Poblano Vs Serrano - Foods Guy (2024)

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When it comes to hot peppers, there is a whole world to discover. Two popular peppers used in Mexican cuisine that have made their way to the United States are the poblano and serrano peppers.

While you may be more familiar with the jalapeno pepper, the serrano and poblano peppers deserve a spot in your culinary repetoire thanks to their unique flavors and different spice levels.

Jalapenos tend to fall between serrano and poblano peppers in terms of spiciness. That makes these chiles a great choice for folks who are looking for either milder or spicier alternatives to the jalapeno.

So, what is the difference between these peppers? Serrano peppers are smaller, thinner, and much spicier than poblano peppers. Poblanos are generally dark green, with a thick skin, and a wide base that tapers to a point. They are also quite a mild chile pepper.

Read on to discover the differences between serrano and poblano peppers, the best ways to prepare them, and some fun recipes to use them in.

Which Is Spicier: A Poblano Or Serrano Pepper?

When it comes to measuring the spiciness of peppers, most people use something called the Scoville Scale.

This measurement tool helps to classify peppers from mildest to spiciest and ranges from 0 SHU (Scoville Heat Units) to the millions, with 2,200,000 being one of the highest scores.

Bell peppers are sweet and not at all spicy, so they measure about 0 on the Scoville scale, while the Carolina Reaper clocks in between 1,400,000 to 2,200,000 SHU.

One of the peppers that most people are familiar with is the jalapeno pepper, so I’m going to use that as a reference for the spiciness of poblano and serrano peppers.

Jalapenos are on the lower end of the Scoville scale with an average rating of 2,500–8,000 depending on the pepper.

So if you enjoy the spiciness of jalapenos, you should be comfortable eating either a poblano (a little milder) or a serrano (slightly spicier) pepper.

  • Poblano peppers are a little larger than jalapenos, but have a milder spice level. These differences can make them a perfect choice for people who are looking for the flavor of a pepper without the intense spiciness. These peppers typically measure in at 1,500 SHU.
  • Serrano peppers look similar to jalapenos, but they are a little spicier clocking in around 10,000 to 23,000 SHU. These peppers are a perfect option for people who love extra spice and kick to their meals.

When it comes to comparing the spiciness of poblano and serrano peppers, the poblano is going to be the choice for folks who like a mild spicy level. It can be anywhere from about 1/9th to about 1/15th less spicy than a serrano pepper.

Can You Make Hot Peppers Less Spicy?

One trick to make your spicier peppers taste a little milder is to remove the seeds and the inside flesh. Lots of the capsaicin (one of the compounds in spicy peppers) is found in the white pith or rib of chili peppers.

Seeds in chili peppers are typically found in and around the pith/rib inside the flesh of the pepper. The contact between seeds and pith means that the seeds can also be coated in capsaicin, even though they don’t technically contain any of this compound themselves.

That’s not to say that peppers with the pith and seeds won’t have a nice kick to them, but they can be a milder alternative if you’re not a fan of screaming hot peppers.

How Do You Prepare A Serrano Pepper?

Serrano peppers have a crispy, bright flavor that is much spicier than a jalapeno. Generally, these chiles are enjoyed raw in salsas, like pico de gallo, and other dishes.

These peppers will be green when unripened and can turn red, brown, orange, or yellow as it matures.

You can eat the peppers in their green, unripened state. You can also try roasting them to deepen the flavor and add a little complexity and smokiness to balance the spiciness.

If you want your peppers to be slightly milder, then you can slice them in half and remove the white pith and seeds.

The pith concentrates the capsaicin, which is responsible for the heat level in a chile. Since the seeds are in close contact with the pith, they can be coated in capsaicin.

Removing both these parts of the pepper can make them less spicy and give a cleaner texture to enjoy them raw.

How Do You Prepare A Poblano Pepper?

Poblano peppers can be prepared in a few different ways to highlight their unique flavor profile.

Dried poblanos are called ancho chilis. One of the most common uses for ancho chiles is in adobo rojo de chiles. This mixture is a marinade that is used in dishes such as tacos al pastor.

When you roast poblano peppers, it brings out more of the fruity flavors of the pepper. It also makes it easy to remove the skin, which can sometimes be a little tough or difficult to digest.

Which Pepper Is Better For Stuffing: Poblano or Serrano?

When it comes to making stuffed peppers, it is going to be easier to use a poblano pepper than a serrano pepper simply because of their size differences.

Poblano peppers are much larger than serrano peppers, so they are going to be easier to deseed and stuff.

If you want a stuffed pepper that is spicier, then you can use your poblano pepper as the container and chop up a serrano pepper and add it to your filling mixture. That way, you get the best of both worlds.

