The Devil (Cuphead) (2024)

Villain Overview

Welching on me like all the others, eh... I'll teach you for backing out of a deal -- have at you!!
~ The Devil losing his temper after the player refuses to give him the contracts.

The Devil is the main antagonist of the 2017 videogame Cuphead and the overarching antagonist of its DLC sequel The Delicious Last Course.

He is the demonic ruler of Inkwell Hell and titular owner of the Devil's Casino who forces the boys to collect Soul Contracts from various inhabitants of Inkwell Isles, or he will take their souls should they fail. He is also the boss of King Dice and the archenemy of both Cuphead and Mugman.


  • 1 Description
    • 1.1 Appearance
    • 1.2 Personality
    • 1.3 Powers and Abilities
  • 2 Biography
    • 2.1 Cuphead
      • 2.1.1 Bad Ending
      • 2.1.2 Good Ending
    • 2.2 The Delicious Last Course
  • 3 Battle
    • 3.1 Phase 1
    • 3.2 Phase 2
    • 3.3 Phase 3
    • 3.4 Phase 4
    • 3.5 Dream Devil
  • 5 Other Media
    • 5.1 The Cuphead Show!
    • 5.2 Super Smash Bros.
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 External Links
  • 8 Navigation



The Devil has black fur, yellow eyes with red pupils (which are only seen in close-ups), two horns on his head, gray hands and feet and large, pointed ears. He also appears to be very tall and huge. He has a tail with a pointed end in artworks, but does not have one in the game, and is often smiling.


Much like the many depictions of Satan, the Devil is a cruel and malevolent being that grants deals to anyone who asks in exchange for their souls and servitude. He can be a manipulative and deceitful trickster as well, turning Cuphead and Mugman into his slaves despite agreeing to spare them if they hand over all of the soul contracts. He also lacks empathy towards everyone, including his own minions, as evident by him calling King Dice a "good-for-nothing lackey" after he has been beaten.

The Devil's main trait is that he is incredibly prideful of himself, believing he'll always win in the end as he brushes King Dice off when the latter tries to warn him about the brothers becoming stronger.

Powers and Abilities

The Devil possesses several supernatural powers, such as shape-shifting, casting incantations, and summoning lesser demons to aid him in battle. He's also a very successful con-artist, having tricked many individuals out of their souls. However, he can still be damaged by attacks like any other enemy.



In the past, the Devil made several deals with with various inhabitants of the Inkwell Isles in exchange for their souls. However, they all somehow managed to get away with their own soul contracts.

After they disobey Elder Kettle by venturing far from their house, Cuphead and Mugman somehow end up in Inkwell Hell and discover the Devil's Casino, where they get into a a winning streak while playing at the Craps table. Suddenly, the Devil himself approaches them and, seemingly impressed by their streak, offers the pair all of the loot in the casino if they win the next roll. However, if they lose, he would take their souls. Cuphead, blinded by greed, threw the dice before Mugman could stop him and came up snake-eyes. Having lost, the brothers begged the Devil not to take their souls and if there was anything else they could give him in exchange. Seeing an opportunity, the Devil made another deal with them: If they can gather the Soul Contracts from his other debtors before midnight, he would pardon their souls. He then booted them both out of his casino, while warning that he will take their souls if they fail him. He also sent out his right-hand man King Dice to keep an eye on them to make sure the pair fulfill their end of the bargain.

As one would expect, all the debtors were not keen on giving up their souls, forcing Cuphead and Mugman to fight and defeat them in order to obtain their Soul Contracts. At some point during their adventure, King Dice reports to his boss of their success rate thus far. The Devil himself wasn't too surprised, as he saw great potential within the two. Then when King Dice voices his concern about their growing power, the Devil tells him not to worry, as he'll be prepared if they ever turn on him.

Eventually, Cuphead and Mugman successfully retrieve all the Soul Contracts and return to the Devil's Casino. After dealing with King Dice (who tried to kill them himself after losing a bet), they approach the Devil in his throne room. He congratulates the two for all the work they've done and demands the Soul Contracts they've obtained. However, he goes back on his promise to spare their souls and instead offers them in joining him to wreak some havoc. What happens next depends on whether or not the player decides to give the demon what he wants.

