Preparing clear gelatin for Gelatin Art (2024)

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Preparing clear gelatin for gelatin art is simple and easy, but remember, it takes a long time for gelatin to set, so plan ahead and prepare it a day in advance.


  • 3 tablespoons gelatin powder (30gr)
  • 2 cups white sugar (400g)
  • 4 cups water (1L)
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid powder
  • Foodflavoring

( The amount of food flavoring you add will depend on the kind of flavoring you use. Since the gelatin base is already sweet and a bit sour from the citric acid, citrus and fruit flavors tend to give the best results. You can also add lemon juice if you do not wish to use artificial flavors but be careful about using natural citrus oils as they don’t dissolve in water and remain as greasy spots on the surface. )


Mix 3 tablespoons of gelatin powder with 1 cup of cold water and letit soak (bloom) for 10-15 min until all the water has been absorbed.

Preparing clear gelatin for Gelatin Art (1)

Heat 3 cups of water, 2 cups of sugar and 1 teaspoon of citric acid in a saucepan, stirring occasionally to dissolve all ingredients. Remove from heat whenyou notice vapor appearing above the water.

(Do not let the water reach the boiling point!)

Preparing clear gelatin for Gelatin Art (2)

Add the soaked gelatin.
Stir until it dissolves completely and there are noclumps left in the liquid

Preparing clear gelatin for Gelatin Art (3)

Add flavoring as desired.

Preparing clear gelatin for Gelatin Art (4)

Let it cool in the pan for 1-2 hours at room temperature until it becomes clear and the foam disappears from the surface.

Preparing clear gelatin for Gelatin Art (5)

Pour into desired containers and remove all air bubbles from the surface.

Preparing clear gelatin for Gelatin Art (6)

Leave in the fridge for several hours or overnight.

Preparing clear gelatin for Gelatin Art (7)

When gelatin has fully set, close the containers with matching lids or cover them with foil to prevent them from drying. Dry surface will crack and tear when cut with sharp tools.

Preparing clear gelatin for Gelatin Art (8)

To purchase gelatin art supplies visit our online store here.

Preparing clear gelatin for Gelatin Art (2024)
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