Poblano peppers are the most commonly used pepper to make chile relleno. This dish is made with a roasted pepper that is stuffed with cheese, then coated in egg and fried.

Typically, it will be served with a flavorful sauce to compliment the flavors of the chile relleno.

What Different Dishes Can You Make With Poblano And Serrano Peppers?

When it comes to enjoying your serrano and poblano peppers there are a lot of ways you can use them. In fact, you can use them interchangeably in many recipes since, in general, the only thing it will change is the heat level.

Poblano peppers are much milder than serrano peppers measuring in at about 1,500 SHU versus 10,000 to 23,000 SHU. So the main thing you need to figure out when using these peppers is how hot you want your final dish to be.

Remember, if you prepare them as above, you can remove the pith and seeds to make them slightly milder.

Since capsaicin, the compound responsible for most of the spiciness in peppers, is concentrated in the pith and coats the seeds, removing both can help decrease spice level.

Below I’ll outline a few delicious ways you can enjoy serrano and poblano peppers depending on your taste buds and spice preference.

Use Serrano Or Poblano Peppers As Alternatives To Jalapenos In Poppers

One delicious way to enjoy these peppers is as an alternative to jalapeno peppers when making jalapeno poppers.

  • Poblano peppers are a little larger than jalapenos, but have that milder spice level so you get more pepper flavor than spice in your popper. These differences can make them a perfect option for people who may want their popper to be less snack-sized and more of an appetizer.
  • Serrano peppers are a little smaller and thinner than jalapenos, but they are a little spicier clocking in around 10,000 to 23,000 SHU. These peppers are a perfect option for people who love extra spice in their poppers and who may want a daintier popper.

Try Roasting Serrano Or Poblano Peppers And Adding To Dressings

Roasting your peppers is a great way to add another layer of smoky flavor to your dishes. It also softens the flesh to make it easier to work with.

A great way to use your serrano or poblano peppers is to roast them, peel off the skins, and add them to sauces, dips, or dressings.

Try some of these suggestions. Remember serrano = heat, poblano = mild pepper flavor:

  • You can finely chop the pieces and add them to salsas or guacamoles.
  • Add them to mole sauces for complex flavors and a hint of spice.
  • Puree them into salad dressings or yogurt dips.
  • Chop them up and add to relish for a sneaky hit of smoky spice.

Add Chopped Pieces To Corn Bread

Jalapeno is a common addition to corn bread, but you can use either poblanos or serrano peppers to add a different dimension of flavor to this classic side dish.

Take Your Soups To The Next Level

You can add either raw or roasted serrano or poblano peppers to your favorite vegetable soups, chilis, stews, or curries for a layer of peppery spicy flavor that will awaken the taste buds.

Add Chopped Peppers To Hashes

There’s something incredibly satiating about a hash made with veggies and adding some poblano or serrano peppers can round out the rich flavors with a bit of fruitiness or spiciness.

Up Next: Can You Freeze Jalapeno Poppers?

Poblano Vs Serrano - Foods Guy (1)


Hey, I'm Jaron and I'm a self-proclaimed food expert and author of this website! I'll be honest with you, I started this website because someone told me I couldn't and I needed to prove them wrong. Along my journey, I actually really fell in love with writing about food. I hope you found value from whatever article you read, and if you have any remaining questions, don't hesitate to contact me!

Poblano Vs Serrano - Foods Guy (2024)


Can I use serrano instead of poblano? ›

Serrano Pepper

Serrano peppers are a good substitute for Poblano peppers because they have a similar taste profile but with a very high Scoville rating. Replace Poblano peppers with Serrano peppers in dishes that call for roasted, diced, or pureed peppers. For every 3 Poblano peppers, use 1 Serrano pepper.

Which is hotter jalapeno serrano or poblano? ›

Jalapenos are much hotter than poblanos. Jalapenos taste similar to serrano but slightly hotter. It has a bit of a grassy flavor, ideal for salads or stuffed peppers. In comparison, the flavor of jalapenos is much sharper than that of poblanos.

What is hotter than poblano? ›

Jalapeno: Which is Hotter? Jalapenos are significantly hotter than poblanos -- so no substituting!

How do you tell the difference between a poblano and a jalapeno? ›

The jalapeño has a pod-like shape to it – two to three inches long and slightly curved. It has a definite chili pepper look. The poblano, on the other hand, looks more like a bell pepper, long (up to four inches) but also wide.

Is serrano and poblano the same? ›

So, what is the difference between these peppers? Serrano peppers are smaller, thinner, and much spicier than poblano peppers. Poblanos are generally dark green, with a thick skin, and a wide base that tapers to a point. They are also quite a mild chile pepper.