Bad Ending

If the player agrees to hand over the contracts, Cuphead and Mugman (and Ms. Chalice if the player has the DLC) accept the Devil's offer. The Devil, delighted with their choice, turns the pair into his demonic minions and watches happily as they both maniacally laugh. Then the credits roll with a much more somber tune, nailing down the seemingly stupid decision the player made.

Good Ending

If the player refuses to give the Devil the contracts, this enrages him and prompts him to fight the brothers. In the end, the Devil is defeated and is forced to surrender. Cuphead and Mugman then destroy all the Soul Contracts by throwing them into fire, thus freeing Inkwell Isles and its inhabitants from his clutches.

The Delicious Last Course

The Devil is often mentioned in the story, with the inhabitants of Isle 4 thanking the cups for defeating him, claiming they've done the whole world a favor. With Ms. Chalice now a playable character in this DLC, you can go back to Isle 3 and confront the Devil while playing as her.

That said, there is a bonus battle with what seems to be the Devil in it. After following the steps needed to unlock the level "One Hell Of a Dream", the player starts the battle between the Angel and the Demon, with the Devil's skeleton, aka "Dream Devil", in the background. Once they are defeated, the player is given the Cursed Relic, and if they defeat several bosses with it, it turns into the Divine Relic.


During his intro, the Devil shows a scene of a cup being destroyed by a cleaver in his eyes, much to Cuphead, Mugman and/or Ms. Chalice's fear.

Phase 1

During his first phase, the Devil's attacks include using his trident to send fire around the stage and using an animal-based attack. Snake means the Devil's head will snake onto the stage. Spider involves the Devil pulling off his own head which then slams onto the stage like a Thwomp from the Super Mario series. Ram involves him trying to crush the player between his hands. This has to be dodged by a well-timed jump.

Phase 2

After taking enough damage, the Devil flees underground leaving behind his skin. Cuphead follows him into the hole, intent on defeating the fiend. After he lands, Cuphead finds that he is in even more danger, as his opponent has grown huge enough to crush him to a pulp.

The Devil's second phase involves five platforms the player has to jump around in between. Occasionally, a Poker Chip will fall from the ceiling, crushing anyone on a platform it chooses. These Poker Chips start their assault on one side, then move to the other. Touching them deals a little bit of damage. All the while, the Devil can turn his head to unleash a bat bomb which will explode if not parried. These bombs deal extreme damage to anyone caught in their explosion. Another attack involves the Devil summoning an axe from his eyes. These axes will spiral around the stage, dealing decent damage to anyone in their path.

Phase 3

During this phase, the Devil will become agitated. His new attacks involve summoning fat demons to aid him and creating small blue imps. The fat demons will shoot a skull out of their mouth (which deals a bit of damage) while the small blue imps spin their body to slice Cuphead into bits. Cuphead can use his parry to destroy the pink skulls, which deal less damage to their target.

Phase 4

After his eyes take enough damage, the Devil will begin crying in pain. This renders him helpless, so Cuphead merely needs to shoot the Devil a bit more to defeat him, but he must be fast, as poker chips will continuously fall on the one platform left. Once his stamina is drained, the Devil is finally defeated.

Dream Devil

The bonus battle in the DLC has only one phase. The Demon will constantly be in front of the player, and the Angel behind them, and they will switch places whenever the player turns around. Since the Angel can't harm the player, use this to avoid seemingly unescapable attacks from the Demon. The Demon's attacks consist of summoning three fireballs, the last of which can be parried, or creating a wall of fire.


