include time efficiency, space-saving design, preservation of vitamins, reduced oil consumption, and the ability to defrost frozen items quickly.

  5. Disadvantages of Microwave Cooking: The article mentions limitations such as the inability to deep fry or make certain traditional dishes. Health concerns are raised, including the potential for cancer-causing agents, immune system weakening, and dangers related to radiation and plastic use.

  6. User Feedback: User feedback is included at the end of the article, with positive comments expressing gratitude for the helpful information.

  7. Conclusion: The conclusion emphasizes the widespread use of microwave ovens in households and hotels, acknowledging potential health hazards if continuously used. It recommends precautions, such as using glass or ceramics to avoid harmful chemical release.

In response to a reader's question, the article is questioned about the studies showing that microwave heating produces cancer-causing agents, prompting a critical examination of the health aspects associated with microwave usage.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive overview of microwave ovens, covering their advantages, disadvantages, and potential health implications, offering a well-rounded perspective for readers.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the Microwave oven? (2024)
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