Are serrano peppers a good substitute for poblano peppers? ›

Serrano peppers can be green, red, orange, or yellow. Use chopped Serrano pepper more sparingly as a substitution for chopped poblano pepper. Using it at a 1:1 level will make the dish very spicy.

Is poblano very spicy? ›

The poblano is a mild to medium-heat pepper measuring between 1,000 and 2,000 on the Scoville Scale. They're hotter than banana peppers but not as spicy as jalapeno peppers, which range between 2,500 to 8,000 Scoville Heat Units.

Does Chipotle use serrano peppers? ›

Chipotle are made from ripe red jalapeños, so the capsaicin in them is at its peak as they remained longer on the vine prior to picking. Capsaicin is what gives chilies their heat, so expect a higher overall median heat from chipotle compared to unripened fresh green jalapeños.

What is the hottest Mexican pepper? ›

Habanero Chilli

Finally, we have the habanero chilli, the hottest chilli in Mexico, worthy of respect even among those who eat it regularly. Originally from the Yucatan peninsula, it is the most commonly used hot pepper in Mexican cuisine, and surprisingly, it has been proven that it does not cause gastritis.

How hot is serrano pepper? ›

Serrano peppers (pronounced seh-RAH-noh) are hot, literally. With a ranking of 5,000 to 15,000 Scoville units on the chili heat scale, serranos are up to five times hotter than their cousin, the jalapeño. (Jalapeños are rated at 2,000 to 5,000 units.

What does poblano taste like? ›

They taste similar to a green bell pepper with a little more kick. Cooking poblanos mellows them even more, making them slightly sweet. Ripe poblanos are red and tend to be spicier than unripe, green peppers. They're often dried and sold as ancho chiles, and they add a peppery, slightly smoky flavor to dishes.

Which is hotter serrano or habanero? ›

Serrano vs Habanero Peppers

For one, habaneros are around 10x hotter than serranos. They also come from another pepper species (C. chinense). Red habanero peppers.

Why do you peel the skin off poblano peppers? ›

Poblano chiles are a mild green chile typically used to prepare chiles rellenos, rajas con queso, and crema de poblano. They need to be roasted and peeled before cooking to remove the tough outer skin which is difficult to digest. Roasting also adds flavor.

Do you peel the skin off of poblano peppers? ›

If you are eating poblano peppers fresh, you don't need to peel the skin (although it is fairly tough). Much like roasted red peppers, roasted poblano peppers have papery, unappetizing skins so it's best to remove them.

What is another name for poblano? ›

The poblano (Capsicum annuum) is a mild chili pepper originating in the state of Puebla, Mexico. Dried, it is called ancho or chile ancho, from the Spanish word ancho ("wide"). Stuffed fresh and roasted it is popular in chiles rellenos poblanos.

Which pepper is closest to poblano? ›

Ancho chili peppers

Ancho peppers are simply dried Poblanos, but they may be easier to find in stores, although they are still harder to come across than Bell peppers or Jalapeños, but it's worth looking for them because they will be able to provide the closest match to Poblanos.

Do serrano peppers taste like jalapeno? ›

These spicy, grassy peppers originated in Mexico, but they have a couple of key differences: heat and size. Serranos are very similar in taste to jalapeños, but they're two to five times hotter.

Are serrano peppers anti inflammatory? ›

Serrano peppers include immense nutrients, which have many health benefits. For example, it contains potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C, calcium, vitamin A and much more. In addition, its high antioxidant content reduces oxidative stress. Also, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

What can I use in place of poblano? ›

Best Substitutes for Poblano Peppers
  • Bell Peppers. Bell peppers are the best option to serve as a poblano substitute. ...
  • Anaheim Peppers. Anaheim peppers are the perfect poblano chili alternative. ...
  • Jalapeños. ...
  • Cubanelle Peppers. ...
  • New Mexico Chilies. ...
  • Ancho Chilies. ...
  • Guajillo Pepper. ...
  • Cayenne Peppers.
6 Apr 2021

Why are serrano peppers not spicy? ›

Serrano peppers have a “delayed fuse,” meaning their heat takes a moment to fully kick in after it hits the palate. The level of heat for serranos often depends on their size (smaller often means hotter), color (unripe, green peppers tend to be milder), and the exposure they've had to the sun.

Can poblano peppers burn your hands? ›

It's not only your mouth that can catch fire with spicy chilies. Your hands, your eyes, really anywhere you have skin, can suffer from chili burn. But hands, of course, are the most common, and they can transfer the pain elsewhere if not remedied quickly.