Nice run, boys. Now how about we raise the stakes?
~ The Devil revealing himself to Cuphead and Mugman.
Win one more roll, and all the loot in my casino is yours! Bit if you lose, I'll have your souls! Deal?
~ The Devil making his deal with Cuphead
Snake eyes! You lose! Now, about those souls...
~ The Devil after Cuphead's loss.
Mugman: Th-there must be another w-way to repay you.
Cuphead: Yes, p-please, mister!
Devil: Hmm, perhaps there is. I have here a list of my runaway debtors. Collect their souls for me, and I might just pardon you two mugs.
~ The Devil agreeing to spare the cups if they recover the soul contracts.
Now get going! You have 'til midnight tomorrow to collect every one of those souls! Otherwise, I'll be the one collecting yours!
~ The Devil while literally kicking the cups out of his casino.
Dice: The little mugs have some fight in 'em, I'll say that much! They're makin' mincemeat outta them debtors!
Devil: You see!! I knew there was something special about those fellas!
Dice: Well, don't be so sure just yet, boss. I think there's something fishy about those two!
Devil: Don't blow your wig, Dice. If those two little finks try anything... I'll be waiting!!!
~ King Dice to Devil about the brothers' progress.
Well, well, well... look how far you've come! Not only did you bust up my good-for-nothing lackey, King Dice, but I see you've got my soul contracts, as agreed! Hand 'em over, and join my team!
~ The Devil going back on his word to spare the cups souls once they return with the soul contracts.
You're mine now! And we're gonna have a hell of a time down here!!!
~ The Devil if the player agrees to give him the soul contracts.
You broke our deal... now it's my turn to break you!!!
~ The Devil in the Phase 1 Death Screen
Anyone who opposes me will be destroyed!
~ The Devil in the Phase 2 Death Screen

Other Media

The Cuphead Show!

A different incarnation of the Devil appears as the main antagonist of the Netflix series, The Cuphead Show!, where he is voiced by Luke Millington-Drake in English and Kenyu Horiuchi in Japanese.

Super Smash Bros.

The Devil appears in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, first introduced during the "Ready? Wallop!" Spirit Board event as an advanced support spirit that increases power and resistance to energy shots. His spirit battle is against a giant Mewtwo equipped with Death's Scythe and who's attacks become more powerful at high percentage. The battle is fought on the underground cavern portion of Castle Siege, and Bomberman can be summoned as a hostile Assist Trophy.


  • The Devil takes his battle theme from a chaotic remix of various boss battle themes in the game. This remix is called Admission Into Perdition.
    • During the second phase, this is replaced by the more chaotic One Hell Of A Time. Both themes probably mean that Cuphead and Mugman are fighting not only for their own lives, but those of the other debtors.
    • During the Dream Devil boss fight, the song is called One Hell Of A Dream and is a remix of Admission Into Perdition.
  • Out of all the bosses in the game, the Devil and those who directly work for him are the only bosses who are truly evil. All the other bosses that Cuphead had to fight before arriving in Inkwell Hell had clear motivations (most likely their fear of their souls being taken) and redeemable qualities.
  • It's unknown why the Devil relied on Cuphead and Mugman to retrieve the soul contracts rather than doing it himself or sending King Dice to do so. It might be because he is too lazy to do so himself. However, in the TV series, the Devil actively tries to snatch Cuphead's soul himself rather than relying on any minions.

External Links


The Devil (Cuphead) (1) Villains

Main Game
The Devil |King Dice |Casino Bosses
The Delicious Last Course
Chef Saltbaker |Moonshine Mob |The Devil |Angel and Demon |Mortimer Freeze

The Cuphead Show!
The Devil |Henchman |King Dice |Stickler |Baby Bottle |Ribby and Croaks
The Root Pack |Cala Maria |Baroness Von Bon Bon |Ludwig |Birnbaum Quadruplets |Werner Werman |Penguin Caretakers

The Devil (Cuphead) (2) Villains

Playable Characters
Bowser |Bowser Jr. |Dark Pit |Dark Samus |Donkey Kong |Enderman |Ganondorf |Incineroar |Kazuya Mishima |King Dedede |King K. Rool |Koopalings (Larry, Roy, Wendy, Iggy, Morton, Lemmy, Ludwig) |Mario |Meta Knight |Mewtwo |Piranha Plant |Ridley |R.O.B. |Sephiroth |Wario |Wolf O'Donnell |Zombie

Subspace Army
Ancient Minister |Bowser |Bullet Bills |Duon |False Bowser |False Diddy Kong |False Peach |False Samus |False Zelda |Galleom |Ganondorf |Goombas |Hammer Bros. |King Statue |Koopa Troopas |Master Hand |Petey Piranha |Primids |Rayquaza |Ridley |Porky Minch |Shadow Bugs |Tabuu |Wario

World of Light
Crazy Hand |Dharkon |Dracula |Galeem |Galleom |Ganon |Giga Bowser |Master Hand |Marx

Crazy Hand |Dark Emperor |Dharkon |Dracula |Duon |Galeem |Galleom |Ganon |Giga Bowser |Marx |Master Hand |Master Core |Metal Face |Petey Piranha |Porky Minch |Rayquaza |Ridley |Tabuu |Yellow Devil

Assists Trophies/Poké Ball Pokémon/Miscellaneous Items
Andross |Arceus |Black Knight |Bob-ombs |Boss Galaga |Bullet Bills |Burrowing Snagrets |Chain Chomps |Chef Kawasaki |Darkrai |Deoxys |Devil |Dr. Wily |Entei |Elec Man |Ghirahim |Giratina |Ghosts |Gray Fox |Hammer Bros. |Klaptrap |Knuckle Joes |Kyurem |Lakitu |Lord Nightmare |Metroid |Meowth |Mimikyu |Mother Brain |Palkia |Phosphora |Shadow the Hedgehog |Skull Kid |Spinies |Starman |Unira |Unown |Waluigi

Acro |Affinity |Akuma |Alraune |Albert Wesker |Amalthus |Andrew Oikonny |Antasma |Aparoids |Aparoid Queen |Arlon |Ashnard |Axel |Baba |Baby Bowser |Babylon Rogues (Jet the Hawk, Wave the Swallow, Storm the Albatross) |Balrog |Banzai Bills |Bass |Big Boss |Bio Rex |Birdo |Black Shadow |Blood Falcon |Bokoblins |Blippers |Bloopers |Bombers |Bonkers |Boos |Boom Boom |Boom Stompers |Box Boxer |Boxy |Broom Hatters |Bugzzy |Bumpety Bombs |Bulborbs |Burt the Bashful |Buzzy Beetles |Byrne |Cackletta |Calamity Ganon |Camus |Cappys |Captain Syrup |Carmilla |Chandelure |Chaos |Chaos Kin |Chargin' Chucks |Chozo Soldiers |Clubberskulls |Colonel Pluck |Condor |Careening Dirigibugs |Cragalanche |Creepers |Creeping Chrysanthemums |Count Bleck |Count Cannoli |Cranky Kong/Donkey Kong (arcade) |Daphnes |Dark Man 4 |Dark Matter |Dark Matter Blade |Dark Mind |Dark Monita |Darknuts |Daroach |Deadly Six (Zavok, Master Zik, Zeena, Zomom, Zazz, Zor) |Death |Deathborn |Deep Cut |Devil Jin |Demise |Demon King Arzodius |Diggernaut |Dimentio |DJ Octavio |Don Bongo |Donkey Kong Jr. |Drackys |Dragaux |Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik |Dry Bones |Eagle |E-123 Omega |Edelgard von Hresvelg |Eggplant Wizard |EggRobos |Emerl |E.M.M.I. |Ender Dragon |Erazor Djinn |Evil Ryu |Father Balder |Fawful |Fiery Blowhogs |Flages |Fortitudo |FU |Fynalle |Gabriel Belmont |Gangrel |Galacta Knight |Galactic Fiend Kraken |Garon |Gengar |General Guy |Geese Howard |Gharnef |Ghasts |Ghosts |Gleeoks |Goda |Gold Bone |Golems (Kirby) |Golems (Dragon Quest) |Gomorrah |Gooper Blooper |Gordos |Goro Akechi |Great Reaper |Great Sabrecats |Grief |Gruntilda |Guardians |Hades |Hawke |Heihachi Mishima |Helmaroc King |Hewdraw |Hooktail |Hoopa Unbound |Hot Heads |Igor |Infinite |Ing |Inspired |Iori Yagami |Iridescent Flint Beetles |Iridescent Glint Beetles |Iron Golems |Jade Face |Jeanne |Jin |Jin Kazama |Julius |Juri Han |Kalypso |Kamek |Kammy Koopa |Kanden |Karate Kong |Kass |King Bob-omb |King Boo |King Dice |King Dodongo |King Hippo |King Knight |King Olly |King Slimes |Kip |Kludge |Kracko |Kraid |Kritters |Kuma II |Kyle Merkulov |Leon Powalski |Lethiniums |Liquid Snake |Loptr |Lord Fredrik |Louie |Lurchthorns |Lyon |MB |M. Bison |Magnamalo |Magolor |Mahvas |Majora |Malladus |Malos |Masked Man |Master Belch |Master Kohga |Mecha Ridley |Medeus |Medusa |Megontas |Meta-Knights (Axe Knight, Javelin Knight, Mace