Which is hotter poblano or habanero? ›

The relatively mild poblano weighs in at about 1,500 Scoville heat units (SHU), while the super-hot habañero packs a whopping 250,000 SHUs (or more).

What is the mildest pepper? ›

The mildest peppers such as sweet bell peppers and cherry peppers are at the bottom of the Scoville scale. In the middle are peppers like Serrano, yellow hot wax peppers, and red cayenne peppers. At the hottest end of the heat scale are the Habanero and the Scotch Bonnet.

Which pepper is used most at chipotle restaurant? ›

Our namesake ingredient, the chipotle chili pepper is a dried and smoked jalapeño produced using the age-old craft of smoking them over pecan wood for several days. These intensely smoky, spicy peppers are the foundation for much of the food we serve - from our chicken, steak, and Barbacoa to our beans and vinaigrette.

Which pepper is most spicy at chipotle restaurant? ›

Cayenne pepper or red chili pepper is the spiciest pepper at Chipotle. It has a 30000 to 50000 Scoville heat scale, much higher than Serrano peppers, Anaheim peppers, and Chipotle pepper.

What's hotter chipotle or Serrano? ›

Chipotles can range in heat from 2,500 to 8,000 Scoville units, making them much hotter than ancho chiles (1,000–1,500 SHU) but milder than tiny red chiles de árbol (15,000–30,000 SHU). Overall, they fall on the lower end of the spectrum beneath other reputable peppers such as the Tabasco, Serrano, and Habanero.

What is the tastiest hot pepper? ›

In talking with many pepper enthusiasts, we've found the Habanero to be universally considered to be one of the best tasting peppers.

What are the top 3 hottest peppers in the world? ›

According to PepperHead, here are the five peppers that pack the most heat:
  • Carolina Reaper: 2,200,000 SHU.
  • Trinidad Moruga Scorpion: 2,009,231 SHU.
  • 7 Pot Douglah: 1,853,936 SHU.
  • 7 Pot Primo: 1,469,000 SHU.
  • Trinidad Scorpion Butch T: 1,463,700 SHU.
3 Aug 2022

What are the 4 famous chillies used in Mexican cuisine? ›

Here are some of the most popular chiles used in Mexican cuisine.
  • Jalapeño. The Jalapeño is a fresh chile, which can be found in its red or green form. ...
  • Chipotle. Ripe Jalapeño chiles are smoked and dried to get the Chipotle chile peppers. ...
  • Serrano. ...
  • Poblano. ...
  • Habanero.

Can you eat serrano peppers raw? ›

These peppers can be eaten raw or simply chopped and added to dishes as desired. Serranos don't need to be peeled since the walls of the skin are very thin. While usually used fresh, you can also dry serrano peppers. It's not as common as other dried peppers because of the meatiness of the flesh.

Are serrano peppers too hot? ›

Serranos are far from the hottest peppers on the planet (the Carolina Reaper ranks first at 1,400,000 SHU) but the serrano pepper is still a hot chile. Serranos will vary in heat depending on their size—the smaller the pepper the stronger the burning sensation.

What pepper is closest to serrano? ›

Jalapeños are closely related to serrano peppers, making them an excellent alternative. If you need an alternate pepper that is similar to the serrano, reach for jalapeño peppers! Jalapeños are slightly less spicy than serranos, but still have a decent kick to help add heat to your meal.

Can you eat raw poblano? ›

They can be enjoyed raw in salsas and other dips, as well as added to chilis, taco meat, or sauces. To prepare a poblano pepper for these dishes, halve the pepper lengthwise, remove the stem and seeds, and then dice it into pieces. You can also roast poblano peppers whole and then remove the skin, stem, and seeds.

What does a poblano turn into? ›

Dried ancho chilis: Ripened, red poblano peppers become ancho peppers once they are dry. These dried ancho peppers make for a tasty snack or can be a useful ingredient in ground chili powder. 3. Mole sauce: There are many different variations of this thick, spicy Mexican sauce recipe.

How hot is a poblano pepper compared to a bell pepper? ›

They measure between 1,000 - 2,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU) on the Scoville Scale. Compare that to a bell pepper, which has no heat and measures at 0 SHU and a jalapeno pepper which tops out around 8,000 SHU, and you will get an idea of the poblano heat level.