Knight, Trident Knight, Blade Knights, Heavy Lobster) |Metal Sonic |Metroid Prime |Mimicuties |Moblins |Mockiwis |Moley |Monoeyes |Mouser |Mr. Frosty |Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright |Mugly |Nabbit |Natah |Necrozma |Nihilego |Nightmare |Nina Williams |Ninja Kong |Nipper Plants |Noxus |Nruffs |Nutskis |O'Chunks |Octoman |Octoroks |Olaf |Ornes |Pandora |Panther Caroso |Paper Bowser |Parasite Queen |Paz Ortega Andrade |Peckish Aristocrabs |Phantom Ganon |Pico |Pidgits |Piglins |Pigma Dengar |Pigmasks |Plague Knight |Plasma Wisps |Plasm Wraith |Pom Pom |Pompy |Poppy Bros. Jrs. |Princess Shroob |Quaggled Mireclops |Queen Metroid |Queen Sectonia |Rabbid Kong |Rabbids |Raphael the Raven |Reapers |Redd |Reshiram |Rhea |Revolver Ocelot |Riku |Risky Boots |Robot Masters (Cut Man, Guts Man, Ice Man, Bomb Man, Fire Man, Metal Man, Air Man, Quick Man, Crash Man, Flash Man, Wood Man, Hard Man, Top Man, Spark Man, Snake Man, Shadow Man, Drill Man, Dive Man, Skull Man, Gravity Man, Napalm Man, Knight Man, Wind Man, Slash Man, Sword Man, Galaxy Man) |Rockys |Rodin, the Infinite One |Roger the Potted Ghost |Rouge the Bat |Rufus Shinra |Ryuichi and Ryuji |Sagat |Salamence |Scarfies |Scurvy Crew |Shadow Beasts |Shadow Queen |Shaft |Shake King |Sheegoth |Shield Knight |Shotzos |Shroobs |Shy Guys |Sidesteppers |Sigma |Sir Kibbles |Skeletons |Skuttlers |Slimes (Dragon Quest) |Slimes (Minecraft) |Smoky Progs |Snowmads |Solidus Snake |Space Pirates (Kid Icarus) |Space Pirates (Metroid) |Specknoses |Specter Knight |Spire |Squeakers |Starmans |Stu |Swooping Snitchbugs |Sylux |Tacs |Tatanga |Thanatos |The Devil |The Skull |Therion |The Three Mage-Sisters (Francisca, Flamberge, Zan Partizanne) |Tiki Tak Tribe (Tiki Tong, Kalimba, Gong-Oh, Maraca Gang, Wacky Pipes, Cordian, Banjo Bottom, Xylobone) |Trace |Travis Touchdown |Turks (Elena, Reno, Rude, Tseng) |Turret Tusk |Twinbellows |Twinrova |Ultimate Chimera |Vaati |Validar |Vega |Viridi |Viruses |Vivian |Vorash |Waddle Dees |Waddle Doos |Walhart |Walkys |Wart |Weavel |Wheelies |Whispy Woods |Whomps |Wigglers |Wollywogs |Xord |X-Parasites |Yaldabaoth |Yuga |Yveltal |Zangief |Zant |Zekrom |Zero |Zingers |Zoda |Zurees

Billy Kane |Chang Koehan |Choi Bounge |Dr. Coyle |Dragonborn |Grima |Organization XIII (Master Xehanort, Xemnas, Ansem, Vanitas) |Ryuji Yamazaki |Saïx | Solon |Spiders |Springtron |Team Rocket Grunts |Yiga Foot Soldiers

The Devil (Cuphead) (2024)


The Devil (Cuphead)? ›

The Devil is one of the two bosses that threaten to kill Cuphead during their introduction, the other being Djimmi The Great. Out of all the death screens in the game, The Devil's final phase death screen is the only death screen that shows a dead Cuphead and Mugman.

What is the name of the demon in Cuphead? ›

The Devil is one of the two bosses that threaten to kill Cuphead during their introduction, the other being Djimmi The Great. Out of all the death screens in the game, The Devil's final phase death screen is the only death screen that shows a dead Cuphead and Mugman.