Which is hotter Sriracha or serrano? ›

The Scoville Scale was created in 1912 by Wilbur Scoville to measure the hotness of chile peppers. The chemical found in chile peppers that gives them their heat is called capsaicin.
How Hot Is Sriracha?
PepperScoville Heat Units (SHU)
Serrano Peppers5,000-19,000
Pasilla Peppers1,000-1,500
Bell PeppersNo Heat
5 more rows

Is Anaheim pepper hotter than serrano? ›

Serrano Peppers are a variety of chili pepper that typically register between 10,000 and 25,000 heat units on the Scoville Scale, and have a fiery and sharp flavor. Anaheim Peppers are a mild variety of chile pepper and typically register between 500 and 2,500 heat units on the Scoville Scale.

Which is hotter serrano or Thai chili? ›

A lesser-heat fresh alternative: Serrano pepper

At their hottest, they'd still be four times milder than the hottest Thai chili you'd experience. But the serrano pepper is one of the hottest chilies with a milder flavor that you'll find fresh in many mainstream supermarkets.

Which is hotter poblano or ancho? ›

Ancho chiles are only as spicy as poblano peppers. They measure about 1,000-1,500 SHU on the Scoville Scale. This is a very mild pepper. In comparison, jalapeno peppers, are much spicier.

Which is hotter Anaheim or poblano? ›

The Poblano is a mild chili pepper but more spicy than Anaheim. Poblano is unique in its elongated, slightly twisted heart shape with a pointed tip and dark green color. Anaheim is longer, skinnier and has a light green color.

Which is hotter habanero or poblano? ›

The relatively mild poblano weighs in at about 1,500 Scoville heat units (SHU), while the super-hot habañero packs a whopping 250,000 SHUs (or more).

Which chili is hotter Anaheim or poblano? ›

Although slightly spicier than Anaheim peppers, poblano peppers have a similar flavor profile, making them an excellent replacement. Green bell peppers. With more of a garden-fresh flavor and less complexity, green bell peppers are the next-best choice if you can't find Anaheim or poblano peppers.

Do poblano peppers get hotter when they turn red? ›

Different peppers from the same plant have been reported to vary substantially in heat intensity. The ripened red poblano is significantly hotter and more flavorful than the less ripe, green poblano.

What is a dried serrano pepper called? ›

Dried Serrano = Chile Seco* (or more specifically: balin, chico, tipico and largo)

Will poblano peppers turn red? ›

It takes a while for poblanos to turn red—you have to keep them on the vine and resist picking them when they're green. But when the red ones show up, watch out: Here at Frontera we go a little crazy with them, in the restaurants, in the test kitchen and in our homes.

What is the most flavorful hot pepper? ›

In talking with many pepper enthusiasts, we've found the Habanero to be universally considered to be one of the best tasting peppers.

What is the mildest green chili? ›

Poblano Chile (1,000-1,500)

These medium-sized dark green peppers are about as mild as chiles get. Once dried, they become a dark reddish-brown color and are known as Ancho Chiles.

Are serrano peppers hotter than Anaheim peppers? ›

Serrano Peppers are a variety of chili pepper that typically register between 10,000 and 25,000 heat units on the Scoville Scale, and have a fiery and sharp flavor. Anaheim Peppers are a mild variety of chile pepper and typically register between 500 and 2,500 heat units on the Scoville Scale.

Is Chipotle hotter than serrano? ›

Chipotles can range in heat from 2,500 to 8,000 Scoville units, making them much hotter than ancho chiles (1,000–1,500 SHU) but milder than tiny red chiles de árbol (15,000–30,000 SHU). Overall, they fall on the lower end of the spectrum beneath other reputable peppers such as the Tabasco, Serrano, and Habanero.

What is the mildest hot pepper? ›

The mildest peppers such as sweet bell peppers and cherry peppers are at the bottom of the Scoville scale. In the middle are peppers like Serrano, yellow hot wax peppers, and red cayenne peppers. At the hottest end of the heat scale are the Habanero and the Scotch Bonnet.

What chili is hotter New Mexico or California? ›

Varieties of the pepper grown in New Mexico tend to be hotter than those grown in California which can be caused by heat and soil variances. So keep in mind if you select a New Mexico chili vs. a California chili even though they look the same, you can expect more heat on the New Mexico chili.

Is a poblano pepper hotter than a bell pepper? ›

They measure between 1,000 - 2,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU) on the Scoville Scale. Compare that to a bell pepper, which has no heat and measures at 0 SHU and a jalapeno pepper which tops out around 8,000 SHU, and you will get an idea of the poblano heat level.

Do Anaheim peppers taste like poblano? ›

Anaheim peppers, much like poblanos, tend to be only mildly spicy but can occasionally surprise with their heat. They are slightly more delicate than poblanos and are more slender in shape and lighter in color. Like poblanos they are often roasted and peeled before using, but can be also be used fresh.

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.