Why does the devil cry in Cuphead? ›

After his eyes take enough damage, the Devil will begin crying in pain. This renders him helpless, so Cuphead merely needs to shoot the Devil a bit more to defeat him, but he must be fast, as poker chips will continuously fall on the one platform left. Once his stamina is drained, the Devil is finally defeated.

Does Cuphead turn evil? ›

Bad ending

If Yes is chosen, The Devil proclaims that the brothers now belong to him and that they're going to have "a hell of a time" in Inkwell Hell. The scene then switches to Cuphead and Mugman being transformed into more demonic beings with evil grins on their faces while The Devil smiles in triumph.

Is Cuphead the bad guy? ›

No one is the bad guy in cuphead except The Devil,King Dice,and possibly the casino bosses,the normal bosses just wanted to keep their souls same with Cuphead and Mugman,fortunately,its revealed the soul contracts were burned and the normal bosses were free from The Devil contracts.

How did King Dice lose everything? ›

After the events of Roll the Dice and Release the Demons!, King Dice having already been fired by the Devil, lost all of his fame and fortune, along with his game show studio, which was shut down, and he is shown to now live in the alleyway next to his former studio.

Is Cuphead a creepy game? ›

Frightening & Intense Scenes (10) Some of the bosses and enemies could be scary for younger players. The "bad ending" is rather disturbing. The devil is mentioned frequently and this may scare younger children.

What is Cuphead afraid of? ›

Even before this event, Cuphead shows great fear of the Devil, gasping when he appears in front of him. Since then, he is terrified of the Devil taking his soul, as evidenced by his nightmare at the beginning of the episode "Sweater Off Dead", even though he tries in vain to hide it.

How old is King Dice? ›

The designer of King Dice, Joseph Coleman, stated King Dice is 110 years old jokingly. Prior to update 1.2, in his dialogue when passing the second Die House, King Dice would say "cupface" instead of "bums". This change was probably done due to the similarity between the word and Cuphead's name.

Can you beat Cuphead without killing anyone? ›

However, the most skilled players will be able to not only survive but make it to the end of certain levels without firing so much as a single shot. This guide tells players how to get the Pacifist Achievement/Trophy in Cuphead.

Can you parry the devil's tears? ›

The Devil will just cry, and tears starts falling. They are pink and can be parried. Only one platform remains. Beware of the chip as it can only fall on one platforms now so always parry when avoiding being hit by the chip to also not get hit by the tears.

Is there an angel in Cuphead? ›

How to Defeat The Secret Boss in Cuphead - The Delicious Last Course. The secret boss in Cuphead's DLC has a unique gimmick when compared to all the other ones in the game. You'll start a battle against one angel and one devil while walking to the right, but they will change appearances as soon as you move to the left.

Why is Cuphead in jail? ›

Cuphead and Mugman are in the slammer after breaking into the cookie factory.

Is Cuphead a child? ›

According to Evan Skolnick, Cuphead is an adolescent. However, in a Twitter response to a fan, the Studio MDHR jokingly described Cuphead as a "kidult". Despite this, Cuphead goes to elementary school, according to Carnival Chaos, Cuphead goes to Inkwell Elementary.

What does evil Cuphead look like? ›

Appearance. Cuphead wears purple shorts and has a purple straw that has been partially bitten off. His eyes are now yellow with wrinkles behind it, and his black round pupils have a red tint in the middle. He has teeth that are shaped like waves, and his nose is now purple.

What is the name of the dragon in Cuphead? ›

Grim Matchstick is the dragon boss in Cuphead. He appears in Inkwell Isle Two and is fought in the Fiery Frolic level.

What is the name of the siren in Cuphead? ›

Cala Maria has a physical appearance reminiscent of a typical humanoid female character. She is a giant, tall, slender mermaid with fairly wide hips and a small waist.

What is the name of the dice in Cuphead? ›

King Dice is the right-hand man of the Devil and the secondary antagonist of Cuphead, making his very first appearance in the game in the opening cutscene.

What is the name of the clown in Cuphead? ›

Beppi The Clown is a boss in Cuphead that is fought in the Carnival Kerfuffle level of Inkwell Isle Two.

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